Eminem Vs. Benzino: Who REALLY Won?

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it's all bad now [Music] man it's all bad all them [ __ ] up now now yeah new [ __ ] hey yo I just want the whole world to know that I did not start this but I will finish it now you know now I'm I'm I'm pissed you know what I mean now I'm like okay it's a [ __ ] game you know I feel like Jimmy and them's part of the game it's a [ __ ] game [ __ ] out here dying starving you have no [ __ ] respect for the culture you think it's a [ __ ] game now what up guys your boy quake and I'm finally back with a brand new episode of who really won and as you can tell by the video title this one finally involves Eminem a lot of you have been requesting me to do one that involves Eminem and it's finally here if you've seen the who really won episode with 50 c and jaob Rule I mentioned that I would cover Eminem versus Ben Xeno in a separate video and the video is here and I'm going to go over everything that happened Eminem's battles aren't really that interesting to me that's why I haven't covered it till now because a lot of the battles he's had are with artists that are nowhere near his caliber in terms of celebrity status and in terms of skill but to me this one is the most interesting because of all the people that got involved and all the corporations that got involved so if you're new to the series this is how we break it down we first started off with how the beef started then we talk about the major points in the beef then after that I voice my opinion on who won the battle portion of the beef which is in the midst of the beef who won the battle then I look at who won the war portion of the beef after the beef settled down who had longevity who had a better career with that being said grab a drink grab some popcorn and enjoy the episode as you guys know there's always three sides that I look at in this story I look at Ben xeno's perspective I look at Eminem's perspective and I look at the fans perspective on how this beef started let's talk about Benzino's side of the story Benzino maintains that his beef is not directly with Eminem it's more with the frustration of the music industry and how they're constantly supporting Eminem and not black artists he says that the music industry at that time was letting Eminem get away with anything he could say anything on a track and yet it would still be on radio it would still be promoted he would still go to award shows but if a black artist did these things he would get less recognition so Benzino says that he attacked Eminem to get more attention on the fact that black artists aren't getting treated as well as a white artist such as Eminem he was also frustrated at the fact that Eminem being a white hip-hop artist was selling a lot more albums than black artists so to bring more attention to this and to get more coverage for black artists and to support more black artists he decided to dis &em that's what Ben Zeno says is what started the whole situation uh a lot is being made out of you going at this seen Eminem talk about it oh man Marshall I'm saying it ain't really like I was going at Marshall you know what I'm saying personally I was pretty much attacking the machine you know Marshall is just the hood orament and it's a situation where I think that you know we just got to be conscious of what's going on and like the double standard you know in hip-hop that's why rap city is so important because you know what I'm saying you give you give you know artists you know what I'm saying that probably might not be heard on higher level you know a chance to be to get their stuff out there and we got to understand that because hip-hop came from the street it came from the struggle right I think that the powers that be took Marshall and pretty much you know um dressed him up with the blonde hair and everything and set him up for a certain audience you know what I'm saying and then you know just as long as he gets the stamp from the hood you know what I mean then right now certain media Outlets are considering him to be number one you know because I don't think I don't think he's number one maybe you know record sales is one thing but you know we got to we got to look at see really what's going on and know the double standard I know I couldn't talk about my mother and have a video shown you know her getting buried I know I wouldn't be able to do it I think that we get censored as artists and you know we have to make certain type of songs to get burned so it's a situation where you know I just want to be an even playing field I'm not trying to take away or saying you know people don't mess with his music I'm saying those to those 8 million people look at everybody else give everybody else a fair chance Eminem though on the other hand says that Benzino is just jealous he's trying to get relevant and sell records of his upcoming album because at that time he was getting ready to release an album so he used The Source magazine to go against him and Eminem said that Benzino is just a magazine writer and that he's trying to build his career off of The Source magazine and off of his own career and that he'll never be a good rapper and that his music has never taken off Eminem also stated that he has no