Embroidering a kids shirt for my children's boutique on my Brother Pr670e and Q&A

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is the internet working shane is internet acting up huh is the internet acting up sorry i might end up acting up i'm about to go to bed now i'm getting i'm really getting frustrated with this thing my internet cut off i'm already frustrated because my doggone thing not working now my internet cut off now i gotta start a video all over again so hopefully y'all was already on here for y'all new ones that just been they just started i'm trying to do a shirt jacking up like i always do on lives hey hey hey i'm back i was already doing a live stream okay just say if you already holding here just say you back but if you wasn't known here before just say i'm new here because i don't have to go through everything over again if you was already here on the live before just say i'm back please my internet just acted my whole internet just went now tired okay good y'all was here before good oh you new here hey sharon thanks for joining us i've been i was already on live a couple hours before so i'm just working on a shirt i apologize but i'm new at this i have a pr 600 i have a pr 670e brother six needle machine i'm not new at embroidery i'm new at this machine so i'm frustrated because i'm trying to figure out how the biggest size i could make for this shirt i made this shirt right here and i um this is a sample so now i'm making a shirt to sell and it's my first time doing a shirt to sell on this machine i'm not new to anybody i have a one needle machine two three one of the machines but this is a bit a bit this is different for me because i'm using the mighty hoop for the first time mighty hoop size is the eight by nine was it a but i wrote it i wrote it here because i've read on everything i have the it's an eight by nine oh i thought it was eight by eight it was eight by nine so i'm trying to get this thing on image to fit into this this image into this hoop um and i want to be nice and big but so what i did was i went on in brilliance and i went ahead and um uh uh designed an 8x8 hoop because they don't have eight by nine hoop inside of brilliance because it's a mighty hoop and i don't know somebody said i could put it in there and say that i have an eight by nine somebody said like so i'm gonna try to i'm gonna try to do that try to put in there later but with angela she goes use the a by a frame but when i'm doing the eight by eight frame in the brilliance they don't look big enough the image don't look big enough but this is as big as it's gonna get i'll be upset if this shirt come out smaller than this shirt right here with this sample this is simple right here if you come out smaller this i'm very upset because i did this already i just remember what size this was and i don't remember i don't remember nothing so i'm about to go ahead and just get this shirt started i got 53 people on here five likes can you hit the like um like this um video i'm sorry my internet went ka poop so hope they don't do it again if you do it again y'all i'm just gonna i'm not gonna come back on because i'm already frustrated so if if we go dead again just i'll see y'all another time because i gotta get this shirt together i got like 10 10 or 12 patches to make i got this shirt to make and i really want to come on this live because i haven't been on here for so long because my hair was jacked up and i had to so so let me go ahead and throw something on my head and get together just do this this is just some basically t-shirt fabric i wrapped it around my head so i can do this live for y'all because it's been a while since i've been live and i really wanted to show y'all my new machine because everybody asking for it so i'm coming bring it to y'all but i'm still new to it i'm still trying to figure it out myself so so just bear with me i'm about to put the design on here it looks small to me i'm gonna be pissed when i see it with a shirt because it's gonna be too small but i'm not about to be filling with this thing all night other things i got to do so here we go oh it's again no it's getting smaller okay as big as it's gonna get right now is it six point seven nine by seven which is okay that should be good but this is the tractor looks so small though i'm just waiting for y'all to come back i'm just waiting for y'all but i'm just explaining to everybody what happened if you hear if you if you hear from the other live just say i'm back and i'm going to get to going in a minute you're here for other live the last because i said my internet went out and my whole thing went complete my phone bout to go dead so let me go ahead and get my chart so i can charge this phone up real quick i always have these these these bad days on these lives but y'all love them y'all love the lions some people bring them to y'all y'all don't be frustrated i'll be if y'all see i'll be frustrated and making all my noises i'll be making y'all be like girl you know so yeah i get frustrated because i know i can't edit and i want you to think i don't know what i'm doing i know i'm not perfect but when i come on live you want to get you want to be able to learn some stuff and you want to make sure i want to make sure i'm doing something right so i can teach y'all how you know teach y'all but like i said i'm just i'm still learning how to do this machine i just got it so bear with me okay thank you thank you nisha hit the like button y'all got 65 people on here i had like 200 people on here earlier so let's get back on to where we was at so our 200 i'm trying to wait a little while hoodie to come back on if not this this um this video will be um up yeah my internet on my computer is still gone the internet on my computer is not working so hoping my phone will go out again yo internet not working up there shane it's not see so my phone is on i guess i'm on my um phone internet she said just breathe y'all know i get frustrated i talk fast and get all frustrated and discombobulated i know i've been i get frustrated these last couple lives y'all i'm telling you that's what i've been on i've been really been i've been really frustrated because without trying to do something it don't work out but i know what i'm doing like last time i did a live it was something i did oh with the bonus and stuff i was trying to show you how to do binance and i was keep on messing up and i was like oh i just wanted to say bye that's what good about to turn it off but everybody wanna tell me to breathe and it's okay but it's just frustrating when you don't get it right take your time you'll get it it's new to you stop listening to your well i can't see it but some eyes hurt my eyes like i've been crying because my eyes burning okay what i'm what i gotta do okay let me get this shirt on this doggone um thing let me show you how this little hoop master thing that i bought my other space there's just so much going on huh it's not working here it's my son on my computer it's not even working don't mind everything in the background y'all but yeah this is my little this is the big hoop that it comes with right but this is the hoop that i'm gonna be using the mighty hoop because dude my hoop is much better because you don't gotta worry about turning and twisting like if y'all got a single needle y'all know you gotta twist this thing right here give him a little thing and just twist it and turn it and pop it out and then put it back in and do that with the mighty hoop let me show you how mighty who this is the mighty hoop this is called the arm thing what's it called the hoop master i guess this is from mighty hoops okay and let me show y'all how this works real quick y'all see that this is a big old thing so long it's like a long arm start from right here and it goes all the way down here and i'm using the five t these are good for onesies or this is good for t-shirts too just to get your placement together the first thing you do is you open your mighty hoop and how you open your mighty hoop you basically hope you take it from this side and you pull it open it's very strong it's magnetic it's very strong be careful your fingers will get snapped okay this is the this is the the top of it okay so i'm gonna sit on the table right here i'm gonna use this piece first this piece right here you basically the warning side goes away from you you put it inside this little latch right here see this little lush thing right here put it inside here can y'all see that it's in here it's in there oh it turned this way you snap it in here you close it up and then you can put your you can also put your um your um your your stabilizer on here too i'm gonna set the stabilizer right here right here now i can snap the clothes just like that see how these little black things these little notches right here you can snap it close with the stabilizer it's on here real tight okay i don't want to put it this way and put it this way and you can also you can if you don't want to use this stabilizer you can put the i put you can put the stabilizer under the shirt but that's what i'm going to do y'all because i never put this stabilizer on here i can put the stabilizer under the shirt like i did before okay just keep it like simple so i know i won't mess up nothing okay then you get the shirt here's your shirt right here and to get the middle of the shirt you just basically fold it so you know the middle and i just crease it with my hand where i can use the heat press real quick go ahead and use the heat press real quick and impress this shirt real quick she's right behind me i'm just going to press it real quick real fast let's get the wrinkles out anyway a couple seconds is it on yet okay now i have the um i have the crease in here and i open it up and see that's the middle of the shirt and this also the tag is in the middle but also this thing right here i have the mighty hoop it has the line right here so you see that line this light tell you it's the middle of the um it's the middle of the shirt come here chance you go with this farmer if i can show them let me hold the phone hurry up and my son hold this phone so you can see how i'm doing because i can't you can't see it on the tripod so i'm gonna hold it right here this is called the mighty hoop this is what it looks like um it's upside down but this is the um arm thing arm extension i guess i don't know what it's called but it's it's um something put it right here look put it right here so they can see me put the shirt on here okay up something like this like this just like that don't move it okay so i got this shirt and see that line right here tell you the middle of the shirt right here so then i put this shirt on top of this right here just like i said it's a nine by eight hoop and it's perfect right here so i put the put the um thing right under the um neckline and now you see that center and look at this look at how this works you basically put this on here and make sure the warning sign is away from you i believe and then you just basically snap it down look at that no no turning the knob nothing to get on here that's all you gotta do is put on here it's it's on there okay you can also stretch it to make sure everything is the same and stuff is nice like the lining of the shirts on the side of the shirt pull it a little bit there we have it and then for you to unhook it you just push this thing down like this and they come right off look at that y'all look up show me look at that that's it you ain't doing that twisting and turning it's it's centered on that shirt so then i just put it right here on the top make sure it's straight make sure it's pulled tight you still better my son is my video man right now just so y'all can see what i'm doing so you can put it tight on each side make sure it's snug and i'll just put it inside this right here am i here are y'all here say you can you can you hear me say yes if you can hear me okay good i'm getting frustrated my phone wrong again i don't know what i'm gonna do y'all gotta i gotta go to figure something else out about this because i ain't about to keep on doing this okay y'all