Empath Awareness & Living With Empath Abilities

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hello hi everybody and welcome to spirit chat radio today we are going to be talking about empath awareness the reason I want to talk about this more is because I get a flood of questions about empath abilities and how just life effects and empath a lot of people have this ability more than I've ever seen before as you guys know I have a spirit community called the higher purpose Learning Group so I have lots of questions that come from there that and this this particular subject is asked about a lot I had a really good question the other day that I am going to answer about the difference between empath and bipolar and I thought that that was a really good question I also do I have an online class which I'm sure most of you not also know about you can find information on that it's psychic ability class calm it's closed currently for enrollment but it will be open again in December and in this class I go over all the Claire's and one of the Claire's clairsentient is actually an empath and so I get a lot of questions about this in this class as well this class has been very popular by the way and I only open it a couple of times a year because I do spend a lot of one-on-one time with the students I mean and by one-on-one I mean we have this group where we do some some virtual streaming or live streaming video chats where I you know connect with the students we go over questions and do all kinds of cool things it's one of the favorite things about the class people tell me but that being said there's a lot of empaths out there they're stronger now than they've been in the past because of the whole shift energetic shift that's happening but there's a lot of people who don't understand what it is in fact I had somebody asked me in the group one time in my spirit community group the higher purpose learning one well I know that there's all these Claire's and I know that I'm an empath but how does an empath fit in with any psychic senses and that's when I realized a lot of people there's just not enough information out there or not enough good information talking about what an empath is and giving you tips on empath awareness that sort of thing so I'm going to cover some of those questions here today I'm going to start with some basic stuff though so if you don't know what an empath is it's actually a psychic sense and a psychic ability skill it is called Claire sentient and what that is is it's an ability to be able to read or translate energies of all living things so anything that is alive and essentially giving off a certain energy now keep in mind the objects can contain energy as well but we're just talking about live energy people things animals plants people they all give off essentially what's called a live energy so they're constantly circulating and energy items when energy tends to be attached to items it doesn't circulate or move like a stream so you have to think of it a little bit differently so live energy as it's moving with people or plants or animals there's actually a movement that's happening with energy and you think of it kind of like running water or bodies of water and how it essentially moves around objects that's a little bit different it's kind of stuck there like dust until it's removed cleaned cleared that sort of thing so what an empath is is this ability to read energy of all live things around them live energy and so how do you know if you're an empath well I actually did an article on this which I'm going to direct you guys to because this is a little bit more one-on-one stuff and that is I did the I believe it was called six signs you're an empath and so I'll cover those briefly but that is on my keys so spirit world website you'll have to bear with me on the keys to spirit world website because it just got transferred over and some of the information is a little bit choppy on my blogs we have to get that fixed on the back end but if you go there and you go to the start here button there's a whole list of things for empaths so I'll cover these a little bit but then I want to get into some deeper and path awareness stuff for those of you who already know that you're an empath so six easy signs you can tell if you're an empath is do you feel overwhelmed when going into a place filled with a lot of people so like do you feel overwhelmed going into a mall or sporting event Walmart is a that's a very good indicator Walmart the energy in there is crazy so if do you feel overwhelmed but you want to go in but you feel anxious or unsettled and you're just not really sure why and you get just a sense of overwhelm and you're just it doesn't make much sense because even maybe like a concert or something you really enjoy and you want to go see these people but then you start getting anxious and you just can't really figure it out that's a sign can you tell when someone's lying to you so if you can tell if they're kind of being deceitful or not giving you the whole truth and you can just feel that something's not quite right that's another sign having random emotions or mood swings especially when you're in someone else's presence when you think about them or or when you think about them that make no sense to you so usually I talk about this a lot in my class or some other things when you have emotions or mood swings that are attached to you specifically and people to me that's a lot well how do I know if I'm picking up on other people's energy how do I know if they're my mood swings or somebody else's because your mood swings will essentially be followed by a train of thought so for instance if you get upset about something you can go back and trace that to a thought like for instance maybe you were thinking oh I really am upset that this specific thing happened today and I wish I would have handled it better and then I could have done this and could have done that if I would I would go back and change that if I could and then you start getting really upset or emotional that's a train of thought or if you get really excited and happy about something