idea a where Benzino decided to start dissing him out of nowhere he says he never disrespected The Source magazine or Benzino ever in his life I mean did something happen to spark that between you and him did anything happen I mean Angie I swear on my daughter's life I never met this dude I never met this man this girl in my life I never met this woman she is obsessed with me I can I I cannot understand it and and you can't play two sides of the fence you can't be a rapper you can't be a rapper and own a magazine own half of a magazine because then what happens is you call rappers that you like you call them and you want them to make a guest appearance on your album and if they don't want to do it because you suck then he's going to take you out that magazine so you can't play both sides of the fence like that you just can't do it so that's what motivated you to to even that's what motivated me however like I mentioned earlier there is a third perspective and this perspective is more of a rumored one based on track record Now The Source magazine used to be a hip-hop Bible for anyone that wanted news on hipop and anyone that wanted any suggestions on what albums to buy they used to have this section in The Source magazine called the record report and that's where they would rate albums one out of five mics if your album got four to five mics it was a really good album and more than likely a lot of people would buy it if it got anything below a for usually it would be a bad album and nobody would really buy it and fans would basically worship this magazine and whatever they said was hot a lot of people would purchase and this basically was the world star of that time way before social media so Eminem would release albums but they wouldn't get the ratings That Eminem would like and Eminem would voice his frustration with that on tracks and this is when people said Eminem had issues with The Source magazine when when Eminem released his second album The Marshall matters LP on May 23rd 2000 the first initial mic rating for this album was two out of five mics and the backlash that The Source magazine got was insane so much so that they had to rate the album and instead gave it four mics out of five because every other magazine at that time and every other reviewer and music critic gave it something like four out of five mics four out of five stars nine out of 10 whatever the rating system was it was a very high rating for that album so because they got that backlash they decided to rate it and this is where people are saying the issues with Eminem and The Source magazine initially started because Eminem didn't understand why his album only got two mics and then got rated to only four mics then when Eminem released his third album The Eminem Show on May 26 2002 on the track say what you say he decided to call out The Source magazine for only giving him four mics five mics in the source ain't holding my [ __ ] breath but I suffocate for the respect for I breathe to collect the [ __ ] Che you know what used to bother me it's it's been it's been the mic the mic raing system in the source like when I was a kid growing up in the early 90s on hip-hop the source as we used to know it was the Bible of hip-hop like what it was their word was gold if somebody got four mics you was going to cop it if somebody got five mics you was going to cop it somebody got three and a half yeah you know you didn't know but that word was gold and they was usually right I know that you have yet to receive a five mic uh review in the source is that something that that I have it to receive even a four and a half everybody gets a four everybody like that's the standard now that's the standard if you get a 4 and a half that must mean that Benz wants you on his album after this line on that song is when people speculated for Eminem to have issues with The Source magazine which would then have issues with benzeno fast forward to September 25th through the 28th in 2002 an Eminem appeared in Puerto Rico for the mixtape Summit show while he was there he was promoting his movie 8 Mile and decided to perform apparently the rumor was that Benzino attempted to talk to him backstage but Eminem ignored him because he did not get five mics for his album The Eminem Show however I want to clarify none of this was confirmed this was just a rumor it wasn't confirmed by Benzino that this happened and it wasn't confirmed that Eminem ignored him Eminem Never spoke on this however Obby Trice got interviewed about this in July 30th 2012 by hipop DX they asked him about the beef between Eminem and Benzino and how it even started and in this interview Obie confirmed That Eminem was at the mixtape Summit show and Obie did run into benzeno and they briefly talked however he did not confirm or deny that Eminem was ignoring Benzino or Benzino even tried to contact Eminem at that time the hip-hop DX interviewer said something I like to do years after the fact is kind of go back in time with a veteran artist and revisit something I know something you were involved with was the whole Benzino situation could you maybe talk about what that time was like and that whole Source beef Obie Trice then said well the thing with the Benzino beef was that we were in Puerto Rico and I saw him