EMT VS PARAMEDIC (Differences Between EMT and Paramedic)

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inside this video right here i'm going to show you the difference between an emt and a paramedic we're going to talk on the road we're going to talk about schooling you will know everything you want to know by in this video here we go i want to help decrease failure rates for nramt for emt school for paramedic school watch these videos watch this content and believe me you will start to understand ems medicine anybody out there that wants to serve their community as an emt or a paramedic should be able to do that and i'm here as the paramedic coach to help you achieve that hey everyone what's going on it's evan here the paramedic coach and if you're new here be sure to hit the subscribe button down below and tap the notification bell i make videos here every single week multiple videos every single week about ems from emt advanced emt paramedic and finally everyone watching this video do me a solid hit that like button so more of our ems brothers and sisters can see this video now let's talk here about the difference between emt and a paramedic in this video i'm going to first lay out kind of the the groundwork on emt and the groundwork of a paramedic then i'm going to split this up and i'm going to do a side-by-side comparison of both so here we go when i talk about you know who should be an emt or why you should become an emt if you are unsure maybe you're unsure if you want to be a first responder or you're unsure if what you want to do in medicine you don't know where you want to go i know a lot of people that want to be you know a police officer a firefighter and an emt i know a lot of people that they want to maybe go to pa school or nursing or or they want to be a doctor or they're not sure maybe a paramedic they don't know what they want to do right taking an emt class is the first step it checks the box on a lot of those things all those things so starting with an emt class it would be the first step it's entry level okay with first responder and medicine okay now the class could be as fast as eight weeks i've seen them out there i don't recommend that though um i recommend finding a class about three months long usually average or even four months which is great too but three months is average you know back in 2011 when i took an emt class i was three months long over the summer for example at a local hospital so first emts as you know as you probably first think about is they work on an ambulance 9-1-1 you're correct they do that is 100 correct it could be for a county service it could be for a city service it could be a fire department it could be a volunteer ambulance service rights it could be a private ambulance service it's a lot of different options now the other option is what they call an inter-facility transport and some may call it a non-emergent transport okay so in that case it could be just simply taking someone you know to and from their home to dialysis now there are other areas where emts can work but one of the major differences between the emt and the paramedic is having your paramedic certification which i'm going to talk about later on by the way if you didn't know i'm going to tell you paramedic is the highest level in the ambulance in the united states we're going to talk about that in a second there's way more options over with paramedics different types of jobs but there are some emt spots for let's say summer camps some hospitals or even doctors offices could be a medical assistant could be an er tech those in some areas paramedics might be doing those in other areas emts but you're gonna have the leg up if you have your paramedic on some of those things as well now what you've got to know in the united states system there's something called a national registry so emt is basically the first level in the ambulance then we have an advanced emt then we have a paramedic now most areas don't have an advanced emt so in most areas you have an emt and a paramedic okay some there is an advanced emt it's kind of in the middle of emt and paramedic for the most part it's just emt and paramedic so that makes the paramedic everywhere in the united states the top level in the ambulance service the highest level of care in the ambulance service under national standards now most medics you look here the average medic could carry depending on protocol in every state every county every region has their own protocol but when you go to paramedic school there's national standards usually okay and those standards if you look at them most mechs carry anywhere from 30 40 40 plus drugs in the ambulance so if we look at that those meds could be oral meds they could be iv medications a lot of them are iv medications intramuscular medications are some of the most common meds that medics carry now the other thing about paramedics we're going to talk about treatments when you are comparison in a second but paramedics practice advanced life support and for example i'm the paramedic coach as you know so i'm a paramedic and as far as uh the the skills and certifications we have to learn for example um advanced cardiac life support pediatric advanced life support these are certifications that doctors nurses in hospital you know also are trained on and then so are we we're all in that in that class together there okay so you have to learn advanced life support so now let's talk about the school thing with with paramedics in the united states now the schooling is different now you see here i have cert versus associate science bachelor of science every uh college or community college or wherever or you know program that you take whatever it may be doesn't have to be a college by the way it could be there are some programs that are hospital based in some areas there's a lot