Emmanuel Makandiwa Sheds more information on Corona Virus

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but never contradict what god has said his word don't contradict what god has said don't contradict no matter how powerful the word of god is jesus said the statement at some point he said even by your tradition you have met the word of god of none tradition tradition even religion has the power to dilute the word of god from the five g network it means now they have discovered a different source where this disease is coming from contrary to what god said now i will encourage some of you people to listen to me very very attentively because you are not hearing somebody who is saying it now because now that the disease is around most people feel obligated to talk about it okay let me just push the nail right now into the skin so that all of us can can can really get the sense out of what i'm saying whatever you hear being said by the people whether they are politicians whether they are scientists whether these people are women of god or men of god now an attempt to touch on this particular subject the corona virus you must understand that it is very very suicidal because this issue before we had this pandemic we had an opportunity as man of god to talk about it before its arrival for us to be believed should have said something about it before before before now i see there is a lot of pressure certain individuals they feel obligated because they look at this the the magnitude of this disease how it is destroyed establish the structures systems have been compromised money has been lost time is gone it has been wasted now at this point somebody looks at he says i should have seen this i should have seen this it's like a challenge you look at it and you see how big it is and you say ah how could such a thing happen without me seeing that i didn't see this so you feel obligated now to want to say something about it at this point and you are tempted to want to maybe describe it or maybe to want to intervene at this point and you say maybe this thing is going to cure maybe this thing is going to end here this is how it is going to end but hear me child of god what gives you the right because there is no way you see this god that we save he can't be coming now and telling you concerning the end of something that he didn't talk to you about concerning its beginning you must be able to see the thing have you seen the thing before it started for you to be able to see how it is going to end i have to pause there for a moment somebody who was able to see this before he's in a better position to see again because the bad person is strategically positioned seeing it before it comes that person if he is still occupying that same position it means he stands a better chance of seeing how again it is going to end and i if i were you i would rather believe such a person more than whoever is coming now now that we have it it is pressure in the body of christ of wanting to say something about this but you should have said something about it five years ago so i'll explain some things because as a prophet you know jeremiah was a prophet who told the people that you will enter into captivity you will enter into captivity i shared this with you last thursday that jeremiah gave a decree he said god is saying if the king of babylon comes you have to surrender you'll get into captivity when you go there you must stay there mary there have children there build houses there you will not come back until 70 years you remain a captive until 70. you see whilst jeremiah was left in prison and the rest of the people were captured he also had that in babylon they had other prophets who started delivering prophecies that were contrary to his prophecy and these prophets were now preaching and they were telling the people that before 70 years we are going to be liberated will come out of this slavery and when jeremiah heard about that that there was another prophet who was contradicting his prophecy he wrote another letter to the people in captivity he said don't listen to your prophets there so he was sort of like securing and self-guiding and protecting his prophecy because he knew if they were to come out before 70 years then he was going to become a false prophet but for him not to become a false prophet he had to protect his prophecy he wrote a letter to the people and he said never listen to those prophets that you have who are lying to you that deliverance shall happen before 70 years so it wasn't enough for him just to prophesy he had to accompany his prophecy with letters making sure that even if they are to prophesy against his prophecy the audience was supposed to disobey those prophets just so that his prophecy would come to pass it's not enough for you as a prophet to be prophesy you must be able to defend your gospel defend support your message so i believe we are in that moment where you really need to hear and to understand what exactly is happening when the disease is about to go i don't know there is no way that we can have an argument in that area the same thing if what told me about this was not god then whatever that thing was it is still there and i'm still in touch with that thing but in this case god spoke to me and we need to know now where are we and where are we going there are words without knowledge which has darkened the council of god paul declared in the book of first corinthians chapter number two that my preaching in my administration was not with the enticing words of men's wisdom but he says that it was in the demonstration of the power of god so that your faith would not rest in men but in the power of god and of god you can do it for me please thank you