Enchanting Tiny House On Huge Organic Farm In France

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when I first laid eyes upon this next incredible tiny home it was love at first sight and I think you might feel the same the fact that it's located on a 100 hectare organic farm in France just made me fall for it even more [Music] hi Welcome to our little slice of paradise we decided to build a tiny because it was the perfect solution for us we came back from traveling in New Zealand and we decided to take over ph's parents farm so we needed a place to live pH had the know-how how to build one we had a lot of the materials and the place to build it so we just went for it so I'm a farmer I work on the fields around here on the farm and we just found this great spot next to the lake on the we just decided to go for it and build a tiny house and live here on the farm you've turned it into an organic farm now and planted a lot of trees didn't look after you know 100 hectares of land it's quite amazing so we built this tiny house completely ourselves it was a DIY project we decided to just buy a tractor trailer and which meant we had no weight limits and then pH welded it really to the shape of the tiny house we also decided to make it wider than a typical tiny house so that we would have more space on the inside so one of the big things for us was to have a natural house and because we had no weight limits that meant we really could choose the materials that we wanted to and that would go along with our values the tiny house is eight meters long 3.5 meters wide and four meters high so we wanted the look of the house to blend in with the environment and that's why we chose the wood and the corrugated iron because that's what a lot of the buildings around here have we didn't want something that would seem like a sore thumb in the landscape the wood cladding is chestnut it's guaranteed 100 years and we just left it natural and then yeah we have the corrugated iron that we took from the farm most of the materials we used were from the farm we cut the trees a few years ago we had to buy a machine to make the plans to be able to use the wood as construction material it's uh homegrown as we say for us it was we tried to have it as natural as possible as many reclaimed materials local just in line with her kind of Life values I guess I think the best thing about living in a small house is that it left us a lot of space for our garden which we have in sort of permaculture style we wanted to grow most of the food we eat and we kind of succeed to do that we actually grow vegetables all year long and it was very important for us to have a nice house but also a very nice surrounding of the house we want to have a nice place to host people and to create a good atmosphere for everybody for people to reconnect with nature and with them I guess what's important I think when we came back from New Zealand we felt like we kind of had the key to how to be happy which is you know being close to Nature having a good Community eating well so we tried to recreate that in our way of life let's go have a look inside welcome inside at the front door it's a small space then you come into the kitchen it's a bit bigger and then you come in the living room and it's even taller so you've got this impression of going into a big space but it's quite small and I'm quite tall so I didn't want to feel cramped in the tiny house so we think the White Walls make the ceiling seem higher than it is and same with the windows all around everyone's always surprised by how spacious it is in here you feel like you're living outside on the inside yeah it was really great because we bought the windows before we had the design of the house and then we built the house according to the windows which saved us I think a lot of money even on the inside we wanted to use um local and reclaimed materials as much as possible and materials that would be good quality that would last a long time so that really decided a lot of the style of the tiny house that was our rule wasn't it that it has to be beautiful and functional at the same time yeah yeah it takes a bit more time to build though yes yes and I really wanted um a floorboard with the story pH was always laughing at me like you're not going to find one in one day because there's not a lot of floorboards but then we found when the the floorboards are actually from an old um Castle they're like 300 years old but we were very lucky someone was selling exactly what we needed on same with the roof the lines of the chestnuts are from an old church very old the wood was like hard as Stone when we we are trying to plane it so in the room the main focus is the the pet was one of the biggest reasons why we decided to go for the tractor trailer because we had the piano before we had the tiny house and for me it was essential that we had a piano I've always played piano and growing up and it really for me is like a sign of coziness when you hear the piano playing yeah it just creates a lot of good moments pH welded to the front of the tiny house so that the trailer itself fits the shape of the piano and then also very important for us was the couch we wanted three functions obviously a comfy couch also to be able to have an extra bed if we have friends coming over and then to also have storage link between the living room and the kitchen is the stove because we use it as a cooker as well we can cook on the top even if the stove we've got a storage of wood and it's very practical it keeps it clean with the floor as well we wanted to create different zones so the water is kind of cozy and then when you move into the kitchen we have the tiles from a local tile Factory that's been there for hundreds of years it's all local clay the weight was not a constraint so the tails are very thick clay very heavy so we couldn't have that in the classic tiny house so the main thing for me in the kitchen was the height of the countertop because I'm quite tall and I'm sick of bending over on the kitchen every time so it's where we're looking for small people when they come in because they can't reach the sink it's a tiny house but it's built for tall people we cook a lot and we grow a lot of our own vegetables so we wanted you know a large kitchen and to have a nice view when we cook the window in the kitchen is also actually a door that we turned the other way around the sink as well is uh very big because we cook a lot of we've got big dishes to do often we try to use every little corner of the of the kitchen so we've got a flap with the glasses in the Contour top but also all the space behind the sink that's