Emily in Paris: body dysmorphic, quirky, uncultured?

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name another show where everyone is 12 out of 10 annoyed but still watches every season midwesterners like say ing oh my God have you heard of this of course it's a common drink that helps shed kilos what it's perfect for America okay here's a confession I watched Emily in Paris and not just the first the second but also the third season was it a mistake we'll find out also I think it is important for you to know having two full-time jobs one in Tech and one being a lawn and short form Creator I rarely watch any shows like rarely an average of 0.5 to 1.5 shows a year and somehow Emily in Paris snuck itself to that list and literally every friend I talk to who watched Emily in Paris are equally confused as to how they're so annoyed with the show yet dedicated over 300 minutes to the new season bizarre hence I want to make this video because no matter how bad the ratings get each year people still get so invested into the show that does not make sense in character writing and fashion in the cultural representation in everything so let's discuss how the show makes scene uncultured quirky just kiss so much here why Emily is a problem that's weird hidden body dysmorphic hints are you okay the fashion as well as the final question why does everyone still watch Emily in Paris Emily in Paris is a show where Emily an American Girl in marketing goes to Paris to help with the French subsidiary of the company she works at season 3 begins with Emily living a double life working for her old American boss Madeline and French boss Sylvie Emily is in a relationship with Elfie while her French love Gabrielle is dating her quote-unquote French best friend Camille hey what's going on along with the other drama the season ends with Kami abandoning her engagement with Gabrielle because she thought he and Emily are meant for each other and Emily's boyfriend Alfie leaves her to find the right man look at you man anything for the plot I mean true love if you think the plot was the only thing that did not make sense behold because throughout the seasons Emily in Paris has done a splendid job in making everything quirky including culture and respect speaking French right I think so um [Music] I don't know no idea somehow the show was supposedly a love letter to French culture I'm not going back to Chicago but in reality is a weird mix between fetishizing the French culture and being anti-french culture this before we even touch on not just hints but straight out flashing neon signs of racism but the people so mean let's first look at the ultimate pack of French cliche cheating croissant Couture it gets better while Emily in Paris indeed romanticizes Paris in so many ways the show consistently throughout all seasons portrayed French in a way that made a lot of French people angry nope no they disagree with everything I say that's the French way they're very disagreeable in the show they are often rude I think lazy in contrast to our cute little workaholic America Emily perfect drink to sip and do nothing as the ferris wheel turns I'll see you on Monday don't be early and always cheats what's the point of being married if you're just going to cheat on your spouse uh maybe after you're married for 20 years you might feel differently I mean the French are Romantics but they're also realist an NBC news article quoted a French young woman quote it was worse than cliche it felt like it was Americans mocking French people not sure if the show was purposely trying to mock the French but two things I know for sure Paris from a personal experience was beyond lovely and I did not find parisians rude and the second thing is that this show is outright patriotic it is a show to glorify American culture think outside the box it makes me think I should too wait what I made the list by juxtaposing the American culture against the French the French were seen as outdated while the American as the Innovative futuristic Americans invented it which is why I hope to become a valuable member of your team the French were seen as cold and aloof while the American is seen as warm and bubbly the French needed Emily in Paris as their savior because the American hero always saves the day you you came to Great Paris and and brought up the sunshine for all of us I'm just doing my job and speaking of diversity or lack thereof the show received criticism from season one by having the whole cast and basically all the background actors as white not reflecting the true diverse dynamic in Paris except for Emily's best friend Mindy who she met out of nowhere being Asian her co-worker Lucian being black and gay then comes season two we have Alfie played by a British actor of color and let Mindy make a few more new friends who are Asian is this performative diversity hard to say but at least we're making progress my biggest pet peeve however is how the characters of color were written on cliche stereotypes Chinese people are mean behind your back I'm going to focus on Mindy because I'm both very happy that there is Asian representation in mainstream TV but also just a little disappointed in how the character was written Mindy and Emily in Paris was portrayed as someone who lacks sophistication of a western poised woman she's loud [Music] tell sex jokes remember when he was just a chef here and he made you eat his meat maybe excuse me says racist things you can't punish people for their thoughts I'm from China we've tried if these jokes came out of Lily Collins mouth the whole show would be canceled but even though the jokes were written by white dudes no one could call you