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for all the best boxing content don't forget to like subscribe and punch that bell for notifications [Music] welcome to atlantic city new jersey's boardwalk hall where tonight maine events is proud to present an evening of professional boxing for your entertainment brought to you in association with caesar's atlantic city valley's atlantic city and your king of beers budweiser the first bout is presented in association with dibella entertainment and best wishes for a speedy recovery to main events brian little all about sanctioned by the new jersey state athletic control board the three judges at ringside for this contest will be joe pasquale luis rivera and paul venti and when the bell rings a referee in charge of the action david fields and now ladies and gentlemen 10 rounds of boxing in the junior welterweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue corner wearing white with black he officially weighs 142 pounds his professional record 21 victories including 14 knockouts with five defeats he comes to us from accra ghana now fighting out of the bronx in new york city he is emmanuel sleek claudi and his opponent across the ring fighting out of the red corner wearing black with silver also weighing in officially at 142 pounds his professional record 14 victories including 11 knockouts with only one defeat from guadalajara mexico here is francisco [Music] [Applause] ponchito [Applause] [Applause] okay gentlemen we're scheduled to box 10 rounds both know the rules i expect you to obey my commands at all times most of all protect yourself at all times touch gloves good luck touch gloves touch gloves berhada has already made the journey from anointed boy king to young prospect [Applause] let's see if he can get back closer to the king's status starting with this fight even in his loss to juan carlos rubio he garnered some respect because though discouraged and beaten he hung in kept trying and absorbed the physical punishment without complaint and without withering round one of a schedule 10. clotty when he is fighting at his normal pace throws a lot of jabs about 40 per round that's a fast pace with the jab lojado plans to try to pick the jab off drop right hands over it and the camp with the jabber hotter's hand speed and power is very evident that right away but what he's got to realize he's got to take his time because claudia is fighting a very defensive fight much like a lot of the guys who come from the african countries they cover up they walk you down make you work about four times as much as they were and if you're not careful they'll catch you later in the fight as you get tired they come forward with the guard in front of their faces this was the quarte style that we saw so graphically demonstrated in his fights against de la hoya and vargas they wait for you to stop punching then they unload and go back to the defensive posture exactly and right now is exactly what he's doing he's making behind us do all of the work and many of bojado's punches being blocked by the elbows the gloves and the shoulders of clotty and even the body punches that do land a lot they have to pass on them so they're testing they're covering up so they don't get hurt that much when they do hit it but a good sharp jab right between the guard on two occasions there by bojado that left hook blocked by claudia with the gloves seeming to recognize already that he's going to have to be patient in trying to pick apart emmanuel claudia yes so you're going to watch the cloud as a little pecking jab they've restarted to be ineffective later on [Applause] suffered from the flu three weeks ago while preparing for the fight it seemed to say to us in a fighter meeting yesterday that he really only had two weeks of effective training yeah that's interesting and then collided by the same token said he'd been to ghana and just returned i think less than a week to this country so maybe neither fighters in absolute peak condition that could help the entertainment value but right now i'm really getting a little concerned about bahadur's punching at the pace that he's punching at yeah he seems to be punching everything hard right you fight a fighter like kylie you do a lot of easy punching a little probing feeling around then you explode then you start probing again everything should not be hard [Applause] one thing bohato had shown under mayweather senior particularly evident in his rematch with juan carlos rubio was an ability to relax in the ring very fluid fighter when moving in a relaxed fashion but he does seem tensed up in the first round here trying to make some impact on claddy [Applause] going down the stretch if you continue to fight at this pace shoot the right hand right down in the middle you keep bringing them to the body man on this side i said come on and dig him up on that side there okay okay okay don't wait for him now you gotta get busy now gotta get busy girl right not a lot of talk in clatty's corner yeah trainer kwame asante wants him to get a little busier i guess and claudia looked at him a little uh doubtfully he may have his own pace in mind i think that's what's the case all