very useful to put like all the oils on the qatarian stuff yeah it's very practical could just help also what we built in was a pantry that pulls out we can pull it out fully when we're cooking we have all of our um and a lot of things in the tiny house actually are from ph's Grandfather he was really into DIY as well in one of the handles It's actually an old spanner and that your granddad used to use and the one thing we don't have in our kitchen is a fridge we used to have a fridge just behind us here but we actually found we didn't use it that much because we have so much fresh produce so we just put a fridge in our shed and got the space back so behind us we have my office space I'm Irish and I work remotely for an Irish company and I also give English lessons so it was important to have you know a good workspace and you might think there's a lot of storage on this side but it's the wheel well that's taking up most of the space so we just worked the furniture around the wheel well so behind us we've got the hallway with the toilet and the shower this area here it has much thinner insulation and we did that to maximize the space and also because it didn't need to be as warm as the rest of the house and we wanted the door as well to just kind of separate out the different spaces and be able to keep the heat in the main house we wanted a halfway door it's very practical because we have a dog and so we can open it only halfway and the dog can stay in and we can have some air the sunset shines through these windows here so then we get a lovely reflection of the glass bricks on the floor we have an invisible trapdoor with storage under me which is really practical to store extra food and shoes and that type of thing so this is our shower we decided to have the toilet and the shower separate so that you know you can have both functions at the same time we wanted sort of jungle Vibes in the shower with the colors of the tiles and the plans and yeah the shower fits just underneath the door pH made it out of copper pipes so quite a luxurious um and unique shower experience over here we have the toilet it's a compost toilet we have a little trap door on the outside and we empty it that way I really wanted to think in the bathroom and pH thought it wasn't necessary so the compromise was I could have a sink in the bathroom but he could choose what sink it was so he chose like a drinking bowl for cows so that's what we put in but it looks fine so that finishes the tour of the ground floor let's have a look upstairs so that's the bedroom a very important thing for me was the size of the bed because my granddad always used to say that you spend half of your life in your bed so you need a comfy bed we added an extra 10 centimeters at the top of the bed which we turned into storage boxes so that pH can put his pillow on the wood and then have an extra 10 centimeters for his feet and the first night we slept in the tiny you said to me yeah but yeah it's so good like for the first time since I've been 15 I can you know sleep with my feet touching the mattress you're very happy so it's very nice to wake up every morning with the view on the rake we have the curtains in case one of us is still uh downstairs or working or something we can close all the cartoons and it feels like a little cocoon but we also love this space next to the bed where we can stand up when it's easy to change without being in an enclosed space every step on the stairs use a storage and it's very practical because it's kind of hidden yeah we can store all our clothes in the boxes and we actually have loads of space the stairs are leading up to a small door we call it a hobby door because it's very tiny and it's going up to the balcony one more thing that bear wanted in the in her Arduino it was a long list but yeah we wanted to have a little balcony so that we could you know have our morning coffee and especially in the evening as well we see the sunset from the balcony so we have a really nice view we've been living in the tiny house for two and a half years now and we love it because well the setting is just amazing we get to see nature every day we get to follow the Birds and the seasons and we get to have kind of a slower pace of life um and yeah even though it's small it has everything we need we feel like it's you know the most luxurious house for us the tiny must have cost us 40 000 Euro that's everything included you know we could have done it for a lot less expensive but we chose to invest in quality I guess we have a lot of projects that we still would like to do we would like to finish the deck and have it wrap all the way around maybe it's jacuzzi and a pizza oven and um our big project at the moment as well is we're getting married in October so it's taking up a bit of time to organize I think what building a tiny house has taught me is that you're capable of a lot more than you think you are and I didn't know anything about building when we started and I think everyone is capable of a lot of things you just need time and patience and the confidence to just do it I guess it's also a very special thing to build your own house yourself we are very happy to share our home with the tiny house Community because we had a lot of help when we were building our house on the videos we watched on YouTube so it's nice to be able to share it back with the living big cello we thought living in a tiny house one of the I guess disadvantages would be we would host last and people would come less often but actually people come home all the time and I think it's because they really enjoy the space and you know it's such a nice view you can look at the birds and Yeah we actually host more often I think than we thought Jim a lot of people I think we are making compromise when we live in a tiny house because it's small but actually uh the way really is very luxurious I think yeah I just love everything about this tiny house from the clever design to the Exquisite use of reclaimed materials pH and beer have done the most incredible job in diying this home and the farm you know life is good when you have to get rid of your fridge because you've just got too much fresh produce that really is a dream [Music]
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 489,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny home, tiny house tour, organic farm, farming, homestead, tiny home tour, architecture, tiny house design, small spaces, tiny house living, tiny house on farm, living big in a tiny house, P.B, Bea
Id: I_dDLn2aJro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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