Is The NREMT Exams Hard? EMT | AEMT | Paramedic

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now one question that i get asked a lot is how hard is the national registry exams how hard is the nremt inside this video i'm going to break it down for you exactly i want to help decrease failure rates for nramt for emt school for paramedic school watch these videos watch his content and believe me you will start to understand ems medicine anybody out there that wants to serve their community as an emt or a paramedic should be able to do that and i'm here as a paramedic coach to help you achieve that [Music] hey guys what's going on it's evan again the paramedic coach here back at you with another video if you're new here be sure to hit subscribe down below and tap that notification bell that way you can see all the content that we do here every single week now if you are new here as well or just watching this video i want you to hit the like button down below support this channel here and that way it helps this video get out to more people now we're going to be talking about here right now is is the national registry exam hard but i want to do something different why don't we make the national registry exam easier let's do that huh all right here we go now with the national registry exams here are all of the main three provider levels with a national registry we have emt advanced emt and the paramedic exam now i'm going to break down there's a lot of numbers here let's break it down now you'll see here it says live live live and then over here is the questions so let's say the emt exam the emt exam you're going to have between 70 and 120 questions but there are what we call pilot questions on the exam which means they don't count towards your score national registry just puts it in there to see how people do with the the question how it works and should they put it in their bank of questions they're kind of testing it out on you but it does not count towards your score so we call these live items so 60 to 60 to 110 are actually live and the exam goes for two hours until it stops you okay so it will stop you or you'll go all the way through that has nothing to do with you passing or failing hear me out on this with all these exams except one we're going to talk about if you get stopped early does not mean that you failed or passed if you go all the way to the end doesn't mean that you passed or failed okay both scenarios happen you just have to wait for the result usually take about usually i say 24 hours sometimes 48 hours but usually about 24 hours now what's this 85 15 that you're seeing here on this board now here's what it is later on and stay to the end i'm going to go through the main five things you need to study for your exam okay do not miss that stay till the end okay now hear me out here the exam in each section the five we're going to talk about later those five sections are broken up between 85 percent adult and 15 pediatrics except one which is ems operations okay there's no adult in pd and ems off it's just general ems operations okay so just so you know essentially a test is broken up 85 adult 15 pediatrics basically okay now we know something interesting here advanced emt is 135 questions there's no gauge that's because the advanced emt exam is different what that means you will take all 135 questions but my friends you're not going to believe this only a hundred of them are actually live 35 are pilot questions crazy now it's two hours and 15 minutes this is why i tell people when you're on the exam and maybe you see a question it's kind of you're like well what's that don't be nervous i always think uh it's probably a pilot question that's what i tell my students okay now the final part here is paramedic 80 to 150 60 to 130 are live that means there's 20 pilot questions on every exam okay again same thing broken up 85 adult 15 pediatric per the five sections we're going to talk about at the end stay tuned for that now here's the most important thing that i wanted to keep in mind the exams cost money for you to actually sit at the exams so the emt exam is 80 per attempt the advanced emt is 115 per attempt and the paramedic exam is 125 dollars per attempt so what that means if you keep going attempt attempt attempt that money adds up and we'll talk about that later on so let's now dive into some major points about the national registry this right here is the five main sections of national registry for everybody emt advanced emt paramedic okay now the percentages are tweaked a little bit uh by each provider level but this is the five sections of registry just some are emt advanced emt and paramek this is what you need to study right here okay now the first section is airway respiration and finally obviously ventilation okay so essentially airway and breathing then we have cardiology and our recess okay so you think about bls and acls stuff like that for your emts and medics right now we move on to the next section which is gonna be our trauma from trauma we go to medical and ob gyn we're gonna talk about that in a second and then finally ems ops now on every exam the smallest section is the ems operation section that's the smallest section on exam okay now here's something i want to share with you that people mess up on pediatrics ob gyn now i'm not saying you can't mess other things up but those are two things in my opinion that in class you may not you may have gone over quickly or only a few chapters then on exam you get a question on it and all of a sudden you're like what's that so i want you to make sure you study plenty of pediatrics and plenty of ob gyn and ask questions if you have questions about these things it's so important okay so these are our five sections that we gotta go over to master the national registry exam now before i go remember the whole goal here was to make this easier the title here was is it hard we're not gonna think about is it hard we're going to make it easier i'm going to give you some tips before i take off now we're making it easier now i want to give you some quick tips about the exam here now here's the first thing you can see here i recommend that you study 20 to 30 days out for your exam now have students passed studying a few days out they have do i recommend it no okay i am a person that likes to prepare and prep for things you don't want to be caught off guard oh i'm three days out i'm not ready uh what you want to do is you want to for example stumble across this video maybe 40 days out start taking action and learning then you want to start studying 20 30 40 days out that's my recommendation can it be done faster yeah it