my father first corinthians 2 verse 4. [Music] and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom it was not with enticing words of men's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit so he's saying my speech he's not saying i only came to demonstrate he's saying my speech it wasn't in the entire words of men's wisdom but my speech was in demonstration so he's saying whenever i speak this is paul speaking he say if i am to speak my speech is always accompanied by a demonstration of the spirit and of power you see the demonstration of the spirit and the demonstration of the power of god in every speech delivered by paul every educated person when he speaks there is a demonstration of intellect but paul here is saying mine if i'm to speak what you see coming out of that speech is the spirit jesus said the words that i speak are spirit and they are life uh-huh continue that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god so that your faith might not stand in the wisdom of man it is not allowed by god to have your faith standing in the wisdom of man but he wants your faith to stand in the power of god verse 6 how big we speak wisdom ah we speak wisdom so this is a different kind of wisdom there is the wisdom of the world but he's saying when we speak what we speak is wisdom now i wanted to look at how he begins to clarify this kind of wisdom we speak wisdom among them the wisdom that we speak we make sure that we are among them that are perfect perfect we are very careful when we speak when we prophesy we are aware of our surroundings we consider who is present the message was delivered because of the people present you see this is something very critical here he's saying when we speak the wisdom the wisdom that we speak we speak it amongst those that are perfect and this is not in heaven so there are perfect beings people who are specially designed for this kind of wisdom this kind of information that you're going to be receiving today yet not the wisdom of this world [Laughter] nor of the princes of this world that come to naught you see the wisdom of the princes of this world it will always come to not but we speak the wisdom of god this he calls it the wisdom of god that's the wisdom that we speak what we say makes sense to the perfect i don't speak to behead by everyone i speak only to behead by the perfect the wisdom of god the wisdom of god in a mystery still when i speak the wisdom of god we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery so that the imperfect who are present during that gathering will not understand what we mean we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery even the hidden wisdom so this wisdom is hidden hidden from the princes of this world which god ordained before the world unto our glory this wisdom number one was created by god number two it was hidden after god had ordained it the wisdom imagine the wisdom that god creates he ordains it and then he hides it he did not hide that wisdom from us he hid it for us the kind of wisdom that god created and he ordained and he went on to hide it so that the most intelligent people of this present age you will not have access to that kind of wisdom and he goes on to say that wisdom was reserved for our glory when we begin to use make use of that wisdom our glory will begin to shine it was hidden for our glory it is unto our glory which none of the princes of this world knew they have no access to that kind of wisdom because it's not in a book you can't get that from any university because it is hidden for had they known it had they known it had they had access to that kind of wisdom they would not have crucified they would not have crucified the lord of glory if they had that wisdom they would not have crucified the lord of glory so right here you are being told of something very very powerful something very very strong the reason why the lord of glory was crucified here comes another reason it wasn't because he did anything wrong but there is a level of wisdom that those that crucified him didn't have had they had access to that kind of wisdom they were never going to crucify him because with that wisdom then if they had that wisdom they would have known the glory that would manifest after the king of glory is crucified the speech the new generation that was going to manifest as a result of the king of glory being crucified had they known what was going to become of us after his death because that's the moment that we are becoming better than them in terms of intelligence we are becoming wiser than them after the king of glory was crucified had they known what was going to become of us they were never going to touch him until today jesus was still going to be alive if they knew what was going to happen after the lord was crucified but because they didn't have that future understanding they crucified him so what's the reason why they crucified him the word of god is so clear on that because they didn't have wisdom this kind of wisdom i'm talking to you now listening to me the reason why they are crucifying you they are ignorant it was because of their ignorance that they crucified him they are criticizing you they are attacking you because they are ignorant any person who thinks that you are his enemy and he is fighting you it is because of a certain kind of wisdom that they don't have if they are to have that wisdom they will stop fighting you had the princes of this world knew have they known what is going to happen after the resurrection they were never going to crucify the king of glory hmm you're on first what verse 8. so this is very important you can repeat verse 8 again so that everyone can see it verse 8 which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the