Emotionlessly reading the last seven days worth of comments on shorts.

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all right I'm going to try to respond to all of my comments I probably won't get through all of them but I'll get a start um today's 145 of drumming I've been playing every day for about 10 to 15 maybe 20 minutes um just turning on music playing along with it and every day I post one or more clips from that usually it's several Clips um so here goes starting with a 145 5 17 minutes ago there is a certain technique that comes from opening and closing for your level just focus on a steady beat open your high hats halfway to control the action drop the elbow keep the high hats closed keep at it bro you're sounding great heart emoji want to see you on big stage one day party emoji heart emoji that's the best way to learn keep it up sounding good kind of just sounds like you're hitting things at various and erratic speeds my guy your neighbors are probably fairly mythed you might want to work on that left hand back beat keep the high hats closed suggestion watch some videos on YouTube of drum kit Basics specifically your hand position posture also try working on that snare so it sounds a little better I promise a good sounding snare makes drumming 10 times more fun enjoy it I learned to drum as a kid playing along to CDs lazy arms lazy technique criticism builds character and alows you to progress get mad if you want it want someone to do the same for me that's nme by set it off in the background keep it steady no more Rocka by baby no Bluetooth they lag tune your drums correctly relax try different sticks be comfortable and never ever produce that again edit the next one easy does it try to relax and practice laying down very simple grooves with composure good timing and technique tie not to open your high hat so much keep it steady getting closer nice meter buddy keep going you're doing a great job my advice is to practice your fills with a metronome it makes for a good practice session that's how I learn keep banging my friend help him reach 500 subscribers loving those massive Stacks hello I've been playing for about 11 years and I think you're doing great you just need to practice your timing and use the high pedal at the same time at the right time you deserve more likes great job dude also beautiful kit all caps need to replace China for a ride symbol keep working buddy it honestly suggest something a little more simple to practice to that is the most cursed stack I've ever seen very nice I don't know if you're using headphones but your protection is fantastic been drumming for 12 years it's a necessity frankly one of the best ways to learn your instrument don't neglect Basics like technique and Theory but play incessantly with tracks you know and love well done random drummer guy is that a ride stacked on a China you're 142 days in and just learning by yourself heart emoji heart emoji heart emoji have intention behind every stroke loosen those wrist buddy timing isn't horrible and you've slowed down since the last video sounding better L keep at it bro keep working you'll get better you're doing fine but try to stay in the pocket get your body to work together and then move on to the fills and fancy stuff love it day 1000 though every comment on this vid is going to be like see I told him to practice and he took my advice face palm Emoji you put me through all that waiting and then you get the drum be wrong from the get-go sorry this one's funny what's wrong with you painful set your get up around your throne and your pedals should sit where your feet are naturally everything should just be at a distance that you don't have to reach for as a selftaught drummer I know that if you just keep practicing and learning new tricks you will have great success keep jamming well it shows props for the dedication and the grind it just goes to show the Improvement Ben massive keep it up man very bad in the middle of the journey myself keep it going and good work fingers crossed Emoji that's how I learned I've been playing 12 years and still do crying laughing emoji yes nice killing keep on jamming un uneffective use of time NGL I think this isn't the best idea take at least one lesson if you already did good otherwise I think you are missing out on something extremely valuable break my baby is a good one love me some Koo you should check it out you should check out their new song it released either today or a few days ago you are good nice man keep going dude you're doing great have you played any other instruments really awesome I can't lie hey man you're doing a good job remember to use your fingers middle ring and Pinky if it'll cooperate if you flip the sticks around you can practice by lightly striking your forearm so you can practice when away from the kit keep up the amazing work you're trying to do way too much way too soon start with the basics man you need to work your way up in progression take your time and practice practice practice this sounds really cool keep it up what is that stack that thing looks wild learning how to stay on your toes SL how to keep playing with whatever it is might come next is all caps invaluable man cookie cutters songs playing all the same notes every time and expecting Perfection that's not where the fun is at that gets old quickly unless someone just doesn't mind playing the exact same thing over and over and over over again you can have the best songs ever but they will all become stale and lifeless if we play them the same every time Comfort is not conducive to making inspired music music without inspiration isn't worth much if anything there's so many musicians and so much music out there for anyone to seek comfort in routine improvisation is absolutely Paramount to a fulfilling hobby or a career as a musician folks that play the same way every night after night after night I feel sorry for them the more you jam the more you actually move forward and progress with music regardless of the instrument you may play take chances take risks suceed and fail fall down and get back up that's the only way to get better and have the drive to pursue music as a lifelong Venture is there another way to learn than jamming I'm going to stop at 10 minutes here keep up the good work something I would really something I think would really benefit you is acknowledging that your right hand or whatever hand you're using to keep time with needs to be a proper steady pulse I see you definitely getting better with this even in just the last few days but that high hat hand really should never stop playing the same Unbreaking rhythm of high of hits on the hat unless you're going into a fill or you change the Rhythm 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 with your left hand and kick adding accenting notes your ghost hits on snare today sounded really sick work on finding the pocket and staying in the groove and again keeping the constant