heard everything i did my son was the video guy so he's got everything right any questions about how i did that um that mighty hoop wasn't that cool y'all who don't know about the mighty who was that cool tiara or what so now this shirt is on here did i do it right whoever happens mighty who did i do it right i got the shirts there's the seams on the side of it i pulled it tight and now what i need to do is um put the um stabilizer on the bottom of the shirt that line i'm just gonna still see that dang online okay so the stabilizer people just basically you just basically i got cut away and you just basically lift your shirt up and sit on top of the um the thread even though i was supposed to um i was supposed to order my machine i'm not about to do that because i'm about to do all that right now so now make sure that i'm glad i looked at that make sure your shirt is under the thing it's in between here so put make sure you open the lip the mouth of the shorter side here because i was about to mess up the shirt because i didn't do that so make sure it's in here like this hopefully i'll be okay without holding my needle today i i did like couple things and i did all this so i want to build but i'll be okay for this not not the oil it will be don't mess some shirt up we missed the shirt up i'ma just do it over not on alive though i hope this shirt is straight so i put this under here and you can set it on top set it on here or you can put inside the hoop if you want to but i've been seeing people just do it like this now i've done it like this too put it on here you can cut it too but yeah i'ma cut it they stole your image from youtube what yeah i did run a lot of stitches i did a couple things but oh well tonight because it's more stuff i got to think about doing on this dang on live and i don't know how to order so i got to go basically go in and look at it and see how to figure out how to do it i mean you only did like probably two shirts so that should be okay huh okay oh i'll tell you now that's it right there now the design i still gotta change my dang gone thread i hate that part because i really like to throw this up there right now it's so easy but someone's so easy to use those that machine that you can easily thread it but this one you got to do a lot of stuff with it okay i can't see what y'all telling me because my computer is not working my internet is not working so i can't see what y'all telling me so if you don't see anything i can't answer right now okay i'm in edit turn this light up i can't see um in edit and i'm going to go ahead and change my thread so i'm going to go ahead and do this first to make sure it's going to fit through [Applause] [Music] something ain't right something is not right it's something that's not right because it's it's not huh i need to bring this up the shirt got to come up some more my first time using that stupid um thing hold on y'all be back i'm going to say unboxing okay is this right i'm thinking i'm doing this right now but before the neckline was under the hoop so now that neckline is on top of the hoop should i have the neckline up here or should i have it down here thank you for liking my videos traveling mom i'm just i might not be doing that many more lives because i'm just be i don't think i don't know but um should i is this right or should i put the neckline under who like i said i'm new to this i'm learning yeah i want to be y'all want me to bring it to y'all so i'm bringing it to y'all and i don't know what i'm doing is this okay okay cool now before that's what i said when i first did i'm like nah what it shouldn't be under here that's why i say that it don't look right so that's why i changed it and i went over here and hooped it out that little whooping station thing i didn't waste my money on that thing who else had that hooping station thing this is a waste of money i shouldn't be buying stuff and just be wasting my dog on money just not even need it might work for it it might work for onesies but um this messed me up like i did the other shirt okay like that's what i did was okay now i'm like on live action like i'm dum duh dum dum dum i'm telling you these lies you frustrate me this ain't my first shirt idea y'all i did this shirt on here but like i said the only reason i like your shirt is because it's too small i did the shirt on this machine and i did a good job but now i'm acting like i don't know what the heck i'm doing i'm just gonna make sure my image is bigger than this that's the reason why i just wanna make sure it's bigger than this that's what i'm trying to go for i mean this the controller is fine but the five is too small okay so that's why um i'm trying to make it better now get this one this is just a sample they look good too this is what i'm working on now i'm gonna do something like this i'm working on this i'm just a little for a little boy named dustin so i'm working on this nine that look good too i just pray that this turned out right for it because i got to sell this shirt that's this is right that was just fabric that was just testing so i've been working on this thing it's not like the first time i'm doing it when i get on live it's a whole different story so i'm not going to my stabilizer under here and i appreciate y'all for telling me y'all understand and for me to breathe and y'all not frustrated like i'm getting frustrated so i appreciate that that makes me feel a little bit better i'm going to put this under here act like you're not here i can't i can't i wish i could shoot that'd be that work but i'll be like it's not the one i had and the other one i had i cut what i do with it oh my gosh oh it's right here under the machine okay so make sure your shirt is not inside the under the needle nowhere looking under here i hope i don't get no attention issues on here if i do i'm going to really cry my son's like my about to cry like yes i'm about to cry about that i'm gonna cry i'm just frustrated okay so now y'all i gotta figure out how to change this darn thread so i gotta i'm gonna change probably the pink thread and the um green and uh let me see those are the threads back there sorry y'all my tripod is i got the raggedy one and i gotta figure out so now okay i gotta go here and which one i'm gonna change i think i'm gonna change the last two just to keep it easy so i'm gonna change oh what color color is this boy i want this shirt green blue oh shoot where's my green blue and orange so i'm going to take out the gold and purp gold and pink so that they'll be the last two colors on this side right here over here this is gold this is pink so i'm gonna change those two so what i will do is um i gotta find that's number six so i'm gonna go to um six i'm going to embroidery i guess oh my god i'm not doing it i'm not changing oh my god then you gotta change all the cut lord help me one two three so six i'm gonna change six to two to green so when i'll go ahead and push number six right here and then push my machine where i'll be the number six then i'm gonna take this gold off what i'm gonna do is cut the gold right here so i'm gonna string my other my other thread through here so i'm gonna worry about changing all the thread i'm gonna cut this gold right here take this off put it right here on the side and put the green right here and i'm gonna just put the green on the little thing back here i know you can't see me because it's kind of far away the way this is set up is kind of crazy so what i do is i just basically string this green through this first hole back here and then pull it and i gotta tie this in a knot for this gold thread i'm gonna make this or not so i got everybody doing all this crap i just make a knot make a knot then i just um pull it through that should be easy but sometimes when you make a knife it still break so i might still have to pull it through of course it's going to break on the slide so that's what it does to me i always mess up on the live so yeah make a knot make a double knot so it won't break and sometimes when the knot is so thick it might not go through all the spots but long as it give me halfway through i'll be good okay so i'm gonna do a double knot make sure to stay on the top of that knot right there okay okay charmaine pull it okay it's secure okay so now what i'm gonna do is take this gold that was on here and just pull it through am i doing this right y'all about doing it right i did it before but i know it's the right way so i'm gonna take it as far as i can probably to about well i'll be to the bottom i can take this piece right here the gold piece and just pull it as much as i can until it break so it was gonna break so it's going through all the avenues that i need to go through but i'll be have to do it because if i do it it's gonna be more who's working y'all it's going it's going it's right here hey okay come on come on sister girlfriend oh my god y'all yay y'all know how happy i am see now look at that y'all instead of doing all that maneuverability all that kind of crap i just pulled it through now you see my green and now it's not golden but it's green so now this is the easy part i just basically um cut the um gold off okay y'all thank y'all for praying for me because it's working a little bit so now i'll just put you through this little only one hole right here and i hope the other color works the same way this just worked and i'll be in the money i'm already behind what time is the job probably after midnight i got on this live at nine o'clock i mean 8 30. okay so then i put this hole through here then i basically just pushed the button let me know that i'm going to thread this needle it's going to grab it so right here i push this button oh okay i didn't know that he said without the double knight i could do to go through the hole too i didn't know that i usually i get to right here in the break and i just do the rest of it so i'm going to put that button right there you might not be able to see it but i'm just basically pushing the button then i got a three at the needle that's just the easy part so lift it up so you could do without double knot i thought you couldn't do it because i was gonna break so i'm gonna try it this time i thought it was gonna step off if i didn't do the double knot that's why i did the double knot so push the button yeah you thread it y'all just what color that was easy i'm happy yeah my stomach think i'm crazy but mom you bet you be talking all loud and stuff man like shut up boy okay now i've got the pink okay i'm going to do the same thing with the pink i'ma still do the double knot because my my instincts tell me to do a double knot because i don't want to slip the thread to slip in the middle so i don't care about going through the um needle so i'm gonna cut the pink off take this pink away wrap it up i love madeira thread but whatever it's called madelia madeira so um oh this is long what the heck let me cut some of this off well it won't get tangled now i got the orange put the orange through the hoop right here and then tie the knot with the uh pink i learned how to tighten that top you're all right thank you all for staying on with me please like this video if you have not liked this video on the top please subscribe to my channel i have a lot of videos coming up i will be doing a giveaway because now i met my i made a hundred thousand subscribers so i will be doing a giveaway also i will be doing the um video on how i do them some tote bags them luggage tote bags i'll be shooting me with i'm gonna do a video on that because i said once i get 100 subscribers was gonna do that video so that video will be uploaded this um this um this week so i can show you how to talk about you have to remind me to show that to y'all before the end of this live okay i did one night that night is kind of tight so i'm gonna go ahead and do with the um oh that was nothing i was not the type is moving i'm gonna double it with no problems i'm on no problems there's a certain kind of knot you can do that it won't make it move but you know i i didn't go to girl scouts and boys guys i don't know how to do them knots girl scouts i'm gonna just