lord of glory if you study the book of acts chapter number three in chapter four there is a story there about a man who was always sitting at the gate called the beautiful gate and this man had never walked since birth you would come every sabbath sit at the gate believing that if people as they are coming into the house of god to worship he would receive from them and peter came and the power of god was upon his life we know this story and then he said to this man silver and gold have we none such as i have give i thee in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk he told this man something that he didn't have he said silver and gold ever none but such as i have give i thee it is high time that the world realizes what we don't have and what we have there is something that we have that unless that something is given to the world the world will never rise it will never work the name jesus and that man immediately stood up began to jump began to run and he entered into the house of the lord every time god heals us he uses us so that we are able to walk towards him not away from him he walked into the temple ran into the temple the princess now the kings of this world they gathered together against the disciples and they said this kind of a miracle has just been performed and we cannot deny it meaning they really wanted to deny it but they couldn't what shall we do to these men seeing that the miracle has been performed everyone knows about this man what shall we do concerning these people now i'm teaching you something that the worlds are trying to do now do you know that they believe so much they believe so much hear me hear this statement here here this statement non-believers they believe so much that they are going to eventually make jesus irrelevant by ignoring him it's a strategy they believe that if we are to ignore this man long enough he will become irrelevant in our society ignore him let's not talk about him then he is out of the picture what shall we do given that the miracle is performed and everyone can see it they think that if they are to ignore the church the church will become irrelevant now i want you to see something there in the same chapter in the book of acts look at verse number 25 the book of acts chapter 4 verse 25 and verse number 26 who by the mouth of thy servant david has said why did the heathen rage why did the heathens rage and the people imagine vain things why are they imagining vain things now this was after they just performed the miracle and they thought everyone was going to be born again everyone was going to admit that indeed we have god in our midst but what they then began to do was to imagine things that were vain the kings of the earth these kings stood up they stood up the kings of the they stood up and the rulers were gathered together rulers have gathered together against the lord they have gathered against the lord against his christ and they've gathered against his christ which means they've gathered against the anointing the anointing they don't want anything concerning the lord anything concerning the anointing why do they rage have you ever wondered this child of god why there is so much rage against the things of god in the world reg reg now let me tell you something that we are here to do when jesus sent us here as his church he sent us here to become the light of the world we are the light when we shine the rest of you can be able to see whatever then you discover whatever you invent it is because of the presence of light the church is here so that you can have light and he said that we are the sword we preserve the earth the earth is preserved not by the water not just by the wind it is preserved by the presence of the church it's a high time that we start teaching our people the responsibility of the church lest you try to ignore the church thinking that it will become irrelevant forget you are at the mercy of the church the presence of the church on the earth is what gives the earth long life jeremiah chapter number 29 jeremiah 29 verse number 7 i want you to hear an instruction given to god's people concerning the peace of the land even during their captivity and seek the peace of the city you have to seek the peace of this these are god's people we have just been captured and the word of the lord is saying wherever you are take it seek the peace of this city whether whether i have caused you to be carried i have caused the lord i have caused you to be captured and pray unto the lord for pray unto the lord fought for it for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace it's an amazing principle you shall be captured you shall be taken into a foreign land but whilst you are there you must seek you must create you must manufacture you must produce the peace which is not just a personal peace you must pray for the peace of that city because now when you have peace in that city you shall benefit from the peace of the city can you imagine now just picture this you have a slave somebody who you have just captured which is a sign of weakness and yet god is saying if ever you are going to have peace in that city it is going to be as a result of that slave praying for the peace this is something that the kings will never be able to discern where the peace is originating from you will never believe the peace is coming from a slave the peace of the land is determined by the slave the pilgrims we are foreigners we are in the world but we are not of this world jesus said that yet we determine the peace of the land jesus is saying in as much as you don't belong there but seek the peace of that land pray to the lord because once there is peace in the land you also enjoy