Employee Accidentally DESTROYS His Terrible Ex-Boss 's Life! FBI Was INVOLVED! - r/Prorevenge

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welcome to r slash reddit revenge this is a story of someone getting back at someone with revenge after being wronged thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes today's story is i accidentally got my ex-bosses investigated by the federal government i am not usually one to take revenge i have extreme anxiety and bipolar disorder so conflict generally comes with panic attacks and severe depression generally speaking i will just shrug it off and avoid the situation again however one thing that i will always fight is betrayal this is the story of how i ruined my ex boss's business for her stabbing me in the back i worked for a medical facility a small privately owned facility in a small town near my house i was hired on originally to tend to patients daily needs cooking cleaning etc but moved up the ladder a bit as positions opened up taking on whatever duties my boss the owner brought my way at one point i had even been the medical billing manager which i had zero experience in but she threw me into because no one else was available for until her daughter got out of jail drug charges at which point i was sent over to data entry i didn't mind the data entry job i'm good with numbers and organization type fast and i'm pretty computer literate none of these positions came with any kinds of benefits though not once was i offered a raise for the positions i had taken nor was i offered any extra benefits the only raise i had gotten was a 50 cent increase the standard six month raise once in my almost two years at the job let me tell you about the structure of the company the owner had started the company a little over three years before i had started and she had absolutely no experience running any kind of company her sister was but she felt like she needed to spread her wings and that this was god's plan for her and all that hiring was also a joke as she employed several family members including her ex-husband somehow and gave them priority on everything she had several foster children that she roped into the business and put them all in management positions no matter how experienced and inept they were a few of the managers were fresh out of prison and jail on drug charges or on probation for some crime or another i started working there to help myself oddly enough i had been unemployed for several years as my anxiety and depression make it very hard to interact with others i felt like this job was a good start to re-establish my life and build a future for myself and my amazing wife i have a decent amount of debt due to some bad decisions depression makes you not really care about what happens to future you and i was hoping to build up from the ashes and move forward with my life due to this though i poured my heart and soul into this place always striving to make it better and this event killed me inside as i was trying to put myself out there only to get stabbed in the back by someone i trusted now this company because of its size and the owner's inexperience with running a medical facility had a lot of problems bill's not going out on time unsecured networks unheard patient complaints the list goes on while i became more ingrained in the fabric of the facility i started to notice a lot of fixes that needed to take place for organizational and security reasons including a couple major hipaa violations that needed to be fixed when i went in that friday i did my normal routine data maintenance tasks then went up to the front to see if the office manager not one of the owners relations had anything that needed to be done the owner was up with her which was strange since she usually was running around doing things that needed to be done outside the office but wasn't unheard of when i had come in that morning my computer had not been working which wasn't uncommon as the it person was her current husband not a terrible guy but look who he married when i saw her i gave her the usual pleasant greetings and asked her if it had been having issues with the network she told me yes so i didn't think anything was wrong and i moved back into the work room to work on some lower priority tasks that i had to do the owner came into the room 15 or so minutes later with the general manager and said that they needed to speak to me privately this didn't throw any flags because she had done that before when she changed up my position so i just figured i was being moved around again when she came into the room she pulled out one of the company ipads these ipads were used for the intake process specifically for taking pictures of clients and adding them to the electronic health record system for the counselors and floor staff i had been thrust into the intake process after the administration handling intakes was terminated i don't have much experience with apple products specifically so i did exactly what she told me to do to send the images to our system she asked me to come around to show me something she pulled up the screen and showed me that the ipad was registered to a person that was not affiliated with the facility at all i later found out who it was that'll be another reveal a bit later this is not okay this is a hipaa violation and we could get in a lot of trouble for this this was a company ipad splash screen and all i had no reason to believe that it wasn't secured for any reason besides that wouldn't be the employee's responsibility especially when the owner herself had told them to use it the way they were using it i didn't feel that it was my problem in the slightest as i was not the only one who had used the device for exactly the same thing i try my best to solve problems when they happen rather than dwell on the problem especially when it would be time sensitive to fix to prevent violations and fines i asked okay how can we fix this i'm willing to help she looked me dead in the eyes and said we fixed this by terminating your employment i just stood there shocked i looked up at her confused hoping praying that i had misheard her in some weird way and asked you're firing