racist if their jokes were set through an Asia's mouth right keeping it dirty you'll be fine but the fact that Mindy Chen a Chinese character is played by a Korean actress though I have nothing against Ashley Park she is very talented but the lousy script writing character portrayal and the casting decision that implies all Asians are the same is in my view racist like they could have literally made her a Korean character or maybe it's just conscious or unconscious ignorance and speaking of playing out ignorance one care after we cannot ignore is Emily herself excuse me pardon well correct for him but not correct for me I suggest you trade Maybe no no come on maybe I'll educate the chef a little bit about customer service you think you're going to change the entire French Culture by sending back a steak Emily is one of the worst characters I've encountered she's disrespectful to friends what I'm learning disrespectful to your boyfriend I knew there was something disrespectful to the culture your language is seriously effed up disrespectful to her boss you don't even bother to learn the language you treat the city like it's your amusement park and the worst part is she was never portrayed as a bad person but I'm an agreeable person people like me that's my strength being the protagonist she is always winning in her own righteously ignorant way [Music] ocean are you taking on solicited photos for your Instagram I was planning a character analysis in this portion before I realized there is no character Arc to really analyze from season 1 to season three although new plots characters and questionable costumes get introduced one thing that stays surprisingly consistent is Emily's character she lacks the humbleness to learn and pay the minimum respect to the culture she is no longer new to do that's such a lovely name would you just mind pointing it out oh Ted got it the respect for boundaries do not sleep with your friend's boyfriend and be in a relationship but be in love with someone else oh all the way to season three she's still conveniently does not speak much French Trey better really Mindy I mean it's not worse she tries to impose her ways onto everyone else around her and at the end of the day she gets her way everyone else is a problem I'm not really sure Paris likes me every man she encounters become so enthralled by her every Frenchman speaks perfect English every Business Solution she suggests is always a hit here's a cute cat wearing a sun hat no idea why from a girl actually in marketing or anyone in any profession knows how BS it is the way Emily smooth sailed through her career in all three seasons it's impossible she's a I knew it she follows me she follows you why don't you follow me Emily the biggest problem she had was her relationship with her French boss Sylvie and of course choosing between a promising startup firm or a giant American corporation that both want her desperately I get it I do even with social media she gains followers by the minute like a joke by posting selfies [Music] today is day one the fun employment I if your eyes and ears to this City wow oh a lot of you are joining already okay and the most frustrating part is that she wants it all job at two great firms a French man and a British man keeping the friendship with Kami yet wanting to be with her boyfriend idealistic or just greedy but as the show follows Emily in solving her quote-unquote problems it's almost like watching a whiny kid complain about all her privileges all day long our problems are basically caused by herself and that's how the show propels forward and also I might do a separate video on this but I want to take a quick moment to talk about the show's relation with body dysmorphia because I haven't seen much coverage of this topic online the show made jokes about why French women are skinnier than American women because they just smoke cigarettes instead of eating do you want to have lunch no I'll have a cigarette and drinking magic leek soup to have a typical lean French body the magic trick a little secret why didn't you tell me that earlier that wouldn't be a secret would it I just don't think that there's a magic way to lose weight that just sounds like something Gwyneth would push on goop oh can get us on goop oh let's do that please first of all suggesting smoking instead of eating to get a great French body is like wrapping starvation in a laundry bag it's still starvation and secondly it's subjecting French woman to a specific body type and labeling a certain type of body as body goal whereas a standard American woman's body is seen as inferior thereby reinforcing a stereotypical Beauty standard have you heard of this of course it's a common drink that helps shed kilos what that sounds so bad for you yes but it's perfect for America in season three there was a scene of Emily and Gabrielle eating at a Michelin restaurant where Emily claims that she is so stuffed I can't have another bite me neither with a super flat belly showing no signs of a food baby or even eating anything everything was fabulous again I get that this is TV and not a serious production meant to save lives but in relation to how popular the show is oh my God you saw that and in relation to how so many young girls are watching this and beginning to build the expectation that this is how your body should look after a 12 course meal could get a little problematic especially since actress Lily Collins struggled with anorexia and bulimia in the past I am a basic with a bag charm I feel like if we were to discuss Emily in Paris we need to at least touch on the fashion since the Consulting costume designer Patricia field is known for the