and you're thinking oh this was a really cool thing that happened today I'm super excited about this and I just makes me feel like it made my whole day and it's like an event or a thing that you experienced that's a train of thoughts but if out of the blue you're just watching TV or you're just you know taking a walk and all of a sudden you start getting really irritated or angry for some reason or you get just like this overwhelming feeling of calm and peace you know those are not necessarily attached to a train of thought so that would be what that is and so that's another indicator can you feel someone else's ailments now some empaths can feel people's ailments not all of them so you know do you ever feel sick or experience pain which makes no sense to you but you later find out it coincided with somebody else who was like for instance I've had that happen to me with my kids or my daughter had a toothache one time when my husband went to the dentist like we're very closely related in that energetically and so that's very common in our household do you instinctively know what somebody needs to feel better emotionally or physically can you predict what they need without them really not really knowing what they want or need in the first place that's another sign of a lot of healers are empaths Allah of nurses doctors Reiki practitioners massage therapists acupuncturist even dentists anything anybody in the healing industry whether it be traditional or non-traditional they tend to be impasse and they kind of can instinctually know their their patients counselors those types of things do you feel ever feel emotionally drained after being around an individual or a group of people to the point of feeling physically not well so if you around an individual or a group of people maybe a concert Walmart whatever and you start feeling kind of like shaky lightheaded weak nausea s-- anxious or even out-of-body detached a big indicator is a low blood sugar feeling when you know that you shouldn't have low blood sugar like you just ate not very long ago any of those things any of those physical symptoms after being around a group of people or a person maybe you had lunch with a very draining friend which you don't realize they're draining toe maybe you're listening to this podcast that type of thing is a very good indicator that you're an empath and so those are the most common things signs that you are an empath what an empath essentially is is you're you mere someone else's emotions and so for instance let's say that you are around a friend or a family member or a group of people in this wyman I talk to you about why this overwhelming feeling happens you essentially you mirror you mirrored their energy you can feel for instance when it happens to me and I'm a very strong empath so this is going to be a little bit different than people who are just noticing that they have the ability I can if I'm around somebody I can literally tell you everything about that person how they're feeling about me at that time when we're having a conversation what their intentions are are they nervous are they excited what kind of day that they had any type of emotional feelings that they're experiencing at this point in time when I'm around even when I'm not around them but that's a whole different story maybe in psychic and all but that being said you mirror their emotions so you literally become like a mirror to them emotionally so you can feel any highs and lows that this other person experiencing know the problem when going into a large group of people or going into a place such as Walmart and I'll explain that a little bit differently because that's an easy explanation there or like a group where maybe you go to a concert the the difference between sitting with somebody one-on-one an experience on all their emotions that can become difficult for an empath is when you go into a group situation you're not just experiencing one empath one empath art I'm sorry not experiencing one empath one person as an empath you're experiencing a group of energies at the same time so I don't know if any of you guys have ever watched Bruce Almighty and the part where he starts becoming or doing God's work and he's sitting in the restaurant and all of a sudden he starts hearing all these people at one time and he's not being able to sort through him through his head it's the same thing energetically when you go into a group or a place filled with a lot of people and you're an empath when there's a lot of high energy going on you just get this flood flood of energies coming at you and they are all something different like somebody might be really excited and happy and somebody might be feeling irritated and angry and somebody might be calm but somebody might be just you know super just happy to be alive or whatever and you just imagine just ten different energies or two hundred different energies or two thousand different energies all swirling and coming at you at the same time and you're feeling it and you can feel it but you can't read them necessarily individually when they're come at you like a floodgate so it would be kind of like imagine you know I talked about energy being like a stream of water or water base and imagine that this water is kind of dammed up like what dam and somebody just pulls the dam open or breaks the dam and you just are standing at the bottom and all this water just comes flooding and crashing over you that's similar to what happens when you're around a lot of people Walmart is an interesting place because there's a lot of don't get me wrong I go into Walmart I appreciate Walmart for what it is and I think it's amazing for a lot of people but there's a lot of lower vibration people that shop at Walmart I shop at Walmart I'm not lower vibration you very well may not be a low vibration person and you may go there every single week because it's very affordable and helpful to your income but there are also a lot of lower vibration people who tend to navigate towards Walmart and when they do that especially if there's a lot of people in there that you the energy and their can can