VxRail Appliance: An Overview

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okay good afternoon everybody welcome to the VX rail appliance technical overview my name is Jeff Brown I'm a technical instructor with Dell EMC I've been with a company for about 17 years and I've taught a slew of different hardware and software products over that time joining me is Javier Menendez he'll be here for the Q&A at the end if you guys have any specific questions about VMware vcn which fits into the VX rail as you can see this course provides a technical overview of the VX rail appliance i will first talk about the benefits of the product will then get into what it is it's physical and logical architecture the components the terminology some use cases as well as features and management options so our first lesson is just an introduction to VX rail difference between converged and hyper-converged and and where it really can fit into your customer data center so is everyone here familiar with the terms converged versus hyper-converged have you guys seen these terms before if not we'll do it just a couple second review make sure everybody is crystally clear a converged solution is something like a V block or a V X block it is a huge data center in a box so when you have a converged solution you have dedicated servers which are Cisco UCS servers you have dedicated land switches you also have some dedicated fibre channel sand switches and there is a completely separate external EMC storage array so it is a traditional data center or traditional sand where you have servers switches storage incredibly high scale lots of great performance scalability redundancy but that thing can cost you a good chunk of money okay so what's become popular VX block is still out there still very popular for high-end dedicated environments for private clouds hybrid clouds but what's become popular over the last couple of years is hyper-converged okay so we have two solutions at Dell EMC we have this thing called the VX rack and the VX rail both of those are hyper-converged the big difference between a hyper converged solution and a converged solution is with hyper-converged there is no external storage array there is no v-max vnx there is no extreme IO no storage right there is no fiber channel Sam switches as well what you're essentially getting in hyper-converged is you're getting a bunch of nodes or servers these servers have CPU they have memory and they have a whole bunch of internal hard drives flash drives as well as mechanical drives or you can do a hybrid combination okay so because it is strictly server based all we're doing is connecting them together with some network switches and we're running a bunch of software tools on top of that so everything is built into these servers that are network connected okay what we're using to manage the store raisers we're using VMware vCenter VX rail and in a VX rack which is a little bit of a higher-end solution you can either use v s-- and for the smaller ones or you can use adele emc scale io which lets you scale up to a thousand notes okay so via track and VX rail are essentially very similar a bunch of servers connected to network switches with VX rack that lets you scale up to a thousand servers guess so you can definitely get past mid range at the higher end and with VX rail it really is kind of a nice cost-effective entry level to mid range solution with a VX rail which is what we're really here to talk about the big thing we want to focus on is it allows you to start with a minimum of three nodes so you can do something very very entry level and you can scale it up to 64 servers or 64 nodes as needed it is a true scale out solution so as you add a node you're getting more CPU more memory more capacity and as I said vmware visa and creates a server side storage area network so all of the disks within the the nodes are added into one big shared v s-- and datastore that our data will be protected and spread across once again for a redundancy and for performance okay the other thing that makes VX rel flexible is also it's a build your own network or bring your own network you do not have to buy expensive network switches from Dell EMC you can actually have your own network configuration or if you wanted to you certainly can optionally buy some switches as part of the solution okay so it is really kind of geared toward the entry-level crowd we can kind of make it midrange however you can bring your own network as long as your switches are qualified by us we connect them to the nodes and we now have this hyper-converged environment crap pretty much everything running on these nodes is VMware related software so we're running ESXi as the operating system we are running VMware visa and the kernel that's actually going to manage the storage and then the normal tools you guys use in your daily lives for managing vmware vsphere vCenter that's also going to be used to manage and deploy the virtual machines okay so that's kind of just a quick difference between Converged the VX block and then hyper-converged we said VX rack is a little bit bigger more scalable of VX real is kind of a nice entry-level cost-effective solution grab okay so we just talked about what hyper-converged is consolidated converged system made up of building block nodes with integrated storage okay simple to deploy what's nice is there is a piece of software built by del t MC called VX rail manager that software is used to initially deploy a VX rail and we can get this thing up and running within a matter of minutes and hours the VX rail manager software will automatically discover any nodes you have and any additional ones you want to scale on and it will automatically join those nodes into your your VMware cluster your ESX our cluster it'll automatically build and expand your V San data store and then after it is deployed within a handful of minutes you can use VX rail manager to do physical and logical monitoring of health capacity performance but really what you're going to be using to manage this going forward is as I said your normal