right by copying box numbers pontino bojado threw 30 jabs in the first round landed only 12. the bulk of those jabs blocked by clottey's gloves [Music] clotty threw only 34 punches in the round that's a very moderate pace and you heard what larry suggested about how clotty may have different ideas than his trainer has about the pace at which he wants to fight he may already be thinking to himself i can make the kid work himself down yeah the baja's got such speed if he lets him get way ahead on points it's going to be very difficult for him to try to win the fight unless he can knock behind that going down the stretch one loss to rubio was via decision [Applause] clotty as we mentioned got help in his knockout of abdullah from the fact that abdullah turned to the referee expecting to follow the count and then get up at eight the referee having picked up the count from the ringside timekeeper turned off goliath and said eight nine ten before the uzbeki fighter could figure out what was going on that was a very unfortunate break from particular in fact he was on his feet and he went down at the instructions of his corner but he thought it was beginning that account and i guess the language barrier didn't happen either and there was less than a minute remaining in the fight a fight which abdullah had easily won up to that point but that's the credential that brings claudia here and it's a good one hard right hand by bojado landon [Applause] against the ropes and tries for the rally but bojado steps away and another straight right hand lands for bohato twice in this round he's led with the right hand and just discovered that's the way to land it if he could get cloudy to punch more we'll give him something he could count and punch on but right now claudia isn't punching him much and when he's trying to get very close before he shoots his punches right hand landed over the top for claudia and now another right hand and bojado comes back firing a combination to the body [Applause] over the top on clotty jab blocked two slow-paced rounds fajado hunting and pecking for opportunities against emanuel claudia monday it's the hbo sports documentary the wild ride the super bowl one see how different the first super bowl was from the pageantry and height surrounding next week's super bowl 38 two days later the guys on inside the nfl will pick the patriots game from houston on our super bowl special eric morales moves from featherweight to 130 pounds to face title holder jesus and march 13 live on hbo jane mosley and winky wright will marry together their 154 pound title belts this right here group the shots up on him okay back them up this round a little bit check us out compubox numbers in round two bojado dropping from 50 punches in round one to 38 in round two plotty going up from 34 punches in round one to 48 in round two neither man landing a lot yet both men are standing on a dime very close to each other no no or very little clinching just thrust parry good right hand right claudia claudia's leading him very close with his hands up high and then shooting that little short right hand it's going to be a big factor going down the stretch even though behind us winning the fight if i was in this court i'd be very concerned looking at the way to fight his mind well it may turn out to be a tactical puzzle for bojado and it'll be interesting to see if the 20 year old fighter working with mayweather senior in his corner can solve it hard right hand by claudi again bojado tries to shoot the right-hand lead up the middle you see there mojado effectively ducking and slipping the jab again the right-hand lead but has left eyes starting to swell up already from those little short right hands as we can hit right big right hand by bojado as he swung from the outside clotty punching his guard in front of the face because bojado has good technique and is a straight puncher so bojado chose to sweep the right hand there's a good left uppercut in the right hand that follows i think rod is fighting a smarter fight now he's trying to slow down and not just shooting punches randomly he's trying to place his punches very effectively down before he punches i know i just love a fight in which two boxer punches stand there trying to break each other down showing defense throwing offense this is what high-level boxing should be about and these guys young the young fighter bahata is doing a good job of moving his body low blow by clotting very low tremendous body shot too by the heart of justin yeah even though uh yeah somebody didn't clinch was a great shot though yeah and adapting to this more you know puncture boxer style okay you know a lot of the fighters that come from the countries over in african countries they don't have good conditions such as rings they actually train a lot of time without wings therefore you're very subtle to find those guys moving a lot they usually cover up and just very stationary referee is david fields not a familiar face here in new jersey relatively new to the refereeing ranks at least at this level and at the weight of their fight he's not going to have to do too much working inside for us breaking them from clinches there hasn't