Emilia Perez - Movie Review

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good evening this is brother bro here coming to you back from my apartment but we're still talking about the can film festival time to talk about Amelia Perez the new Jac aard film it's been one of the most acclaimed and buzzed about titles at the can film festival the film is about a lawyer played by Zoe Sana she is tasked with helping the boss of a Mexican cartel whose name is manitas leave Life Of Crime behind forever and also transition into a woman the film also features Selena Gomez as the former cartel boss's wife now this is a Spanish language musical so it's got a whole lot of genres mashed into one but overarching that this film really fits the mold of a soapy mellow drama so not only do the characters break out into musical numbers but car chases break out or maybe shootouts film also feels very epic it takes place over many years and the story wonderfully transforms throughout its acts and it becomes something different each chapter this is a very refreshing burst of energy just given that it was doing something so out there it was taking a big swing and it's a lot of fun it's very entertaining definitely one of the more commercial hitting films at the Festival this year and I imagine that as a film was picked up by Netflix that this will absolutely find an audience it's not hard to imagine a wide populace of people loving this film but it is kind of a film that has polarized people and that some people were just completely moved by this like the people next to me were in tears they were just clapping at the end they loved it they ate it all up me on the other hand you know I really enjoyed myself throughout but something about it just felt a little bit Hollow to me and felt like by the end it was trying to make me feel more than I actually did and I had to sit and think about like why I was wasn't quite there like the people next to me were in typical melodramatic fashion the way that the film wants to onboard you onto the emotions is very blunt like you're either in it or you're not I don't think it's diving that deep into the characters as my sort of issue I think the problem was I just didn't totally understand the motivations of the characters and the nature of that feeling lies for me and that lawyer character who I felt like was a little too conveniently on the side of Amelia Perez throughout the film like not only is she helping her out of the situation doing it for the money would have been enough but she also seems to embrace this role of like trans champion and then sort of idolizing Amelia Perez goes even further to keep her life together towards the end in a way that just made me feel like she wasn't totally fleshed out for who she was and in addition to that the film has more big things that happened towards the end and I had to question whether or not they were necessary to tell the story or whether they were just there to make us feel something by way of making something stupendous happen now I'm going to acknowledge that most people who watch this are not going to feel that way I think most people will like it more than I did so I would very much encourage you to see this film's a lot of fun I enjoy the musical numbers for people who are weary of musicals I didn't feel exhausted from the music I thought it balanced just being a normal film well where like it wasn't breaking out into musical every few minutes and the songs range from being kind of outrageous and funny like the one where they're singing about rhinoplasties and vaginoplasties and there's a very sweet one with Amilia Perez and her daughter that one probably came the closest to bringing me to tears but in terms of the story's scope it feels like a soof a it takes place over many years each Act of the film feels like a different movie in a sense and I love that about it and it definitely feels like this would translate to Broadway talk about performances stand out here is Carla Sophia gasone who I suspect might win the best actress prize at can Zoe salana gives one of the best performances I've seen from her and Selena Gomez proves herself very worthy of dramatic work if you're a Selena Gomez Stan watching this video which I'm sure many of you are you're going to be really happy she has a lot of screen time in the film she has her own like musical number she's overall just very I would give it an8 out of 10 would see it again now I'm open to talking about Awards chances for this film firstly I think this will be nominated for international feature if it is submitted I I definitely think this would be nominated we might be starting off the awards season with some Golden Globe nominations here as well because this being a musical I could easily see this getting into comedy Musical and comedy musical actress for Carla Sophia gasone she's bound to be the performers who has the most Awards Buzz out of any I think she'll be campaigned in lead even though Zoe salana is also a lead and Selena would fit nicely into his supporting but I really only think that would happen if the film was a best picture Contender and now Netflix did scoop this up makes you wonder if they're going to campaign it this film did take off on streaming there could be a push for it you know getting jock Ard a director nomination uh getting an actress nomination maybe even Selena Gomez for supporting actress I'm not like totally convinced by it but it's very crowd-pleasing it's kind of for the masses at this point I'm just going to predict an international feature nomination maybe there's a song in there I really don't know which song would get nominated they'd have to Choose Wisely like which one to campaign I think it might be the song with the little girl just because that one's really cute the reason this actually might win an international feature is the seat of the Sacred fig is not going to be submitted by Iran the director is living in Exile because he will be jailed if he returns to his country there's no way Iran is going to submit that and just as well all we can imagine is light will not be submitted by for international feuture by India so we're going to have to look for either Luxembourg or France to submit that film this a decent scenario where Amelia Perez could win best International feature thank you for watching thank you for subscribing will you see this movie for Selena Gomez's presence alone [Music]
Channel: The Oscar Expert
Views: 12,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emilia perez movie review, emilia perez review, selena gomez, karla sofia gascon, zoe saldana, jacques audiard, cannes, cannes 2024, cannes movie review, cannes film festival, musical, comedy, crime, thriller
Id: WKdc_mL-G_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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