out there I was coming out with cheers which was his album at the time and he said we were at the mixtape show Power Summit and I seen him out there and I said look out for me on the source mag man hook me up with a good review it was just manto man good conversation and he was like man I got you Obie I got you man don't worry about it I got you so that was a Saturday and I flew home that Sunday and that Monday DJ Green Lantern called me from New York and was just telling me like dog benzeno is on Hot 97 right now dissing the [ __ ] out of you so it kind of blew me away because I'm fresh in the game and I believe your word is everything and at that time I had no clue of how fickle the industry was so based off of what Obi Trice is saying is that OB Trice ran into Benzino and there was no issues everything seemed fine then a few days later Benzino got on hot 9 7 and decided to diss Eminem and Obi Trice and the rest of the D12 group based on Obi trice's response it would have been September 30th 2002 when benzen went to Hot 97 and decided to diss them apparently in that interview benzeno also mentioned Eminem acted strange towards him during the mixtape Summit show and that's why he started going at Eminem he said the only reason why Eminem is selling records is because he's white and he's the new 2002 Vanilla Ice and he's not going to be around forever so on and so forth the only unfortunate thing is I could not find the audio for this interview I looked all over the Internet so you're just going to have to take my word for it based on my research following that a few weeks later on October 24th 2002 Benzino along with his artist Jeff times 2 released a mixtape called Hood Stories volume 1 and on this mixtape there was a song called I don't want to and that's the first track where Benzino is dissing Eminem on wax the only Eminem I know is made men by the way he ain't never going to play me I show this [ __ ] what it really is to be I don't care how much Rec you s you can't walk through the hood without the Men in Black disrespect your mom [ __ ] you deserve a smack it's not a black and white thing that shit's in the pass I got some white that bust your assig following that on October 30th 2002 50 c and gunit decided to take over Hot 97 cuz Andrew Martinez was on the road cuz she was a judge for American Idol so 50 Cent took it over alongside ly Banks and Tony yo and while there Eminem decided to call in when Eminem called in he talked about his new movie 8 Mile and then started trolling on air he said I want to request that new Benzino record it's hot see if you could find that and play it for me you may have to dig in the trash and maybe in the bottom of the trash can 50 Cent then basically played the record which was the disc I don't want to then M&M said it's like when you buy a product from the store a blender you get it home and try to use it but it doesn't work then he continued dissing him and then made up the name has been Zeno and said I don't know about that I don't know if he's ever been popping unfortunately I could not find the audio of this I was looking all over the place but couldn't I find it I could only find the script of what they said when this was happening the crazy thing is though on this day later that night Jam Master Jay was murdered so let's not forget that let's send rip condolences to him following that in early November 2002 Benzino decided to respond with another diss track on wax called pull your skirt up and on this track he was dissing Eminem and Obi Trice let me start from the beginning you ain't repping the streets you from the outskirts of Detroit where the [ __ ] me I'm going to pull your SK SKT up expose your true sex antagonize your label till I get my respect you ran to your manager ask him how to handle this five shaped darker [ __ ] you be Canabis you was UN before you ever met Dre your little career now you owe your life to Ray the magg RPP after this diss track came out it was official Benzino had released two new diss tracks against Eminem and Eminem had not responded at all he was silent on this situation besides the time when he called in for the 50 Cent radio host show on Hot 97 but other than that there was no diss tracks from Eminem and the reason why according to Eminem was because his manager Paul Rosenberg wasn't trying to start a beef with Benzino he was trying to Hash it out then randomly a few weeks later on November 21st 2002 late night djk slay on Hot 97 premiered two new Eminem diss tracks going at benzo one was called the sauce and the other was called nail in the [Music] coffin our only source a light when the mics used to mean something the four was like you would a [ __ ] now it's like the least you get three and a half now this means you a piece of [ __ ] four and a half or five means you biggy jig KN upo see I don't even think you realize you playing with [ __ ] lives I don't watch three get [ __ ] on the chronic probably cuz I was on it now you [ __ ] me out of my mics twice I let it slide I said I wouldn't hold my [ __ ] breath to get a five [ __ ] I was right i' have [ __ ] died already trying you sit behind on a [ __ ] desk get the sour butt kissing and begging [ __ ] for guest appearances and you can't even get the clearances cuz real Lyricist