vSphere and V Center environments when we talk about the VX rail appliance when we talked about being most efficient we're really talking about the storage management instead of using separate expensive dedicated storage arrays instead of using other vendors us software-defined storage platforms we are using VMware vCenter into the ESXi kernel okay so you don't need a huge amount of extra software other management tools we're using V San to manage that storage so it used as a mint amount of CPU and memory overhead because we're using internal disks and we're not getting them from X sources you have more direct I Oh path to your data when we talk about visa and full data efficiency services not only could we take advantage of protection schemes like mirroring and parity and striping we can also take advantage of deduplication compression and other cool features if you have the all-flash family and then with vmware visa and you can actually set policies on a vm basis which will dictate the protection and performance scheme under the covers okay very flexible it can you figure for any use case which we'll talk about throughout this presentation we said you can start off very small okay we said a minimum of three nodes to get started and then as needed you can kind of go as you grow you can add individual nodes or multiple nodes at a time until you increase up to a maximum of 64 which actually coincides with the maximum size of a VMware cluster these days we'll talk about the comprehensive data protection schemes as a bunch of VMware and Dell EMC products that we will talk about that'll give you additional protection of your your data your applications and a bunch of different availability profiles for redundancy and performance okay we said as far as integration between Dell EMC and VMware the two major products we'll be using to manage it are the VX rail manager as well as vSphere and V Center as far as licensing goes you'll see a slide on this at the end what's nice about your VX real solution is it includes licenses for V Center there's an embedded V Center which comes with it for managing your cluster as a whole you also get the visa an enterprise license to manage the storage automatically for anything outside of that though you can bring your own vSphere license ok so you can apply any existing vSphere license you've already paid you've already paid for to the VX rail or you can certainly buy additional licenses through Dell EMC and VMware for management like HADR SV motion and all those cool clustering tools what's great as we said it comes with its own embedded V Center so you can manage the entire VX rail as its own single cluster but if you wanted to manage the pietre cluster using an external existing V Center we will let you do that as well so if you want to use a separate single pane of glass to manage this cluster along with your existing data center you have that choice either embedded or external we'll talk about that and as far as the full VMware ecosystem support goes if you wanted to get this into a larger more robust either hybrid cloud or private cloud environment and you wanted to use tools like V realize automation and orchestration to deploy dozens and hundreds of VMs with a click of a button you can also integrate this into those V realize other Suites of products which is kind of cool all right well it's been just a couple of moments talking about some of the the key use cases this doesn't include all of them you can use this for anything you want but here are some of the use cases we've decided to call out we can certainly use it in a robo environment a remote office branch office environment where you might have a bunch of small distributed data centers and maybe one central data center what's fantastic is these nodes are connected over either a one gig or a 10 gig network so you can actually have them distributed anywhere you want connected over an IP network so if you have a small environment you can put one new node in three different data centers or you can have a handful of nodes in different data centers and as long as you're connected to the same network we can manage them as a cluster we can even do stretch clustering so if you wanted to do remote replication for disaster recovery over extended distance we support that as well we can certainly use it for mix server workloads so if you have some test environments and app development environments if you have some high end production environments everything runs on virtual machines everything runs on VMs so what's nice is using normal VMware tools you can actually give higher priority to some virtual machines you can give less priority to other virtual machines so you can take advantage of all the normal vSphere tools like shares and limits and QoS policies so it really supports any type of mixed server environment I just kind of hinted at this you can certainly use VX rail as the backbone of a hybrid cloud or a private cloud environment we said instead of using just be sure we can integrate it with the V realize automation and orchestration tools so you have a self-service portal to deploy hundreds of VMs with a click of a button on top of your VX rail at Dell EMC we have a solution called the enterprise hybrid cloud which initially was only supported on a a V blocker of VX block and that allows us to deploy literally dozens hundreds maybe thousands of VMs with the click of a button in v-ray lies automation we can also have it integrate the networking with nsx we can have it deploy applications on those VMs and that's considered our enterprise hybrid cloud solution it's really a whole bunch of VMware and Dell EMC products kind of smushed together as this cool solution recently they've actually qualified that hybrid cloud solution on VX rail as well if you're looking for that same feature on just kind of a slightly smaller more cost-effective platform and we've already said you can use it for any type of workload but if you do have some mission-critical high end applications we can certainly use it in conjunction with that and then we can