Emotional Moments In Life That Will Touch Your Heart..

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all right guys you're gonna have to put on your big boy pants because today we're gonna be looking at emotional moments in life that will touch your heart it's like a try not to cry challenge and i guarantee you guys that if you don't feel sad or emotional from some of these super powerful photos you might just not have a soul you know all right we're good no seriously this is gonna be pretty serious because these pictures are real and maybe some of you guys can relate to these two okay i'm ready guys welcome to reaction time this is going to be trying to cry and you cry you lose a challenge and you have a heart and a soul so we're gonna start off here we go okay so this dog right here is looking at a hospital bed this isn't like an elderly care center his owner passed away but the dog continues to sit near his bed and wait for the owner to come back so this dog doesn't have anybody that can take care of him right now and he loved his owner so much and they've been together for so long that he can't believe he's gone and he's just waiting for him he doesn't understand that he has nobody now oh my god we're just starting off and this is um i'm good no problem okay this is a toucan i got part of his beak actually broke off from an injury so to be able to help him survive in the wild they actually got him a 3d printed prosthetic beak that they were able to glue on so you can still survive now this person is a true miracle worker look at this look at this before and after it just looks happier after the beak even though i don't even think two cans can really express emotion because they can't really move much of their facial features so considering their beak actually covers their whole face but oh my god that's all right maybe some of you guys can relate to this if you've ever lost a pet you really cared about like a dog cat this is 2009 the dog the little furry little dog is biting the owner's left hand and then 10 years later the same picture without the dog there because it passed away and it says when all you have is just memories i've actually never owned a dog i have a cat i mean you guys seen my kittens we had to give some of them away because we could not take care of six cats in total you guys here are some clips they're so adorable and i just remember when i had one of my cats pass at a young age because he had an infection and it happened within like a few days like i never even saw it coming it was really hard so just seeing this is like sad but this one is more of time passing where you just lose you lose like your best friend because your dog is literally your best friend okay so this girl's dad is trying to remember her name because he has dementia and he can't do it so he's frustrated and he's like crying and doesn't understand what's going on he's confused and doesn't get why he doesn't remember the person standing right in front of him that he lived with for her whole life i can't even relate to this i can't even imagine what this feels like okay so this is a local musician who's actually homeless and he always has to borrow other people's guitars so he can make some money on the street buy his music so people can donate some change for him and this guy decided to give his old acoustic guitar to the homeless man sitting on the street and just look at him look at his face he's just literally so filled with joy he's like can't even believe it about a bust out in tears you are literally an angel for doing this for someone who's less fortunate says a year ago my little sister left this world this weekend her heart recipient met my mom and shared her heartbeat so this guy right here actually took the woman's daughter's heart because she was already about to pass she wanted to donate it to this guy and look how happy they are together to know that she was able to save another person's life even though she had to give up her own like it's literally the best thing in the world it's she's still here basically or a part of somebody else and even the mom is like so touched by this these photos are so powerful it's unbelievable this one is an older brother who is hugging his younger brother for graduating elementary school and saying i am just so proud of you they're just crying together like if you have a brotherly bond like this you know that they truly love each other and like you know i want to wish for every single person to always love their family but there are a lot of siblings out there that just don't like each other so seeing stuff like this is just so heart touching the moment your dog comes out of the fire you thought he died in look look at this dog he just survived he's the last thing to come out of a burning building and look at everybody just staring at him in disbelief the owner is running to him he's completely fine and just to give you some context about how serious this was if you zoom in right here to the mom and her daughter you can see she's in tears because everyone survived the building almost basically collapsed look at this all right so this next one this guy unfortunately lost his leg and had it amputated so an anonymous person actually sent him this teddy bear that looks just like him to make him feel good and like there's people out there that care about him so look how happy he is god that is so sweet i just showed you like there is so much good in this world that people don't even talk about so this girl right here to the left lost her eyesight a disney employee dressed up as a princess actually let her feel her crown and her dress because the girl's birthday wish was to always be a disney princess so look at her she's about to bust down in tears that is true magic right there i'm good so far [Music] okay next up this is a blood donation center in el paso and police said there was an urgent need for donors right away and look how many people showed up the second they said that just to try to give to other people in need it's such a great thing for people to do this there's so many of them out here just trying to help the cause this person to the right is a doctor who's hugging his patient whose life he saved because she just did a speech thanking him this was in front of a whole college class or like a graduation class she just did a whole speech and he was actually there imagine that's like the best feeling in the world as a doctor just saving someone's life who's in desperate need okay this one oh my god just looking at this i'm gonna bust in tears this couple bowed leukemia for 15 years since they were children together and now they're married they literally married each other and they're still alive together oh my god like i really think it's just because they were in love that they're still alive so it