pulse on the high hat keeping time I recommend a teacher Maybe on YouTube do some regular practice riment and stuff you will improve a lot faster that way also your improv will get better keep at it I've been doing slow burning in a dancing room on my guitar all week John mayor has great songs for I didn't notice they put that backwards at first sorry John mayor has some great songs for a learning musician to play along to at least for me he does rudiments my guy rudiments keep it going keep at it man also I love that spiral stack that you have above the crash close your high hats keep going bro you'll get it keep practicing don't need to open and close the high hats much better bro what is that snare the stick should rebound not stay on the snare with every hit it should naturally rebound and stay in a position in air ready for the next hit try it don't let the stick don't let it stick to the surface after a stroke hey mate this is cool and all however don't be afraid or too aloof to keep it simple Rhythm and timing is by far the most important thing for a drummer far more important than finding the Alo layout got a little snack for you if you keep reading disco ulyses by wolf peek good sound good sound good good song to illustrate a simple group hey man I'm a drummer too I'm going to give you a tip that will make you a whole lot better less is more just go with a simple four4 beat keep your hands flat use your wrist and stop having a really cool stack symbol thumbs up emoji took a bit to mesh but you're killing it otherwise keep on you will get a professional grinning Emoji peace on emoji keep on going a little tip play more with your wrist and not your arms then the timing gets better but keep going grin Emoji rock on rock on emoji keep going Exclamation point Exclamation point Exclamation point lightning bolt emoji time 2 storm cloud Emoji time 2 I think you're a little too close to snare muscle memory bro keep going it's fun no matter what anyway keep it up dog don't be afraid to learn outside of jamming though I mean do it whatever way you want but I think learning the songs really slowly and purposefully and practicing rudiments can make jamming more fun when it comes time to jam stop trying to be Flash and just do nothing but try and stay in the pocket don't give up the best advice I can give any musician is there's a point in every musician's life they feel like they want to give up don't everyone goes through it you will be happier if you push through that and continue don't overthink it just stick with what's comfortable and adjust what isn't I've only gone back from day 145 to day 137 so that was less than 10 days worth of comments I do try to read through comments I do have more of an emotional reaction to comments usually I thought it'd be interesting to try just read through it dead pan to take all that emotion out of it and just hear the words that were said um I think they're useful to a point I think people have given me a lot of good advice some is more critical than others doesn't necessarily mean it's better or worse um the one thing it goes to show me is that there's just a lot of opinions out there and there's a vast array of different opinions even on the same video and some all of those opinions can be stated very intelligently like the person who says you sound absolutely terrible can sound and be just as intelligent as the person who says that sounds amazing keep it up or and then there's a people in between and to me that sounds even more intelligent when it's kind of balanced but you know um there's good intelligent people on all sides and opinions on anything so it's kind of the idea behind reading this all dead pan is just like for as much good content as there is in all of those comments it's still you know it's it's it's just many many different opinions um none of which are necessarily any more valid than any other and it doesn't change anything about the process that I'm doing so I like to read through comments I sometimes get good tips out of the comments I pull from it what's helpful and just kind of try to leave what isn't but I recognize that you know from day one to day 145 which is only like less than 4 months um I've definitely gotten a lot better at drums and I definitely have a really long way to go and I have a lot of issues that I have to work through but it's like with goes without argument that I've gotten a lot better and um that's kind of all I need to see and I do try to take some of the advice but to be honest the majority of what I'm doing like 90% of what I'm doing is just sticking to my plan and just continuing to play day after day with music on in the background trying to kind of listen to it do something that fits maybe even emulate what they're doing in that song If I can in real time but not play back through it not try to really pick apart what's going on in the drum beat just uh pick up what I can as I play through the song that's it and one thing that I like about it is that it takes 10 to 15 to 20 minutes out of my day depending on how I'm feeling how much time I have and I absolutely know that I spend 10 or 15 minutes a day actually much more just scrolling on my phone which does absolutely nothing for me so you know even if the progress is slow even if the progress could be faster with a different method and I feel like a broken record in my videos cuz I always say this but like does not matter to me if the progress would be faster with a different method I don't know if it would be or would be doesn't really matter I'm trying this it's an experiment it's something to do and it's a much better use of 15 minutes of the day than like so many other things could be so um regardless of what anybody says I'm going to stick with it I'm enjoying the process the last few days have been really fun except for today today I felt like I I wasn't there but I also was up on a high ropes course for 8 hours today um in in and that's you know that's my serious job so I was tired was sunburnt I also lifeguarded after all that was done and um wasn't really feeling it but I still got a couple good Clips posted them and that's how it goes some days but the progress is in the process and the process is just to do it whether I feel it or don't feel it and I think sometimes it's good to take you know the feeling out of things and just be like I'm doing this because I want to do it and I think it's worthwhile so I'm just going to do it I don't care if I feel it or not and that's that so thanks for watching this video and if you want to see some of the actual drumming most of what I post is just shorts so you can go check out the shorts and see how good or bad um you think it is and what advice you might have for me that I might read out loud in the dead pan voice in my next video so thanks and bye
Channel: Drummer Every Day
Views: 10
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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