create a lot of agitation and irritation and overwhelm when you're in Walmart like on a Saturday afternoon it's a lot different type of energy than you might be experiencing at a symphony where you have some more some potentially higher vibration vibration people who are excited about hearing something you know artistic related so these people are if you're going to a symphony or like a Broadway show or something or even just a regular just play or something more artistic related where people are like excited to be in tune with the arts and the spiritual side of themselves because anything artistic is related deeply on a soul level to your soul vibration and so then you're going to have a different vibration set of vibrational people that doesn't mean that you're not going to experience low vibration people at any artsy thing or you're not going to experience high vibration people at Walmart it doesn't mean that it by any means but what I'm saying is some places tend to pull different types of for the most part they tend to the majority of the vibration of people can be a certain tone that can be a higher vibration lower vibration that sort of thing obviously for going into a meditative group or yoga class you're most likely going to experience a lot of higher vibration people again it doesn't mean low vibration people can't go in there so anyways you're going to be around a lot of energies that you're gonna have to sort through especially on a Saturday afternoon so I don't go to Walmart very often my husband actually goes god bless his soul but when I do go to somewhere like that because I'm so highly sensitive to the energy is excuse me you I tend to like to go in off hours somewhere like at night or when like there you know that there wouldn't be a lot of people there so what you're essentially doing is you are reading other people's energies you can also plants and animals and pass are very in tune to animals and if animals are having injuries or if animals are feeling anxious or that sort of thing and animals all animals are healers and then paths they are all healers and empaths so one of the interesting things when people say when or I don't know if you know this or not but I definitely notice that 100% of the time that the that an animal will take on the energy of its owner always always and I don't know if you've never noticed that start kind of paying attention to some of the pets and the people in your life and you'll be like oh yeah it's weird because you'll think that person that little puppy or cat or whatever that I noticed that with dogs a lot that that puppy is it's just like its owner it's like it's weird it's like you kind of think they almost look like each other even though they're totally different looking so but they the animals always take on the energy of the owner and that's why even if you watch Cesar and get into that you you can you can see when an animal is being trained by somebody who knows a lot about animals they don't want that owner to be anxious or irritated when they're trying to train their animals because the animals will pick up on that anxious or irritated energy and sort of take it on that's what an empath does that's what as an empath most of the time until you really practice awareness you will take on the energy of the emotional response that you're getting from anybody you will take on that edginess that irritation you will take on that's what creates the mood swings is because you might be at work around Joe who is having a wonderful day then you may go to the bank and see Sarah who's not having such a good day then you may go to Whole Foods and see Tim and Sally who are really chill and having it and your mood swings might be all over the place that day because when you leave Whole Foods or the bank or your work that energy will stick with you for a little while until you understand it know it and release it or ground yourself and the thing about empath is I noticed that a lot of people become Hermits or non-productive with having an impact path ability because number one they're not really sure what it is they don't really realize that they have empathic abilities empathic abilities are very closely linked people who have impassible empath abilities usually and often will have ADHD and they potentially and often they will have anxiety or and/or anxiety disorders or panic attacks super super common and so these people will try to protect themselves and the only thing that they know of to do instead of understanding it's an ability is they stay home and they stay away from people or doing the things that they love and enjoy doing and that's not living a very healthy happy existence for an empath when you just feel like you have to you yourself in a cave too in order to just go exist with the universe I mean that's just rough the reason that I actually am in the process of developing something called an empath school I'm gonna be offering it for free for a while for those of you who feel like you're empaths and I've been working on this for a while it's not launched yet you can get on the on the mailing list on my website the keys to the spirit world website but it will be a 28 day awareness program for empaths and each day you will get a new thing to become aware of and then I will give you some exercises and things to practice on empath awareness every day for 28 days and the reason that I did this was because I him noticing that people's quality of life is sort of suffering when they are an empath and I like I said in one of the strongest empaths I've ever come across and I live a pretty good life but it took many years especially my 20s many many years are trying to figure out how to live a healthy life as an empath and not just be fearful or feel sick all the time or you know feel anxious all the time because this is about really common for an empath if you're not awareness is really key as an empath awareness is huge the first thing to become aware of is if you are if you're not we kind of covered that through some that's the the things that we talked about you can go to that like I said you can go to my website