ENCANTO is all great things packed into one movie.

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hi yes hello and welcome to the channel if you're new here hi my name is Ashley and if you're a returner welcome back I'm a melind that let's go back and watch your older classic movies but but for the month of April I decided to pick all the movies that I wanted to see and because I've been doing the channel for three years I've missed out on a lot of recent movies and if you've been here for a while then you might know I am a huge fan of Disney The Little Mermaid is my favorite and that's why I watched the 2023 version of The Little Mermaid and I really enjoyed it I mean the Disney princesses are my jam like I went to Disney World Walt Disney World for the very first time for my 30th birthday if you want to see how that went the Vlog is linked right here and in what the description box below and anyways so uh I have a little cousin who loves this film in Kanto I do believe it's how you say it um and the only thing that I know about this movie thanks to all the kids in my life singing it is we don't talk about Bruno I don't know who Bruno is I don't know why we don't talk about him but uh we don't talk about him and I'm excited to I'm just excited to watch another Disney movie on the channel honestly I love animated films it's the best so no more D down let's get right on into today's upload Millennial movie Monday the very last one in April thank you so much for celebrating my birthday with me this month anyways it is the 2021 film in Kanto [Music] this is where our magic comes from okay she's like the cutest little girl holds the miracle given to our family oh it's so pretty I can't wait to find out about the miracle when my three babies had just been born you had triplets girlfriend and a was lost oh no oh no this is going to make me cry in it a magical flame that could never go out okay The Refuge in which to live well that is a very helpful candle an Encanto an Encanto so what does an Encanto what is an Encanto shelter us a that's cute magic gift to help us really got magic too that's right oh so we' just got generations of magical people I love that Scandal will give you your gift you get your gift today what a big day make my family proud oh great there's not going to be any pressure associated with that yes yes Cita oh yeah the house is alive I was like we're just cool with this right now the house is alive she just told us that oh I can't wait I'm so stressed I love those colors together the pink the green the blue love it I need one of those honestly morning AB Willow oh see I need a Magic House de gift who's asking okay you nosy kiddos oh this is fun wow okay she's Flawless she's badass love that lot tell me more right all right relax I love this this is so cute and that's why coffe for grownup yeah you don't need any more caffeine [Music] baby oh don't need to know that see why don't we oh broken arm fixed I don't know why I was stressed I love that she's breaking the fourth wall I know she's talking to the kids but I feel like she's talking to me so use your powers for good got it okay so she can do flowers [Music] fun oh perfect in every way I agree with that look at that she's so [Music] cool that's awesome okay but we don't know about you but what's your gift thank you kiddo she doesn't know her power or she doesn't have a power not a [Music] primadonna what is your power oh Mir didn't get one what do you mean she didn't get one you didn't get a gift the first person in the family did not get a gift I gave you the special since you're the only mother kid with no gift I call thanks a lot kiddo you have no gift awesome that makes me feel so included and loved if I was you I'll be really sad thank you kiddo as the rest of my family you are you definitely are and I'm so happy for you is being in denial maybe your gift is being in denial Jose J that's so fun and cool has to be perfect and it's not perfect and people are going to be oh girl yeah your attitude affecting a weather like that is not going to help thank you oh it's nothing oh okay so she is going to be awful and I'm not in the way you are oh no she's right first gift ceremony since your oh goodness all those beasting thingss surrounded by the exceptional it was easy to feel I can't stop looking at his fingers it reminds me of everything everywhere all at once hot dog fingers the house isn't going to decorate itself I mean right you could you look great remember you have nothing to nothing to prove wow so everybody making is making this like 10 times worse for her got it a look at everybody's pictures oh gosh oh no actually made these as a surprise for you sorry but tonight must go perfectly is this going to make me cry let the rest of the family do what they do this I'm going to cry during this one aren't I damn it Anon what do you want from me I would hate to be around her time tonight will be hard for us all oh my God it's not her fault we don't know what's causing it stop blaming her everyone's looking for you what oh he's under the bed I did not know what we were doing you have nothing to worry about except for turning out like you what if it doesn't work then you'll be ridiculed for the rest of your life like her because I have an