that same peace so finally when you have peace in babylon let not the king of babylon think that he has worked it out there is a slave the presence of the church on the earth that's the reason the only reason why we have peace the church is here for your light the church is here as salt for your preservation all of you people are taking advantage of the church so notice these are responsibilities some of us we know why we are here you can't look down upon us we know why we are here you are saying whatever you are saying you are criticizing because we are here we are here so you pray for the peace of the city wherever i will cause you to go because in that same peace you shall have peace read second thessalonians chapter number two verses three to eight second thessalonians chapter number two the verse is 3 to 8. from verse 3. let no man deceive you by any means don't be deceived by any means for that day shall not come the day of the lord shall not come except except there come a falling away first there must be a falling away that takes place first and that man of sin be revealed there is a man of sin that has to be revealed first before the day of the lord comes yes the son of perdition is called the son of petition the son of perdition this man is a product of perdition produced by petition there is perdition within his dna now we are getting to see something very significant in the history of mankind i want you to finish reading that and then i'll explain verse 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god he's good at opposing and he's good at exhorting himself above everything that is called god or that is worshipped anything that is worshipped he exhorts himself above it so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god remember ye not that when i was yet with you i told you these things don't forget i have told you these things yes and now ye know what with all death that he might be revealed in his time so i've told you and because i've told you now you know what is withholding him so that he is not revealed in his time there is something that is withholding him that he might be revealed in his time the word withholding there means restraining there is something that is stopping the son of perdition from fully manifesting and that something is called the church we are calling ourselves the church but sometimes when you listen to god calling his church he doesn't call it the church every time he calls his church there is trainer we are here to restrain so that the devil doesn't do what he wishes restrain that's the only force that is stopping the son of perdition from fully taking over this earth one force that's the only government present on the earth responsible for the safety of mankind to restrain the church the church the church uh-huh verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity doth already work there is a mystery of iniquity which is already working only he who now let us let only he who now let it will let until he be taken out of the one who letteth until that one is taken and then and then only when he is taken the one who let it so there is one who let it that's the restrainer that is the restrainer there is one if the devil really wants to take over and shut this world down you will only be allowed you must have permission from he that letteth the church and he will not be able to do that unless the church is taken unless the church is taken out of the way that's the only thing that the devil is praying for right now for the church to be removed even non-believers when they are against and they are raging against the church they don't know they're just carrying the agenda of the devil the devil is just waiting for the church to be removed because that's the only restrainer that is the only force on the earth that is stopping demons from taking over this earth he that letteth so we are here to forbid we are the restrainer we at that force that whatever the virus wanted to do it cannot do that whilst we are here we are that force much more powerful than the disease child of god i believe you are listening to this you must be listening to this you must be listening to this but there is a reason why the bound in gilead is not being able to heal jeremiah 8 verse number 17. i'm getting now to uh the the main area that we need to discuss the book of jeremiah chapter 8 verse number 17 for behold i will send serpents i will send serpents cockatrices among you which will not be charmed these serpents that i'm sending among you they will will not be charmed they will not respond to any charm any medication and they shall bite you saith the lord yes verse 18 when i would comfort myself against sorrow my heart is faint in me behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because of them that dwell in a far country my daughters are crying because of them that dwell in a far country my daughters are crying you have been made to cry by those who dwell in a far country oh daughters are crying sons are crying because of those that are dwelling in a fair country is not the lord in zion is not a king in her isn't the lord in zion is god not in the church is the king not present among us them why have they provoked me to anger you have provoked me to anger their graven images you have resorted to images consulting the wrong gods and with strange vanities the harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved for the hurt of the daughter of my people am i hurt i am black astonishment had taken hold on me is there no bound in gilead is there no physician there is there no medication is there no bound in gilead is there no physician is there no doctor in gilead and why why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered