[EN]김희진&김연경 선수의 짤 해명(?)부터 눈물샘 대폭발😭 기적의 '원팀' 올림픽 비하인드 썰 푼다! 《티파니와 아침을》 EP.7 by 모비딕 Mobidic

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Let me tell you briefly about the Game Plan [What's in my room] [In the previous video] Tiffany visited Heegom's room (Took a room tour and a look at everything she has!) We also learned about her music playlist! [Heegom's music playlist was revealed] [Collaboration of Heegom & Fany] And then, it's for the GAME TIME! Haak! Shoook! Haaat! Let me do this(?) Game time, GO! [✨Breakfast with Tiffany✨] You became even more popular after the Olympics One of the most popular keywords is, [Marriage registration with Kim Heejin] It's driving me crazy lol [897362535 brides are eager to register marriage with Kim Heejin👰] 897 million.... wait (Error) (Error) Oh, wait (Not a fan I can miss out of 897362535ppl!) (Wowed by their jokes) It has been trending My fandom is named <Jujeobdan> (T/N: meaning 'Thirst/fangirl Squad') *perfect match* I kind of regret naming it I basically encouraged them to fly lol So here we prepared this! (I can see something huge is... coming) So I brought this marriage registration form! ♥It's for y'all♥ (Finally, the 897362535ppl's dream is coming true...) Folks, I'm all set! OK, next up! Heejin's memes! [#u_better_not_throw_any_rude_question_to_her] (Extremely polite) (Seems nervous) (And Yeonkyung unnie is staring...) It's titled 'better not throw a rude question' in a joke But actually, an interpreter and a reporter was in front of me (Interviewing her) There was an issue communicating with the reporter cause the interpreter was so nervous So Yeonkyung must have thought (Why is the interpreter so nervous...?) "Interpreter-nim, relax!" Yeonkyung was worrying about the interpreter And trying to loosen up the interpreter Maybe the way she staring made the interpreter nervous Yeah, I think so I would've got nervous too So would I! Next meme! [#Yeonkyung_is_nagging] It was when Korea was losing to Russia And Yeonkyung was telling me a new strategy As soon as we did as what she told us to, we got a score! So Yeonkyung looked at the camera and said "SEE?" "I LET HER KNOW" (That's actually what happened) If Yeonkyung was your real sister? Oh, it's nice! Oh, it's nice! Ishit? Huh? Didn't you just swear? Nahh, no, no! If Yeonkyung was my real sister Is it nice? Is it? Ishit? lol Please refrain from cursing! That sounded too strong! *Freaking awesome!* If I were her real younger sister, she would've forced me to do her errands a lot (I'm hungry) (Make ramen for me) (Cook for me) (Turn off the light) (4 errands to do as a younger one) If anything, she would've took care of you... (But you still love her, amirite?) The last meme! [#Kim_heejin_guilty] What promise did you make? Ahhh that one! Kim Haebin used to be in IBK team But she transferred to other team Shortly after her transfer, we came across in a match We promised to see each other again See you again soon later! My gut tells me we will! (Lez get drunk) Now that you are a serve ace, Serve... What? You think you can receive one? How come are you laughing even before you ask me? I mean I just want to try... You might get bruised... Are you sure? Can't you just cut me some slack?! Softly so you can receive it! (Okie dokie) And if I make it, Would you grant me... a wish...? OK! A wish! IF YOU MAKE IT! As long as I can... Of course you can - Give me an inch - Ok, ok! - Please cut unnie some slack.. - Ok, just for you [The court where the match will be] (In preparation for shooting) (Warming up before a match begins) [Fany's Warm-up Class] Imagine you have a pen underneath your chin! Fany? - Pen! - PEN! And stretch out your arms Twist your pelvis while having your upper body fixed Like/this/Like/this Ohh! - Got it? - Wow, it's hard! Gosh, I'm exhausted already [Receiving the Serve Mission Starts!] (Approaching to lobby) - Wait, can you just a little bit... Can you go easy on me? Got it Just a little? N..ay... This little? Wait, That's way too little! This bit! Ah.. this much! (Girrrls, can we start...?) We've just did some stretching but I'm already out of breath Shall we start the serve mission? Are you sure you can? If I make it, be sure to grant me a wish! *Deal* What's your wish? - My wish is for you to come out in the show one more time - Wait, that's MY WISH! [The wish of both: Drinking mukbang together if the video hits 1M views] If Tiffany makes it just one time or more, Snake Sheep's drinking mukbang is coming up! (after the video hits 1M views) [Mission Start] <Number of balls served> 0/10 <Number of balls served> 1/10 (Panic) I mean.. Are you ok? I won't be discouraged! Just 10 times! ✨TIFFANY CAN DO IT!