amazing family she's handling this better than I would see you get your special gift in your [Music] door a full new room you always have something to snuggle with a oh y'all late y'all late oh sparklers okay that is a beautiful town and I would like to live there she just picked him up and was like oh I love her a that's so cute that is so much she does have a great power I don't sound like that I don't sound like that we'll be waiting at your door okay okay such a fun night oh man I'm stressed about this this candle blessed us with a miracle why doesn't she have one I need to know as another steps into the light was she not allowed to come to the party at [Applause] least woo no pressure you got it it's only the rest of your life the house is cute I love the house a a stop it I'm going to cry stop it everybody literally everybody is there for this little kid celebration let her be there too stop acting crazy this makes me so sad and it just disappeared for her what what that's so dramatic for a child the amount of pressure I feel right now it worked it worked for him you got to power with animals I understand you he can talk to animals that's so freaking cool oh I want that power that's the power I want [ __ ] flowers I want [Music] those oh and their room matches their gift I didn't even think about that that's so cool okay that's real cool it's bigger that's what I was saying it's [Music] beans I'm having the best time oh except for him grabbing a snake that couldn't do that okay all right a that's fun just as special as you oh well what about mirall mirel why did I say it like that it's a perfect night that's a great picture I'm happy for y'all good for you guys sh oh this one's going to make make [Music] cry oh this is a good song this is a great freaking [Music] song a stop it I'm going to cry so hard I mean do we have another door that you can open I don't [Music] know that's a woo we that's a good song right there the house the what's the H was the house scared oh the Miracle's dying the Miracle's dying is it going to abua is abua dying oh no where is anybody else in this moment oh they're still partying maybe you should tell people that your house is breaking come on AA get it to it girl show me but all the cracks are gone oh no marabel this does not look good girl candle was I don't like her I should I was like how did we just grab a piano of course she of course she did it okay well now I know why nobody came to the house cuz it wasn't happening for real who's never even had a bad hair day but okay marelle also doesn't like her good I'm glad I'm not alone she seems awful your hand with love for my daughter that's a typical mother response I know what I saw OMG what if her power see in the future get some sleep you'll feel better tomorrow yeah you go ahead go get some sleep while everybody else stays down here partying I think that's going to solve all my butt hurt feelings see my petty ass if Isabella kept being mean to me I just blow out the candle family knew how vulnerable we truly are oh girl you hearing something you're not supposed to hear you mean to tell me you don't see a person standing right there beside you on that roof you mean to tell me I will save the miracle yeah you will girl how do I save a miracle that's I said hears everything about everything could you imagine having that power I would be simply over stimulated all the time stop pretending you're dolor or you can have seconds you cheater and the rat's talking in the walls you can I heard her eye twitching all night see you heard an eyeball twitching that's too much that's too that's too much hearing anon's wonderful new blessing maybe we don't allow the wild animals at the table any chance you maybe know something about last night with the magic you oh that would suck first an announcement all right go ahead tonight he wants five babies oh Lord I would just go everywhere throwing in like flower petals everywhere are you you kidding me I would be so careless with that power you're moving a whole church the donkeys got out again what was his voice honestly I think the donkeys kind of like it you're going to make me drop a donkey I want to see you drop that ass think it's worse cuz you won't tell me what's wrong nothing's wrong that's what I sound like when I'm on my period and Blake ask me if something's wrong I'm totally not [Music] nervous Earth is yeah I'm scared too y'all of course I mean hey where you going oh don't leave me tight Walker aing oh my God this song's a [ __ ] Banger oh felt that it never stop whoa I heard that on Tik [Music] Tok oh man oh damn that that line I'll get you oh oh save it save [Music] it oh good question beautiful look at the donkeys they're having a good day a drip drip and never stop whoa damn nice yes backup dancers of donkeys give it to your sister and never wonder I tell you what that song right there 10 out of 10 10 10 out of 10 I need that that sounded good last night when you saw the cracks you also saw them it felt we oh God no oh people were affected he had like some terrible Vision about it we need to go talk to Bruno Vision no one knows they never found it found what wait how do you find a vision good question if you find it you'll know this is so vague tell me what I'm looking for so good for