been a clinch in the fight no very unusual this is a much closer round than either of the first two rounds this is a skill match-up so far two guys trying to pick each other apart with their boxing skills yes no one can afford to make a mistake neither way they're punching [Applause] box numbers through round three bojado 36 out of 138 claudia 24 out of 148 so bojado landing at the higher percentage harold how do you have this tactical fight so okay jim three to nothing 30 to 27 pachito bajado i love this kid he's 20 years old he's got tremendous points i love the way james then he comes back without that that right hand you just saw or he comes back with a hard left hook so basically pachino mojado mostly on clean effective punching i think he just landed his first good clean left hook to the body emmanuel and if he can begin to find more effective body punching opportunities that could open something up upstairs it seems like the best shot she can land is the body punches at the stage he hasn't been too effective with head punches but his general ring shot placing his punches properly staying busy act with punching has got him ahead in the fight because bogato went to the same high school garfield high that oscar de la hoya intended in east los angeles larry asked him in the fighter meeting yesterday said were you uh were you seen as the next de la hoya were you viewed as a de la hoya protege so to speak mojato pointed out that there were as many as a half dozen or more amateur fighters at garfield high and he's about 10 years younger so he said that he never really heard anything like that but in the boxing world the comparison has certainly been made from time to time i think the comparison mostly is the hope that some people held that he had the potential to someday become a star a big pay-per-view attraction etcetera you know that wasn't there early on for de la hoya he had to build it and so will bajata you can't just anoint somebody to do that they've got to earn it [Applause] round four is very much like its predecessors as the two fighters stand very close to each other and hunt for opportunities now claudia throws the right hand lead lands it over the top ohana with a hard left hand to the body drives him back two short crisp right hands right on i'm sorry cloudy too short yes crisp right hands right on the chin very effective right hand that's when there's another effect at this stage the biggest punches to the head have been landed by cloudy with a short right hand carrying the jab you saw him pop a light jab in there and then pump the next one much harder dropping his hands and taking the jab not trying as hard as earlier he did to duck and slip [Music] i gave that round to claudia as bojado taunted claudi trying to tell him he doesn't have punching power [Applause] hey look at that man look at that a little bit look at that someone should do something and start working on that left eye because it's been swelling for the last two rounds [Applause] again man start jabbing man you you begin to start making this fight get close man you can get this guy with anything you ain't throwing no punching you sitting in front of me ain't doing nothing you should start using your jab punch right you are more mature he's a baby so got to prove to him don't let him back you up you got the body [Applause] is not badly damaged but it doesn't really look good if he's to take too many of those quick right hands it could open up [Music] this is a very tough fight for a young fighter coming up because claudia is going to challenge him all the way to the end got a good chance and he's making him throw a lot of punches cut man joe chavez worked on the left eye of panchito bohado between rounds you can see that not only is it swelling as emmanuel pointed out but now there was an abrasion on the eyelid as chavis was going to work clotty has not been touched by his cut man yet when it happens if it happens he's got al gavin one of the two or three best in the sport tough test for young panchito bojado in atlantic city or less given as good as he's getting for the first four or five rounds left hook lands for claudia and momentarily knocks bohato back warning against the rabbit punches i like what bahata did there he got rabbit punch the rabbit punched right back before the referee could step in and it was a good left hook by bohato to begin that exchange hey come on man pick him up let's go come on flirted with another low blow moments after david fields had warned him this still is another good round for claudius compared to the previous rounds i think the last round and this round are both rounds that could easily go to him on the official scorecard just not looking as sure of himself emmanuel as he did in the first couple of rounds and that's why i think his trainer mayweather told him at the end of last round this fight is starting to get close now the heart of those combinations looks very flashy catches a lot of tension because of the speed but for his effectiveness not landing that many effective blows rallying against the ropes mojado momentarily knocks him back with a left hook claddy keems coming forward and pounding with the right