and read the article six signs you are an empath you go to the start here awareness is really key figuring out if you are if you're not once you figure out if you are I have to tell you you need to really I guess I would say accept the fact that you can no longer live your life like other people and that sounds really weird but it's true you as an empath cannot just do things like other people do and think that you're going to be fine for instance if an empath goes to a concert and you go with your friend who is not an empath you start getting overwhelmed or don't do the things that you need to do to prepare to go into a group of people and your friend doesn't have to do that but you just go I'm going anyways you're gonna come out feeling like crap potentially for days and your friends gonna be bouncing back and ready to go do something else the next day so you can't just you there's a whole process like you need to be aware of the energies that you're getting ready to put yourself into you need to practice protection and the bubble meditation which I've talked about a lot which is in the class you need to use grounding techniques all the time it is not a it's not like oh I should ground myself because I am practicing psychic ability type of thing it is as an empath if you want to feel healthy physically and emotionally you have to ground yourself a lot there there's no two ways about it there's just none so grounding has to become a very huge priority of yours you won't believe the difference though if you start understanding you're an empath and you start living your life differently by being more aware of the energies that you're putting yourself around you will be shocked at how much just that awareness and then knowing that okay if I'm going into Walmart I just need to know that I'm gonna be dealing with a lot of these energies and so I kind of need to just be aware of that and make sure I ground myself when I get out or ground yourself before you go in just the awareness that that potentially may make you feel a certain way when you get out is going to be huge it's going to be huge in a good way so you need to be able to ground yourself often you cannot just think that you can just go run around willy-nilly and just be normal like everybody else as an empath unfortunately you're not normal and so you want to take care of yourself you need to take care of yourself it's very very important and the other thing that I want to talk about before I forget is when you do go into Walmart or do whatever and you have those random emotional mood swings somebody had asked me the other day somebody had asked me if how would you tell the difference between someone who is bipolar and somebody who has empathic abilities well my experience people who have a bipolar disorder that's like a legit disorder that you really do need help with you need medications these people if you have that type of disorder or think that you do you absolutely should go see a doctor 100% but they tend to the ones I have known they have very high highs and lows lows that make no sense it's almost kind of scary when you watch them they will become so depressed that or have such a low that they literally cannot function and they potentially sleep for days or just cannot function at all cannot just they are just in a shell aired they're so depressed it's ridiculous and then the next thing you know they are unusually euphoric and so excited but nothing tended to set them on that journey wasn't that they ran into somebody wasn't that they won the lottery wasn't that they just were really proud of themselves for making some type of accomplishment they just go into this euphoric state for a couple of days and then the next thing you know they hit their bottom again there it's a very extreme emotional rollercoaster and it's definitely a mental disorder and impasse 10 - I mean impasse even though you may you know lock yourself in your room or become a hermit because you don't like to be able to go out and experience all these energies you're still functionable you know you can still talk to people on the phone you can still get work done around your house you can still socialize with people who come over it's a it's a very it's you can still function when you're in your home you know that's it's a very big difference the empath awareness we're gonna get back to the the next thing that I think people need to be more aware of now you know you're an empath you know you Merritt Mayer people's energies you know that you need to do a lot of grounding you know that you need to be more aware the energies you're surrounding yourself by which brings us to and there our next issue which is surrounding yourself with or being exposed to and/or around negative energies and people so empaths are really really affected in a very deep way by negative energy and negative people it's not something that you again you're different than your friend who can subject' themselves to a negative boss cousins spouse friend whatever for long periods of time and not let it affect them because you know some empaths just have been an empath they're their life or for a while and they feel the way they feel so they don't know anybody any different right they don't know that some people literally can put up a wall and block out other emotions or being affected by other people who are being negative - towards them they can kind of block it and not really have any internal anxiety or feelings or just that crappy feeling that you get when you are around somebody who's negative some people can do that it's that is a whole different thing that's a person who is not an empath they can block that out of their life and if they can do that as a non empath then them being around negative people is not going to have near not near the impact it's going to have on you as an empath I actually wrote an entire book on this because it was and the reason I'm doing it the empath school that will be coming up it's because even when I did my psychic ability class I cover all the the abilities I cover clairaudience you know clairvoyance I mean I put you guys