me she said yes and i swear that a small grin flashed over her face as she said it i looked over to the general manager who was crying well trying to hide that she was crying i asked her why i was getting terminated for something i didn't have control over and over something she had explicitly asked me to do but she just fell silent and told me i needed to leave i was friends with everyone in the office aside from her spawn so i said my goodbyes to them hugged them cried all while the owners stood there over my shoulder ushering me out still with the near smile on her face that was the moment i knew this was not going to end well for her first the fallout that she created directly for herself i was friends with almost every person in the facility including the counselors one of them had been contemplating leaving for a long time and i had repeatedly talked him into staying or to try and tough it out and maybe next week would be better etc i was fired friday and i found out later through another ex-employee that he had resigned immediately that monday i don't know for certain that he left because i got canned but the timing seems a bit too coincidental to me after he left another one left then two others by the end of it the owner was left with two counselors to run both residential and day treatment one who was just coming back from maternity leave i feel so bad for her i hope she left she was a wonderful person to work with and another who had only been doing day treatment and not the more intensive residential treatment i like to think that she created a domino chain but i can't confirm for sure now to my part since i had been in nearly every position in the business i knew everything about the inner workings of it i knew how much money they still were trying to recuperate from insurance a lot of the tech issues and most importantly violations when i took the data entry job a lot of the security issues became apparent to me so i brought them directly to her to be fixed immediately on the tech side of things the electronic health record system had no clearance levels for any patient meaning everyone right down to maintenance could see patients counselor and vitals notes the electronic health record system was also easily able to be compromised as it could be logged into from any computer even home computers i brought both of these as well as a few minor state statute violations that needed to be fixed stuff like employees not being able to get copies of the correct dhs statutes or employee manuals on the procedure side of things intakes were originally done in the file room where clients files are everywhere all in cardboard boxes with name tabs visible to everyone if there were more than one for two intakes they would be taken into the cafeteria to do all the paperwork imagine signing up for a residential facility and getting your belongings searched in a cafeteria where people are coming and going billing was right next to the day treatment room and the door was frequently left open and client names talked about loudly the walls were also paper thin so anyone in the day treatment room could hear client names while treatment was in session food and water temperature logs were frequently not up kept organization was a mess one i was trying to clean up four years of unkempt client files to sort and scan and the most d of all i found out that the owner and her daughter had been up charging old clients insurance and both the owner and her daughter had been using drugs i can't 100 confirm personally that the owner was but i saw the daughter use a pill box of suboxone buprenorphine that was not hers the owner had been accused by an ex-coworker who had bolted immediately without warning as soon as i got home i was still in shock and just sat at my computer and cried i had given everything up to this place sacrificed countless hours of my time overtime was paid but you were reprimanded if you went over and i was over nearly every week doing extra tasks that needed to be done and even set back my own mental health recovery a significant amount all in the name of progress that sadness slowly turned to rage i'm not normally a person who gets angry i have an exceptionally long fuse but when i get mad i get mad so i set my plan into action after i signed myself up for unemployment i started making some calls i called the department of health services and lodged a complaint against the facility stating all of the privacy violations i knew i got the typical okay we'll contact you if something changes or if more information is needed spiel once i was off the phone with them i started making calls to insurance companies bcbs network health uhc and prairie states were all given calls i gave them the tax id and npi of the facility information i learned while i was the billing manager and told them to review their contracts at the time the services were rendered and checked to see what they were billing them for after all that i just sat there completely numb a few weeks passed and i checked my unemployment to see what i was paid so i wouldn't get behind on payments and saw that there was a hold on my account stating that my employer had determined my termination to be negligent and misconduct on my part i was called by ui and asked a few questions and they determined on a surface level that i was not at fault and that i would still receive my benefits sigh of relief activated i thought it was over and i could start moving on nope i got a letter in the mail stating that my ex-employer was appealing the decision and that if the judge determined that i was at fault not only would my benefits be cut but i would also get my wages garnished once i did get a job to pay back everything that had been paid out a few panic attacks later and i'm reading everything i'm reading up on statutes and reading through all the evidence the owner had submitted writing notes on my computer about all the inconsistencies and errors in her statements four pages later and i started seeking out ex-co-workers who had worked there and left i contacted the person i stated earlier the one who bolted without warning and asked her if she'd be willing to testify she