says five-year survival rate for leukemia it's only 61 so that means you have a 39 chance it's very high and they've had it for 15 years this is a wendy's employee who actually took an umbrella from the outside sitting area you know super heavy ones and just want the extra mile to give a walking elderly customer the umbrella so they wouldn't have to get soaking wet in the rain like this elderly person there's no way they could have held an umbrella either way so this is very honorable okay so far so good i think it's gonna get a little crazier right now okay so look at these two dogs nala is the one in the back and this is her best friend in the front now nala may or may not know that her best friend actually passed and she's not with them anymore so instead the owner decided to put a stuffed animal and they said they don't know if nali even realizes all this or maybe she does and just sees the stuffed animal as the memory and i i don't know but this is like kind of heartbreaking says his dog was stolen but he managed to find it just look at his emotion oh there you guys your pets are part of your family every real dog owner is obsessed with their dogs as if they were just family and like you can just clearly tell by this picture too are you guys a dog person or a cat person or neither i think most people are dog people but we might get surprised maybe there's more cat lovers out there okay so this is a single father who unfortunately passed away and his final wish before he passed was to have his son to find a foster family that will take care of him he was only four years old at the time and his son was actually able to find an amazing foster family and look how happy he is in the second photo i just hope he never forgets his dad and i don't think he ever will when all your dad cares about is his son like he just shows you that's his true purpose in life okay next up so this homeless man found out that he was actually going to pass with only a few weeks to live and his only wish was for someone to adopt his sweet dog named baby and to this day i don't know if anyone was actually able to adopt her imagine being so scared for your dog because you don't know if anyone will take care of her it's just so heartbreaking a monkey holds her child who just fell from high up wow like that amount of sorrow literally looks so human like a monkey i never knew a monkey can have emotions and facial expressions that are so close to like human sorrow but this clearly shows you how much pain the mom was in okay this elderly woman's dying wish was to see her best friend oliver the cat one last time to say goodbye and she passed away while holding oliver in her arm all right we're good okay seven-year-old boy was passing away and he tells his mom to let him pass so he can give her his kidney and save her because she was also ill and he saved her can you just imagine literally caring about your family so much that you do anything to make sure they're okay like most of the times parents care about the kids so much but because the son just did not want to see his mom passing away he gave her his kidney and look look at the doctors lined up and just this is like so so hard to look at my boyfriend passed away seven weeks before my prom night for my first answer last she's holding a picture of him during prom that is so heartbreaking this is mom's last dance with my dad the night before she passed away after a 15-year battle after 75 years of marriage this couple passed away in each other's arms hours apart guys this is like the notebook almost the same story when their souls are still in heaven together because they have eternal love and they pass away together okay i don't know if you guys have ever seen this post but i think i've seen it before it's the girl's dad who was passing away actually walked his 11 year old daughter down the aisle to give her a lasting memories for when she actually gets married in the future because he knew he wouldn't be there oh my god i think i lost this challenge like five photos ago so some of these are just too powerful these two dogs calu and kiro had no owners were due to be put down but this hug between them saved their lives because someone actually saw this photo put on facebook it went viral and within hours a family had volunteered to take them in but look how they're hugging each other they know their fate and they just can't do anything about it but they got so lucky so like in the future when i have a dog it's gonna be a dog that comes from like a pound i'm just gonna make sure to get dogs that i can save okay so this girl had a birthday party and no one decided to show up and the sister said mom i'm crying at work oh my god this is literally the worst so i had a kid in my class when i was in fourth grade he was more of an outcast and like people thought he was weird he invited the whole class to his birthday party and like i knew no one would go because people wouldn't befriend him so i decided to show up so i only showed up with one other kid i even got made fun for it but i didn't care because i just felt so bad so at least he had people but like this girl had nobody [Music] he's no longer here but she still gives him some space as if he was there because you can see the before and after look at the dog before and then after obviously he's not there anymore okay this is a little bit of a happier note we're gonna end up on this happier note it's the caption is something's never changed this is the dad dancing with his little daughter and then the dad holding his daughter in a red dress just like he did in the last picture while she's going to prom and about to graduate high school she just grew up so fast and like i can totally understand how he feels not that i have a daughter or anything but just knowing how things just move by so quickly and look how happy he still is all right guys which part made you feel the most emotional i want to know down below well that's gonna wrap it up i'm good that's gonna wrap it up here guys i'm gonna go uh look at some happy i'm gonna listen to some music or something do something though make me a cheerful again but there is a lot of good in this world and a lot of emotional a lot of things that people are going through that just like i said in this video is gonna be emotional moments so guys if you enjoyed please leave a like if you want to see another one like this sharing people's stories let me know i'll see you guys next time i love you have a good one
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 2,422,578
Rating: 4.9447436 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless, reaction time youtube, youtube reaction time, youtubers react, reaction channel
Id: o6aa_A6fDSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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