Emeril Lagasse Power Air Fryer 360 XL, 30 Day Review

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hi it's Darnell Waylon recipes and this is my 30-day review of the Emeril Lagasse power airfryer 360 XL and so basically in this review I give my thoughts and impressions and basically everything that I think about this cooker after using it for a month and basically if you haven't seen my early review where I do my initial review of the cooker please be sure to see that and that review I go into all the details of how to use the cooker and all the functions and all the buttons and so on and this one it's more to talk to you about what I think in a cooker after using it over some time and if you're new to this channel basically you can look throughout this channel I do reviews and cooks with all different types of air fryers use of pressure cooker work do work with other types of like convection ovens and all types of things but you can see on those other cooks and reviews and such this is about the Emeril Lagasse power in frag 360 XL so first I want to talk to you about what the power here for our oven 360 XL can do they can air fry and it can in fry very well you can see my video where I've in fried some chicken tenderloins it did a great job that those cooked up a lot of them in you know basically a amount of time you would expect an airfryer to do it and did a lot of them do a really good job and so I'm impressed with the work that it can do with airfryer they can make and it doesn't decent job with baking I have a video out where I baked an apple pie in it it does a good job with grilling and searing it can grill and there's a video out where I grilled some steaks I put a lotta Lotta steaks all at the same time and it did a good job with that take camera history and it does a good job with the rotisserie you didn't see my video where I did a large six pound chicken on the rotisserie and it did a great job with that it can also roast I have a video coming where I roast basically a whole three pound salmon fillet in it basically the whole you know big fillet and it did a good job with that so you can cook you know something like a whole big salmon fillet get from the store hold big large hood and cook it on up and here we just use the roast function it can dehydrate and it dehydrates pretty well there's a video coming with dehydration I did something a little unconventional with the dehydration just to you know test it out with that and it did a decent job with it it can toast and you've seen in my admission review video where I did some toasting the toasting you know I'll talk about it probably a little more later but you know it's not the greatest toaster in the world but it can toast it has its own dedicated pizza function where it can cook and I think it's dedicated more to frozen pizzas then towards uh basically homemade pizzas although I'm sure you could use for a homemade pizza too but I've got a video coming when I did a frozen type of pizza in here and it did a nice job with that it has a slow cook function for slow cooking and have not been slow cooking in it yet though it Kimber L it has a bra function but I will talk about bra a little more because there's a bit you need to know about that it has a really function it works very well and with the reheat you can have to use the airfryer family eating so let's say you want to reheat something that is air fried and you want to kind of give that air fried Christmas to it again bring it back to life while reheating it you can do that with the reheat putting the air fryer fail if it has a nice warm function if you just want to keep your food warm that works out pretty nice too now I basically want to say this if you cook big if you are one who has a large family or in a situation where you like to cook a lot of food at once you should in my opinion get this cooker it's great for big large cooks if you do that you want to get like some of these extra racks of things I mean I got a lot of extra accessories to be able to do a lot of big cooks in it and I've been doing them and it's been doing it successfully so like it come to find one of these pizza trees I got like two others so I have three of them so you know I've been cooking a lot of toast I'm doing a lot of something that needs extra pizza actually directs but pains on a handle it comes with one of these Chris trades I have two more you know there's times you might need three sometimes I've been doing big stuff where I use all three crisper trays at the same time that's been working out well also and I also I gotta another because it comes with on one of these baking pans I got one more and so you know we're going to do some extra work with the baking or roasting with the extra pans it all works out real nice so you know it's made to be able to hold a lot to be able to use more than one rack or even more than two wrecked if you need to use three for some things it works out really nice now one thing to know is that the back of the cooker cooks a little hotter than the front of it so when you're cooking something like baking for a while or something you want to spin your food around like maybe halfway through your cook to make sure that you get an even cook on all sides that works out real nice if you just spin it about halfway through now when your air frying if you have