iconic styles of Sex in the City and The Devil Wears Prada but the fashion in Emily in Paris specifically for Emily herself is a lot like her character confusing and questionable for starters just because it's Bears does not mean that everyone including a girl who calls herself basic and cannot afford Couture whereas designer since season one Emily has been dressed in a pretty green Chanel code Louis Vuitton and off-white puffer season two with mini dress from Dolce and Gabbana plus Christian Louboutin bag a good Valentino belt the h m collab dress though was gorgeous and a great pick then season 3 green pattern Mimi jacket Celine Louis Vuitton and so on but the only thing we could afford from any of those designers was a clip-on bag from a outlet mall in Winnetka the point is Styles aside the accuracy Behind The Branding of Emily's wardrobe is also confusing if they want to make her financially well off then do it but don't try to paint her as someone relatable who cannot afford Couture yet whereas non-repeated outfits and designer in terms of the style itself how do you say this nicely I know the designers are making Emily's style fun colorful bold but it delivered as loud and like a stolen closet from 10 people we have the mismatch patterns streetwear elements random metallic touches feathers because they are in there's simply no one signature look the lack of cohesiveness is suggesting an ambiguous identity which is not reflected in the character writing because for better Wars throughout the show Emily does not change she has no character Arc and keeps her way because why bother to change she gets her way regardless you may mock us but the truth is you need us without basic like me you wouldn't be fashionable the jumbo mix of random styles are almost reflective of someone chasing random Trends and doesn't know what she wants which is kind of true it gives off buying off whatever the algorithm serves and hopping onto micro trends that pop up although the Wardrobe is not made of fast fashion pieces the fashion attitude is very much fast culture because the show unlike sex in the city was probably not trying to make a lasting impact on culture or more so it seems like the show was trying to throw in different elements so that at least one will hopefully be trending against time but not sure about you unlike Sex in the City I personally do not think the storyline scripting characters are worth a re-watch even though I sadly watch every new season so far so why do we still watch Emily in Paris that's it we have to do something I think you already did enough do you mind closing the door but how can they it's Business Without Even door don't feel miserable if you spend over 900 minutes watching every season of Emily in Paris feel terrible just kidding in life we make mistakes and sometimes more than once just to be sure just kidding it might not be a complete waste of time and you certainly are not alone the new season reached number two on Netflix by collecting 117.6 million hours of use in a week it's Netflix's top 10 even in France and even though his ratings are declining as the only conflicts driving the show forward are self-inflicting ones originated from our Heron herself [Music] surprising or not a New York Post article headline quote Emily in Paris is now too boring to even hate watch the article wrote quote the 10 episodes are so dull you can't even hate watch them for hate requires passion now I do agree to some extent but this highlights the exact reason why some people watch the show it requires no emotional investment no I haven't asked you anything yet Emily in Paris for me at least is the perfect easy form of escapism it's visually flamboyant but still pretty it shows a romanticized version of Paris fashion events excitement music and not all the characters are irritating I personally adore Sylvie and Luke the fast-paced story also doesn't keep you waiting it's also a very lazy TV show where you don't need to think much or at all never lose sleep over if she picks a shockingly ugly outfit or has a romantic affair with another guy everything is Pretty in Pink There is no real grave issue like Financial instability heartbreak that the audiences can actually empathize to word or anything beyond the next hot French or London man to date it's also a show written by Americans for Americans it glorifies American culture shows how American ways are the new ways so of course it's a feel-good show for most most Americans to watch in a GQ article called Emily in Paris is for the dudes Chris a 40 year old creative consultant said television for me is I want to watch something that is sweet like candy I don't want it to push me in any way and bingo that's exactly it because the show only comes out once a year it's like an occasional candy we have good for the moment but no lasting values or nutrition so as long as it's not the only thing we are consuming one can enjoy a candy or two and whether if you like the candy is solely up to your taste
Channel: zoeunlimited
Views: 353,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emily in paris, emily in paris body dysmorphia, emily in paris is problematic, emily in paris eating disorder, emily in paris review, emiily in paris commentary, emily in paris season 3 review, emily in paris season 3, emily in paris racist, emily in paris racist chinese, emily in paris racist moments, emily in paris fashion, emily in paris fashion review, emily in paris fashion season 3, emily in paris analysis, why do people watch emily in paris, fashion analysis emily
Id: a_B7bTTx3Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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