hand tough job getting tougher for san francisco panchito bojaro he was scheduled to fight veteran jesse james leija tonight but the san antonio bro came down with an injury and clotty became the late replacement and it was overhand right short right hands are becoming more effective each round now clotting again landed the overhand right against the ropes there and bohato with a trickle around the left eye as he goes back to his corner and there is a guy who could hit a little bit willie mays the great willie who works for the hotel here in atlantic city and uh elsewhere you can see the name on this cap the best i ever saw you stop being a shoot gary make the guy miss pay step around and walk you ain't gonna bounce you fast doesn't make you miss then score then go but you better get your jab to work it cause you're gonna make it play higher than it you've got is to prove it don't waste time go to the body go to the body before you go up anytime you go down let's go check this out emmanuel claudi has lost five fights in his career 14 knockouts and 21 wins but as he fights better fighters near the top of the division he may be getting better a lot of time when those guys are losing fights in their career they don't get proper training there's a lot of things they have doing against him but once he's stabilized like he is now living in new york training on a regular basis same place seemingly has a good management that takes care of him you have to look beyond just what the record is in the beginning and look at where he is right now this time he was fighting and he didn't have much of an amateur career either emmanuel and you know i really believe in america i think it's very important but had i had a great great habit to carry out yeah bohano had a terrific amateur career even though he grew up in los angeles and went to garfield high school he's not an american citizen so he went to sydney to fight under the banner of mexico and clottey saw his career improve when a manager named sal lonetto who was involved with mickey ward as a sparring partner for warden said gosh this kid this guy's a great kid i want to help him that helped to provide a platform up and it's made a big difference in college right now just strange how to turn [Applause] i'll throw the straight right hand and he landed it incidentally cloudy has a kid brother the middle lady is considered a better prospect [Applause] sweeping right hands to the body claudia [Applause] [Applause] hey watch some shoulders this fight is going to wind up in a phone booth it's turning out to be very very close that i would like to see behind really use his legs because he's a younger fighter he moves good he should box a little bit more at this stage right now should he be busier emmanuel boxing i think he needs debacles it's going to be hard to hurt try to seem to be a strong man and it's a man and a boy that to some degree and he should start boxing now but he doesn't have the best legs but he's fighting the perfect fight to the degree where this fight is getting very close now as an amateur panchito bojado clearly had the mentality of an offensive fighter is floyd mayweather senior a good match as trainer i thank you floyd's doing a good job with him i mean i i don't see anything wrong i think this stage he doesn't need some boxing you know he had a great job with the right hand again the right hand is the biggest factor i think in this point for us being effective in this entire fight what can bohato do to try to take away claudi's effective short right hands i think he needs to start boxing need to move get some distance between him he's letting him lean in too close to the right hand it's too close to his chin so therefore he just shoots it out about 12 inches [Applause] another close round it's uh kind of moving in the direction of paddy plotty's trainer kwame asante said that his fighters showed abdullah of way too much respect he isn't showing his respect that's all you know how we started remember he clicked loud that's what you got to do you're not doing it now you got to put it now put in more pressure you can't fight back enough two hands [Applause] the sequence chop chop chop those punches could have made the difference in the scoring of that round [Music] but howard still has enough punching power that he could possibly score a knockout as the fight goes on because he is he's a much better and bigger punch i think than clotting but you know just at this stage right now the fight's getting closer and closer and closer and he may have to need to knock out later on and claudia's been freer with his hands the last couple of rounds much more able to let his punches go as in the last round where he released 65 punches to only 43 for bojado but let's see how harold letterman has it scored through six okay jim i agree with you guys three to three 57-57 i got it all even jim i thought uh emmanuel clardy pulled out rounds four five and six strictly by getting off first and coming forward panchino bajato without question is much more effective when he gets off first throws the first punch and backs up emanuel claudia like you did the first three rounds but the last three it's