✨ LEGOOO! It feels like a survival show lol <Number of balls served> 2/10 <Number of balls served> 3/10 <Number of balls served> 4/10 Tiffany started to get the hang of it <Number of balls served> 4/10 <Number of balls served> 5/10 (Close!) <Number of balls served> 5/10 "Go! Go!" <Number of balls served> 6/10 (Antsy) <Number of balls served> 6/10 (Serve is getting weaker) <Number of balls served> 6/10 <Number of balls served> 7/10 Oh, shoot! Oh! It'll do! <Number of balls served> 7/10 OHHH! One more time! I feel like I can do! (But only two chances are left) <Number of balls served> 8/10 (Will she make it..?) [Produced by Mobidic] [Subscribe, Like, Alarm for B.W.T♥] So close! <Number of balls served> 8/10 <Number of balls served> 9/10 Can't we just count it as one? [NOPE] Can't we just count it as one? (Now we have just one chance left) "Stay calm! Just one!" "Just smash it!" Here I go! "The last one" <Number of balls served> 9/10 (Court-in) You made it! Ajaaah! Drinking Mukbang Determined! (after the 1M views) Baaamm! ★Celebration performance by Snake Sheep★ ♪ Smash it down ♪ ♪ Baaamm ♪ ♪ BA BABABAM BAAM ♪ (Jujeobdan folks, please help us make it come true!) It takes 1M views for us to drink! You know it's hard to see us drink together? As long as it hits 1M! We can make it happen! What's the highest view? (The one with Yaongyi hit 500k) (What an optimist) We only need another 500K views! ※ Please make sure to rewatch it 100times ※ Wish me a luck on 1million! :) "Nothing But 1MILLION is Good Enough!" (You can make it, huh?) Tiffany wants to know! Behind Story of the Olympics! Behind! (Dying from happiness) Please show us! ⭐Behind Story of the Olympics!⭐ (Awkward) You participated in the game only 2 months after you got the operation on your knee I wondered how did you feel before getting into the match Last May, right after the knee surgery, Heejin participated in the Olympic game with her legs covered with tapes I was very passinate in my heart but my physical condition couldn't keep up with it I cried a lot My teammates would told me everything was fine So I didn't feel frustrated And they were even happier than me when I scored Thanks to them, I didn't have any time to feel depressed So when I got injured for the third time, I was humble enough to accept it It rather strengthened my mental health So you trained your mental health! There is a time when I cried my eyes out while in Jincheon I was thinking 'It must be my limit' I was in frustration And Yeonkyung came up to me to cheer me up She said "You're doing so great" "Don't cry" You must've got cheered up by what she said It's not that I got cheered up It's not. Because I cried so hard that nothing touched my heart even when she said that, but now that I come to think of it I feel ashamed of having doubted myself My biggest determination is, "I won't get my team in trouble" And "I'll do my best" Along with them, And "Hang in there" "Hang in there" That's how I got through the hardships You're in the 4th place this time What rank were you expecting to get? It would've been great if we had won But regardless of the color of a medal We just thought "It would be amazing if we could get one around out necks" That's what we thought before the match, Honestly, it's a little shame because, I feel empty around my neck But still, I believe all the teammates did their best What? Instead of a medal.. Ayyy (Tiff wants to give her necklace as a gift) Seriously? / Of course! You shouldn't! (But her hands are so ready to get it) (A surprise gift for Heegom!) (Let's appreciate it in slow motion) In the 4th place! - SERIOUSLY? - You can have it! I'll always wear this! *Ah cute* It looks good on you! *Teehee* Getting in the 4th place is also an amazing job! Pat yourself! I hope you can feel it! I'm indeed feeling it! (You did a good job, girl!) After the Olympics, I guess you had a deep conversation with your teammates Yeonkyung cried a lot that day As a leader of Korean National Team I can't even imagine how much pressure she felt On the last day, the coach Stefano Lavarini said "I'm sorry that I couldn't get South Korea a medal" One day, right after a match He posted my photo on his feed with words saying "Never give up" People around him asked him "She is not the best scorer nor the best performer" "Why did you post her photo?" And he said, "She has never