double it again so i won't have no problems once i learned how to tie knot because it still is moving i don't want it to be moving i want to tell my 10 year old son to give you something to drink but don't you you trust your little boys to get y'all something to drink something yeah i'm washing your hands so i'm kind of scared to ask i'm like shane can you eat some water i might have all kinds of floating in my dang gone water that's sad so i just died thirst because i don't trust my son to get me on the drink no you don't want to wash his hands you know what i got too much thread okay so i'm gonna take that let me go ahead to the pink put it on in see that pulling on through it's coming it's coming y'all oh my god i can't believe i'm doing it right because last time i did this off the live it broke so i'm getting better y'all getting better girl my kids don't wash their hands my kids know to wash hands before they go on my girl i wish my son would he i tell them but help me do it when i'm not around it's just boys i don't know this boy's a different species i tell you boy don't like taking baths when my boy ain't gonna never have no no friends put your butt in the shower you know hey i'm saying talking about him you talking about you did your friend we'll talk about you in a minute if you don't get your butt in the shower funky but i forgot to go ahead it would be easier if i would have went on here that um uh put it went to this needle stuck to this needle but i forgot to do that it would pull it better so now let me go to this five okay it would've been much easier to pull through but it didn't break so it's good i'm learning y'all i'm learning learning believe me i go i don't do stuff like this on on on am i i i look at youtube i'm watching youtube every single day i don't watch all the videos on this on this machine okay so it's not like i'm just getting out here and do stuff i'm i'm i love learning and i'm always watching and finding out new things it's not like i just asked everybody for help no i don't absolutely i do it myself i mean i still ask for help but most of the time i'm on youtube watching everybody else's videos learning how to do whatever i need to know how to do okay y'all got my that wasn't so bad now was it ooh my little i think my little stuff is coming out there's trying to come out show y'all what i've got going on under there okay so now i got my colors now i have to um now i have to connect it colors what i want where i want it that could be hard too because sometimes i'll be doing that and not the colors be all messed up still so let's go ahead and go through this okay so i do want um so now the six i want that to be how do i change the color y'all i push that i want that to be green well whatever six no okay i need to figure out that later but this color oh the windows are gonna be green so i'm gonna go this is gonna be number six which is right then this is gonna be the other window that's gonna be green steel two so that's six um so this is going to be the body of the machine which is gonna be orange so that's five and this is going to be the body so that's five again that's gonna be the tire which is gonna be blue and that's number four i'm not all this stuff right here they got the colors on here you gotta do all that just make sure these numbers match this number so i'm just gonna be the different colors but it's gonna be what i want it to be you know what i'm saying y'all know what i'm saying i know what i'm saying so this one is uh one two three four that's four this one is four this one is what is that the blue so that's gonna be that's gonna be green which is six and this is going to be black so that's gonna be one so i'm just changing the colors y'all um i push the number and it tells me right here what's it's going to be i'm stitching out let's see that's the whole body so it's going to be orange so that's going to be number five um this one is going to be black steel that's one this is going to be i'll make that black too that's one six is going to be oh what color is that uh that's gonna be orange which is uh five and three three that's gonna be blue right this is gonna be blue or don't want to be orange i'll just keep it blue blue just keep it blue so that's gonna be blue is number four that's gonna be four like i said it's telling me right here in this box what they're gonna be doing it's gonna be stitching out and i can change the color what i want there's gonna be four still two because i got the stitch down and i gotta go through all that two applique you gotta do a lot of cutting and stuff on here that's gonna be four too okay that's the last thing so let's go back up and make sure i got everything right because i do not want to do this over again six is green sorry y'all that's green that's going to be orange orange okay that's wrong yeah f4 is blue i want it to be blue yeah i guess blue yeah blue okay blue and that's blue wait a minute shoot that's green so that's six that's great okay i think i got it right y'all just to make sure i had it right before i okay did it okay so now i'm gonna go ahead and push okay i appreciate y'all i got 141 people oh y'all must really love me please like that um please give me thumbs up i got 84 people 84 likes and i got 142 people please thumbs up this video please and thank you okay now i'm go ahead and push um i think everything look good and right here i just push reserve stop because i need to sometimes i might need to stop and i don't know when it's going when it's going to stop so i just like to put research stopper all the time because i'm new to this but you can go ahead and just pick um when you want to stop that but i just push reserve stop so i can just stop all the time so i won't be messing up nothing so now push lock now push go okay y'all about to start to start i got everything together i got my colors together and i'm going to go ahead and push lock and i'm going to push it down i already made sure it's going to fit on here oh oh i'm sorry i'm not going to cuss i'm sorry it didn't work it didn't work i gotta go i gotta go what does it mean it didn't work i i [Music] um i'm glad my needle didn't break but my needle didn't break okay y'all i'm about to go y'all have a good nights this never happened before i already trained i already um positioned the dog on thing for it to to measure it to make sure it's going to fit the daggone hoop it's never happened before never happened before this is ridiculous it went it went over the hoop see y'all later bye bye she said don't go y'all gonna make me now i gotta figure out how to get this stitch out of this dang old shirt is crazy i'm glad i didn't mess up my my dog own thing it just went on that hoop like that like really um i have no clue what to do right now i just want to go to bed i'm not going to mess up this machine i don't know what to do right now how do i trace this thing again but then it ain't gonna thread his own air it's gonna mess up dang gone shirt i can i can take that thread out later but why is it doing that why i traced it and it's still oh my god how do i get back to tracing it take off your hoop and trim from the yeah that's what okay take off your oh you know what the dang ol hoop is known here all the way that's the reason why dumb dumb the hoop wasn't even on there all the way but why wouldn't it take oh my god was it no it wasn't on there all the way i don't think was on there all the way no it wasn't because see how now it was not even yeah it wasn't who was going there all the way stupid mistakes i make okay let me get my my my threader my needle what's needle lord have mercy say one thing yeah y'all do but y'all don't do it on live and you say we all do it i don't lie but know what i put i wasn't know what i'm doing right now i'm gonna use this right here and figure this out ooh i'm so glad i break my dango neato that's the thing i just really like that they want to do that's how i was supposed to do my dudes because i don't want my want this to happen and then it happened on live okay that was an easy fix i'm over here going craziness i need some anxiety medicine i got anxiety okay y'all that was easy it came right off y'all baby i know y'all laughing at me jesus okay let's try it again make sure i put the hoop all the way on the dangle machine my my bobbin thread is out so i don't know if i should cut this or not cuz i pulled it out hope it hope it's okay next time i make sure i click clip it all the way in here and not i'm so sorry i cussed y'all that was horrible but when i see that when i see that thing going there whoop i was like ah see my little a little turban is messing up because i'm frustrated it's getting although it's going all over the place looking like biting i mean look like obama what's his name oh lord jesus i can't even think straight it's hot it's dang to get my head hot looking all crazy now look like hm mama um okay let me look under here to make sure my stuff ain't in here okay everything is out okay yeah not obama [Laughter] i know i'm crazy y'all really laughing at me i said i said obama okay now i got this back in here everything is out i ain't gonna stitch no sleeve in i ain't gonna jack up the hoop again let's dig the dog on hoop you gotta learn the lesson now now i learned to make sure i put that thing all the way in here i don't know what happened i i thought i um traced it and i'm idea tracy must i must have moved it out again i don't know what i was doing i don't know what happened but yeah let's trace it again because it says it's a lower whatever i'm gonna go back to the neato back to the beginning what'd i just do oh lord jesus okay let's trace this thing again shane okay let me see if i can get my ipad i'll try to see what y'all saying see my computer back working again nope it's still saying it's not working my computer okay it's back up oh it's still saying it's not working let's see let's go to the internet again cause i wanna see if y'all got any comments okay so now let me go ahead and trace this i'm gonna unlock it and where's the trace button at y'all supposed to be right here somewhere [Music] where's the trace button okay okay i don't want to cancel okay to cancel no i don't want to cancel i want to find a freaking trace but oh lord jesus where am i here okay tell me somebody tell me what the trace button that if i was if y'all wasn't on here i would be able to find it myself but since y'all here i think i put i'm trying to get my back on the internet so i can see if i can see if y'all say anything to me okay let's see let's see hello everyone the best ever because of the vlogs thank you girlfriend thank you black love oh my god okay let me figure out how to get to the um tracing button again uh where is the trace button at let's see is it under here no is it i don't push do i push that no i don't wanna oh i just want to trace y'all that's all i want to do is trace the darn things i won't break my needle off the face of the earth it's in the previous screen okay so do i push how do i get your previous stream y'all don't tell me to stay on here y'all making me look real bad here i'll be going right now doing this on my own but y'all want me to stay out here and make me look like i can't don't know what i'm doing okay i did i say lock so i took i went to lock and if i push this button it's going to sew so i don't want it so i want to i want to i want to um i want all i want to do is trace it you know i don't want to push that green button because it's going to sew it i don't want to go if i go to home it's going to make me it's going to do this whole thing over again right thank you miss warren thank you cheryl she said keep your man in your pocket i wish i i it's gonna be hard for me to read a manual while i'm trying to be on live i just hope somebody can somebody with this machine could just tell me because i know the manual is gonna be kind of crazy i mean it's not this first time ever happened when i traced i'd be able to trace now i'm alive i don't figure i can't figure out how to get back to i know it's on the previous page but i know how to get back to the previous page in edit