been cloudy on effective aggressiveness and clean punching meanwhile i find this a tremendously entertaining fight and now letting his hands go and raking cloudy with lefts than rights at short range vladi waits for bojaro to stop punching comes back with a combination of his own mojado chops a right hand over the top and continues to fire uppercuts in close i was going to mention the gym just that we get in this round it seems like friday is the first time seemingly looking a little more fatigued maybe than bahata maybe because he's throwing low punches in the last few rounds well before he was just resting and bohato perhaps sensing that has stepped up his own energy level and particularly has gone to the body he seems to be much stronger at this stage than patty now claudia going to the body to try to take some of the starch out of bojado's offensive thrust here in the seventh round this is a very very tough fight for a 20-year-old prospect [Applause] by comparison miguel cotto uh did not have this type of opposition through his first 15 fights they trade left hooks they trade right hands this is a brutal fight now in the seventh round [Applause] exactly what i triggered [Applause] and comes back with two straight legs [Applause] doing a tremendous job in the seventh round of setting up rights [Applause] and it's what you want to see in a young fighter his ability to come back the way he just did i don't want you laying your head in there man you're gonna cut you lay in there do what you gotta do and get back out of the box okay okay show me some defenses [Music] [Applause] damn chair let's go fighting you're too close you're not going to get it right so you got to prove it let your hand go hang on let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in round seven according to compubox numbers bojado landed 21 of 48 power shots his best round in quite some time probably since round three and you heard floyd mayweather senior saying i like what you're doing offensively panchito but get out of there with staying in there and allowing him to return [Music] again i think mojado has the mindset of an offensive fighter yeah but he's saying he can make it a lot easier if he would box and then he could get cloudy to relax a little bit trying to find him trying to chase him and then expose and catch it when he's not expecting it but everything that he's doing right now has got knockout written on it and that's okada's rolling tightening up for him preparing to handle the punch trying to set up a big one too with head movement now he switches to the southpaw stance let's see if claudia throws a straight right hand against that southpaw stance last time he laced mojado right up the middle and there he goes [Applause] okay [Applause] oh [Applause] a little bit with defensive skills in the last minute yeah so i wish he would keep doing this and boxing moving in and out using the short work a lot more ohio gets to land a short left hook inside as claudi stalks and stalks blocked both right hands with his left glove and duck the third [Applause] in this round making like willie pep but he's not jabbing enough though [Applause] one two three landing the first two thirds of it very low activity round for emmanuel claudia as bohato focuses on defense in the eighth arturo's other big buddy is dale earnhardt jr they've become really good friends down in florida and dale jr is here tonight as well [Applause] ninth round of a schedule 10 between francisco bojaro and emmanuel claudi i'm very impressed with bahata's stamina and his ability to take a punch he's still punching with tremendous speed a lot of power this late in the fight which is a good sign of a young fighter coming up i told you about mojado's defensive display in round eight by copy box numbers cloudy threw 52 punches in the round and landed only four that's how effectively panchito was ducking and slipping through the eight overall numbers in the fight mojato so far 99 out of 354 cloudy 82 out of 451 as they come [Applause] tonight class as a fighter his quickness and movement beginning to open up a margin for himself yes he had a good hammer to carry he had three fights with miguel cotto which was very impressive especially the fact that i think he split the decision for the most part [Applause] further proof of the drawing power of arturo gaddy as you look around the house here almost every seat is filled in boardwalk hall they don't care who the other guy is [Applause] they know who's in the main event get it means [Applause] this bout has produced drama if you're aware of francisco bojado's eminence in the sport as one of those rising contenders who commands a lot of attention but he's once again getting hit with those short right hands again painted with right hands by emmanuel claudia and after claudia couldn't hit him in the ninth or in the eighth suddenly he can't miss him for a few moments before bojano responds with a four-punch combination body bang bang with the right hand again and bohato bang with a big right hand bigger than claudius bloody woman fulham crowd wants to see the kid knock him out kid wants to see the kid knock him out he's amazing emmanuel claudia