My NYC Apartment Tour: Luxury Penthouse in Manhattan

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Welcome to My New York City apartment tour this is my dream apartment I've been here for almost 2 years now and as you know I moved from LA to this apartment it was really tough to find an apartment in in New York that just offered everything that I needed but once I looked at this I knew that this was the perfect spot for me right I have my office here I have my YouTube studio and I have a lot of things that I want to show you guys and I have an absurd amount of amenities like a legit Treehouse a sauna billiard's room a really nice Lounge golf simulator a full-size basketball court and a bunch of others so I'm going to show you around this is the living room this honestly you know just a dream living room we have incredible views of the New York City skyline you can see the sunset right now Sun is going down you can see the Brooklyn Bridge back here all the business all of the motivation inspiration that you get from New York City right from the living room maybe my favorite upgrade to this living room was this credenza here it just fills the space so nicely I love the marble and the Walnut right here it just brings it all together I also needed some warmth you know my things are very black white and and stone marble it was feeling a little cold and I really think that this did it I added this lamp right here which I think looks really cool I like ambient lighting like this this is a Samsung frame TV you know I I like having different pictures in here changing it up once in a while have some really interesting books I've become a plant Dad lately I've been taking care of plants recently this couch I absolutely love this couch this is a modular couch it's not very comfortable not going to lie it is really low and I needed something low here because I didn't want anything blocking the actual view of the apartment this is a CB2 mirror that I had in LA and I brought it with me you know as someone who is showing his outfits a lot on Instagram this is the perfect mirror to just capture your entire outfit from head to toe so if you guys see some pictures on my Instagram story or Instagram this is it this is the mirror selfie spot right here something I forgot to show you is my new baby my John Mayor Martin guitar this is the 20th anniversary edition it's a limited Edition and when John Mayor announced it I just knew I had to have it I'm a huge John Mayor fan absolutely love his music I also recently picked up this chair it's very comfortable it's cozy this is something that I brought from LA and I love it I love the Chrome I love how clean it is I think it's from CB2 or Craton Barrow as well also brought this from La it doesn't really work it's it's really hilarious how bad this thing is it looks cool it looks really good it goes really well with the aesthetic of the apartment I always face it this way because I feel like if I face it towards the building it would be super creepy so I'm always like make sure that it faces that way and people don't think you're you know peeping on them this is another lamp that I bought recently I really like the way that it looks ambient lighting it looks really nice and I put it here so it doesn't block The View as well this is my newest plant this is something that I was really excited to pick up I love the albino features of this plant I just got it recently so I've been like keeping an eye at it and making sure that it does okay the couch was a lot longer when I got it um and it was just a little too long for the living room so because it's a modular couch I took the middle part out and I just placed it over here in this little Nook here I have my bar cart I'm going to be honest I'm not too much of a drinker whenever people come over I like to make drinks but lately U I really haven't been drinking that much and that's because I wear honestly I started to wear my whoop this Fitness tracker that I wear on my bicep that you guys are always asking about and it really tells me that my recovery is horrible after I drink and that had a big impact on me and I I started drinking a lot a lot less over here is a frame of a photo of of Rio De Janeiro I'm not from Rio but I am from Brazil and every time I look at this I'm just reminded of Brazil reminded of my family who still lives out there and who I go to visit once or twice a year over here we have this countertop where I have dinner meals I don't have a dining room table here I don't have a dining table it's just it was by choice I don't think that the space really allows for it in this apartment this is the Little Kitchen I am if you've been following me for a while you know I'm not a cook I can't cook you don't want to eat my food so what I do is I actually order prepped meals and I just put them in the fridge and I eat them as I go I also order out once in a while or go and have dinner with friends so I really don't use this kitchen my assistant Megan also Cooks once in a while she'll cook lunch for herself lunch for me one of the best things about this apartment is this right here this is a coffee maker and I love this coffee maker so much it's something that I really never thought I'd have I make my