it's gonna edit it's gonna make me do the whole thing over again oh my gosh okay i'm gonna just do what she said she said eddie i'm gonna go okay oh okay now i i learned something oh my gosh okay so now i know if i hit in edit it won't mess up the whole it won't make me start all over okay i didn't know that but maybe maybe i maybe it look kind of small let me make sure it's big enough okay so push next time i know they push thank you whoever told me i thought if i did that it's gonna make me start all over so did it shrink okay they didn't shrink this picture okay so was that that's where i wanted thank you oh my gosh i thought it was going to be making me size everything all over again so y'all be my witness look i'm i'm going ahead and trace it right now and it's working but the thing happened i didn't have my hoop i'll be on the dang ol thing so now it's on there it shouldn't mess up again and i'm glad i didn't break a needle i hope i didn't mess up nothing while i hit that dang on the frame hey hoop hope i didn't mess up nothing so let's see if it's going to work to thread this needle over again okay so okay it's in there embroider shoot how do i change it's the little is [Laughter] [Music] oh there we go six to six no that's not it i got a three at the needle it's not on the right needle so i do this six all i want to do is thread the needle over again oh it's the right needle okay good okay i appreciate y'all i really do y'all understand y'all really don't understand okay now let's go ahead and do this without break trying to mess up a dang gone needle i finally got the shirt done and i've been on his life like three hours already i think the first time the live one did is because i was my time was up okay y'all fingers crossed pray pray pray pray okay seven by seven it's gonna be short but it's gonna work so i reversed i didn't stop because i have to put some fabric on top of there now so i like this machine it's because you can bring this this thing out and put the fabric on here but i don't need i just cut it so like i push reserve stops to make sure i don't go over my fabric colors so i'm gonna cut the piece off right oh shoot i was supposed to put the dang gone stuff on the bottom i got to go put the heat bottle on the back of this fabric so i'm going to cut it a nice size and put the heat mine i'm going to do that for everything right now y'all get all this all the pieces off and put heating binding on it okay i got 230 people watching me okay i'm gonna do that for the both of the both of the um when there's gonna be this they'll tell me to use this for the windows so that's what i'm gonna do cut these two cut that cut that then i'm gonna use this for the um the orange for the body which i'm just gonna use this to measure out so i already did this already so i'm just going to be orange it's going to be hold on no it's not right this is going to be the green this is going to be the orange oh it's going to be orange it's going to be orange she's going to be orange oh i got the rice i hope i got the right thread color in there this is going to be the blue that's gonna be blue okay all right so let me go ahead and cut these out and put it the um heating bond on it my first time using the heating box like i said i made clothes for myself but i don't put the heat bonus up on it i just do it but now this is some since i'm selling this shirt i gotta do it the right way so he mine it goes on here like that i got this right side look at the other little um picture showing me what size i need so it's gonna be the color for the body that's orange and i need the blue for the three and the blue for the um bottom of the track the bulldozer cut it like i said again i appreciate you all for hanging in with me understanding my flaws flawed and still worthy yeah i just think when i get on this live i need to know what i'm doing which i do but i just get all discombobulated because i know y'all watching like i said it's not my first time doing a shirt and i just feel like i gotta explain to yourself to y'all because i don't want y'all thinking i'm just kidding getting alive and i don't know what you're doing it's not the truth i mean this is the beginning i just got this machine but i've done a lot on this machine i did like five or six samples on this machine but of course i goof up when i'm in front of y'all okay so i got my only thing i needed a couple let me see one this is for the three the body the body and this is for the windows like all this fabric i'm gonna go to my ironing board well not my board but my heat press and put the heating bottle on there i said so i put it on for 300 but like um 300 for like um five seconds so whenever i do a um design i write everything down so i did that design before so what i'm gonna do is get that design and read what i did so right here i wrote everything down you could use a notebook you could do whatever i even i even um cut out the print the color print for it because i just want to make sure this is my first time doing applique so i'll tell you right here what colors are used and when it's going to have a text down or whatever to tell you everything so here i said that i used three cut i used three fabrics three different fabrics um this is um and it took about 36 minutes and it's 16 color changes okay and i wrote down which colors i used and i wrote down what the file the name was so i did all that okay so i know next to when i do it again like right now i know what the font was if i wanted to do it over got me some paper so i put my heating bottle on the back of this and then he did it for um heated up for um five seconds but three on 300 and use the heating by light if i can find what i did with it oh it's right here you put that you put the heating bond that's i use the heat i use um heating bottom on my patches so i know how to use heating vine but these are my patches so you put the um stuff on the on cut it out first i could put all on one sheet but i didn't you gotta flip it on the back so the glue can hit it from the back but this is light you don't use the um heavy duty when you use the light okay i know a little bit something y'all and he might make it stick to the um shirt after you um when you get done you press the shirt so when they watch it the material won't move or shift in the washer you gotta remind me too to heat it he pressed it because i will forget because like i said it's my first time using the heat light like i said on my shirts i just put it on there i don't worry about all that extra stuff so remind me before we got this live to heat the shirt y'all cause i will forget it i wrote everything down so i can remember because this is my first time doing the heating bond on the shirt i got my pieces together now what i do is turn it flip it to the back like this right i flip it to the but that's what i'll do with my patches i flip it to the back yeah right we are watching you and crafting good thank you feel better pam what's something going on with pam what's up pam i hope you feel better we are watching you and crafting good i'm glad you're doing something good y'all i'm having a i hope you feel better oh thanks black love for for being here and encouraging me when i get frustrated i appreciate you all for but not giving me thumbs down and telling me girl what you doing get yourself together y'all surprisingly don't get ripped but y'all ain't sending it to me so i appreciate that let me get some more paper to cover this up with cover it up and then heat it for five seconds i use this machine so longer y'all i'm using my big boy so i said me start using this i paid for it let me finish let me start using it oh that got real hot okay so i'll be trying to see my mess up as i go if not i'm gonna have a big old mess everywhere so now this is all ready [Applause] so i'm gonna just over here i'm gonna let this over here cool up over here do i need this oh yeah i need to keep this on just so i can press the shirt when i'm done and now i'm gonna remove the ones i'm gonna put over here okay here i go i'm about to move close your eyes somebody said they like my my turban this is just a piece of fabric t-shirt fabric that i tied on my head stretch knit fabric and it's not on here it's about to fall off okay so now i got this i got this heating bond i take it off now and now you see this sticky part gonna go on my shirt so i can be able to iron it this is gonna it's gonna seal it up at that later on okay my first time doing this job first time doing he bought on the shirt okay so now i'm just set that let me show y'all all my newbies that don't have a machine like this and make sure i'm doing it right see how all ready this is the outline just call it um the outline right and then it's going to take it down so i make sure my this is the way i want the um window to be this way or do i want to go this way hmm i'll go this way so i just let i put it up here right over that green line and it's going to take it down and whenever when it's done taking it down i'm going to cut it okay so now i'm going to go ahead and go ahead and push reserve stop again because okay okay reserve stop again i'll make it stop it there do this one again so i can go ahead and cut it so okay praying for you too pam i hope you feel better pam and good luck on everything okay there's one window so now i love what this is what i love about this machine i can pull it out since it's going to stop because i had that reserved stop so i'm just let it stop and i gotta cut it oh get my scissors i use these stitches right here and with this machine you can take this thing out right here you push this button and you bring the tray out some and who look at watch this watch this y'all oh it came out to me i'm so goofy so i like that because i think the whole tray out and mess up my dang ol hoop again like i just did a few minutes though so pull it on out and then cut it with my fact my scissors this is the apple cap if y'all know about applique's applique design and i'm about to cut it out more fabric on here than um stitch but you still pull it out if you want to but since this i use these or i'm gonna use i can use these two because they longer can get this is long long close to the stitch but don't cut the stitch all right my goal was to get this shirt down tonight okay so i can ship it off to her to on monday then tomorrow when i get up i got to do like 10 patches i got orders for the new patches if y'all want to see how i do embroidery patches check out my website um charming gal boutique two all one word charming gal boutique two somebody can put that in the thing that'd be great charmaine it's charming gal boutique too on etsy then i have also have another boutique a children's boutique so i'm making this for my treasure boutique it's called um okay i cut that out that's called um a of sunshine boutique we'll check that out too so now i'm gonna go ahead and um bring it back in so i'm push okay let's watch this gonna go back in hey i like that this machine would cost enough you better do everything you should walk up and do all the stuff by yourself shoot what did this cost okay so now it's going to go to the next step which is the body of it and i'm going to push reserve stop again so i can stop after this so i can be able to put um the fabric in there too and that's the wrong thread it's the wrong thread but it don't matter if that's just a stitch down so i can make sure the next time is going to be the right thread oh the body is supposed to be so i stopped it the body supposed to be what color y'all orange so now when i go over it make sure the next color is gonna be orange so now i got to change this color because it's not right but before i do that i'm gonna set y'all back down because i gotta figure out a change of color even though i know how i just gotta figure out how to get because you know what i've been having a problem with that y'all because i have to basically go up one step because they wanna be changing but i'm gonna step one let me change the colors i gotta go up to one step if i'm doing it right am i doing that right y'all for instance like right here if i want to