don't even respect you or take you serious it's not that we don't like you we hate you period after these two diss tracks dropped it was official both artists have gone on wax responding to each other with diss tracks then a few weeks later and the DJ Green Lantern Invasion part one Shady times mixtape came out and on this mixtape there was a few more diss tracks going at Benzino the first title track was called Invasion also known as we the realist track and Obi Tri decided to respond to Benzino himself with a track called Welcome to Detroit City some [ __ ] sooner or later you little haters are too jealous of us to love us you hat it made it the twizzies coming you sck your stomach 50% of it's 50 Cent the other 50% of it's whose color of skin it is but if you even considering taking a label down you better find our building and fly fuckinge in the W what's strange to me in the game and know we just came and he ain't got more Fame than me that's wow blame it on a white boy [ __ ] that's your style we're raing it ain't happening fathom the thought stick to journalism that's your art and apart from responding I know the sourcer tell him don't cop him OB tri's album's not popping then on December 5th 2002 Benzino responded and he released a new track with a video called Die Another Day and on this track and video he went all out dissing Eminem he basically blamed Eminem for being a white supremist in hipop he went at Eminem's manager Paul Rosenberg he went at Eminem's daughter and threatened her life he even went at 50 c D12 and Obi Tri basically everything and everyone affiliated with Eminem then just a few weeks later on December 23rd 2002 Eminem decided to call into Hot 97 and talk with Andie Martinez about this whole beef and how it escalated to this point following that benino decided to release his own mixtape going at Eminem in the Shady aftermath camp and the Mixtape was called Benzino presents Die Another Day Flawless Victory and released this on January 1st 2003 and on this mixtape there were quite a few new diss tracks going at Eminem and the rest of the Shady camp in the beginning he decided to do an intro of Eminem basically Shouting Out The Source thanking them for the support in the past then he decided to leak Paul rosenberg's alleged conversation with him on the phone and then he decided to put a bunch of different diss tracks he included the pull your skirt up track he included the Die Another day and he included that I don't want a track but he also included other tracks such as load them up which was a new Dis Track [ __ ] the tough talk better lose yourself and much [Music] more every time you up in the SAU your label got to pay me make me come to Detroit and put the gun have everybody like going crazy I don't care how many nails you putting my coffin ask your baby mom why she take flights to Boston he like why you [ __ ] with M he made three discs records man I'm under his skin you better stick to dissing cats like Fred D in Britney I'm a made manow after this then Benzino released his new album on January 14th 2003 called Redemption the album unfortunately did not perform well the album only sold 2,000 copies within the first week and the album featured the diss track pull your skirt up and he decided to work with a lot of people that 5050 Cent had issues with at that time such as Lil Kim blackchild and Cadillac t for Murder Inc after this is when the magazine War officially started because in February 2003 The Source released a new magazine with ja Ru on the cover who was having issues with 50 Cent at that time and on that magazine Ben Zeno was interviewed about his album and interviewed about his issues with Eminem and you decided to diss him throughout the whole magazine he sat down with the source interviewer and the interviewer said you've been quite outspoken recently about a lot of things including the state of hip-hop what do you think about the direction we're headed in benzeno then said definitely a dangerous path cuz while it's going mainstream Hip Hop's forgotten about the little guys and that's real harmful that's why I talk about the machine and Eminem The mainstream is dictating our creativity the interviewer then asks Define dictating our creativity he then says we have to do a certain type of song to get played on the radio now that the powers that be have somebody whose skin color they can relate to everything is fine nobody is saying anything about Eminem or what he is rapping about we get censored all the time when we talk about getting our asses beat by the police or other sorts of injustices then the interviewer asks what was your motivation for recording those diss tracks he said he's the hood ornament on the big truck you have to go out of him there are a lot of people in this world who buy hipop but they don't like us they like the beats and the Rhymes but they don't like us so now the Eminem machine has sucked all the sales away from every artist then the interviewer says but you can't deny that Eminem is on top of his game right now and is considered one of the top MC's you recognize his talent don't you benzeno then said yes definitely then the interviewer asked has anyone from Eminem's Camp tried to contact you Benzino then said his manager Paul Rosenberg but