use VMware products like hadr s data protection of course V Sam is built in and we can even optionally use products like EMC recover points for VMs and cloud array for additional backup dr archiving type of things will hints of some of these as we go through the presentation another use case is up for VDI for virtual desktop infrastructure in fact in a couple moments we'll talk about some of the different vehicle models that are out there there is actually a V Series vehicle which is the VDI optimized one so it gives you a lot of memory it requires you to use ten gig network connections for higher performance and it even gives you GPUs graphic processing cards which are going to make a a VDI environment far more efficient and for anyone out there doing any type of big data analytics we also have a S series or a storage dense series of the V X rail gives you a lot more capacity all of these nodes once again are connected together so if you need a massive amount of data storage you need to do a huge amount of parallel processing if you're doing a lot of big data analytics Hadoop type of environment we can even run that pretty effectively on that that storage dead serious okay so we've gone through a few of the different use cases of the x rail and we said there's several other reasons why you could use it as well okay in our next lesson we'll actually talk a little deeper about the different models the hardware architecture the network connectivity the options you have as well as the different software tools that are actually included with VX rail okay so really it is a very simple physical architecture what you're getting is a bunch of nodes or servers that are connected via network switches the first generation if you can kind of take a look at the bottom there what's this chassis on the right a node the first generation was based on quanta surfers and first generation vehicle is based solely on quanta servers so with quanta you have a chassis which is kind of like a rack or a enclosure or a shelf and you get for relatively small form-factor nodes that fit into that chassis okay and if you need more you buy another chassis it gives you four nodes and then four nodes and so on and so forth okay if anyone didn't know in the last year so we were bought by Dell so guess what we now include as part of the VX real solution we also nowadays of course can help Dell servers what's great now is a navi-x rail you can kind of pick what you want you can have all quantum servers you can have all Dell servers and we do actually include hybrid so if you want to actually have a mix of different server technologies we can't have quanta and Dell out there the only major requirement is that the first four nodes you buy are identical to each other once you get past the first four you can kind of do whatever you want is it this certainly more flexibility for growth okay so at the bottom we see an example of a a quanta chassis and then above it we have a couple of examples of some Dell chassis adèle chassis is just a shelf that contains one physical Dell server currently we support the Dell a 6:30 and the 7:30 PowerEdge servers the 630 is a 1u server so a little smaller little less resources and then the 730 is a 2-u server bigger more CPU more memory more capacity so you have your choice of different of different servers different servers with resources so you have to have a bunch of notes anywhere from three up to 64 they will automatically be added into a cluster they will be created as a cluster by the VX rail manager software and we said all the software is included with it we'll get to that in the next few slides the one major requirement though is that these servers must be connected to each over either a one gig or a 10 gig Ethernet network okay at the beginning of the presentation we said that customers have the ability to use their own network switches so as long as you can meet some basic requirements for example your switches support IP version 4 and IP version 6 multicast and a few other settings you can use Dell switches brocade Cisco Arista and a few other vendors out there as long as you can meet some basic qualifications now what's interesting is to save you money we said you're not only bringing your own network switches you actually can get by with a single non redundant switch this product this environment can actually run on a single physical switch is that a good idea our favorite word is redundancy meaning we always want to prevent single points of failure so having a single switch may not be the best idea yes it will work but if that switch blows up here in trouble so it is certainly recommended to have dual network switches that will give us the redundancy and availability that we need good we could go for one gig switches so if you have an existing environment and you don't have the most stringent formance needs you can go with one or two one gig network switches the ket's there is is we will only let you scale your VX rail up to eight nodes okay so if you don't need any more than eight nodes you can run on one gig if you do want better performance you want to be running on a 10 gig network and that allows us to scale up to 264 nodes as needed ok so that much essentially is our physical architecture a bunch of servers connected to some 1 or 10 gig network switches so as I said relatively simple there is no fibre channel sand there are no external storage arrays everything is hyper-converged on these servers here's just a quick overview of the different models that are out there so there is a G series and E series a V series a P series and an S series for your V X rail G stands for general purpose and if you have the general purpose you're dealing with the original hardware this is actually quante technology instead of calling it the queue for quanta its G for general purpose and you have a choice of storage either all-flash or you can do a hybrid combo of mechanical disk drives with your flash okay all of the other models EVP and s are based on the Dell PowerEdge servers so e stands for entry level and that is baked on