change this color um just stepping on now i'm going to change it but i got to go to needle and put the needle up because it wanted me to change the color that i'm on did that happen to y'all too or am i doing something wrong so i said that's gonna be orange right so now i want the next step to be what color that stuff is to be orange right oh my gosh i hope this is the right color yup no that's black girl whatever it's supposed to be orange so let me see what color is orange orange just a one two three four on five see so this is the step i just did oh this is supposed to be the next step but i want this to be i want to change this now let me change this to um another color so i need to go in and bring my needle up now i can go back and change it to another color i think jesus helped me yeah that's the one i just did what the heck okay so this is what i did already i did this one i did this one okay now i'm doing this one so i need to change this color to a it's got to be five so i'm going to change this color to five how do i do that i know how to do it but i can't figure out why y'all watching me okay let me think sherman think this one [Music] um um why did all my colors change back to normal now i know i change all these dang on colors i know i changed all these colors ridiculous um i'm just changing the colors back again y'all whatever i hope the colors is right now i don't know what happened but yeah my colors changed and this is what happened i gotta do it all over again i hope i got it together right i'm telling you if you mess up again i'm gonna turn up this live it's gonna make no sense now i'm enough on the right color now no i'm not so that's what we'll be doing now but what color is it that's five one two three one two three four five that's orange okay that says supposed to be doing orange down so let's do orange five yep five okay i don't know just a girl just a okay i'm gonna go ahead and pull this out so i can cut this out [Music] that's it i see your family got the new machine yeah i got the machine and i'm up here trying to figure it out uh you have to click on the picture with the two threads to change the thread just i mean to change the the needle i'm going to change the colors now i don't know if this was the first technology because i had to go through and do all the other stuff i was doing so i forgot so my tech is down again so we're gonna see what it do if you do well yeah that's why i need to figure out how to why why my this is not my first time doing this it changed dang on colors like it messed up my all my colors just appeared like why did my colors appear i just put all the colors in there why did it reset itself like that so i'm just cutting the thread and cutting the fabric off put it on the body i hope that's destined like his shirt i'm going through i'm going through it i just hope you like your shirt all right make sure i put my hand in here make sure i ain't snapping i mean no throwing up no sleeve or nothing like that okay now i'm gonna do it again it might take down again i don't know y'all just gonna take down again so i'm gonna just i'm gonna skip that one cuz i already checked it down so i'm gonna skip that one and go to girl and let me oh well i'm gonna take it down again whatever yes thank you so much for 100 000k thank you i'm so excited about that okay now it's going gonna make me go where what's the next one okay that's the body so it's supposed to be blue for the for the foot so let's make sure we on the let's make sure it's gonna be blue blue is number four so let's hope that this prey there's gonna be four [Music] myself so i need to stop it so i put the fabric on top of that so let me go ahead and tear this stuff off of here heating bond put that right here okay now i'm going to take that down blue yay i'd be excited when we got the right color coming out because i don't know what the heck you want to come out i'm so glad i didn't break a needle that's what that's i'm so scared of trying to use different hoops that's not supposed to be in the machine you break a needle so i'm so happy that it messed up my machine when i hit that thing on hoop like that y'all y'all understand that's my my worst nightmare on getting the mighty hoops okay and it happened to me on the live okay so let me go ahead and cut this out hopefully the rest of this video will go smooth selling so i can let y'all get out of here so i'll let y'all go what time is it it's 11 40. i've been on here since 8 30. just cutting the fabric out i love these curved scissors it gets all up in here okay so now go to the next step okay put that back in here the next one let's make sure the next one should be the i don't know we'll see six is what uh green oh it's gonna do the top of the thing okay which is good it's green green okay that's good let me try to get right colors i'm good fixing it drinking chili i don't need no drink tonight i always give me some wine but i already be all crazy frustrated and overreacting look at that green stitch is it normal for my machine to stick like this it's shaking i got a nice little sturdy table but i'm just shaking shaking i don't want to mess up nothing but it's shaking it's a sturdy table it's not no cheap table it's a real sturdy sturdy table but it's still shaking i got my leg under here now trying to hold it up look at that y'all coming together y'all come together now i pray that the rest of it is going to be okay no more boo-boos [Music] okay i can go ahead and answer some of y'all questions i'm looking at the phone while this goes any questions y'all have for me oh he was in the shower i do the same thing i got a little prop thing i'll be watching youtube while i'm in the shower and stuff that's something new i did i'm like youtube is so addictive i have my little ear pieces in and just pray that it don't fall in the water this is a six needle it says have how to use the plus end for the backstitching thread yeah that's the needle right this is this is it right here right i'll just be scared okay we call it blue blue make sure it's blue blue blue let's make sure blue coming out what number is blue well i don't know about to see change thread no i don't need to do that hope not is it blue no it's black oh that's right it's doing a little thing okay y'all my colors aren't matching up now um i can answer your questions let me see uh she said when i make look i'm making i'm doing a shirt on my six little machine this new machine so i'm still learning it but everybody here helped me and i appreciate it i just bring it i'm just doing this new shirt um for a little three-year-old on the 5t shirt and i'm just trying to show you how to how this machine works it's an applique i got a couple fabrics on here i think i'm done with the fabric i don't need number four i need the fabric for the three and that was it i'm gonna use this fabric for the three it's moving along pretty good y'all so the next one is five which is blue that's not right it's supposed to be orange see i'm glad i looked at that five is one two three four that's right girl i'm up here making myself crazy thinking it's the wrong colors but that's five three four if you see me counting i gotta count the three to make sure i got it's confusing it's going it's coming along y'all that's all the stuff i've been through today is coming along yes y'all yes my machine was finally delivered after a whole month and a half of waiting they finally got it to me yes i got it now thank you thank you phyllis get some rest pam get some rest yes i sell i sell arnold patches erin look at my website it's charming gal boutique number two all one word charming gal boutique too and you can see everything i have on there and i've also personalized i can do um your packages if you need something done i can do it for you but you see how small that tractor is y'all the tractor is kind of small whatever it's called bulldozer i wanted to be a little bit wide see all this space i had i could have made it bigger it just didn't work out for me y'all see that's what the main thing i was trying to do is make it wider and it wouldn't work in a little hoop thing so one day i get it together y'all one day this looks so tiny [Laughter] i don't know what to do i got i used to i don't know the other this one looks bigger than that one it is bigger i knew it was gonna be smaller now hmm yes what i did i went to phillips i went to in um i tried to edit it in central but it didn't make it because i couldn't get it no bigger i couldn't get no bigger that's my problem i can't get the pit i can't get no i couldn't get no bigger so i don't know what the problem is i don't know what i'm doing wrong i tried maybe i've been trying to try before i'm gone alive to make it bigger like i said this one is bigger this one is bigger but i don't know how what size i made it i don't know y'all he was all confused i see my phone going there but it's in the charger and i understand why he's going get him charger my machine is called it's a machine right here pr 670 e what suit they say what size did you use i used the 8x8 because i couldn't somebody said i could put the nine by eight by nine in there but i didn't know i can but i didn't put the eight by nine in there i just use the eight by eight and this is the nine this is eight by nine so i'm only an inch off from the hoop side so i think using the eight by eight would be okay cause this is eight by nine eight by nine so i don't know i don't know let me go let me show y'all real quick maybe y'all can help me with this this this is the most thing i hate i'm getting most frustrated with most frustrated with is this thing going um getting my image to be big enough for the thing see this right here is the size it's supposed to look like this this is the 8x8 hoop so it goes into this hoop right here and it says 8x8 which is right here and um i push apply and it's okay and it looks wider right here it looks this is the wrong image i think oh no it's the right image so this is um to see how the three is gonna touch it but look how long this looks right here look how long that tire look it looks longer right here but then you put on the screen because look how long it look my battery is going dead but my phone is charging this is so crazy anyway my phone go did i guess at the end um this is it looks it looks smaller i'm trying to see why my charger ain't charging let me plug it into my computer but ain't one thing is another the devil is alive now let me see if it's charging hold on y'all i don't know it might not be charging okay what's going on hold on hold on hold on hold on oh it's the wrong color dum dum no it's not [Laughter] oh my god i'm so scared that i just be thinking my phone about to go there y'all my charger not charging to my phone and go ahead and turn it back up [Music] not the wrong color i'm losing it over here my phone about to go dead so it's gonna be the end of the video pretty soon my charger is not working my phone is not charging up so whenever you go dead it's going dead but this is i'm almost done y'all so i appreciate you all for helping me out um i don't know why my charger not working my phone running hot but this is it when it goes dead it did check out two percent left i did i just checked my plug and i put it in my computer and it's still not charging well tell me i got two percent left i flipped it over oh yeah really i want me to go y'all make me feel so good it's santa's oh no hold on let me check hold on okay it's charging now i don't know because i couldn't really tell if it's charging up because um i didn't want to take it off the why is my thread so oh my god is that looking okay to y'all like that thread it's kind of not supposed to be out like that it's gonna look too good like it looks like it's up top so i don't know girl i can't talk okay let me see what the next color is uh i hope it's the right color let's go to black is that what color i want no i want it to be gold what color is that what color is that we're gonna see if it's not i'm gonna stop it i want it to be blue is it gonna be blue it's gonna be blue blue yes blue oh thank you my son loved me he brought