the Encanto so Encanto must mean spell enchantment something of that nature oh turn off the sand no it can't turn off the sand for you for the family oh no oh okay I thought it was going to be like a bottomless pit oh Bruno literally hold himself up in his room interesting at least I'll have a friend no you flew away me and beans I don't know how to explain it but that gives me and beans Vibes cuz we're magic but no oh man well how do we do this see you don't need a superpower cuz you're smart hey stuck The Landing oh Gavin what bird what save your judgmental looks for somebody else who has the time because that ain't me what does that mean woo rat not his little booty making a noise I am bird bird is me are you kidding me if I had a family member that could tell the future and they warned warned me about something a that was going to happen at least we would have time to prepare you know what I mean why shun him he didn't ask for that you know is it a puzzle oh something with the magic shattered girl what makes you think we supposed to be putting those [Music] together you are you're hurting the magic where's Bruno why did Bruno he's not around to help decide for this oh Freak come on you got it you got it you got it you got it keep going got it put it in there I mean you're shut in so like how you going to get out anyway oh my God what an awful death this would be suffocated by sand hurry I'm sorry what is in your hair I was coming for minding my own business something you need to get into too went down and I felt really bad so I was grabbing all the donkeys yep yep I've been there too stay away from Louisa until I can talk to her I hate how abua is pushing away Mel stop doing it whatever you're doing stop doing it why am I in Your Vision room now I'm thundering that only will lead to a drizzle well why don't you just stop stressing out you're okay clear skies happy attitude not the time generally positive or like lessi jeez it oh better figure it out because it was coming for you oh great ah here's the song we don't talk about [Music] Bruno to ruin your [Music] wedding oh yeah because then you kept thinking about rain you literally control the weather oh makes [Music] sense oh so he just ran away because nobody understood him what if he's just misunderstood I'm so glad I have on subtitles for this song oh goodness oh good for you oh lucky for you what are you in love with your sister's uh uh fiance or niece's fiance I mean there's so many things happening this is beautiful all right are you sure you want to know you need to know you should know is this going to be a lesson about making your own fate oh well that's not good well that's not great good good job I liked it gift is fading and I think it's all because of me yeah no big deal Dad we can figure it out not dying the house is not breaking Louisa's gift is not fading okay so reality is just not real got to no one has to know oh no the not the super hearing she's going to tell everyone yeah yeah yep then let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster oh what a okay positive energy sal sal Salud the aggressive eye contact right now don't don't ah water oh my okay so everybody's going to know and now the whole night's ruined and they're all going to blame it on her which technically was her fault but nobody's been honest to her about Bruno and now it's happening now it's coming true for you to propose which uh you should do as fast as you can oh goodness gracious my mar wanted to begin with a song oh yeah here comes wonder wall casual I like it good cover up perfect flow [Music] so everything's going wrong great them some smart rodents what is happening well this is not perfect this is not perfect but she doesn't even know how she's doing it oh oh nope nope yeah well we have ruined a night I'm loser what did you do what I'm so sad for her follow the rats at this point what do you have to lose follow the rats did they put him back in Bruno's Tower in the [Music] house okay shall Shank Redemption I I don't think I realize that rats can just climb wall is Bruno living to the walls in the breath out oh well that didn't help big jump big jump okay well there you go that's what's up oh oh Cita can't help in here with Bruno Cita can I help you're very sweaty well she been running oh the rat oh my god oh nice [Laughter] bye knock knock what is he doing a little salt wait oh you've been fixing the cracks all the patchings done by Nando who's that it's actually me okay all right I love it get into it Bruno how long have you been back here too long too long too long my tower which was you know a lot of stairs and it was a lot of stairs plus free entertainment show me game shows noas I love it chees is a I say it's like a very forbidden kind of incest yeah why you left but didn't leave where else is he going to go he's been watching he's been watching from the side because he was disowned because of his power because I didn't like what was being said about his power a so he's at every dinner oh no but I love my family you know I just don't know how to well anyway I oh no you guys wanted to make the family proud of me he knows I feeling all too well girlfriend I can't tell you why because I don't know oh well that's a good reason as why you can't tell me