the 630 the 1u server with less resources so it's going to save you some money okay V we set stands for the VDI optimized so it gives you choices of capacity all flash or hybrid it gives you ten gig connections only for performance it gives you more memory resources performance and it also gives you GPUs graphic processing cards for VDI optimization the P series is performance optimized so once again you have a choice of all flash and hybrid it is 10 gig connectivity only for performance more memory more CPU as well and then the S we said stands for these storage dense that is really optimized for big data solutions where it gives you significantly more capacity and it gives you a hybrid only disk choice if you're looking for specifics on how much CPU how much memory how much capacity I am NOT going to throw those numbers at you I don't want to bore you all the depth but you can very easily go to Delhi MC comm and we have a couple page spec sheet that will talk about the ranges of CPU memory capacity but these are the major models that we should be familiar with all right as we mentioned when it comes to the network customers provide install and configure top-of-rack network switches themselves so it allows you to certainly pick your own technology also save you some money and you can configure multiple VLANs for traffic segregation so we can have a separate management network that VX rail manager uses for discovery for management and we can certainly have different VLANs for segregating vmotion traffic for migration visa and traffic for the storage distribution as well as for the actual VM and application data so we certainly support multiple VLANs for segregation performance and security if the customer wants to we said that as of now we actually can include some Dell EMC kinetics VDX 6740 switches as part of the solution they are completely optional I believe those are brocade branded switches under the covers but I would not be shocked if very soon that included some Dell switches as okay so the network is is to zero alright we mentioned that if you're looking to start small we can get by with a minimum configuration of three nodes so perfect for small remote office branch office environments where you don't need huge performance we can do it for POC proof of concept environments or we can start small and as I said we can certainly scale out as needed start off with three and then as needed we can increment it one note at a time as we need to go as we grow all right here's just a basic marketing stuff about the the capacity and the scalability so we said you can go from anywhere from three up to sixty four nodes we can scale in a small environment anywhere from you know a few dozen to a couple hundred virtual machines up to a full capacity environment where we go up to the ability to create 3200 virtual machines so even though it is kind of marketed as a small to mid mid range environment the ability to create over 3,000 virtual machines this is pretty good okay so that's certainly dependent on the load on those VMs the type of server of the type of capacity but those are some numbers that we kind of throw at you so I know we've hinted at a lot of these software products as I've spent the last full minutes talking but here's kind of a nice old review on the slide of the different software architecture the software products that are included we know about the hardware but the servers connected to network switches but what really makes this thing run as you can see for the most part most of this is is VMware software running on these Dell or quanta servers okay so the magic is V San or virtual San we said that AV San datastore will automatically be created as part of the initial setup and deployment for those of you who haven't played with V San too much V San will take all of the capacity from all of the servers and create one big virtual data store when we start creating the dozens and hundreds and thousands of virtual machines on this big cluster all of that data will be in that one virtual data store and what V San is going to do is it's going to guarantee that the data that the VMS and applications generate is evenly distributed across the different disks across the four notes so if any one server were to fail or if any one described were to fail your data is still fully available and will be rebuilt on the fly on to surviving servers and disks if you need additional levels of redundancy we can increase the FTT or the failure to tolerate so if you want to avoid you know a single point of failure fantastic but if what if you want to avoid two or three single points of failure well we can actually have the data use different raid schemes like raid 6 under the covers to guarantee that to disk failures or to node failures will not take down your application environment so visa an enterprise license is built into the cost of a VX rail you do not pay anything extra for that you don't need to use any separate management software it is built directly into ESXi and you manage it and monitor it from vSphere the way you'd normally would okay we said there's an embedded vCenter server that is included with this solution so you have a vCenter server appliance automatically deploy it as part of the deployment and we can use that vCenter with vSphere to manage your vehicle cluster as its own entity or if you don't want to do that we said just add it to an existing external V Center so you have a choice of embedded versus external ok what's also nice with this product includes V realize login site anyone here use login sites have log in sites instead of logging into dozens of separate products and looking at your logs and troubleshooting them with different tools what's great about login site is you can have all of these different products hardware and software products send all of their log files to a central location a central repository which is the V realize login site repository and then using login sites a graphical user interface you can actually look at all of your logs from a central repository you can query them you can