that do colleges and community college some are ems academies now the options that you have is basically the shorter term so if we're looking at let's say a 12-month program or a 14-month program or an 18-month program that's usually will get a certification you'll get you'll get a certificate and some sort of credit out of the paramedic school but you won't get a degree out of it and i'll explain what i did in a second okay now the associate degree obviously usually about depend could be different all around but give you an example let's say 60 64 68 college credits about for an associate degree double that um that's going to be more of like a bachelor's okay so there are some places that offer a bachelor's degree in ems where you get your emt and paramedic all in one and then other places where you get an associate degree and that's a paramedic program there's so many different combinations to give you some clarity i want to talk to you about exactly what i did to go from no medical experience to becoming a paramedic at 21. this is all the way back in 2012 2013 uh i finished paramedic school in 2013. shooting this video we're in 2020 so that kind of shows you the journey here so let me explain so in 2011 i went to emt school at a local hospital was three months long okay a few you know month or two later i have my national registry practicals and written done okay great i'm an emt i started volunteering then i got a job as an emt while i was in paramedic school okay so very quickly in the summer august of 2012 i was in paramedic school that program was a cert program but i had the option with that community college to go back after and get my associate degree that's what i did to accomplish the associate degree for a paramedic so what i did was i had 30 college credits from the community college then while i was getting paid while i was getting experience while i was working as a paramedic honing my craft i was slowly online going back and knocking out those classes to get my associate degree so that is a great great way to maximize both working you know getting your paramedic and getting it done but also getting an associate degree so you have that and right now in the united states most programs are trending towards an associate degree and that's where i believe the profession is going so if you have an option to get a social degree i would recommend that you do that you have it you put it in your back pocket you got it it's over and done with you're good now now you can focus on becoming better and better and better at your craft so right now i'm going to talk about the difference at a treatment level at a patient care level between emt and apparent mac so remember an emt practices basic life support a paramedic is advanced life support but what does that really mean basic life support the way i like to think about it is it's less invasive than advanced life support so advanced life support requires more knowledge and more training than basic life support less invasive more invasive that's the way that i think about it look at the treatments that this is not all the treatments by the way this is just some of the most common ones they show you kind of compare them for you so an emt here we have things like aspirin and epipen a bunch of different auction devices okay could be cpap it could be an hour breather could be any little cannula a bvm and i have videos on my channel about all these things guys banjing splints ems ops so like understanding how the radio communications work with hospital driving the ambulance you know troubleshooting things on calls that's when people talk about get experience as an emt what i believe they're talking about is and i believe this too is just getting your ems office experience getting that first responder experience because when you're a paramedic you're really hyper focused on your patient and your patient care because you're in charge of patient care if you're a paramedic role and you're on scene with that patient right whereas the emt is kind of your eyes and ears looking out for you looking out for everybody on the scene and then also maybe interviewing other bystanders well you're focusing on leading the patient care right that's a great emt paramedic team right where the paramedics watching the patient and the emt's watching the back of the paramedic you see now the paramedic here is advanced life support okay so we're talking about ivs we're talking about intramuscular injections oh that's a big word what's that it means giving like a shot right a shot could be here could be here nationally like inside of my prep course link in the description on that i go over all the ems medications i go over all 44 meds that you got to know you know nationally for ems meds advanced airway like innovation innovation is when you know basically for lack of a better word a breathing tube so somebody can't breathe you give them an airway which can save their life advanced ekg and cardiology so i'm going to show you something over here this right here is the actual heart monitor that paramedics carry so we can do ekgs on here to see if you're having a heart attack or not so the really the biggest thing the biggest thing that i can tell you between an emt and a paramedic is cardiology and pharmacology that is the biggest difference because an emt can walk up and do a full assessment on a patient a pair of men can walk up and do a full assessment on a patient the only difference the paramedic has more tools in their toolbox they have more medications they have that heart monitor like i showed you um they have the ability to ekgs it's the cardiology and pharmacology that makes the medic and that's the advanced life support that's where the ivs come in the shots it's all about pharmacology and cardiology and that leads to more career opportunities for the