Emily Deschanel's Cult Obsession Drew Her To 'Devil In Ohio' Role

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(band music plays) - Have you, have y'all met before? - No, but I have this thing where I have amnesia with famous people, so I - We may well have. We have actually! - I, we might have met and if I see you again - Wait, have y'all met? - [Eddie] No, I don't really. But I'm so thrilled to hear that you have amnesia cuz I have like a brain like a sieve and so - [Emily] Yeah! - I have exactly the same thing and it's horrendously offensive to people I've actually met. - I know people get very offended when you don't remember and it's like, "Oh my God, there's so many people in the world. I'm so sorry." - It's like I think I have like this thing where I hold people up. I met Seth Rogen and I was like, "So nice to meet you." And he's like, "Well we met before." And I was like, "Oh really?" He's like, "Yeah, remember we met at the audition for '40 year old Virgin?'" And I was like, "No. Nope, I didn't audition for that. I don't know what you're talking about." And then it like three weeks later I was like, "I did. I did audition for that movie." I complete- And it's happened several times, but I've been savvier and just been like, "Yes, it so nice to see you again!" - Exactly. To see you! - See you! To see you! That's, yeah. - That's very helpful. Lovely to see you! - Anyway, but I don't ever get offended if you don't remember this moment, I will just not care. - [Emily] I think I will. - Yeah. I'll be like, cool. Me neither. But your sister Zoe has been here before and she said that you guys grew up on sets, right? On movie sets. - Yeah. My dad's cameraman and my mom's an actor and so we grew up going to visit sets. So I think the big motivator for me becoming an actor was visiting my mom on set one day. - [Kelly] Yeah. - And there were donuts. - Oh. Craft service. - So, you know - [Kelly] Yeah, for a kid, craft service. - I go with my plan since then. - The new show is called "Devil in Ohio." I did, we were talking about when we were watching the clip how we just wanted to bring the scariest shows in one episode. (Eddie and Emily laugh) Like today. - Yeah, totally. - Like it was like we just went real dark - Creepy. - for y'all today. - Yeah. Yours looks so creepy. - I know. Yours doesn't look not creepy. It's called "Devil in Ohio." So what drew you to this role? - Well, I've always had a fascination with cults and so this deals with, okay. (Kelly laughs) My character's a psychiatrist who, there's a teenage girl who escapes from a cult and she ends up having a great idea of bringing her home to her family and having her move in with her. And I've always had fascination with cults but I also was like well, what would make this psychiatrist decide to bring home her patient? So that's I guess where my fascination, that's why interest in the show came from. - Yeah. Yeah. I love it. I love the whole, I don't love cults. I don't, I'm not like into that. - You don't love cults? - No, but hey, but I love that like it's something that draws you in because at this point y'all get to kind of pick what you do and like what really interests you and you love in your career. So it's fun to watch y'all. - Aww. - [Kelly] You're so gifted. - Is fun to watch you. - So things that got, well, I don't do scary, but things that, they did get creepy on "Bones" though cuz you were always around like dead bodies. Did you ever have to like, like he did, you know, went to study as a nurse for a bit and apparently sucked, but (guests laugh) You don't want him around! But did you ever like go like I don't know, to a morgue, like when you did "Bones?" - Oh yeah, yeah. We went to the coroner's office. But I didn't do it right away when I started. I did it like a year or two in, but yeah, that-- The smell! - [Eddie] Oh my gosh - I was gonna say the smell has to be - Because we were dealing with fake bodies so we got really used to the fake bodies and we'd eat our lunch over them and it's like you're just used to like gooing up our hands. (Kelly laughs) It was disgusting but we got completely desensitized to it. But real bodies smell horrible especially when they decompose, apparently. And so that's the thing that I stuck with me. I couldn't get outta my nose. - Nope. - [Emily] It was scarring. - Nope. - Did it change like performance then? - [Emily] No! - Did you go back and then you go (Eddie loudly sniffs) - No, and that's what my choice at the beginning was like I don't think I need to do this cause I think I'm supposed to be comfortable with these bodies - Exactly! - So I can just use my imagination to pretend that I'm comfortable. - You're an actor! - And that worked better. Then I had to like then use my imagination even more after going there to think like, "No, this is okay, this is normal." Cuz it was. - That putrid smell is totally fine. - Yeah, no it doesn't. I'm used to it. - Oh no.
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 34,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Emily Deschanel, Zooey Deschanel, Kelly Clarkson, Eddie Redmayne, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, thriller, Netflix, series, Devil In Ohio, coroner's office, Bones, cult, cultists, childhood, acting, psychiatrist, The Rookie, Animal Kingdom, The Simpsons, BoJack Horseman
Id: c3W6LnWM5t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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