me a charger thanks son you don't want to be on camera because he had no clothes on he heard me over here you know you about to cry y'all know about the crime for real earlier y'all was here earlier oh my god i'm about to cry for real y'all understand i was i was going through thank you for adding my stuff on there oh yeah i was showing y'all this so this is what i did so tell me what i'm doing wrong y'all all y'all want all your embroiderers what am i doing wrong i got the 90 who whoever got nighty hoop 8x9 is this what y'all do you gotta do it like this this is what y'all do i got it like i said this is in brilliance i have the eight um i have the a by a who and can i change can i change it in here can i put it eight by nine in here does anybody do that before i put eight by nine in here can i edit it to make it eight by nine or just leave it eight by eight like that let me know if that's it she said eight by nine it is this is in brilliance [Music] you said i can change it choose denied by anybody who in the in brilliance how you do that angela what i do right now how do i get because i look through all these it's not on here not on here so tell me how do i push new oh my god why is this thread doing this look at that my face looks like it's over the top of the supposed to be doing this oh here i'm tripping okay change your units to inches first okay how do you do that okay tell me how to do that because i thought they all were supposed to be this way i was like what do they say so i just read this and i always read this right here i know it's a millimeter right here but i always read this this is inches right here it's looking good y'all it's looking good i'm just tripping i'm thinking it's it's looking kind of like why is this thread looking like a stick but it posted like that it's supposed to be like this so i was scared i thought the third was lifting i'm just waiting for something to happen i just thought looking good but i could have made that black though that surrounding should have been black like i did with this i should have made that black y'all i should have made that black instead of making it blue my phone is really hot y'all it's really hot okay you're stressing yourself i know i am ain't no okay look blue this thank you makes fierce you know i'm stressing myself out to god get some anxiety pills i really don't have anybody but tonight i do shoot what i just do okay um so she said you said go where to make the eight by nine hoop do i go to edit or do i go to new i'm scared to mess with this stuff let's see if it's if i go to edit you know if i edit it's gonna edit this one i don't wanna edit this one so then i want to do the cancel so if i push new okay new who okay eight by where's my i don't know that right eight by nine and the width uh what's the width what's the wheel the 8x9 who is they look the same to me which one is nine nine is going to uh going across it looks it looks like it's not it looks like it's 8x8 for real let me get my measuring tape hold on y'all don't look at my nasty carpet jesus that was horrible hold on i'm about to measure this [Music] this is the that looks like it's nine the other way should be eight then my phone is really hot this look it's all nine by nine it looks like it's nine by nine no you ain't the only one i have problems girl i've been having problems all day why this red thread right here oh my god i really don't matter though because i had that little tractor thing should be right there though okay yeah i'm having probably have a problem this time i don't have problems like going live though i mean i have problems other times too but what the heck oh my god oh done she said measure inside that makes more sense let me put my phone down together i still don't know the width is the okay this is the width is the width that's nine and the height is eight okay so the width is width is nine then the height is eight then i push okay let me make sure let me show you what i'm doing my phone is really hot i hope it don't burn up in my head it's gonna blow up so i did this okay now push okay whip cannot be lifted i don't know i can't do millimeters what did it happen uh how many millimeters is in nine inches tell me how many millimeters is it nine inches how many millimeters and i nine inches right i'm gonna tear this i'm gonna tear it off probably lopsided and everything my bang's probably crooked i don't know how to change it to okay thank you 20 thank you because i don't know how to change it to the other stuff okay 2 2 8 by 203 make sure i said that right because i think it went away did you say two or three yeah two or three okay two or three then you gotta show me how to change it to um the inches so where'd it go [Laughter] oh right here okay highlight it come on baby where you at where you at baby oh like okay cool let's see right here uh instead i got i put it eight by nine so it came in eight by nine so cool the other one is on millimeters i don't know how to change this crap oh well i can oh over here crack it up with myself now i gotta change it look okay i'll go here so instead of saying one so i go to edit charmaine and then i push four by four thank you for buying oh my god i wish i did this a long time ago cuz i hate looking at these things and be like what is this there you go four by four oh my god i'm gonna go through this and do all this again later on tonight okay so now i got eight by nine oh my god i love y'all no is it nine by eight or eight by nine that's right nine by eight let me see eight supposed to be eight by nine oh well i don't care it's supposed to be eight by nine so let me let me fix this because on the thing it says it's eight by nine let me edit this and switch and flip it over but it told me i couldn't do that so i'm gonna put 203 on top 203 on top and two or three on top of them what was number two what dark on it i know i'm ugh okay 228 228 okay is that right hey y'all i'm in the money okay there it is so now go ahead and push up oh my god i love y'all now i got it and oh look the tractor still looks the same size i did all that for nothing like y'all i'm tripping for real okay so let me go to the next color so i get out this thing on live i'm learning so much from y'all i appreciate y'all the next color is going to be this which is going to be black yup that's the right color don't want to panic myself so now i know how to change it y'all who else learned from that who else larry i'm not the only one that learned that or anybody else learning from me i know i only didn't know how to do that i can't be the only one please tell me i'm not the only one oh my god that is so wonderful but not right here i'm gonna do it again so the hoops i always use i use the uh i still use my single needle or whatever how about talking too loud y'all i'm trying to talk a lot of that machine going in the background my whole table shaking let's see which one of the sides i'll be using i'll be using this one six by six on my six by six no i don't i use a five by seven so i'm going to edit this and put five by seven five five seven okay hey it's in there okay so i use that i use the i use don't do six by six i use a six by ten my single needle oh no i want to say new i want to push edit so i'll push six i'm just doing it because i'm waiting for my machine to go i don't know if i'm gonna keep on watching the machine so i just learned something who else learned this say me if you learned this or you already knew it i'm just slow so what else hoops i got who you scared me that's something you get my hair look at he got my puppy down he's like he's flying shaking on my nerves let's get the mess out of me you just learned this okay good i'm glad the only one but why is this real girl look i'm tripping look i said why is this red thread right here there's no red thread that's the dot from the dang gone machine i told you i'm going crazy i'll keep my wonder like why is this red why is the red thread right here why is that red thread here girl that's the light to the machine [Laughter] i'm y'all gonna think i'm crazy before the night is over with okay so what color is that shoot what color is that five one two three four five orange do i want it orange yup i want orange because that's yellow okay cool right colors oh please read the comment what let me see my my iphone is reading reminding me my bedtime okay black glove thank you for coming okay what you want me to read y'all oh go to default and change the inches okay default is oh right here oh my gosh are you freaking kidding me uh-oh oh my gosh okay stood here so eight by nine is still there i don't know what you thought gonna do because i can't a lot of my stuff missed a lot of is gone now but i have four by four that's gone why oh wait i'll do it over later i don't know what the bait box will be doing i couldn't do it it's not working i just wanted i wanted um those that wasn't still on there that's fine but i also had the other hoops on here that was on here but it's big on and they're gone the only one that's on here is this one maybe i didn't save the last ones i don't know y'all so i'll just do this later yeah i just put them back later it's looking good y'all we almost done we just gotta do oh we got a lot of more colors to do you got one two three four five more colors but what is that gonna do oh the name the oh that's mostly just gonna be the um the number so the guy like four four stitches for the number we almost done okay so okay yeah we're gonna do a number in your name we done y'all ain't y'all happy it's almost over okay so now i'm about to switch out to three and after the three is over but i'm gonna make it stop so i put the fabric in here that looks pretty good y'all i don't know what my fabric looks like it's balled up i don't like that i don't like the way that orange is looking you know the eight by nine is okay but the other one's deleted my other my other ones that i put up there they deleted as i pushed default it went back to defaults and i really didn't want it i shouldn't have pushed default but somebody told me to push default but it went back to the default and i wanted to keep it like i had it but i'm glad this this one stayed this one stayed in there this one stayed in there but i had i changed some more i changed i can't even find a hoop now i hope the hoops ain't delete i can't find the um hoops that i changed let me see if i can find it really before i go nope that's not the one this one is it six by six nope they deleted the dang ol hoops cause i have oh okay there's a five by seven i'm gonna go ahead and change it real quick edit all right by seven i'm gonna push default again because something happened when i pretty far to deleted everything five by seven and then i use the four by four for my patches so i'm gonna go ahead and edit that four by four okay and this is all i need to do right here this is they'll be easy for me to do just like this because i can see instead of be looking instead of clicking on it and then reading about it tell you right here what it is but instead of doing all that i can look at it right here and see it so that's all i want to do y'all that's all i want to do i appreciate your help for showing me how to do this part i only use the five by seven i use the four by four i don't use a six pack i use the six by ten because i got that because let me add that six by ten and then um six by ten what else i use eight by nine my other hoop is eight by eleven or eight by eleven that's the one that came with the machine oh this is eight by twelve so i'm gonna go ahead and put eight by eleven on here edit eight by eleven answer okay so that's it for right now uh five by seven four by four my move with my major hoops then my my mighty hoot um what other mighty who should i get y'all what am i i have the um i have the eight i have this one which is an eight by nine and i have that one because i'm gonna be doing beanie hats um i'll just be thinking of stuff to do what other hoop should i get y'all for the mighty hoop okay now while y'all telling me that i'm gonna cover this three up with this fabric oh five by five i don't have a five by