she begged me to look into the future and then she didn't like the answer so she shunned you like your future was undecided oh so depending on what she does is what happens left to protect me oh my goodness gracious this okay woo we oh it's all going to come down to you so what's the choice that you have to make this right or wrong it's a mystery it's a mystery that's why this vision is wish I could have seen more try again you wish you could have seen more so see more that's what I'm saying the weight of the world is on your shoulders B end yeah that's a good point cuz I need a big open space we'll find one where outside everything don't eat those [Laughter] oh honestly I think he has formed a really EXC oh well then the cat started to lick the toothbrush so I was going to say an excellent Community but I disagree you've always been too hard on me bab I agree maybe I should have spoke up before now oh my God I want Antonio's bedroom he has such a fun bedroom I did an essay on the capara in middle school I love those family weirdos just get a bad rap it me for the nerves hell yeah I can do this I can you can do this I so invested in this right now y'all oh he back baby he back back back want to hang on OMG is the cppy bar hanging on to something we need to protect that little [Music] baby cppy bar don't give no poops you're looking at the same thing that I am if there was something else what is that butterfly ah the butterfly effect I see where they're going with this you're fighter what wait no no no no that is it you am I fighting or hugging oh you're hugging is it Bruno who is it almost there Isabella I got it a why oh your sister that's great I don't blame her I don't blame her embracing Isabella do anything why doesn't Isabella be nice to marabelle for not having a [Music] power also I don't know if you heard I ruined her proposal yeah she probably doesn't want to say hi to you she's the one with roses coming out of her the fate of the family it's not up to her it's up to you baby girl to forgive Isabelle you're exactly what this family needs a peacemaker somebody to be the bigger person you're afraid of well I will see you yep I mean yes I don't blame you do you save the miracle come visit or why don't you get out the walls I'm bringing you home yeah you are are save the miracle with a hug I want to be in her room look at her room it's beautiful let's hug it out yeah that's good I feel like you're upset for sure out oh apologize for ruining my life okay uh glad we're not being traumatic sorry good job that your life is so great well we were off to a great start selfish entitled princess where's the LIE where's the lie I never wanted to marry him I was doing it for the family oh oh you sprouted a cactus that is a very serious confession that's a big thing that she just said oh I guess she's never bloomed a cactus before uh this is the par [Music] I feel like she's having her Elsa moment from Frozen you know oh see that's what I would be doing oh it doesn't have to be perfect I can't relate to this song if you've seen any of my live streams then you know [Music] it a this is fun look at us understanding this movie is beautiful oh oh oh got you again oh this is so much fun oh I'm going to cry I'm going to cry look she's fixing it by helping them Embrace themselves okay well that's cute and fun and fun and cute look at our home look at your sister she looks like she's had a great time saving the miracle you have to stop Mel is Isabella not going to speak up for her sister right now it's not an excuse for you to hurt this family oh no Grandma I will never be good enough for you no probably not no matter how hard I try tell her about herself Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in it yes call her out you the miracle is dying because of you o o o a [ __ ] a [Music] [ __ ] oh no it's going faster than expected well the only one who's not going to be affected is marabelle go go don't be looking behind you [Music] girl oh that was part of the vision oh Bruno what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do what do do man the house is really holding it together as long as it can oh well what do we do now we didn't even save the candle anybody got a match a lighter maybe don't move I'll be right back what what they hollering about over there oh no this is so I don't I don't know how we fix this I don't know what we do running away is always a great option that's what I do with all my problems they might stumble across Bruno though ah of all the people to find I had to be you I've never been able to come back here the river where you found the miracle is where we were given our Miracle got ited that's where she lost her husband I thought I would be a different woman what do you mean the butterfly the butterfly from Bruno's vision cute a yeah yeah triplets yeah a oh no oh [Music] no oh no [Music] oh [Music] no oh my God a new mom to Triplet and your husband just died could you imagine hope who our miracle was for oh you never Hur of family little too late to be saying that [ __ ] Grandma the house is destroyed damn it but that still doesn't explain while Marbel didn't get Marbel didn't get a power but then Antonio did it was the yellow butterfly on the grass we are a family because of you I mean