sort them you can filter them so it is a nice central log management utility and that is also included with the price of your the VX rail ok and then we said optionally you don't have to do it but if you want to use some of the larger cloud related products like via lies automation orchestration if you want to use for your allies operations for monitoring reporting health checks all of those other view realized suite products can be added on optionally later on if you - okay the major thing that Dell EMC provides from a software basis is VX rail manager we said VX row manager is the tool we use to deploy it to set it up automatically initially but then we hand it off to you as a customer and VX role manager will give you great physical and logical views of the VX rail kind of holistically so if you wanted to dig into the physical servers the Dell servers the Qantas servers look at the disks look at the CPU look at the memory look at how much capacity is filling up what kind of load we're putting on the processors in the memory VX row manager gives you that great kind of physical and logical representation it also gives you a direct connection back to Delhi MC support so if you have any problems we can communicate with you there and a few other features are built in okay the esrs the Dell EMC secure remote support is also included as part of this so that is the phone home ability if something were god forbid to fail it would actually phone home and we'd come out there and fix it we can also use that esrs tool to log in remotely to do diagnostics troubleshooting and solve problems okay other options included with the X rail we can use these for data protection and availability is our p4 VM recover point for VM has anyone heard of recover point before recover point initially was used to protect a LUNs data or volumes data from a storage array to another volume on a different storage raid if you had a disaster it would automatically replicate that data to another volume someplace else and we could failover okay what's nice is we built a version of recover point that does the same thing for virtual machines so we can replicate a virtual machine from one host or one cluster to another host or cluster someplace else for disaster recovery so if you were to have a failure we can seamlessly failover to the other VM on the other host without any issues and we can also roll back to any point in time of the application okay cloud array is a relatively new tool at Dell EMC what it allows you to do is virtually give your servers additional sand and ORN as storage that comes from the cloud we can connect it to other cloud arrays we can connect it to public clouds so if you need additional storage for your for your your Dell and quanto servers we can actually get some from this thing called the cloud array and your server will fully believe it has additional capacity we typically use that as a backup in an archiving solution for maybe tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 data non production related ok we also can use vSphere replication tools and data protection tools that we'll take a quick look at in the next couple of seconds okay here's a nice little software stack so we've already mentioned that on the bottom we're using primarily VMware products every node has ESX I installed as the type reviser slash operating system v san is built-in so the kernel manages the storage is one big happy pool vCenter server is used to create the cluster and then connect to it via vSphere ok operations management we said we have VX file manager we have the login site for log management and then the emc secure remote support for phone home and dial-in if there's any problems and then the optional products at the top are the V realized products we said for cloud integration ok I think we've already talked enough about V San right minimal load on the server manages our stored centrally it is all automatically set up during the initial VX real deployment so there's little to nothing you have to do as soon as you start creating your virtual machines when this goes into production that data will automatically be protected and spread across that shared data store I believe we're using beasts and I think we're using V sense six might be at six - right now forget six - good beasts an we said as long as you have an off last environment we can take advantage of really cool features like D dupe and compression to save you money in space a racer coding or parity is a protection scheme which will certainly save you money in space versus normal mirroring it has a software checksum for data integrity to make sure that any data created is exactly what it's supposed to be when it hits its destination and on a VM by VM basis we can set some policies for how that data will actually be protected okay we talked about login site for log management so no need to read that slide ok quickly the data protection schemes that we have available for those of you familiar with the VDP the vSphere data protection that can certainly run on top of a VX rail so we can do image based backups of your virtual machine and your application data and it's using under the covers EMC avemar which not only backs up the data but also D duplicates that data during the backup process to save you money and space we talked about the cloud array allows you to give additional sand and a storage to the servers if you need more capacity this is used primarily for backup and archiving ok ok and then we can integrate lots and lots of other BC tools business consignee tools like VMware snapshots clones recover point for VM active active stretched clusters for disaster recovery AJ all of the Gupta cool tools you're familiar with ok last quick section right here we've already talked about this but here's just a couple slides on it from a management perspective we said we're using vSphere with vCenter server ok to manage the entire VX rail as a single entity a single cluster that your VMs will be deployed across VX rail manager we said is used for install upgrades as well as monitoring alerting