coffee here every afternoon I have my usually my Pre-Workout in the morning coffee in the afternoon and that keeps me going if you want to add milk you can it just makes all sorts of coffee drinks which I'm a big coffee guy right now so I do have a wine cooler here too like I said I don't drink a lot at home but when people come over it's always nice to have some wine especially if you have a a wine cooler so it just made sense to kind of stock it up and have some wine here waiting for for my guests so I keep a few bottles here people come over we have a glass of wine maybe a bottle of wine chat have a good time let me show you my fridge it's looking a little sad right now so don't judge me I feel like this is really personal right now I'm going to get judged but it's it's kind of empty there's like nothing in there it's literally drinks pre-workout Prime you know protein bars hot sauce eggs it's it's looking really plain right now but it doesn't usually look like this it looks a little better but not much better not much better this is It's just missing my meals to be honest with you which got delivered today and I didn't pick it up moving on to where I spend the majority of my time this is my office as you walk in you see my million subscriber gold play button from YouTube so this is the office I just added all of this Decor recently it actually feels really nice in here it used to be not really that comfortable to work here every single day and my videographer Rodrigo who's shooting this video right now and will be editing as well is he usually sits right here so comes in this is really just a nice relaxing workpace for us we're putting out a lot of content so I needed the space to be really conducive to being creative and there's nothing more conducive to creativity than this view right here I mean this is to in my opinion just the best view in the entire apartment because it's just water I look outside I see just so many cars so many people so much movement helicopters the Brooklyn Bridge F die it just to me it's so inspiring to see all of the movement in New York City every time you look outside there's something to look at I could sit here and look outside for honestly hours because there's always something changing it's something that just never gets old I'm so so grateful for for this View and for for this apartment and to be able to work here every single day and look outside it's very inspiring to me this is the battle station you know we got a big ass monitor just because I like to have a bunch of tabs I am multitasking uh a lot I have a lot of things going on so for me it was important to have you know a pretty big monitor um a really nice workstation so so I can keep track of all of my things got a Herman Miller chair it's very comfortable you know I have this journey mouse pad which I think is super cool because it charges my phone it charges my airpods I have my speakers my Google Assistant my computer deck and of course my airpod Maxes as well which I use once in a while and the newest addition to the office here something that excites me every day I come in here and I turn them on is the neon signs the Forte series neon sign my Men's Grooming line and then atos my clothing brand it just looks so cool I come in here and it just reminds me of the brand and it makes me want to work to make them bigger to make them better every single day and develop new products that are exciting for me and for you guys watching this video in these baskets I keep all of my equipment so there's a lot of camera equipment there's a lot of cables all the things that you need I also keep this really cool as the fashion influencer not men's fashion fashion overall fashion influencer of the year of 2021 from the American influencer Awards this is the OG 100,000 subscriber silver play button that I got many many years ago and my YouTube channel was still called made in Brazil recently I also got this whiteboard which is super cool right a ton of stuff in there might be my favorite part of the office this is a love sack and it's just the most comfortable seat in the house there's nothing more comfortable than this it's incredible and you got this view in front of you it's just this is it right here guys this is living the dream right here all right I'm going to show you something special all right this is a bathroom but it's a bathroom that I don't use because as you you can see it's a storage bathroom but I also need a lot of space I get a lot of things and I get a lot of product development samples for example for my Brands just a space that I need to put my things in here and of course this is an office for us to work in so nobody takes a shower here which then means that if nobody's taking a shower here it doesn't get humid in here and if it doesn't get humid in here it allows me to have my fragrance collection in here this is my fragrance collection and I always love opening this up before I go out and I'm not going to lie sometimes I spend five minutes here just pondering like what do I want to smell like today what do I want to feel like you know what's the right fragrance for the right Vibe and I'm definitely overthinking it but it's kind of fun at the same time don't worry like I said no one