oh jesus he is saying you have the medication he say you have the physicians but the question is why then are you not recovering having all this in place why is it that you are failing to recover okay now let me teach you something when a message came by the prophet isaiah to hezekiah ii kings chapter number 20. i don't want us to read the whole chapter we just want to focus on verse number seven but before we go there listen the prophet comes he tells hezekiah you're dying and then here's a kaya praise to god 15 more years were given but not many people really focus on how then the king recovered from his affliction which is in number seven verse seven and isaiah said take a lump of figs take a lamp of figs this is a true prophet of god and he is not healing the king supernaturally most of our people in this era they don't believe that the prophetic can go that far they believe that if you are a prophet then all of your solutions are supposed to be supernatural you have no access you're not allowed to get into medications which are physical here we have a prophet he tells the king that ah you're going to die and then he prays to god the king prays to god and then god comes back to the prophet he says go back and tell him i've given him 15 more years but before you he can start enjoying the 15 years that i've given to him you have to administer physically healing to him healing and the prophet of god identified the cure it was the prophet who told the king what to take from the forest and he said you have to put it on the boil and you shall recover read the verse number 7 and isaiah said take a lump of figs this is a prophet this is not a physician he's not a doctor he's a prophet he's a pro this is a prophet every solution that you are going to find whether the solutions are physical you require spiritual people to guide you and they took it and laid it on the boil what happened and he recovered so you think there were no physicians in israel there were no qualified doctors in israel yet the king was about to die it was confirmed by god this man is going to die and until the prophet came and he declared and the solution was physical physical physical take that put it over there and the king recovered he's not a headballist he's a prophet he's a prophet he is a prophet a prophet but he was able to identify he was told by god something that contains the healing power let me ask you a very simple question here there are those of you out there who think that the church is doing nothing there are those of you that are thinking that maybe the only hope that we have must come from the physicians some of you you think that the only person who is really doing a great job right now he's a nurse and a doctor if you look at how these people have been committed i've watched certain videos like i've told you even in the prophecy that our doctors are going to break down i have watched them break down now it wasn't really in the spirit now it is physical these men and women are working so so hard trying to save lives and they're doing the best they can and you think that the church is doing nothing now let me ask you this very simple question these doctors are nurses that are not sleeping they are not resting some are not even taking a bath they are risking their lives some they don't have enough clothes to protect themselves from this virus but this is my question what exactly are they doing if there is no cure it's not just about being busy this is a question what are they doing what are they giving to the patients if we are yet to find the vaccine if the cure is yet to be discovered what are we doing with the patients if you think it's only the nurses and the doctors that are working this is my question now if they are giving something to the people and the people are recovering why are they not declaring that we have found it there's no proper update you are in your hiding place right now but you're hoping that you are going to hear breaking news you're just waiting but no one is coming out to give you an update when are you going to come out of your closet huh now i'm going to get into something very sensitive here something which is very very sensitive god now is saying is there no baum in gilead don't you already have the bow in gilead but how come you're not being healed yet you have the presence of the bow in gideon what is happening here what is happening here if you study the second kings chapter number one verses one to eight let's just read this story the book of second kings chapter 1 verse 1 to 8. yes then moab rebelled against israel after the death of ahab and azi fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in some and was sick and he sent messengers and said unto them go inquire of bowser the god of ekron whether i shall recover of this disease but the angel of the lord said to elijah the tishbite arise go up to meet the messengers of the king of samaria and say unto them is it not because there is not a god in israel that ye go to inquire of belzebab the god of ekron now therefore now therefore now therefore now therefore say it now therefore thus saying now therefore now therefore let's say the lord thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up but but shall surely die and and elijah departed the prophet ahazio was sick he fell from the veranda upstairs and he had himself he's sick then he sent his servants to go and inquire from a god called bow zebra which was the god of the echo you
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Id: 8dpvUQGK-P8
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Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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