through a quiz so that you can figure out what your strongest suits are I then break down the the abilities that give you different exercises to work with different abilities but an empath ability there's so much information that you need to learn to live with as an empath you need to learn to live a productive life that it's going to take it's going to take a lot more training and that's why I decided to do the empath school and to get into that further so that's why I'm doing more on empath awareness and that's why I'm doing the 28-day challenge that'll be coming up and all that other stuff is there's just so much more that you need to learn anyways energy vampires if you haven't read it you can get it on Amazon and it is like $2.99 or I don't know maybe it's 399 whatever it's a it's cheap if you get the e-book but there is so much good information because then I also have people say well what if I'm married to an energy vampire or because an energy vampire is essentially a negative person and this are somebody emitting negative energy consistently and they also drain you of energy and as an empath one of the other things that you need to learn is we've covered a lot of this stuff not just being around the wareness and the grounding and the being around negative people but you have to learn to strengthen your energetic field which I will get to last last here but I do cover some techniques on strengthening your energy field in the energy vampires book the more that you strengthen your energetic field the harder it is for people to drain you or have an effect on you as an empath so that's really important as well and so if you haven't got energy vampires if you haven't read it you want to go ahead and pick that up because it's going to have a ton ton of information for you but negative people will have such an impact on impasse that it literally can make you physically ill I am I kid you not it can make you start to have physical symptoms and if you subject yourself for long periods of time to a negative negative person or negative people the physical symptoms can internalize and compact energetically and make bigger physical issues I am really really careful of the people who are in my life and I am very careful of that and I've had even people who were even friends or even family members which some people will say why do you not talk to this person anymore why you're not around this person they don't understand if you're family but they really don't understand the impact it can have on me and I have to protect myself from being around anybody who is very negative or projecting negative energy for instance I can get nauseous instantly to the point of feeling like I have to throw up or if I was to subject subject myself to these people for long periods to where I would and it gets to a point where when I can be when I'm around these types of people it'll come on instantaneously if I'm around them and it is a really intense physical reaction that I will have to people who will are projecting a negative energy all the time so because my ability is so strong I have to really practice awareness of who I'm around that is no joke I if I could express anything for you guys who if you're an empath or help you the number one empath awareness thing I truthfully it wouldn't be the Walmart it wouldn't be the going around sir the you know concerts or whatever it wouldn't be even the grounding part but it would be the effect that negative people and negative energy has on your system spiritually and energetically and physically it is off the charts how much it has an impact on you but people who are impasse will try to figure out 18 ways to Sunday to try to figure out how they can keep these negative people in their life because oh they're a friend I've had for a really long time or I've even had people say they're married to people like that and/or their family their mother brother sister cousin whatever here's the thing if you choose as an empath if you know you're an empath and you choose to keep these people in your life then you need to understand your health and your quality life is going to suffer it's just a matter of time so do it would I judge someone for keeping those people in their life no not even one minute because everybody has their own path they have their own journey and I never judge anybody for anything because I feel like it's important for people to go through things in order to learn and change and adjust so I don't judge anyone anyways that being said do it with the awareness that it will have an impact on you it will and so the other thing that I noticed with people is I notice lots of people in my life who are struggling with negative people in their life and they come down with ammonia and they come down with being this type of sickness or that type of sickness I've even seen them come down with major sicknesses ms or heart issues or stroke or whatever and yes I've seen it happen and I can psychically see it a chain chain go all the way back to the people who they're surrounding themselves by it literally is a connection I can see it and that is what you have to decide they've I pick up the book check it out I have tips in there for you guys who still you know have people in your life like that because some people you you even if they're negative people you don't necessarily need to need to cut them out of your life entirely but you can minimize your contact with them and/or change the subject and or just be more aware of the impact that they're having on your life I'm not suggesting you just cut all those people out but use some tricks and use your awareness and use your smarts to understand that it's more than just I don't feel like hanging out with you thing it's you are born with this ability or have adapted this ability or it's gotten stronger as you've gotten older and you now need to learn how to work with it it's the same thing as and you guys are gonna probably laugh but I'm not even kidding you it's the same thing as you don't want a diabetic to go eat a Snickers candy bar I mean you just you have to monitor your blood Sugar's you have