reporting type stuff and then the the add-on tools once again we've seen this a few times the V realized tools like automation orchestration and operations can be added on if you wanted separately there's a pretty screenshot of the actual manager one of the cool things as you can click on any node and it'll give you a photorealistic interactive view of the node you can click on it you can click on the drives you can dig into the shelves and you can take a look at any faults or issues you can look at capacity health performance type of stuff and we said as far as vSphere goes it's kind of bring your own license so you can certainly apply a vSphere Enterprise Plus license which will give you full functionality full automation features like DRS or you can use a basic vSphere license so as long as you know what your license entails you can apply it to the VX rail and you'll get the same type of features you get outside of the VX rail environment so that my friends takes us to the end of our brief lecture on the VX rail hopefully you guys feel comfortable with the the architecture the features the terminology the software that is included before we open up for questions we just want to let you know that there are several people in this booth right here so if you have any questions about VM or education or Dell EMC education please feel free to ask anyone of that s what's around we've included the links here for for training so and also realize that there is a deep discount right now on any type of certification so if anyone's interested in taking classes and taking any certification tests I know they're offering a pretty good deal on that as well something that also is is new that has been introduced very recently by VMware are digital badges so there is already a V san badge out there but the one that we want to talk about for a couple moments is this new VX rail Dell EMC VMware Co skilled VX rail 2017 badge right there notice I have a fancy pin right here that goes with it in order to get this digital badge which you can certainly add to your Facebook profile your LinkedIn your Twitter you can put it on your resume if you're looking for a new job you can print it out put it on your fridge and impress your family and friends in order to get this fantastic badge you need to do a couple of things you have to either BBC p6 or vcp 6.5 certified so if you already have the VCP you're already more than halfway there the other thing is we have a new e-learning class that's called VX rail administration and management it is an e-learning okay so it's self-paced you do it on your own it takes a good few hours to get through at the end of that the extra elearning there is an assessment okay little quiz as long as you take it and pass it that in conjunction with your DCP will allow you to get the digital badge okay and I believe the first 100 people who actually attain their digital badge you will get some fancy new paraphernalia you'll get this really cool Dell EMC bag right here you will also get the fancy hat and you'll also get the pin okay so I believe that is the first hundred people who get that otherwise you just give me the virtual digital pass pretty cool huh jealous okay all right all right bye Fred's before we leave does anybody have any questions or comments anything that we can help you with anything I can answer good it's a it's a similar architecture yeah so that if you walk down there you'll see there's an entire hyper-converged section where you'll see Nutanix you'll see there's a in intel offering all the Dell EMC offerings so it's a very similar thing they're using different software though and different hardware to manage their environments but it's a similar type of offering hyper-converged any other questions oh good like Recovery Manager I this product itself the question is are we we're using a bunch of vSphere data protection tools is this product natively using SRM site recovery manage to do it that's a good question I know that there's no included license for Site Recovery Manager built into VX rail if it's something you wanted to optionally use on top of it I don't think it would be a problem but I can check on that for you it's a good question ok question I think so the question is there gonna be a Direct Connect where you might have a two node minimum that's a good question I have not seen any rumors or heard anything about it yeah so the question is the about a feature are you gonna be some the direct connect I have not heard any rumors so that's something I would stay tuned for okay sorry thanks any other questions I apologize um the vSphere version it's a good questions last III teach this class probably once every couple of months as of a couple months ago is still at six oh I'm pretty sure within the next few months it will be qualified for six five so my guess is as of right now it's probably still sick so unless something just changed this week okay but pretty soon right now it's sick so update to okay thank you thank you question say one more time they don't allow me to talk about prices I'm not a sales guy at all and if I say it I probably get killed but it's compared to other hyper-converged and other solutions out there as I said it can be a relatively cost effective solution because you can start with three nodes it comes with some package software and then a lot of the other software is optional so the fact that you bring your own piece for a license the fact that you can bring your own switches it can be if you go to Delhi MC comm they probably give you some basic prices but if you have any specific questions we can get you in touch with a sales person okay go okay I have one on my bag I'll sell you for $13 okay okay all right if you have no more questions thank you guys for coming I appreciate your time and best of luck to you thank you
Channel: VMware Learning
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Keywords: vmware, vmware learning, virtualization, vSphere, VxRail, vSAN
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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