takes a shower here so these fragrances are safe all right follow me into the YouTube Studio this is where I shoot all of my YouTube videos that you guys see and before we get there I just want to show you this here real quick because this is something that's really cool to me I went to Miami art bazo for the first time a few months ago in December and absolutely fell in love with these pieces and just the way they move and what I like about them is that they look so different from anything else that I have here I needed something that stood out in this hallway and I thought that was the perfect time to to invest into into some art now as you walk by them you come over here and this is the YouTube Studio we just redid this YouTube studio so if you go back even 3 months ago 2 months ago to the YouTube channel this looked completely different so I decided let's change the wallpaper let's add some acoustic wooden panels here so there's felt so there's it limits the echo in here but as you can hear it's still a little bit echoey in here this is my favorite desk and it's funny cuz I don't really use it it's got this just waterfall effect and I just love the way that it looks especially with this chair one really cool thing is this painting here and if you have been following me for a while you know that this is actually a painting of me and I love it because I'm not in it so it's it's not like I have a pain of you know my face here and it looks kind of narcissistic in a way right so no one even knows that this is this is me when they come in here which is super cool now these wooden panels I love the way they look and one cool thing about them is that you can just turn on a light so it adds this really nice mood soft lighting to the room I put this vase here mostly to hide just that plug there and I think it looks really good in the YouTube videos as well so the thing is I have three bedrooms in this apartment right and it's mostly being used for work YouTube Studio the office but I also needed it to be a guest room because I do have guests that come in once in a while and I didn't have a place for them so what I decided is to put this Murphy bed in here and this actually comes down and turns into a very comfortable Queens siiz bed with a memory foam mattress so it's actually really comfortable for guests they can come they stay here they can use this desk to work if they want to it's a nice space they got the view all right let's get to where the magic happens the master bedroom right in here this bedroom is a dream for me honestly this is the first time that I've ever been able to fit a king bed into a bedroom and it's just so comfortable it's so nice to be able to just spread out I don't spend a lot of time here since I have three bedrooms and I have my office here it just doesn't make sense for me to spend too much time here but there are weekends I'm not feeling good or if I just want to chill I definitely throw on the TV and I hang out here for a little bit watching drive to survive above the bed I haven't really figured out what I want want to do yet so you can see it's not hanging it's just kind of chilling here and this is an art piece by my tattoo artist Oscar a caramel the guy is an absolute Legend So I'm I'm happy to just have his work not only on my body but also here at home I have matching nightstands here I bought these two lamps that I thought were really cool Tom Ford book of course is a must over here made a nice little Nook little corner situation here this is a France and Sun chair it's super cozy and comfortable I love the design and I put my Taylor guitar right next to it because once in a while I just come here sit down play the guitar especially on the weekends there's nothing better for me to just hang out here and chill this is my first ever plant that I bought it's seen better days I'm trying to save it but I think I overwatered it and apparently with snake plants that's a really big issue so you know I'm learning as I go here rolling with the punches over here this is kind of um you know my treasure chest is where I keep all of my necklaces my rings you know I have some bracelets literally everything I would ever need when it comes to to accessories the TV is an LG 6 55 or 65 in honestly I've had this for a while I got it in LA I have a nice little Aston Martin book here on this side I have another one of those lamps I think I got them on Etsy to be honest with you couple of books another Aston Martin book and a Creed book my watch stand a candle my Google home so I can set an alarm at night or play music or turn off all of my lights it's really nice just having the Google Assistant here with me this wall felt really empty so I wasn't sure what to put here but I just feel like the mirror really opens it up and brings more light in here and it's also a lot of fun something I really like about this bedroom is how big this entryway is and at first I wasn't sure what to do with it because it is kind of an awkward space even though it's a it's a big space but decided to put this bench and the the frame my closet is right here so I like to bring out my shoes change shoes here before I head out and that works really well so it ended up being very useful after all all