this guy is just selling out Eminem the interviewer then says if mem wanted to have a sit down with you would you do it benzeno surprisingly said yes I would do it following this magazine release and interview on February 18th 2003 the Cradle to the Grave soundtrack was released and on the song go to sleep it featured Eminem OB Trice and DMX and Eminem and OB Trice decided to diss Benzino and Eminem towards the end decided to call out Ja Rule and from this diss track is when Ja Rule got involved with dissing Eminem and everybody got intertwined if you want to see that portion of the beef where 50 Cent and JW rule go at it and Eminem and jaw rule go at it I covered it with 50 Cent versus job rule who really won Parts one and two go ahead and check that out but this is about Eminem and Ben Zeno and the magazine beef so we're not going to be talking about anything that Ja Rule does against m M and 50 Cent since I already covered [Music] it less so we going to beef and keep on beefing in L you're going to agree to meet with me in the flesh me do this my only following that go to sleep diss track from Eminem calling out Ja Rule and dising Benzino Moore in March 2003 XXL responded to the source by featuring Eminem 50 and Dr Dre on the cover of their magazine and in this magazine everyone is going at Benzino and Ja Rule in the March 2003 XXL magazine the interviewer asked speaking of wanting Eminem dead that's what Benzino has been calling for recently tell me about your relationship with him and the source Eminem said growing up that was the magazine that was the Bible of Hip Hop every month me and my people will go to the store it to get it the first thing that we always look for was the hipop quotable and then the unsigned hype and then we look at the mics if somebody got four mics or four and a half mics then we went and bought your [ __ ] me and proof and the people that we were down with we didn't have much money so if a record got three and a half or three we take turns buying tapes to check it out and see if they had anything on it but if the source gave it four four and A2 or five we went out and bought it no question the word was golden but now the game is [ __ ] up it's tainted so now as far as me personally and the source I'm done the interviewer then ask What's led to that well a lot of things Eminem said I've been short changed in the magazine since I came out and Dre has been short changed too so as I mentioned earlier in the video on how this beef started it's basically because they kept getting low mics on their albums then do Dre was asked about this whole situation and how he felt about it because before this he had been Rel relatively quiet and had been basically Eminem and 50 Cent talking most of the time the interviewer then asks Dre you have been dragged into this murder ink beef or the benzeno beef how do you keep yourself from getting embroiled Dr Dre then says to tell you the truth I don't give a [ __ ] about any of it 50 then steps in and says if they're smart at all they won't say anything about Dr Dre people that disrespect Dre come back eventually to try and make it okay cuz he's going to consistently make hit records Dr Dre then says and that's all I want to do I want to make [ __ ] records I don't care about none of that [ __ ] straight up I'm healthy I'm rich as a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do I need that in my life for so throughout the whole magazine they were essentially explaining why they got into a battle with Benzino in The Source magazine XXL even asked why they're cool again with Eminem because Eminem had issues with XXL a while ago following this on April 15th 2003 another DJ Green Lantern mixtape dropped and this was shady Invasion part two and on this mixtape there were multiple tracks going at Ja Rule and Benzino the tracks were the intro track the conspiracy bump heads hell Mary D me we all die one day and keep talking then you're using Staples to hold it together it's turning back into a newspaper and y'all got something for my ass every issue thank you cuz I keep running out of [ __ ] tissue and not the dissue but God I was sick of looking at you at least now I can see when Nike got a new tenis Shue keep talking keep on popping off with them Jaws because we ain't stopping we ain't got to prove [ __ ] to yall so y here to talk about Beno or I'm here to talk about L Ray what I'm dotion next bej then Benzino responded in May 2003 with his own diss track called falling down and on this diss track he was mainly calling out 50 Cent and gun but then he took shots at Dr Dre and Eminem as well plit always on a run sacrificial meat the machine Money Maker Trey stilling beat said he saying he made him no spit heat always ready street sweeping 50 fil 50 cow Hollow heat Seekers the magazine kill a kid if I have to tie him up chainsa his legs in the bathroom leader is a trailer par boo snatch him from behind rip his spine out his following that on June 3rd 2003 Eminem was headlining the HOT 97 Summer Jam show with 50 Cent and then when Eminem came out he decided to bring out his Source award and decided to smash it the article says the height of Eminem's disdain would come later in the show when he had Obi Tri bring out his 2000 Source award for Lyricist of the