EMC/VMware Hyper-Converged Solution: VxRail- Customer Facing

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hi Joe how EMC account rep here to talk about our latest and greatest solution VX rail before we get into that specifically I want to take a step back and talk about traditional build infrastructure with your server networking switching and storage layer now I'm not here to say that this is a bad way to do things EMC has some really great solutions at this storage layer but overall there's a general consensus that our customers have been facing a number of challenges with traditional built yourself infrastructure let's start with the management portion was working with a customer two weeks ago they have 13 plus locations only two IT employees and they're absolutely running like crazy trying to manage all these different portions of their infrastructure having a difficult time with things like vendor finger-pointing having a difficult time with four more upgrades make sure that the software integrates properly across the entire infrastructure stack so for management perspective it can be a little bit difficult from a cost perspective we typically see pretty high capital and operational expenditures with traditional building yourself infrastructure on average what we found is that about 75% of a customer's annual IT budget goes into just maintaining and keeping the lights on with an operation like this and only about 25 percent goes towards innovative projects what this model overall the overall chance with this model is just limited business outcomes right they're not able to innovate they don't have the time to develop the applications and in many cases their competition is which is why we've seen a massive transition towards hyper-converged infrastructure and we're going to talk about today is EMC and VMware is co engineered hyper-converged solution VX rail so what is hyper-converged how does it work you're basically taking all of these various elements within the data center and you're compression into a 2-u appliance composed of nodes each node contains RAM CPU memory storage with v s-- and software standardized on top of it so it's truly a software-defined appliance now what's great about this appliance how is this in many cases better than traditional build yourself infrastructure for starters it's extremely simple to manage typically we see only about a nine minute installation one number support with one graphical user interface to manage your entire stack additionally non-disruptive software updates whereas in the building yourself model as I'm sure you're going to you know a test - there's there's typically some challenges with that from a cost perspective let's tackle the obvious link first this is a 2-u appliance powering cooling rack space much more economical in this model as opposed to the building yourself model typically with the BI model we see very low capital expenditures and very low operational expenditures over the life and duration of this appliance finally the cost of missing out right what's that really mean with the traditional build model you're spending so much time just keeping the lights on with bi infrastructure with hyper-converged you can free up resources so they can develop applications and help with better business outcomes to drive revenue and growth for the business and then finally the last thing I want to talk about is the overall agility of the solution it's extremely scalable you can start with one appliance with four nodes we have eight different node types obviously we understand that you don't know your workloads are going to be like three four years from now we want to give you options we want to give you flexibility the way this appliance scales is up to 16 appliances total in one cluster up to 64 nodes so it's very scalable and the way it scales is very economical we understand that most customers are starting to look towards the cloud and Ed EMC we believe that our customers should truly have a hybrid cloud model with VX rail there's a built in cloud gateway that's going to allow you to leverage either a public or private cloud of your choice so you can truly have cloud interoperability and then finally the last thing I want to point out is EMC we're not just a storage company we do a lot with data protection we have a lot of different hardware and software offerings to allow customers to meet their most aggressive RPO and RTO objectives for their mission-critical applications and this is truly enabled with our data protection organization coming with various replication licenses and integrating with the whole data protection stack here at EMC as we take a step back as we look at build it yourself verse by with vx rail with hyper-converged what we typically find is this model overall it's much more simple it's much more cost effective it's a lot more agile and most importantly it's going to liver better business outcomes so with that being said I appreciate your time again I'm Joe Howe I have my contact info listed below in this email as well as various tech and spec sheets for this appliance thanks so much we'll talk soon
Channel: Joseph Howe
Views: 43,386
Rating: 4.6682029 out of 5
Keywords: #EMC #VMware #VxRail #Outcomes #hyperconverged
Id: cUo0hqYhDyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
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