'Empire' Actor Educates Scientists with His Revolutionary Theories | Terrence Howard Case Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Terrence Howard in his May 2024 interview on The Joe Rogan Experience just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to a summary of the interview then offer my analysis Terrence Deshawn Howard was born on March 11 1969 in Chicago Illinois he was raised in Cleveland Ohio terence's parents divorced when he was young and he was raised by his great grandmother at some point Terren took an interest in acting in 1992 he was cast in a miniseries on ABC in 1995 he landed roles in the movies Mr Holland's Opus and Dead Presidents over the next several years Terren continued to be cast in various movies and television shows in 2004 Terren collided with success when he landed a major role in the movie Crash the critics also scrambled to give him positive feedback for his role in the 2005 movie Hustle and Flow from 2015 to 2020 Terence expanded his onscreen presence in the dramatic series Empire overall Terren managed to have a successful career as an actor but he developed a reputation as being difficult to work with for example he was in the movie Iron Man in 2008 but was replaced by another actor in The sequels throughout his life Terence had a number of romantic encounters he married his first wife in 1993 in 2001 Terrence was accused of punching her in the face he later pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace that same year 2001 the couple divorced but then remarried in 2005 5 only two divorce again in 2007 in 2010 Terence married his second wife they divorced 3 years later two restraining orders were filed against Terrence by his second wife in 2013 the same year he divorced his second wife he married his third wife they divorced in 2015 as far as education Terrence has claimed that he is three credits short of an engineering degree during an interview in 2013 he claimed that he earned a PhD in chemical engineering from South Carolina State University in reality he never attended that school and the school did not offer a PhD in chemical engineering Terren did receive a degree from that school in 2012 but it was an honorary doctorate of Humane letters over the years Terren has made outrageous claims and pretended to have vast scientific knowledge for example he developed his own language of logic which which he calls terryology among his many false claims Terrence insists that he can prove that one times 1 equal 2 of course 1 * 1 equals 1 Terence doesn't understand what multiplication is his bizarre claims have attracted a lot of criticism and ridicule in May of 2024 Terrence was interviewed by Joe Rogan on The Joe Rogan Experience the interview was 3 hours of Terrence rambling about nonsense here's a summary of The Joe Rogan interview the vast majority of the talking was done by Terrence even if Joe Rogan had the jaws of life he could not have inserted a word in edgewise not surprisingly Terrence made several outrageous bizarre and nonsensical claims as he discussed his experiences beliefs and theories Terence claimed that he remembered being inside his mother's womb and remembered being born this is impossible based on human physiology but he appeared to be quite confident in his recollection Terrence possesses a desire to rebuild the periodic table of elements this reconstruction would be based on how the elements have colors tones and octaves the tones could be divided by two to get back to an audible sound He also mentioned the relationships between light and color sound and tone and matter in shape he referred to the tone of carbon as bisexual when Terren left school school where he studied chemical engineering he was planning on spending 40 years to rebuild the periodic table but then discovered that it had already been done by a scientist Terence spoke at length about electromagnetism and claimed that Einstein left the balancing side of gravity out of the theory of relativity in general Terence did not appear to be a big fan of gravity he claimed that he could kill it he also had the lofty idea that a balloon could kill gravity teren spoke at length about ancient Sumerian texts electric poles high and low pressure conditions and the negative space between eight bubbles whatever that means some time ago teren sent a document containing his scientific theories to the astrophysicist Neil degrass Tyson in response Neil offered Terren an assessment of his work implying in a polite way that the document was filled with nonsense Terrence wasn't too happy about receiving this accurate feedback as the interview with Joe Rogan continued Terrence Howard talked about the distance between planets commented on the age of the universe and said that he could rebuild the planet Saturn without gravity he asserted that the rise in the prevalence of illnesses is based on man's lack of understanding scientists don't understand math which is why Terren wanted to introduce wave conjugations and mirror shapes later he claimed to have patented these wave conjugations according to Terrence all life is connected in a profound way for example if rats are taught something in London then rats in New York City will do the same thing Terrence never discussed the possibility that the rats in New York City were just trying to stay in Vogue as far as his legacy Terren is quite proud of what he has achieved saying that he accomplished what he needed to because in a previous lifetime he was supposed to do these things but did not helping mankind is his objective he invented a new form of mathematics and introduced a new form of flight with unlimited midair bonding Terence insisted that he has 97 patents which have been used by major companies to develop virtual reality technology other people's technology is Antiquated compared to his there is no government on the planet that has the technology that he has developed and that can