Year slim talked about his battle with the magazine and its co-owner Ray Benzino take your [ __ ] award back he yelled slamming It To The Ground almost as soon as the trophy smash the guitar riff from loser self came on commencing another of the nights feverish moments the next record 8 Mile was equally energetic then on July 2nd 2003 the junit radio part 3 mixtape taking it to the streets was released and on this mixtape there was a track called [ __ ] hits the fan in which Dr Dre was responding finally to benzen [ __ ] you then on September 23rd 2003 the new studio album from Obi Trice called cheers was released and on this album they featured the track [ __ ] hits the fan and on the outro track which was a new disc track going at Benzino and Ja Rule following that in an August 2003 50 Cent graced the cover of XXL magazine and in this cover he decided to go at Ja Rule and Benzino a lot and the editor at that time was Elliot Wilson and he decided to even go at Benzino in The Source magazine and call them out saying that they're way out of their league and XXL magazine is going way past The Source magazine and is becoming the number one dominant source for hipop however Benzino did not like this and according to Benzino he went over to their offices he saw Elliot Wilson and apparently did something to him to get him to apologize Elliot Wilson I went up to the offices and seen dude and dude apologized immediately yeah you know I don't want to know tell you what took place you know cuz it ain't about incrimination incrimination but yeah I went up there and he he he actually apologized in front of the whole staff had him apologized in front of the whole staff so you know following this on October 7th 2003 there was a new album from the hip-hop group booya tribe called the west coast norra and on track four which was called 9/11 it featured Eminem and Eminem was taken so subliminal shots towards J Ru and benzeno nobody saw Jaws are flapping you couldn't stpp it ain't about the no more it's about trying to show off and it feel like any minute's about to go off following this just a month later on November 7th 2003 the Eminem mixtape straight from the lab leaked and this wasn't an official Eminem mix tape this was something that Eminem's brother's friend accidentally leaked online he took the tracks posted them and a lot of these tracks were recorded a long time ago unfortunately though a lot of these tracks featured disses against jaw Rule and Ben Xeno tracks such as monkey see monkey do Bully and come on [Music] in i' like to be the stranger of this punk ass little pussy's puny neck it's my right to insist that he acknowledged my existence but he just displays complete lack of respect that's what he says to himself as he uses magazine to trash me as he sits with both his feet up at his desk after all these diss tracks have come out benzeno had been relatively quiet and hadn't released anything but on November 18th 2003 all of that would change on that date Benzino and The Source magazine held a press conference and revealed That Eminem had old tapes and old songs where he was using racial slurs they revealed an old freestyle That Eminem recorded when he is roughly 15 years old called Foolish Pride the tape that three white kids from Detroit walked into Dave's office brought and said listen this is the real Eminem and and and we're tired of it we got to make this the same way that you guys have treated Mike Tyson you guys are treating Kobe Bryant you guys treated R Kelly OJ Simpson we can we can hit the music now straight to the girls are [ __ ] that's why I'mma tell you you better pull up your cuz all that cash is making your assag from the boyfriend G and that's pretty bad I can't think of a more you know important and pivotal moment uh in our history and the sources history you know our personal histories than than right here tonight andx because are ands are good girl are good I like white girls black women are bad white women are good I don't care if he's redeemed to self now that's not the message and if that's who he is then he has to be held accountable for that I want to see what he's going to say now the ball's in his is in his court now and Eminem immediately responded to the allegations that he was racist and released a statement saying Ray Benzino Dave Mae and the source have had a vendetta against me Shady Records and are artists for a long time the tape they played today was something I made out of anger stupidity and frustration when I was a teenager I just broken up with my girlfriend who was African-American and I reacted like an angry stupid kid I was I hope people will take it for the foolishness that it was not for what somebody is trying to make it today following the statement The Source was going to distribute an M&M CD with all the racial slurs on its February edition of their magazine but Eminem stopped that because he ended up suing the source right after the statement was made in legal papers filed in Manhattan federal court Monday Eminem Shady Records is seeking an injunction preventing the magazine from Distributing the CD in its February Edition Eminem claims the Magazine's owners and chief executive David maiz have breached Federal copyright laws by reproducing the previously unreleased