to be you have to be very aware of what you're consuming into your body and make sure that you are taking proper care of yourself to keep those levels where they need to be an empath is very similar to that energetically you have to not eat a big Snickers candy bar you have to make sure that energetically you are staying as balanced as you can be as I have diabetics in my family and I know when they're not monitoring that and they do all the things that they're not supposed to do then they keep feeling very they begin to feel very crappy and they essentially it could become very sick or in a coma or whatever as far as an empath goes same type of thing is gonna happen you're going to potentially feel very crappy if you're not paying attention to diabetic cannot live the same life with a diet as their friend who's not an empath is the same way you cannot live your life in the same way that someone who your friend is not an empath it just doesn't work like that and I feel like people need to be more aware and take it as a serious lifestyle change when they understand or learn that they're an empath it well it's very important if you if you want to live a healthy healthy lifestyle so you can so live as an empath and live a really quality lifestyle you don't have to live feeling anxious or having panic attacks or feeling you know boarded up in your room the last thing that I'm going to touch on a little bit is after you becoming aware of the places that you are one aware of the places you're at you're addressing the negative people in your life you're learning the tips about that you take it more seriously you know the grounding techniques and you learn that this empath ability is a real deal and you must learn how to work with it and how to live with it it's the same way that I had taught my kids when they were younger how to live with their intuitive and psychic abilities you don't just live like other people you have these abilities you have an insight you can't live the way somebody else does who do not have these abilities the other thing that you need to learn is strength strength training basically energetic strength training and so that is thing where you learn to build up your energy you learn to plug the holes they're no longer like Swiss cheese and you stop energetic drain from the people who you are around in the places that you visit you learn to stop stop plug the holes you learn to bubble yourself to keep the energy in and you learn to do some techniques which strengthen your energy field it's just like a muscle so if you don't use your muscles and you don't work them out then you're going to lose the strength right impasse who are not aware that they're an empath are kind of like people that aren't using any muscles they're kind of just there they're sort of not realizing that they have to strengthen anything and so if you are an empath it's really important to learn to strengthen your energetic field and it will begin to strengthen the more that you're aware the more you start plugging the holes stay away from the negative energies etc etc do the grounding techniques there's actually some meditations that help strengthen your energetic field which I'm not gonna really go into right now but again if you're interested in joining the empath school as that becomes available I have my assistant my web designer is working on the complete package right now it's finished it's just in its final stages that would be a good place for you to start as far as empath awareness learning what to do like I said it's gonna be a 28-day program that I work you guys through and I each day I bring some more awareness to something that you're probably going to have to shift in your life that you may not never even knew affected you as an empath I cover a lot of stuff in that but as we move forward I'm also going to be working on my next empath class to go over a lot of these strengths and different things so hopefully that this was helpful today you definitely want to check quis the spirit world and go look at that there's actually on on the top there's a start here button and I believe the top line is the top five or four blogs on for empaths and so there's some cool stuff on there and until next time practice some awareness if you feel like you're an empath make sure that you understand that this is an actual this is a no-joke ability it is something that you need to be aware of you need to work with and it is something that essentially it will not lessen or go away that's the other thing you guys should probably know as an empath once you develop a skill to a certain level it doesn't just disappear ever ever it just stays there so if you've developed it to a certain ability there's no changing it you're you're developed that far you can pretend like you're not an empath for the next 10 years if you want to and you are still going to have the same empathic abilities when you decide that you're an empath again because they've never gone anywhere you've just tried to ignore them and I'm probably certain if you did that for ten years you would not be feeling very well so you need to practice empath awareness where you're going the negative energies check out the book make sure you get on the list for the empath school if you want to learn more do the 28-day challenge acknowledge and accept that you are not like your friends and other people and also understand that ignoring your empathic abilities will affect your physical health it just it really will but there is a way that you can live with it and you can live with it in a in a really productive successful manner so hopefully you enjoyed this today and hopefully it was helpful and like I said make sure to drop stop over to Kees the spirit world get on that psychic ability class calm if you want to get into that and we'll see you next time Aloha
Channel: Jennifer O'Neill
Views: 61,973
Rating: 4.8272495 out of 5
Keywords: Empath, Empath abilities, Clairsentient, Negative People, Anxiety, Panic Attacks
Id: iFdn2VwGM8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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