five do i is that a five by five oh thank you yeah that's a five by five a beanie um good night demps press apply oh okay thank you that's probably right i didn't work it i didn't press apply the first time i think okay let me push push supply right quick oh no cancer now look at it i don't want that one here it don't matter i just go back it should be it should be all saved in here what the heck okay let's see go back to hoop and eight by nine where's that at eight by nine apply okay okay there we go okay so don't put the three on here we almost done y'all we in the money i'm so happy it's over with and go take me a chill pill whatever that may be i just sleep okay i took off the um it's coming along y'all it's coming along i'm glad y'all stick with me i still got 164 people over here listening to my crazy self i appreciate y'all i've been i've been going through it today i've been really going through it oh they don't even look cute i should have made that different because that's too close to that three i should have made that three a different color to make it pop you made it a different color okay y'all what color should i make the name this is the last oh gotta cut this and then i'm gonna do the name but tell me what i should make the name and make it pop because that blue i was gonna put the man to be blue but that's just too much i think it's too much too much blue on here which i think which i think make it green make the name green make it black same clear as the windows no it can't be fabric it's got to be a color so what color should it be um i have blue on here but should i make it another color i'm going to cut this out so you can see it better hold on cut this out and you can tell me what color i should make the name please a big heart oh girl yes let me tighten this back up it's coming it's coming down for real it's like girls tired let me tie it back up a little bit [Laughter] my turban but then had it y'all see mother i was wondering why she said that even though it was off my neck my homemade turkey i told y'all i just tied this on my head because i feel like my hair down hey um i had a um sewing in and i was like i'm going through this live i can't be looking all crazy so i had to cut i didn't do my hair y'all so that had to compromise and do something get me right for this video under this wrap then that nice keeping it real honey keeping it real i gotta tell y'all that but i keep it real my hair look a mess oh sorry i'm looking back at this video i'm like girl you know did a whole lot in this video with this little shirt and you don't took four hours to make a shirt no i went that long i was talking a lot earlier and showing y'all everything in my machine my craft room so y'all go ahead and check out the beginning of this video and also i got the video one this is video two because my phone went dead so check out the first video i talked about a lot of stuff my different machines that i have and all kind of stuff answer questions and stuff so check out that first video tomorrow or whatever i'm gonna take this off because it's not working i gotta take it off and make sure i put all the way on if i have another mishap like i did earlier be careful don't cut the shirt believe me my luck is bound to happen sorry i can't see what i'm doing but i can't get the thing any lower so i'm gonna do the satin stitch on this and then a name and we got we done y'all and i can talk to y'all if i want to i can ask some questions or whatever buzzing that i'm so happy this is over with i'll probably give me some wine after i finish this shirt because i need something i need something strong i got some wine i don't think i got no more wine i got margarita up there but on my reading my head hurts so i don't know i had somebody pass them up there just to have it up there but that make my hair hurt don't forget to remind me to um press this shirt the heating bond on here it's my first time using anybody now i gotta press the um silky stuff on the back of it too so y'all gotta help him with this my first time using the uh silky stuff like i said i made this shirt for myself i don't have nothing under here i just use the thread no it's not hard nothing don't feel uncomfortable or nothing but this is i'm selling this shirt so i'm going to put the stuff on the back of it so it's my first time putting this stuff on here so don't leave me y'all we almost done it y'all help me miss this warren still on here she been helping me who else been helping me dimple she left more people might help me too i'm sorry i'll remember your name but y'all been helping me i appreciate y'all three greens okay let's see hey okay uh three greens named black take your time i'm still with you okay you're black like i thought you said he's going to bed you change your mind girlfriend like you gotta stick with this crazy girl gonna do this into this video i gotta watch her oh you you still here too them still yeah i thought she was going to bed okay y'all was like forget that we want to see this crazy girl see what she go what's this outcome gonna be this shirt better come out but my anxiety and everything okay so i cut it real good it's looking good so look i'm gonna let y'all see it the name should be what color we done oh it looks tiny but y'all said it's gonna be okay so let me stop talking about how tiny it's gonna be girls hobby all the time damn girl i'll be on i'll be at home in the bed with youtube because i gotta watch the rest of the video i've been trying to learn how to make bowls and stuff on my tutus so last night i was one when one eye opened and then i opened up like oh i was i would sleep through the whole video i'm asleep let me just say this video for tomorrow i'll watch it tomorrow cause that's what i do i lay on my bed got my phone cocked up some kind of way and i um watch video until i fall asleep only probably about taking your thing off the hoop and make sure it's on there and then go staple i mean i'm staple ain't gonna show nothing so i gotta make sure ain't nothing under that thing so i'm glad y'all learned something somebody said they was learning about the umbrellas and i'm glad y'all learned something and i'm learning something so i appreciate you all helping me that's why i like lives too because oh look at this look at me look at them look at ratchet um can y'all help me and i need that because i don't know everything and i'll be i don't pretend and everything i when i first i just started crashing two years ago i wasn't no crafter but i found out i seen that i seen that cricket i hope this is straight y'all i seen that cricket i was like what's that girl i bought that cricket it was over i got every machine in the book now i got every machine i'll tell you if i say every i got every machine in the book make no sense okay so i got from which one of the cricket to foreign machines to three to three of sublimation printers to two heat presses the silhouette the cat i got the qriket maker and the cricket um explorer i got the uh cinch machine what i'm looking for looking for my phone oh my god i'm trying to show you my phone i'm like i'm looking for the phone and it's right here in my face um okay i'm about to unlock it this is the last thing i got to do the second stitch on here make sure my hoop is all being here oh girl don't want to see my face turn over make sure the hoop is in there so we'll hit this thing on thing again okay yeah i got everything y'all got the um i got my um scent what is this thing serger i got the sewing machine i got the cinch i got everything y'all i'm missing something what else i got that i got a big machine that i got um oh i got the convention ovens for the sublimation i got the heap i got the uh what's it called the air fryer sublimation i got the cricket maker mug press i got everything y'all i got the little thing with that thing called you you make cards with you make um what's that thing called let me show y'all because i can't remember this sometimes i carry the dang of names to it and i got all this stuff to mix stuff with shirts and everything what's this thing called because my daughter broke it i got the big shot i got to get the screw i lost the screws i gotta get you to fix that cause i make cars i make bling bling stuff all my bees right here um they feel like i got all this stuff y'all so all my videos have everything on there showing you what i got all my videos showing you what i got it look crowded in here because it is look at my i just bought this baby so i can put my headband stuff on the baby so yeah i got everything in here my phone saying about to go dead again i'll get back up my son brought me a charger down here let me try the other charger because this charger is not working for me let's see if this one will work but yeah i got everything y'all so check out my video that most of my i got videos on everything i just showed y'all everything now we've been doing this since july it'll be two years this july i'm sorry i'm wobbly trying to get my phone charged up and i got um you said black or orange come on now tell me cause we almost done temple color y'all tell me what color black or orange i really don't want black because i wanted a little boy shirt i wanted to be colorful but let me show you charging i had to check it mix it with charger okay green again green green green that's what y'all want me to do okay you have you have lots of oh yeah i've been shopping here it's addictive it's addictive it's so addictive and i like i said i was not crafted before two years i mean i wasn't crafting i was i was like crafting in school i didn't sew i didn't like sewing i never learned i never even touched this machine before in my life and now i'm just doing it all because you get older and wiser and you understand like oh my god this is so nice like i can make something and i love the way i love the way it turned out when i make it and it turned out right i love it oh my god i made it so i just love that that the excitement that high that thrill when i get when i make something i handmade it um i made it by hand you know i'm saying well it's hard sewing and stuff i make my hand but when i design my stuff that's i'm designing so i just love that now so you get older you get you you like things change in your life believe me when i was in school i didn't like coloring okay but now i just i just are you quilt miss warren i want to learn how to quilt i got some stuff that i bought for quilting i got the um quilting rulers and stuff i got all kind of stuff that but i ain't started yet let me show y'all my little it's right here [Applause] i got all this stuff i got for coding see i told y'all when i find something i try i look at it i'm like okay i'm gonna do some quilts and i got things i could be able to make my squares the right right size but um mine started yeah i would make my daughter quilt because you know i said her daughter passed away i was gonna make her um a memory quilt with like different embroidery patches on it and put like different things in there for her so that was my goal i got the blanket i got the i got everything i need but i haven't started on her quilt yet that's gonna be it's gonna be in the making i'm gonna make it before the end of the year um so i need some help miss warren but i'm gonna make sure my you know i'll cut straight that's why i got the ruler so i'll make sure my my squares and stuff is straight i just want to make her a memory if i make nothing else i want to make sure i make her memory quilt for her daughter and i want to make like i said put a lot of memory put a lot of embroidery inside of it and put different kind of patterns inside of it i think i got design all drawn out and everything but i just ain't i ain't got to it yet yeah i got this one i got the whole pack of new um um rulers right here i'm using this machine right here the brother entrepreneur six plus with the brothers that's what i want to do i want to do a quilt for my daughter now cause they say i tried it i don't like it i at least say i tried it like everything i do i at least try it once like i said i would not be doing bling t-shirts i wouldn't i