recording he once unspecified damages after that on January 16th 2004 DJ green lanon released the Shady invasion part three mixtape and on track number three Eminem is spitting a freestyle going at Benzino little and talks big with [ __ ] arms and creamy white feeling in the middle that'll do anything to throw dirt on my name if it means walking a whole Mediterranean is it an Albanian armanian Iranian Tasmanian no it's da Raymond and oh oh sorry yo so sorry wo but that was a long time ago when I was just Joe rapping in Joe blow's basement I apologized for it before so either accept that or you don't and let's move on and find that I've grown and get the following that in February 2004 Eminem graced the cover of The Source magazine once again but it was all for the wrong reasons they revealed a lot of information on why Eminem was a racist they even attached a CD with the magazine but due to Eminem's lawsuit they could only preview 20 seconds of the racist tracks that Eminem recorded a while ago following this on March 30th 2004 Eminem did a track with Obi Tri called I'm gone on the DJ K slay album the street sweeper Volume 2 and on this track he subliminally goes at benzeno fight ain't got the smarts to write something that good you try to come back at me with what you going to do try to out me with that happy [ __ ] you [ __ ] crack upack up following this much of the battle between Eminem and Benzino had gone off wax and into courtrooms because they were suing each other left and right but Eminem had to get a lot off his chest in the music Still and on November 12th 2004 he released his new album Encore and on three tracks he was addressing a lot of the situations between Ben Zeno The Source magazine and Ja Rule on the track Yellowbook Road Eminem addressed the racist tapes and apologized on the track big weeny he made fun of benzeno and said that he'll never be the rapper that Eminem is and that benzeno is jealous because of Eminem's Talent then on the track Like Toy Soldiers he essentially ended the beef between Ja Rule and Benzino and said that he's done with it Beno it don't matter I never drag him in battles that I can handle unless I absolutely have to I'm supposed to set an example now the owner R this got to grudge against me for nothing well [ __ ] it that [ __ ] could get it too [ __ ] me I'll walk away from it I let it go any further what the intent of the song what the intent was to do is to just say from at least from our side like this is a chapter in in in our lives that we want to close and we want to move on from this beef also around this time when Eminem was promoting his Encore album he ended up stopping by Tim Westwood show alongside D12 and him and proof ended up spitting a freestyle over the god a twisted beat and some of the lines were going at Benzino and Ja Rule however Benzino felt a different way and on January 5th 2005 he responded to M&M's Like Toy Soldiers track and video he released a track and video called look into my eyes and this video essentially picks up where Eminem's Like Toy Soldiers left off and in that song in video Benzino takes blame for murdering proof and this is crazy because as we know a year and a few months later in April 2006 proofers actually shot and killed during an altercation in a nightclub in Detroit yeah he's dead he's dead they killed him Jimmy calm calm down um calm down what what happened I told you this would happen this [ __ ] is crazy Marshall I told you there was going to be some casualties here um we have to look at this as as a sacrifice um as long as a doesn't happen to people like us you know we're all right no I want out I want out I'm scared I've always been scared this isn't [Music] me after this song and video like I said Eminem was over the beef and battle that he had with benzeno and The Source magazine he even decided to drop the lawsuit against The Source on March 23rd 2005 his attorney Donald David said the cas is being dropped because there is nothing left to win the judge already decided we have the copyright and he awarded Us $131,000 in sanctions so the case has no purpose anymore following that on April 8th 2005 Benzino officially quit working for The Source magazine he said I want to step down from the magazine and sell my stock effective immediately I've consumed too much with this whole conflict thing the Eminem lawsuit and I'm sick of it I don't want it to take away from what the source has built up but I got issues with the source and magazines like that everyone is too politically correct they're not thinking about the little guy who can't afford to pay for high priced ads it's like a monopoly following his retirement the last diss track on wax was released from proof on April 25th 2005 off his grown man [ __ ] mixtape the track was called oil can hairy after this last diss track on wax everyone went their Separate Ways Eminem started working on his music Still he ended up disappearing due to drug problems but he kept releasing music after that benzeno ended up taking a new job and developing a new company called hipop weekly he also ended up appearing on love and hipop and now he's continuously doing that Benzino has been apologizing to Eminem throughout the years for what he's done and why he even started the beef he's