that's true he sent me here well I hope you feel bad for treating her like such crap Grandma this is a blessing from your dead husband act like it this mve be so pretty I'm going to cry about it I gave her a vision confidence Bruno love it don't care what you think of me but if you're too stubborn to to [Music] a well that is just so nice I'm mad that I'm crying that were bees every yeah I could tell don't touch me with your big hand we don't have a house I can't say we don't have a house what is that not a house what is that not a house oh this is going to be a good song you I told you I knew what it was you more than your miracle it Let It Go like frozen [Music] a well why didn't you tell she did say the rat in the wall the rats in the walls I think it's everyone in town a now they're going to help y'all rebuild the town's going to help y'all rebuild cuz you've kept them together for so long relatable me too me too cuz he's been punched to the nose twice but not for Isabella hereby I told y it's who she likes I see you and I hear you a we need a door we made this one for [Laughter] you a this is so nice I see me oh that's nice oh oh it turned to a Magic Door well we love to see it don't we a and the whole family on the door oh that's [Music] fun yeah perfect everybody's powers are back yeah but you need to learn to relax girlfriend oh now she gets to be in the family picture a that's a cute picture oh en cantle means enchantment okay that makes sense oh Li Manuel Miranda um Hamilton right big fan of the Unicorn donkeys and the cppy Bara big fan of the Kappy Bara Okie doie are the chokies let's talk about it well what a good little movie oh my goodness I just love Disney movies let me tell you I think the last one that I saw I think it was before the channel hold on let me let me see what year it was released I think I remember the last [Music] one um yeah makes sense uh the last one I saw like in real time was Moana so 2016 I think was the last Disney princess movie like or Disney movie that I really watched um and anyways oh man what a movie what a good little message talking about you know you got your gifts but you're not only you're you're good because you exist like you belong because you're here you don't belong because of what you do for other people I mean it's great that you use your talents and your gifts in this case your Miracle to help your community to help the people around you but you're not just that you're not just what you give and do for others you also got to take care of yourself first and also realize that sometimes you might have good intentions but it's not what's needed you know ABA grandma was like protect the miracle protect the miracle protect the miracle but the one time it didn't work for somebody she Outcast them she's like no I don't get the moment she don't understand them who they are like it's done and so anyways even though your intentions could be pure and that you want to keep the miracle going because you know anyways you see you see what I'm saying I mean you saw the movie too you get the point that's my interpretation anyways I loved Encanto I thought it was great I love the music no wonder the songs like are ingrained in my brain we don't talk about brw no no you know what I mean there's off key but you got it anyways great songs beautiful beautiful visuals OMG I'm so glad I remember to say this whenever marabelle and ab boila were holding hands in the river like you could see the texture of a wha's shirt and then see actual like hand hairs if you don't believe me like go back watch the movie pause there like you can see where they just animation has just come so far it's so crazy because like I watched the little Little Mermaid earlier this month from 2023 and of course you know I was going on about going on and on and on about CGI and making their hair flow right but like let's go back let's go back and watch Toy Story one let's see those animations let's see that real quick just to see how far animation has come is really really cool as well this is another just another absolute Banger from Disney I mean big fan big fan and now now now y'all got me wanting to see all the Disney movies that I've missed so thanks a lot for that um anyways I hope you like subscribe and stick around I do have Scream 3 coming because um I forgot about for it was going to make it into April but then I forgot about 420 so I had to move some things around so Scream 3 is still coming so as of right now movie watching Ashley does not know what's coming up for me movie wise or TV wise so I hope you like subscribe stick around if you want to go ahead and see what's coming up what polls I got going all tiers uh over on patreon can vote for the movie polls and of course my $20 tier votes for twitch games and for the TV series so links to that down below as long or as well as my links to social media if you want be my friend outside the YouTube ver and I'll see you right back here on Wednesday for whatever series I'm starting next bye
Channel: Ashleigh Burton
Views: 58,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wxNlrs-li10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 17sec (2597 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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