right let me show you the master bathroom now this bathroom is honestly a dream it's so interesting when I was looking for an apartment I I'm looking for things that the typical person probably doesn't care for but I needed a a long spacious bathroom not because I need it for myself but just because we shoot a lot of videos in this bathroom so I was looking at measurements and trying to see if I could fit a tripod in here if I could you know if I could have my videographer Rodrigo like over here or there so there's a lot of things in this apartment that I had to think of from a Creator's perspective and not really like oh I'm I'm I'm living here what kind of bathroom do I want for myself for person use um and you know there's a big mirror which means we can shoot videos coming from the mirror this does annoy me a little bit having these lines here I think it annoys Rodrigo more than anyone it's like I wish the lines weren't there besides that I love love this bathroom I honestly it's a big ass shower um big shower head you know we have eucalyptus up there it smells really nice and the floor my favorite part of this bathroom the floor is is hat it and Rigo is nodding his head right now cuz he's got socks on and he's like yeah it's so nice coming in here at night you know I got to go to the bathroom wake up the middle of the night coming here and I step into the nice warm floor it's just so relaxing and so nice it's something that I had never experienced before so I really really like it this is where I keep all of my grooming products we just launched the beard oil for example which is so addicting feel like every time I come in here I put it on it just adds that natural shine to my beard and it's something it's our newest product with Forte so it's something I'm very excited for but I love this medicine cabin as much as we don't like the lines for shooting I didn't have a mirror that opened like this a medicine cabinet in La so I had to put everything underneath and I really actually appreciate having the extra storage being able to put everything back here all right behind this door we have my closet I don't know if I've ever showed my entire closet before but here it is I am so grateful that have a walk-in closet because as you know I have a lot of clothes you know I I I need them for styling I need them for different events and different videos that I make you know but I have all of my jackets here and then some like shirt jackets Cardigans and then shirts um this is the only closet I'm going to show you I do have three or four closets but this is the main big closet the other ones are not walk-in closets I have all of my shoes in these really neat um display boxes here that I got from Ikea have all of my pants here and then then I have this style of hanger here which I think is super cool because it hangs up like this on the rod but then you can just create space by letting one of them drop I added these hanging shelves because I didn't have enough room for my sweaters as you can see they take a lot of space and this was the perfect Amazon fine fits in really nicely here I have all of my ties and belts right here and then I have my actual caps right here in this this dock that I purchased recently and I think it just keeps everything really nice and neat all right let's step into the bathroom here this is the guest bathroom it's the bathroom that I don't typically Ed but my assistant Megan uses it Rodrigo uses it and then anytime I have a guest but it's funny when I first walked into this bathroom I was like it's kind of ugly I don't really like the tiles it's kind of weird I don't know why they did that after some time I realized that I actually really really like this bathroom I love the way it looks on camera it matches the Forte series aesthetic my Brand's aesthetic really well so anytime we're shooting something it just looks really clean really good and it's a nice guest bathroom we have a shower right we have a a bathtub over here which I don't think I've ever used I'm not going to lie I don't think I have ever used this bathtub and I'm just realizing that as I'm doing this video now which is kind of sad it's a nice bathroom Rodrigo spends like 30 minutes a day in here just I don't even know what he's doing in here living here has been an absolute dream and it's been really fun hanging out with you guys but it's time for you to go and Rodrigo you got to go are you are you serious right now yeah can I at least get my bed no I got a girl coming over uh can you have this edited by tomorrow no tomorrow please thanks bye
Channel: Alex Costa
Views: 279,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex, Costa, Alex Costa, mens fashion, fashion, style tips for men, men's, men's style, how to look good, menswear tips, how to look better, how to be good looking, how to dress, apartment tour, nyc apartment, penthouse, nyc penthouse, alex costa apartment, alex costa girlfriend, ryan serhant, rent in nyc, erik conover, new york city, luxury apartment nyc, nyc real estate, manhattan nyc apartment tour, my nyc apartment tour, nyc apartment tour, new york apartment tour
Id: D4onjkqT7Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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