apologized in 2011 2012 and various other times I mean the shots that I took I guess at his family and everything I apologize for that because sometimes you know I look at that put in my shoes you don't want people going at your kids your family because then that takes it out there to this day I've never even we've never been even 50 feet in front of each other so you know I mean hey you know what I'm saying before it's all over for Zeno who knows you know what I'm saying we might be 60 70 years old run across each other and and sit back and laugh about this you know I mean I I would like that you know I don't know how he fails but you know however when Eminem released his Revival album which is his latest album on January 21st 2018 earlier this year Benzino decided to call the album Trash he said on Twitter can somebody tell these weirdo M fans that in this culture of hip-hop they are the subculture meaning nobody gives a flying [ __ ] about anything they have to say when it comes to him right now the album is trash so take the L and move on thank you and good night so clearly he has some feelings towards Eminem still even though he's apologized in the past and has said he's gotten over the situation Eminem however has not said a single thing about Benzino since 2004 when he was interviewed by MTV about the situation other than that he hasn't said a single thing he's moved on completely now let's talk about who won the battle portion of the beef which is the shortterm portion of the beef in the midst of the battle who won and then let's talk about who won the war portion of the beef after the battle settled down who has longevity who is still around in terms of who won the battle portion it's very clear that Eminem won simply because he is the rapper in this situation he's very lyrical and kept coming at Benzino with a bunch of diss tracks that were Way Beyond what Ben Zeno could do lyrically although in my opinion Benzino had two great diss tracks which was Die Another Day and that track that's called falling down which dissed 50 Cent more than Eminem those two diss tracks in my opinion were dope and were overlooked people just completely called him trash even though I felt like he had some great bars in those but overall as we know Eminem just kept going at him and didn't let his foot off his neck at all so Eminem clearly wins this and he tried to get Ja Rule involved to help him but as we know ja Ru couldn't really do much against the Juggernaut of Eminem 50 Cent and Dr Dre at that time when Benzino released the racist tapes 2 that was a great move but it just shows how big Eminem is as a star that it didn't affect him at all so clearly Eminem won the battle portion now let's talk about the war portion this one is clear as well although both sides are winning Eminem clearly won the war portion when it comes to the music because he kept releasing albums regardless of his time off after the beef he kept releasing albums they kept selling he kept getting number ones meanwhile benzeno was trying to start hip-hop weekly and he was doing pretty good he then got on Love and& Hip Hop which is doing very well for him a lot of people clown a lot of artists and celebrities that go on that show they say that the celebrities are dead and nobody cares about them but Benzino has well over 1 million followers on Instagram so clearly people care but if we had to choose musical careers everyone would take M&M's clearly I mean he kept getting number ones kept selling millions and millions of Records benzeno dropped a few projects here and there but nobody really cared so overall Eminem won the battle portion and won the war portion which shouldn't be no surprise to anyone watching this video well that's it for this episode of who really won I hope you enjoyed this video this was the first Eminem beef I decided to cover simply because it tied into the 50 c and jaw rule beef video that I did a while ago so let me know in the comments below what you guys think I'm currently going to be working on the Jay-Z versus Naas who really won video once I reach 200,000 subscribers I'll drop that video right after so stay tuned And subscribe for that if you want to support this channel further you can do so at patreon.com back/ diverse mentality for just a dollar a month or more you can help support this channel further a link is in the description below for that so like comment share and definitely subscribe I do videos like this daily on hip hop news and much much more so definitely subscribe follow me on Twitter and on Instagram @ Quake GW like us on Facebook and I'll see you guys in the next episode Peace
Channel: Diverse Mentality
Views: 2,193,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eminem, eminem vs benzino, eminem benzino, beef, news, hip hop, rap, eminem kamikaze, eminem machine gun kelly, eminem mgk diss, mgk rap devil, eminem fall, ja rule, 50 cent, shady records, dr dre, the source magazine, benzino the source, xxl magazine, slim shady, eminem stepping stone, d12, proof, drake, eminem diss drake, eminemr disses machine gun kelly, eminemr rap god, eminem kamikaze mgk, hailie, marshall mathers, battle
Id: 2Zz0IkULf6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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