something that has a lot of drippings and you want to have like this baking pan under it unlike one of the pizza racks and when you do that having that baking pan underneath does basically extend the time that you're going to need to do air frying and stuff it does kind of you know hold up the circulation the hair a little bit by having the baking pan underneath all dough everything is going to cook you know really well on both sides with that baking pan it's just going to you know extend the process a bit having to add a pan if you're doing stuff where you can have fried without the pan underneath even better but if you need it you know you might need a little longer but things are still going to crisp real easily the airfryer is going to crisp real even on both sides regardless and here I have one of the copper chef's grow mats that I showed in the initial review I want to mention these have been working out great these are a great alternative to using foil that were usable you can wash them and use them again I haven't had any issues with anything I've used I haven't had any way out or get any you know stain I couldn't get off no real nonstick everything I've cooked on them or roasted on them comes off real easy so these are really nice and instead of using like the baking pan for roasting I'm able to use like these big crisper trays that are even larger with like one of these underneath it gives me more room for roasting so that works out really good now this cooker as I have mentioned in my earlier initial review has 1800 watts that gives it a lot of extra power helps it to give really hot and maintain that heat really well and 1800 watts I've found it's definitely better than like 1500 watts in the original version of this cooker also one difference in this XL version from the original power and from in 360s that the airfryer function can get up to 450 degrees which is really nice and makes sense since the bake function could always go up to 450 degrees in the original the airfryer and this one also goes up that high so we're able to get a really good crisp airfryer with this cooker now with this cooker the power infrared and 360 XL the fan the fan noise is not as bad as what I found and some other folks who review that one found in the original power if rather than 360 it's not as bad fan noise as that but it does vary a ton sometimes it will get a little noisy for a while and then stop it kind of varies it seems to be worse with the rotisserie and I think it's because the rotisserie bars are kind of hanging and pulling right where the air for our fan is and so that makes the worst noise for the air for our family when the rotisserie is going usually but overall the famil is various but it's not that bad at all now something else to keep in mind with this cooker when the cook ends if you try and add time to a cook it's going to go back through its Preedy cycle again if you were let's say a frying or baking or something if you start again on that cycle it's going to start up with a preheat so let's say it finishes and you still want to cook it a little more you have to end up going through another preheat so what I feel it's best to do when it's getting down to just seconds left pause the cook check the temperature and then if he needs you just add some more time right there I've been starting to cook back up because we let the cook in then it's going to want to go through a preheat again and that's not a lot of fun so just stop the cook seconds before the end and check your temperature in case you need to add more time now I did talk about toast a little earlier but I wanted to talk a little bit more about that I found that toast function in here is probably about maybe 25% weaker than your regular toaster like if you do the darkest toast sitting here is maybe what you might get from three quarters or maybe half or a regular toaster it really kind of depends on if you use like toast from the fridge or toast Oh bread that's fresh if you're going to give it a little more but basically it doesn't cook as much as say a regular toaster it's maybe 25% I say on average 25% less effective than regular toaster so usually I'll use either the doc is toast setting or the near darkest toast saying when I want to-- stuf and that gets me to about what I would get on a regular toaster that may be a you know maybe a little more than half or half setting I'll get that with the darker settings on this toast now we're guarding broil on this cooker don't have a boil the ball is only 400 degrees Fahrenheit I mean the cooker is Max is 450 but it's world only does 400 degrees Fahrenheit so it's kind of a watered-down broil in my opinion I don't really use the boil except for when I was checking about how to broil would work with something like the steaks that I cooked up he's brought some other off-camera testing but I've always found the world to be a little little lacking so I usually use like a fry or bake at 450 with the airfryer family uses airfryer and like 450 is going to give a really good sear or really good cooked or whatever you're cooking and so I basically at this point I don't use brawl at all I'll just use like airfryer I think I you know for mostly most things other than 10 I might use an airfryer or I might use roasted I'm cooking something needs to be roasted or rotisserie of course if I'm