paramedic so when i talk about things you can do offshore things that you can do um abroad for example they uh we talk about the could be military could be tactical right those are all options for you we talk about working in labs we talk about working in offices 9-1-1 we talk about non-emergence we talk about maybe working in more remote areas could be out in the you know in the wilderness something like that any single job that you think of bottom line having your paramedic search is going to give you an opportunity to unlock all that it's going to unlock the ocean for you if you will having this and it gives you the leg up on someone here who's applying for the same job because it's a higher level of care right and there are some areas where i do want to mention this the er tech a lot of you watching me oh i want to be er tech check your local area doesn't mean you can't move but what i do know is some areas that may want you to be an advanced emt or a paramedic because they want you to do blood draws or ivs right so it depends on your area some areas here some here and my recommendation to you my friends is you can't go wrong either way you obviously gotta start with emt anyway so like i said if you're unsure about medicine or maybe you're on the fence of thinking about just simply sign up for an emt class i remember i was in my emt class two weeks in i looked at my lead instructor who was a paramedic instructor and i said that's what i want to do and here we are the paramedic coach right uh so my friends you whatever your dream is you can accomplish it as well hey everyone i really hope you enjoyed this video comparing the emt and the paramedic and if you are one of these three people if you are getting ready for emt advanced emt paramedic school maybe you're in school right now and you're struggling with the core concepts or maybe you're getting ready for national registry boards at emt advanced cmc or even the paramedic level click the link in the description it says learn more you'll see a little link prepare for ems.com that is my prep course for all that i give you access to over 180 plus videos plus you get access to me as your coach inside our private communities you can ask me questions you know how every day if you want to in the private group about your education about ems and you get access to my best content inside that vault so click there more down below and i will see you in the next video thank you for watching oh like everything that you were saying was just connecting all these all these you know links inside my brain and i i just knew right then and there um i have to have this program i have to have all the information that he's willing to give i need all of it i went through it i i spent the time and money in other areas and i'm just gonna let you guys know that uh this was everything i was searching for the whole time the first couple videos i watched um when i noticed it just i i just immediately started connecting dots um on some of these things i i didn't have graphs went on there that i continued reviewing and i did it for about a month and you know it helped a lot like i said even after school and i took that test one time and i passed it your particular program you have your students engaging and you have your students discussing and you have your students actually using your products and i'm seeing time and time again um students that are coming in and announcing their new certification with national registry well it's obviously passing the exam doing it pretty quickly 70 questions in about an hour um well you definitely are like how your videos are like i wasn't sure how it was going to be but you are how your videos are so that was awesome so people who are getting ready for paramedic school or if you're getting ready to go in the navy as a corpsman as an army medic um you ought to prepare yourself evan i know you've got a program that helps people prepare that way so bottom line is guys you don't ever want to hear something for the first time with a bunch of other students so if you're in a competitive learning environment you don't want to hear about afib for the first time where everybody else you want to have an understanding of it before you walk in the room from 120 questions passing two sections um near passing one and then i think two below passing to seven questions passing completely seven thousand dollars for school plus everything else that you put into it all the time and all the time off work and family and everything it's to see people fail and fail and fail and then just quit which i know a couple people who have i've tend to say you know it doesn't hurt to have somebody right there to talk to you know send a question anytime i get the chance i would gladly offer or advise them to sign up for you and your paramedic coach it's truly helpful and amazing at what you do i want to help decrease failure rates for nramt for emt school for paramedic school watch these videos watch his content and believe me you will start to understand ems medicine anybody out there that wants to serve their community as an emt or a paramedic should be able to do that and i'm here as a paramedic coach to help you achieve that you
Channel: The Paramedic Coach
Views: 3,348
Rating: 4.9875002 out of 5
Keywords: EMT or Paramedic, EMT VS Paramedic, EMT & Paramedic, EMT And Paramedic, difference between emt and paramedic, EMT School, EMT Class, Paramedic School, Paramedic Class, NREMT Prep, NREMT Exam, NREMT Test, EMT Career, Paramedic Career, EMT Job, Paramedic Job, Work on ambulance, be a emt, be a paramedic, the paramedic coach, what is a emt, what is a paramedic, emt do, paramedic do, medic do, ems career, nremt practicals, nremt videos
Id: n3-Q23thUZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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