glady [Applause] both of those guys have good chance [Applause] low blow by clottey got away with it big left hook upstairs also by emmanuel gladys [Applause] with a big left hook to punctuate the round they both think they won the night [Applause] [Music] a little more okay okay he said it's a close fight you can't get it you can't get it huh he can't hurt you he can't hurt you stand there and punch with him you've got you close [Applause] this should be a very exciting 10th and finally both trainers asking their fighters to give them the round [Applause] [Applause] to encourage him as he goes out for the ten ninth round numbers from comfy box bohato 17 out of 56 cloudy 11 out of 66. throughout the fight mojado has landed at the higher rate you might have caught harold letterman's card at the bottom of your screen he has bojado winning the seventh eighth and ninth round to take a three-point lead in the fight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] harold and i are starting off our new year by agreeing official judges joe pasquale from desert new jersey luis rivera of new jersey paul benti of new jersey [Applause] first minute of the round inconclusive stop on stop on [Applause] [Music] so glad he goes to the body [Applause] uppercut snaps claudia out of the phone booth body trying uppercuts of his own ohana with the straight right hand over the top hard left hook to the body another straight right hand lands cloudy with a left hook not much mustard behind it combination by bojada he's winning the middle minute of the 10th round he being francisco bajado good left hook by bojada doubling up with the left hand [Applause] hasn't been busy enough in the tent to make a statement in this round now here he comes this is about the point at which he won the fight against abdullah he being cloudy yes but that's not going to happen here no bajado's not trading with him the way out goliath did protecting himself a little bit now and looking to out box cloudy down the stretch at some point in the latter stages of the fight ponchito bohara realized he wasn't going to knock emanuel claudia out yes and he started to unbox him but you know it's an interesting fight that just here i don't know how to judge a score on these tight fights claudia i think is lost but you can never tell because a lot of the hottest punches are very fast and flashy but they're not landing [Applause] well again the three judges are from new jersey and i personally thought that bojado put on a good display of defense and boxing skills in the last three or four rounds to sew this fight up i thought he fought a great fight for a young fighter an excellent fight yes a tough brave fight by claudi a very uh promising fight by berhada who in the middle rounds seemed a little confused fell behind re-gathered himself and one going away down the stretch harold how'd you have it okay jim seven rounds to three 97 93 francisco panchito bajado i think he really did a good job you know in his hbo debut here clean hard shots you know except for rounds four five and six where he seemed to take those rounds off and cloudy seemed to come on but i thought dominated it with you know good defense a lot of combinations real good hooks to the body and some dawn good head shots emanuel cloudy certainly takes a good punch but that doesn't win fights francisco bajano on clean punching and a look at the three judges who are turning in their final ballots right now luis rivera you saw joe pasquale's vital statistics prior to that paul venti at 73 had marquez ahead of campus at the moment when that fight was stopped with marquez bleeding from both eyes respect from emmanuel claudia to panchito bojaro david you might want to show a picture of the full house shelley finkel manager of bojado and uh widely quoted in the sport as having said that rojado was the best prospect he'd ever seen noteworthy because finkel has had among eddie uh meldrick taylor uh whitaker i think everybody's pulled back from those uh inflated expectations and we're ready to go to ring announcer michael buffer for the official decision ladies and gentlemen we go to the scorecards paul venti scores it 97-93 joseph pasquale same score 97 93 luis rivera 99 and 92 all for the winner by unanimous decision francisco ponchito [Applause] so the fight not as close as we might have suspected on the official scorecards and there are some in the arena who don't particularly like the scores [Music] [Applause] [Music] me
Channel: Boxing World Weekly
Views: 174,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, Boxing World Weekly, Boxcaster, Boxing News, Fighting, Knockouts, Floyd, Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, Mike, Tyson, Conor McGregor, WBC, IBF, WBA, WBO, Heavyweight, boxing, Showtime, kickboxing, training, fight, post fight, boxer, ko, champion, champ, BWW, Canelo Alvarez, Full fight, Emmanuel Clottey, Francisco Bojado, Clottey vs., Bojado vs., Boxing latest fight, Sleek, Panchito, Boxeo, Pelea, Boxing latest, Boxing 2021, Dibella entertainment fights, Super lightweight fights, Combat, Sports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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