rotisserie but those are probably the main functions that I use for most of my cooks I found cleaning of this cooker to be pretty easy to do the air fried baskets you can see that they you know have those little grooves in them those little holes and so the airfryer baskets I usually will just kind of knock off the major amounts of anything that's locked into them by hand while watching my hand but to really get them clean because it's really hard to get all that stuff out of the grooves and holes there I'll put them in the top rack of the dishwasher and these air fryer baskets basically clean up really well in the top rack of the dishwasher now they don't recommend it you put any parts at all in the dishwasher they don't recommend putting anything in the dishwasher and doing it all by hand the only thing I will put the dishwasher though are those air from vests because I don't put anything else in the dishwasher I wash everything else by him and it's pretty easy to clean up because this they campaign is super nonstick the pizza racks are easy to clean the crumb tray comes out right out of the bottom here and that's real easy to clean off as well the interior I just wipe not want some you know soapy cloth and warm water right off the inside and exterior it's been pretty easy cleaning over all so now I only reached a point where I basically give my comparisons impressions of the Emeril Lagasse power in airfryer 360 XL against some other cookers and so we'll start with the original power airfryer oven 360 and as I've already basically indicated this Excel version is much better 1800 watts is a lot better than 1500 watts airfryer goes up to 450 which makes sense it's got tons more room to be able to hold a lot more the fan is not as loud so overall just a lot better you know really good stuff can cook up a six pound chicken and this one with no problems and so definitely liking it a lot and liking it more than the original power airfryer 360 no versus the new wave real 14 Q this cooker the power your factory 60 XL I personally like this one better because it's larger it's able to hold more and will cook more the 1800 Watts works well it does a good job with airfryer and other functions the only thing that the new weight real 14 Q really does better in my opinion than this power here for our oven 360 XL it's bacon this power around 360 XL or in ragazzi power around 360 XL it takes a long time cooking bacon it's basically make smoke trying to cook bacon the NuWave real 14 Q is just better with the cooking of bacon overall but I will say if you don't need the space of this large capacity emeril lagasse power in front of 360 XL you can get like the NuWave real 14 q visible airfryer oven and you'll do just fine with that it's just that it's smaller and so this one having more room to work with is really nice it doesn't have like the meat probe it doesn't have the programs as such but still all the same just having the room of this larger design is nice and this one being like convection oven having the heating on until the top and bottom I still prefer this over the new weight Brio 14 Q now this versus the original new wave oven like the new wave other pro or going to leave of an elite and such like those I prefer this because as you've probably seen with most of my reviews of toaster ovens or convection toaster ovens I've been preferring those over the original new wave of them because these types of cookers have the heating elements on the top and the bottom to heat both sides and that's really nice also this has a rotisserie and the rotisserie is really nice too now this emeril lagasse power 4:11 360 XL versus the new wave Bravo Excel smart of an airfryer I prefer this Emeril got some power in front of in 360 Excel because it's better designed to hold more food I can do more larger cooks in this than I can they motivate Bravo because it's just designed to hold more and to be able to use more than racks of fish efficiently and effectively and also I found that this MMO gossip our around 360 excel gets hotter overall and although it has no meat probe it has no programs it has the stage cooking but it can cook on par for baking and roasting Whitby New Wave Bravo and so the larger design or the better you know more efficient use of a space in a larger design and getting hotter and has the rotisserie and air frauds better and it can roast on par and bake on par with the new weight Bravo so I prefer the Emeril Lagasse power in from and 360 XL now in this in comparison with the Cuisinart digital airfryer a toaster oven which basically has been the most caring the Cuisinart vendor will have for a toaster oven it can toast better than this Emeril Lagasse power here from in 360 XL it can also toast smarter because when the Cuisinart is hot and you start toasting it it's going to adjust the time to come up and say for the fact cope is already hot this Emeril Lagasse power hair from oven 360 XL is not that smart to adjust if it's already hot but the crease of that digital airfryer toaster oven has no rotisserie and it's smaller so the issue with the Cuisinart not having a rotisserie and being smaller kind of limits me and I would rather have something that can cook more so because it's larger and it has the rotisserie I still go with the Emeril Lagasse power here for oven 360 XL because of those reasons it's