do what he has done he has been generous with his knowledge and once educated 20 phds about how the universe really behaves I imagine those 20 phds received an education about narcissism more so than the behavior of the universe now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one during the interview with Joe Rogan Terren was very difficult to follow he assembled words in a way that did not make a lot of sense and clearly did not know what many of the words meant there were a few words that Terence repeated several times for example waves electricity tone frequency Lynch pin connections angles curvature balance Universe pressure magnetism equal and opposite Terence talked about Fields like mathematics chemistry physics biology and information technology it's clear that he believed himself to be an expert in all these areas there is no field of study that Terren has not mastered at no point during the interview did he say something like oh I can't comment on that topic because I don't know anything about it Terence knows everything there is to know about the universe item number two to support his assertions Terren mentioned dozens of scientists by name and used numbers frequently for example he mentioned dividing by two octaves square roots distances years percentages temperatures weights and money selecting words at random from various textbooks on physics and chemistry would probably make more sense than what Terence said his speech was pressured disorganized and he had a flight of ideas Terren was like a fireh house but instead of spraying water he was spraying nonsense he could have talked for days on end 3 hours of rambling was only the typ of the iceberg item number three one theme which was revealed during the interview is how Terren was a misunderstood genius he was a gift to the world and his knowledge could revolutionize Society if people would just embrace it they need to abandon everything they learned from science and simply adopt terence's way of thinking this is the solution to every problem the humans have ever encountered a hero's journey is evident in his narrative Terren mystically acquired this incredible knowledge yet he is dismissed by the scientific Community because he's just an actor nobody believes that he has scientific expertise in areas that he has never studied and in which he has never demonstrated competency it is frustrating for Terrence to be a gift to the world and have the world reject that gift he has achieved a level of Genius so profound that no one can understand him item number four what do I think happen in this case this is just a theory my opinion there's no way to be certain what Terence Howard is doing one possibility is that his behavior is some type of massive act teren started talking about nonsense many years ago therefore in order for this Theory to be true he must be highly committed to his routine maybe he wants people to believe that he has broken from reality despite the damage this has caused to his career and his reputation another possibility is that Terren has magical thinking and odd beliefs these person personality traits are often observed in people who are otherwise productive to some extent Terren has been able to separate his beliefs from his career which allowed him to have some success as an actor a third possibility is that Terren has experienced delusions a delusion is a clearly false belief which is firmly held despite evidence to the contrary and indicates abnormality in a person's content of thought it is not unusual for a person with delusions to make connections between related events or circumstances and to challenge wellestablished scientific findings by introducing wild and unfounded alternate explanations one type of delusion is grandiose this is consistent with the idea that Terren truly believes he has been granted unlimited knowledge about the universe he is more advanced than any scientist on the planet and his technology has revolutionized the world delusions can be caused by a variety of mental disorders for example schizophrenia major mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder delusional disorder or substance use pressured and disorganized speech and flight of ideas can be caused by the same disorders again it's worth noting that Terence could simply be acting there's no way to know for sure now moving to my final thoughts whatever the cause of Terrence Howard's Behavior he has destroyed his credibility and wasted a lot of time it's amazing that someone with such distorted beliefs can be given an opportunity to talk at length during an interview that has been seen millions of times under most circumstances the response to these types of ramblings would be to run away or to call the authorities for a wellness check with Terrence Howard however he was allowed to continue for 3 hours with minimal Interruption and zero confrontation it's one thing to be open to various perspectives it's something entirely different to encourage a person to promote a distorted belief system Terrence is probably going to struggle to find work as an actor unless he turns things around and announces that his behavior for the last several years was just a performance then he might Ascend to being one of the greatest actors who ever lived in the absence of this type of Revelation the public will continue to contend with Terrence Howard's Tales of bisexual elements wave conjugations a tone-based periodic table and gravity killing balloons Terren always wanted to be an Entertainer and now he entertains the world at his expense those are my thoughts in the case of Terrence Howard please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they consistently generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 247,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r4tcFpDPqZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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