played as an Opposite (right position) from her home ground" "And she's got injured not long ago" In fact, I'm not an opposite player in Korea But it was inevitable for me to play as an opposite player in the natioanl team It was so grateful someone who recognize me and undertand my situation is right around me That when I felt happy the most and cried a lot It felt like I'm receiving a large reward So what's your reply to him? I don't want to cry while talking to him So just Clear and simple! Like what? Thank you for bringing me here depite my injury And for giving me chances to work with great players That bluntly? Send a video message to the coaches! I'm not good at this kind of thing... You can do it! (Feeling shy) Dear Stefano Lavarini & Cesar Hernandez All the moments I was with you is the present of my life It improved me a lot Even if another hardship comes, I know how to rise again now thanks to the moments *Oh my* I'd like to say thank you so much If anybody asks me who the most impressive instructor in my life is, Who I owe the most is, I would say it's Stefano Lavarini and Cesar Hernandez (So touching<3) Lots of the senior players are retiring now How do you see yourself as a senior player? Honestly, when I heard the unnies are retiring, I was freaked out I was always with other senior players I used to be the one who is taken good care of, So when they decided to retire, it.. freaked me out... I knew they were retiring to give the junior players more opportunities But my inner conflict... In a way, I'm thinking "They are retiring just for junior players including me" But at the same time "Unnie, don't leave me! Just stay here" I was so desperate that I wanted to talk them out But recently, I had a conversation with unnies And I found them get their hopes up high on the players of next generation There are many talented junior players And my role for them is, I need to solidify the groundwork for them just like how my senior players did for me I need to lead the way for them to grow up, And support them from their back That's when I found a beam of light of way to go With three times in the Olympics (In London, Rio, and Tokyo) Heejin grew up around her senior players Female Volleyball team will keep growing up ('One Team' have been and will be growing up) I bet you'll definitely grant my wish, (1M drinking mukbang) Now it's my turn to grant Heejin's wish ☆Tell me your wish☆ (What a fangirl moment) Mine is! I admire how Tiffany is always confident and has a sense of self-respect But I've been a little discouraged these days... I've lost my energy So I'd like to receive a supportive message from the one I really like! What made you discouraged? Well... mostly due to the injury That's why I couldn't join practice as much And that made me feel insecure and anxious After I debuted in 2007, I haven't seen myself not doing my job (So relate) For the Performer Tiffany, I do my best like organizing 7 set of clothes for the next day But for the 'human being' Tiffany I don't even want to lift a finger. I tend to stay in bed Feeling lethargic Rihgt, but that moment is what matters I hope you just enjoy the moment! You not playing the volleyball is cherishable You not practicing deserves it as much "I deserve it" I will enjoy it! Hope you keep reminding yourself how great and awesome you are! Try to have a quality time with yourself! It doesn't feel like I'm working or shooting It's more like a private fan meet up You're like a down-to-earth unnie living in the nextdoor - Would you come out one more time? / - Of course! And if it hits 1million views! If it does, Snake Sheep is coming back-★ 1Million Let's Gooo! - How do you wanna like to do it? - Like this? Like this! On 1, 2, 3! ONE MILLION, LESSS GOOO! It should hit 1M! Seriously! Please help us! Hwaiting! Hwaiting! Three, two, one!
Channel: 모비딕 Mobidic
Views: 403,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 모비딕, SBS, mobidic, 티파니와 아침을, 티파니에서 아침을, 소녀시대, 티파니, snsd, 티파니와, tiffany, mobidic jessi, 모비딕 티파니, 모비딕 티파니와 아침을, jessi mobidic, 티파니의 아침을, breakfast with tiffany, 소녀시대 티파니, mobidic tiffany, 티파니아침을, tiffany snsd, jessi tiffany, 소녀시대 유퀴즈, 올림픽, 도쿄올림픽, 김희진, 김희진 웃참, 김희진 짤, 김희진 배구, 배구, 올림픽 배구, 김연경, 나혼자산다 김연경, 김희진 김연경, 김희진 다만세, 김희진 티파니, 김희진 전참시, 김희진 주접, 김희진 주접반응, 김희진 주접단, 주접댓글, 김희진 뭐라는거야, 김이나 김희진, 티파니와 아침을 김희진, 올림픽비하인드, 김연경 김희진, 전참시 김희진, 김희진 화보, 티파니 김희진 목걸이, 김희진 티파니 목걸이, kim hee jin
Id: QRL4nU5VX50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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