larger and it can do the rotisserie work so it can do more than the Cuisinart Cuisinart is nice but this does an effective job with the airfryer I think it bakes a little better than the Cuisinart Cuisinart being such a hot cooker as an air fryer it's you know with baking sometimes it over it does a little bit this one is you can bring a tip down and it does a little bit of a better bake in my opinion so overall even though it's tough choice I choose the area Lagasse power if Robin 360 XL so that makes the Emeril Lagasse on RF Robin 360 XL the current champ now I will say again I don't really like the original power air from an 360 or the original size of the Emeril Lagasse power in front of an 360 as much it's the XL that makes the difference for me it's the XL that puts this in the championship seat for me because it can hold more end in a lot of ways I feel that it is better than the original but I wanted to share with you some tips just overall from all the different cookers that I've used even though I like this cooker more than others overall for certain foods there are certain cookers that I'm finding that I'm really liked more than others just like I said that bacon works out really well in the new weight real 40q but for something like a whole chicken for example and there's gonna be a video coming doing a four and a half pound of chicken in the Breville combi wave I found for a smaller sized chicken like a three and a half pound chicken the Breville combi wave is awesome for cooking a chicken a whole chicken of series becomes a super-duper moist and tender yes it's more SuperDuper moist and tender than any wave oven for all of you who love the new wave of it it's more SuperDuper moist and tender than other airfryer ovens or rotisserie it is like I'd say maybe even more tender than instant pop I mean really I felt like it was more tender than instant pop chicken when I cooked in the Breville count away from took multiple tickets in the promo count wave now I think it does a better job that even my history pot or my emeril lagasse pressure airfryer and cooking smaller sized chickens it's just that moist and tasty but you'll see a video coming up now for a chicken that's five to six pounds I have found that the rotisserie on the Emeril Lagasse power here for 11 to 16 XL is the best does a great job with rotisserie work and so you can't fit like a six pound chicken and the brown penalty wave for a big cook of a large chicken but the rotisserie for this Emeril Lagasse powering a fry 360 XL works out really great for chickens in the five to six panel range now if you're doing the chicken in the seven plus pound range the Emeril Lagasse pressure air fryer is a great way to go for those larger 7 plus panel chickens and that's the 8 quart emeril lagasse pressure air fryer I've got a video already out where I did a seven panel chicken in the air magazi pressure airfryer so I used that for the seven and up pound chickens does a great job if you're doing five to six this is great if you're doing like a four and a half pound of chicken or less the whole comedy wave I got to tell you very very good stuff now the best overall in my opinion for ribs is definitely the Emeril Lagasse pressure and fryer being able to pressure cook the stuff and then air fry it comes out real nice because the Emeril Lagasse pressure air fryer is going to get that stuff really moist and be really nice really break the meat down really well and then you can air fry and also for something like pork loin and there would be a pork loin video coming with the Emeril Ghazi pressure in a fryer it does a great job it's something like a pork loin making it super moist super tender I mean great stuff kids love those ribs and like pork loin out again we've got some pressure here fry one many other cooking so might as well now what in the video description there are four legs for the smaller version of this cooker as well as to my Amazon shop and basically any stuff that I talked about that's available on Amazon I have in the Amazon shop or you can just search through the Amazon shop and get whatever you like or want but I try to put everything that I can find there in different sections in the Amazon shop and just see the link there in the video description also you can find recipes for this cooking and others at super wave oven recipes calm you could always come to this YouTube channel by going to wave oven recipes calm I'm on Twitter and Instagram it wave all the recipes if you like this video please do give it a thumbs up share the video with your friends leave your comments subscribe to your channel hit that notification about please and good eating
Channel: Wave Oven Recipes
Views: 53,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emeril lagasse power air fryer oven 360 reviews, emeril air fryer 360, as seen on tv reviews, power air fryer 360, emeril lagasse power air fryer 360, emeril lagasse, air fryer reviews, Emeril Lagasse Power Air Fryer 360 XL, 30 Day Reviews, as seen on tv review, 30 day review, air fryer, as seen on tv, convection oven, power air fryer oven 360, Emeril Air Fryer, Emeril Lagasse Air Fryer, Emeril Air Fryer Oven, airfryer oven, convection toaster oven, as seen on tv air fryer
Id: N6ndnLhB3Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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