initially accepted but then she declined as she was actually key in an investigation against them as well hers had to deal with the counselor's side of things i'll try to explain this the best i can without giving away too much one of the counselors had a specialization and she was the only one who was qualified to provide that service when she left she was replaced with a counselor who had the in-training qualification so she was supposed to be supervised by a medical director with that qualification the owner did not have that but the entire time had been advertising providing and billing that qualification services i hope that wasn't too confusing back to my thing now i hadn't talked to her in a while so i caught up and told her what had happened she told me it was total bs that she and several others had used it in the same way etc etc i also asked her if she was familiar with the name that had been on the ipad she asked me again for the name and if i was 100 sure that it was correct i said yes and immediately asked why that's an ex-client ex-co-worker had worked there since the very beginning so i have no reason to doubt her the owner had either bought or stolen who knows an ipad from an ex-client had not wiped it and then gave it to staff to pass confidential health information to the company servers i was immediately on the phone with dhs again asking to amend my original complaint to add this to it come the day of the appeal i'm shaking on the verge of panicking and the call comes through it takes everything in my being to not start screaming at the owner when i hear her disgusting gravelly voice i sat there with all my notes the dhs manual and statutes and all the evidence that i had this is where the owner started making a lot of mistakes i found out after the fact that she was actually headed to court to defend herself against another lawsuit aside from the two investigations in this hearing so she had her daughter the billing manager defend the company she also didn't prepare at all no notes no evidence nothing she apparently thought so much that she was going to win that she was just going to wing it the judge starts asking her daughter questions to which the owner who apparently was in the car with her daughter on the way to the courthouse started coaching her answers the judge had to ask her multiple times to stop giving answers to the questions asked as she was not listed as a witness and was not defending the company she didn't actually stop but she had to go to court like 15 minutes in so her daughter was left to defend them now in my state if you file an appeal it's your responsibility to provide a case burden of proof apparently neither the owner nor the daughter knew this as they simply did not have a case the judge asked them what happened and she lied a lot to the point where the judge even pointed out inconsistencies in what was being told to her and had to even remind her that she was under oath and lying could result in a perjury charge the absolute nail in the coffin were the questions i asked me was i the only one using that device daughter i don't know me but you knew enough that i was terminated for it daughter uh me how about the device was it bought new or was it used daughter it was new me how is the device registered to another person daughter um me and do you know who the person was that it was registered to daughter no me an ex-client things went on like that for a bit then the judge chimed in judge wait what statute did he specifically violate daughter he violated hipaa judge can you give me a specific state statute daughter no but if you can wait like 30 minutes i could ask my mom judge no you were given plenty of time to prepare a case once this call ends it's over i sat there and smiled i knew i won before the call even ended we were told a decision would be mailed to us in five to seven days or sooner if the judge came to a verdict sooner i got a letter two days later saying i had won all of that was great and all but owner's daughter had accidentally stuck a few more nails in the company the situation with the ipad was brought up to dhs automatically as it was a potential hipaa violation i received a call a week or so later from a private investigator who took a statement about the ipad i told him i had filed a complaint a few months ago and i had stated everything else that had been going on i got the same will contact you with any further questions speech and i thought that was the end of it until i got another letter i saw dhs and was immediately thinking they had found a way to appeal the appeal and started panicking it wasn't my state's dhs either it was federal i was about to pass out when i opened it and the letter stated that my complaint had been investigated and due to the findings was being transferred up to the federal level i didn't know how to react i never intended it to go to the federal level but i'm not the government so i don't know the severity of the trouble she's in and that's where we're at now the owner has now fallen very ill and does not come into work anymore according to a few co-workers who still talk to me she also did not do well in her other court cases and it looks like she may be facing prison time for insurance fraud and owner's daughter may be facing time for violating probation by taking drugs i spoke to ex-coworker and she told me that several other employees have left after finding out what had been happening with most of them stating that they don't want to get in trouble for being associated with any wrongdoings a lot of them have criminal histories 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Views: 39,692
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Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, nuclear revenge, revenge stories, reddit nuclear revenge, r/NuclearRevenge, r/ProRevenge boss, prorevenge, Pro Revenge, r/Prorevenge Employee, r/prorevenge Boss, boss, r/prorevenge ex-boss, r/prorevenge I know the boss, your boss, Ex-Boss, Employee Accidentally, Employee Accidentally DESTROYS His Terrible Ex-Boss's Life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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