can be done but do i recommend it no if i was your coach who came to me i'd say look we're going to study three to four weeks out for this exam okay that's number one number two you'll see here is zoom with a study buddy so what i want you to do is find a classmate uh could even be uh in a a group whatever it may be i want you to find a study buddy at your provider level okay and i want you to meet up with me once twice a week and go over those five sections okay very very important now this third thing here you probably have never heard of maybe you have um it's called alpha waves now what alpha waves are and what they do is i've had students that maybe have adhd maybe your mind's always going going going right the alpha waves they're basically brain waves and what you do is it sounds crazy but hear me out guys uh you put it in the in the background while you're studying what however you're studying okay you put it in the background you listen and it's gonna make you focus a lot more okay a lot more okay if you notice i actually put uh some waves in the background of my videos so you can pay attention and learn especially on my lectures okay that's why i do it right practice what you preach now the last part here and this is so so important my friends i cannot tell you how important this one is study content not practice questions you have no idea what question you're going to get on exam so here's what you got to do you have to find a way to study the five areas of content that is how you get smarter and when you get smarter the questions become so much easier the most important thing is studying content over questions practice test questions what that is it's just an assessment tool but you're not actually studying content taking practice questions this is why for all of my students i recommend this right here right now the other option is you can open a giant book a giant textbook the prom with textbooks it's an overload information right it's not very mobile it's kind of heavy right and it's not short concise and to the point sometimes it's in a language that you might not even be familiar with or understand yet so what i've done i've taken those five core sections of national registry and i've distilled them down into short concise videos taking section by section by section for every single provider level emt advanced emt and paramedic as well and i've partnered up that's my video vault i've partnered that up with me as your coach inside our private facebook community so what that means is you get access to our private group you can ask me anything you want while you're getting prepared for your exam but my friends i gotta tell you something that's so important about what i'm about to offer you here if you want to learn more click down below this program is not just going to help you pass national registry and i've helped hundreds and now officially thousands of people pass their national registry exam but here it is the course also includes on-the-job tips so once you actually pass your exam you will go back and continue to use the course over and over again as you're practicing out in the field live with patients so my friends click down below hit learn more and get access there is no monthly payments and you get lifetime access for only 49 to everything check it out down below and i will see you there oh like everything that you were saying was just connecting all these all these you know links inside my brain and i i just knew right then and there um i have to have this program i have to have all the information that he's willing to give i need all of it i went through it i i spent the time and money in other areas and i'm just gonna let you guys know that uh this was everything i was searching for the whole time the first couple videos i watched um when i noticed it just i i just immediately started connecting dots um on some of these things i i didn't have graphs went on there that i continued reviewing and i did it for about a month and you know it helped a lot like i said even after school and i took that test one time and i passed it your particular program you have your students engaging and you have your students discussing and you have your students actually using your products and i'm seeing time and time again um students that are coming in and announcing their new certification with national registry olds obviously passing the exam doing it pretty quickly 70 questions in about an hour um you definitely are like how your videos are like i wasn't sure how it was gonna be but you are how your videos are so that was awesome so people who are getting ready for paramedic school or if you're getting ready to go in the navy as a corpsman as an army medic you ought to prepare yourself evan i know you've got a program that helps people prepare that way so bottom line is guys you don't ever want to hear something for the first time with a bunch of other students so if you're in a competitive learning environment you don't want to hear about afib for the first time where everybody else you want to have an understanding of it before you walk in the room from 120 questions passing two sections um near passing one and then i think two below passing to seven questions passing completely seven thousand dollars for school plus everything else that you put into it all the time and all the time off work and family and everything it's to see people fail and fail and fail and then just quit which i know a couple people who have i've tend to say you know it doesn't hurt to have somebody right there to talk to you know send a question anytime i get the chance i would gladly offer or advise them to sign up for you and your paramedic coach it's truly helpful and amazing at what you do i want to help decrease failure rates for nramt for emt school for paramedic school watch these videos watch his content and believe me you will start to understand ems medicine anybody out there that wants to serve their community as an emt or a paramedic should be able to do that and i'm here as a paramedic coach to help you achieve that
Channel: The Paramedic Coach
Views: 8,101
Rating: 4.9879246 out of 5
Keywords: Is The NREMT Hard?, Is The NREMT Easy?, NREMT vs FISDAP, NREMT Test, NREMT Exam, NREMT Practice Questions, NREMT Exam Prep, NREMT Test Questions, NREMT Tips, NREMT Advice, NREMT Cognitive Exam, NREMT Written Test, NREMT Study App, Best NREMT Prep Course, Best NREMT App, National Registry of EMT Exams, AEMT NREMT Exam, Paramedic National Registry Exam, Paramedic NREMT, NREMT 2020
Id: fnQgf653IfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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