End Mill Sharpening Fixture, Universal

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my name is any retired tool and die maker I invent this Universal sharpening and making foreign enemies fixture using selfish grinder then seek Allah's it's made in USA and a patent pending in this picture were capable to sharpening to flute a flute for flu six loop and Mills primary and secondary angle we can sharpen in the colour ball chamfer tools Rimmer caps and as wells and we are capable to making a farm tools for example we can make a farm close to cannon shape like this we can make that form tools to cut like this you can make a form tools to cutting like this and we can make two flute angles before starts sharpening and making I saw you construction of the fixture under deck of the fixture we have a whole preset for zero degree 6 degree 15 degree 30 degree 41 degree 45 degree 59 and 60 degree angle on the front of the fixture we have a signed by given for the set any angles we needed using the gauge blocks preset station with the angle block we have a locking screw we have add island for dressing the wheel we have a pin for center angle and locking the C colors you got a clamp for Kramden holding block and we have the orange to protect them from the dust now we're ready to start sharpening and making 2 3 4 & 6 flutes and wheels we will start sharpening heavens for flute annuals and make 45 degree chamfer carbide install a mural with the she colored slides with the preset station and locket move animal to the front level the flute with the top of the black and lacA type the emiel with the pen move the picture in the 6th degree home and lock it install all assembly with the fixture and we are ready for sharpening okay you start sharpening angle primary angle first with sliding in the corner of the picture Locker we started the Meo more capital and already work right why for you to make the secondary angle we have to rotate the picture unlock and rotate to the second hole for a second in the end we're locking the picture again by vivec order their market and we are ready for sharpening secondary okay we are ready to travel that's how the looks like where the enemy is finished on the other side we make a chamfer into 45-degree angle we sent the picture in a 60-degree Hall we architecture installing assembly sliding in the Cornero get brighter the Campus Center move half of the pool and we are ready to are making the fruits okay we start making the blue okay and the whole truth unfinished okay now we are ready to put 45-degree angle in the picture research station with the rocker and at this time we have to line them up flute with the angle and we lock rocket bird set the picture on the 45-degree or invite you we hope we like the picture with assembly and in a picture slide in an order who can make that hard and we are ready to making the 45-degree angle we're ready to making 45-degree angle this of the looks like finish 45 degree chamfer tools now we'll be sharpening six through ten them everything is similar we put there folding feature all over it with a stop to lock it rotated same things to the top-level locket and we are ready sharpening 16 Daniel similar like four four three and six flute annual the fiction got there two slots over there this are for locationally grinding table and we are ready for full primary angle and a mule for sampling the caliber we square up the flute with the blocks and good luck we will take a feature to the 45 degree angle and we lock feature got the slot which we can locate at a table to the side put the magnet on and we are ready to install the tire board and are ready for a sharpening caliber and using that this this wheel now we shutting the tap we straighten up the tab square to the blocks and title and a fixture I said on a totally degree angle because only the front of the Emiel of the tap get dog and we lock it we put that tapping affection there we shopping in the tap on the taps with this final tip we'll take a picture on the 15 degree and we're back he'll be ready for sharpening the spiral tab for the Rimmer will rotate the Rimmer like a five o clock approximately and we'll lock it our picture we have to rotate to the 45 degree angle 45 degree angle and we'll lock we install the assembly in a feature and we sharpening the reamer to sharpening the drill with on the float same tanks approximately 5 degree and we lock it turn the fixture to 59 degree mark install them install the assembly in a fixture em we are ready for the sharpening the trail primary angle only if you have any question please call nine two eight four one two one six seven six thanks for your time
Channel: Andy Kazimierczuk
Views: 38,680
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: sharpening tool, Forms, End mills, Counterbore, Countersink, Taps, Drills, Makes form end mills, sharpening fixture, reamer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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