Emily Blunt Stole This “Devil Wears Prada” Line After Overhearing a Mean Mom at the Store (2015)

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2006 Devil Wears Prada are you so confident your abilities that when you're cast with Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway does that intimidate you at all or you just don't care no I was very intimidated I remember the table read was Meryl and you know we're all just quaking it's the table read comes after you're hired right comes off to you hired and you do a table read where you just read through the script you've said in that movie you play kind of a woman that you don't like that you would not like to hang out with right and you in order to prepare you went around and you found really horrible people to emulate right where do you find horrible people I like to soak up people on the street and people like me to know what do you mean soak up people I guess I steal from people I meet and you steal friend like I saw a mother speaking to her child in a supermarket when we were shooting that film and it's a line that gets quoted back to me now where she yelled at her kid in a supermarket and she kind of went like this with a hand like she's working a puppet and she goes yeah I'm hearing this and I want to hear this right I put it in the movie yeah I'm hearing this is that the secret to being a great actress that you must observe what people do in the mimic it part of me sometimes feels that I think that is that does go into it for me that's what helps me is to kind of feel what other people would feel like in my skin and that that's the trick that makes sense and other times I think it's about the ultimate expression of empathy you have to be so interested in people and empathize with them profoundly it can you easily get rid of your right like if I said you be a typical American right now could you easily get rid of it it's not that easy for me how do you do what do you have to do you have to go into a mindset or you do being a mimic again you just mimic you know an accent yeah who do you mimic who do you think of when you if I said you right now here's a part I was in America be an American would you go to a North East and kind of thing a southern thing where would you go for you I think Brits always say it's like a standard American accent which is probably insulting because I think accents are very different in America is the standard accent a Midwestern accent no it's like a very odd I don't even hate renée's how do you do if I had to play a British like your accent is not a standard American accent that's not all we're taught as a standard American I'm like a New Yorker you're in New York I have a New York actor do you know New York accents are really hard for Brits whereas a southern accent is easier for some reason the rhythms and the tambour of it is like much easier when you would for a movie like Devil Wears Prada but you played a British person there so that's that's a that's right that's easy I said do you want me to do it American I said I'd prefer to play her British because I think there's a sort of superiority that works with an arrogance and arrogance yes and it worked yeah an imperious quality but when you go in to see Tom Cruise and you're thinking about he wants you to play America but he didn't I mean most people I think people really like the British accent and so I'm sort of being embraced in that way that I have done both but can you enjoy playing an American I do enjoy it um if it helps me sort of go in a different direction with a character if it helps kind of trigger a different sort of chameleon thing but but there's something that is not quite as liberating for me if you're having to do an accent when you were shooting Sicario I understand you got sick during the shoot did you got what they called Montezuma's Revenge do they stop filming or you have to do the show must go on actually worked for the film because I was supposed to look sweaty and terrified because we were seeing bodies hanging from a bridge that they were like let's do it that's a heavy scene right to show you got to really look authentic in that one you walk in and a cartel has already just wiped out all these people and you see and you smell them and they're dead dudes dead carcasses there and and you and and you're someone who has never been traumatized like that before not to that extent I mean she's tactically really highly skilled at being an FBI agent but I think what she's exposed to in the war on drugs it's just a whole other does the director say to you listen you did this is the setup you got to be really sickened here go that's how it works and my whole thing you know we're really trying to find the reality of the situation I just think when people are really scared and really grossed out they submarine it like people just have this rather shocked expression in other words the trick is most amateurs would be like oh you know you've got all because you're a tough FBI woman yeah you've got to act so she's trying to say face throughout the whole film so it's a subtle move on camera I think the camera sees everything you know I've really learnt over the years that you don't it really sees everything so so he's acting on the eyes you just have to feel it just feel it out don't here's what fascinates me so you're a little kid growing up and you're a stutterer and a bad one I mean I have it bad and some teacher notices that when you act in school plays or whatever it is you're doing and you become a character that you don't stutter that much what happens when you become a character it because people who sing say this I started that when I sing it disappears sort of removal of yourself from yourself type thing and I used to really enjoy speaking in stupid voices and I loved accents as a kid because it was a way for me to speak fluently and this teacher that you just spoke about picked up on that he said you want to be in the class play and I said no and he said well please you know I think you should I think you'd be great he said I've heard you do your bits with your friends and do impersonations he said I've heard you do me I've heard you do a bunch of people why don't you just do it in a silly voice which is amazing that he had that kind of insight as someone who isn't a stutterer and most teachers don't pay attention on that loan no the fact that he really zeroed in on you is really good yeah mr. McHale now here mr. McHale mr. McHale I got to hail him because you know what that's pretty good most teachers ignored me no matter what I did no one saw a thing in me
Channel: The Howard Stern Show
Views: 2,598,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, Fred Norris, Gary Dell'Abate, Baba Booey, SiriusXM, HSS, htvod, Emily Blunt, Devil Wears Prada, Emily Charlton, quotes, lines, interview, acting, stutter, accent, american, Sicario, movie, film, audition, story, funny, funniest, best of
Id: 7JbXVLREygo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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