don't want to try that and i don't do epoxy everything else i do oh that's nice she said she did a memory card that's nice and i don't have anything she don't have anything that i could put on there because she'll have the baby was stillborn so she really don't have anything from her so i just want to do like i said make patches and stuff to say like um her name on there her birthday you know her um her weight and all that stuff and then i'm gonna put um like different kind of babies like different things like hands footprints and stuff like that that i get from embroidery and then i want into my daughter like birds so gonna put like some get some fabric with birds on it i got everything i got everything stitched out i got all the fabric and everything y'all what i do with that i want to show y'all because it's soap the the um the pudding nice the um the blanket is so nice is it done y'all okay i gotta do the name and i'm done make sure it's name is spell right d-e-s-t-i and y'all say i do it in green right do it in green cause i'm about to change the color on this thread y'all gotta figure out how to do this again i gotta figure it out so you'll see a green right yeah i do i gotta um i got all my links under my she said set up amazon account i do have one basically all of my um links are under and you can i still get paid if you if you click on any links under my videos i do get affiliate with that so um i do have that but i don't have a store just seems like it's just going to be so i got there's another thing i got to put together but the philly i mean the store and the links is the same thing right i mean as long as you get that link you should i should be good right okay y'all let's change this thread because you said go here oh that was it charmaine okay so i'm gonna make this green so that is one two three because before i did that it wouldn't let me change the color i was on it never let me change the color that i was only had to go up a thread and then change the color so now i know how to do it wow so i want to be green three it worked y'all oh my god so before i did this before i pushed that button it would maybe it would it would not let me do nothing so i basically go up a thread before i can change the color so what do this mean y'all what's this right here me i'm on the phone with y'all oh that mean that's oh what that means when i changed the color no oh that's when i throw up my needle right that's my need to thread my needle when i do that and this one means what do that mean oh when i change the whole thing to be the one color thread okay so let me show i got everything right so okay i can't believe that worked y'all it worked cause you think when i did that before it was it would just it would just be stuck it wouldn't move to swap the colors oh this one right here is to swap the colors duh oh okay okay oh so when the first one i push if i push this way to swap it to three okay i did see okay thank you i'm learning y'all and there's so many that book is so thick and i like i read this look at youtube videos i really i looked i looked at the book or whatever but it's like blah blah blah blah blah so i just learned from youtube videos and some of this stuff wasn't on youtube video so i didn't know i might have some more questions for y'all hold on okay let me see i'm going to push uh go and it's our last step y'all his name oh i got it on green right sixth green cool thank y'all oh my god i'm learning so much oh please don't hit that please don't hit that it ain't gonna hit it up go up go okay good cause y'all get anxiety okay okay his name is gonna be green let's go y'all say it's gonna be popping okay i think that's all the questions i have for this i'm gonna miss the enough while i'm threading while i'm doing the machine but yeah let's make this make this i know that makes the uh speed go faster the machine go faster y'all want to touch nothing right now so i'm going to miss something up so now i see how to do it now okay then now i know if i push edit it it won't i didn't know that before the video i thought if i put edit and then messed up the the baby i went to the beginning of the video so i learned that today too so i'm learning and i appreciate oh my god we got 175 people on here did i put the interface on i put the tearaway under there i didn't use the i know earlier i was talking about putting the backing the um these over here the stabilizers don't get about even doing you i didn't even do it we're talking about this earlier putting this on there but i didn't even do it i'm going to go ahead and put the cookie on there and it's done with it but next time i'm going to try this out next time put this on there too somebody said put this on by itself without the tearaway but i didn't even try it i was going to get this shirt done over make sure i want to mess up but um somebody said use the this one is the um this one is a super stabilizer um just a cover stitch somebody told me i can use this without using a silky so i might try this later i'm just going to practice like i said i didn't really practice on this stuff because i didn't waste my money i didn't want to open these up oh no no samples so this is my first time doing like i said before my thousand more times my first time using this stuff on a shirt because i don't want to waste it on my samples so um i'm gonna be using this today the silkies i got this from um joanne fabric um so yeah i'm gonna be using this i'm gonna get it open because it's almost like time so how long do i eat this for um what is so soft some first time ever feeling it y'all oh she said she she feel better but watching me cuz i'm crazy thank you i'm glad you feel better hey that's what i want to do where do you get the machine i got machines from this some place in my city to just go to a sewing i got to hear me this machine is not loud go to a city a sewing place shop near you because mine is called stone express so whatever google it i didn't know we had no sewing shop where we got to we got to have one but i didn't know about it i just googled it and they told me where the nearest one was close to my house and i that's why i got my only got one in our time one so something happened to my machine they don't feature they take forever to fix it there's only one machine there's only one person that can fix this stuff it's crazy who is this so soft i feel like soft paper towel so tell me how to use this i could read it if y'all i mean but y'all here to help me do i just put it on oh tell me right here how many minutes do i heat it up for uh it says 250 place on the fabric side over the back of the design area or embroidery using 250 for 15 seconds yes that's what i'm thinking too because i'm like really got one so most of the people people want so on but now that pademic girl that pandemic everybody's sewing everybody learn how to so everybody buying up machines and stuff and everything is more expensive than it was like i said that p800 i got the p800 like 400 i think now it was about a thousand dollars for the p800 there's no rough side it's both oh hold on my hands feel rough okay i feel it i feel it okay the rough side go on okay my hands feel my feet oh it feels so good so i'm gonna show i'm gonna go my heat press is still still on so i'm gonna do that after i um you know i got i used cut cutaway no i didn't i used tearaway and it's getting it's stitching real good y'all i'm so excited this live i mean not the lies but i'm glad this shirt is almost over like i don't care i could be on live all night talk to y'all but this shirt was giving me the freaking blues y'all had me cussing and everything oh my god y'all y'all wasn't here my nido hit the um hit the um hoop because i had who probably on here i almost went oh i thought i was gonna mess up my machine this machine cost too much money to get to be broken i just bought it i only had it for like a week what's your favorite word i got a stabilizer on here i got stabilizer on there already so she talked about it this this goes on on the back so it won't scratch the um skin but yeah i got i got stabilizers under here already something there if i can see it it's under there somewhere that's my favorite word too when i get upset so that's what i said oh that's the person that comes to my mind i said oh my god i already said that but i was oh i was frustrated oh when i see that hit that thing almost oh i just knew i messed up my whole machine that was my fear of using mighty hooves hitting the dang on um cause you can't because the mighty hoop they don't they don't know that this hoop is in here they don't know what size the troopy is that's what keep the machine up no because it didn't come with the machine so i know that and that's the reason why i was so scared to use it but now i see that they didn't break nothing it stopped it from damaging my whole thing guess what y'all guess oh this deadline ring is popping oh i like that lime ring look it's done it's done let's do the happy dance yay that lime green is popping oh whoever somebody was lying green thank you see it's kind of hard and i'm still i'm still colors like i had a boutique my own boutique my own boutique store and my thing was i like black stuff so i bought all kinds of black stuff people was like sure man we will color it i'm like oh yeah i want color i was just buying all blacks so i'm still i'm still i'm still um working on my color situation because i would never think i would have never thought green would look right that looks good that looks good but y'all had me a club the boutique i spent a lot of money on that thing but i mean i can't i said i did it i did it but i spent a lot of money about all this just all these clothes and stuff and wasn't advertising right paying i was paying for overhead i was paying for um everything internet everything and let it go because i was going to go bankruptcy if i didn't i could go back around because i was just spending too much money i was getting happy buying all this stuff and nobody would buy i mean i was getting some sales but i wasn't getting enough i wasn't getting enough and i wasn't advertising my thing was i wasn't marketing myself good enough how do i how do i do this y'all do i do it i know i don't do it the correct way i flip it this way when i want to um store it the road's the best way to store it i don't want to snap my fingers is this do i do it like this it's the way you do it and i just don't know which way to do it when i store it you've been here since 8 30. [Laughter] oh my god you need to you need an award you need something free who else here since 8 30. girl put them together the right way so i seen the video they said don't put it together don't put it together the right way i see the videos that they will mess up the um thing you've been here since 8 32 um miss warren really oh i don't have that much stuff to give away but y'all y'all y'all y'all the true mvp i don't know this way i don't okay i'm scared my finger snap i'm gonna leave it like this i don't know but i know you're not able to do it the right exact way oh you came back okay thank y'all thank y'all i was gonna give up that one you want people one person was here i can't i'll call all that stuff to give away i'm sorry but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do that video y'all everybody want to go i'm gonna show you the bags group caught on i'm gonna do it like this okay and this is a video that showed you how i mean i just got about the video but i know you're not supposed to do it the exact same way you put one there um yeah it was 8 45 it was 8 30 so you right pam it was 8 45 one exactly because i was late let me turn the machine off because whoo my head is killing me this i think it's turbine too tight oh look turn this thing off thank you jesus it's over okay so now i told you i told everybody that i was going to be doing i'm gonna do a video on how i did because i got a hundred thousand subscribers i was gonna show y'all how i did this bag i sold out on these bags yeah if y'all know i had a chaos kiosk in the mall and i had so many different designs you could i designed this myself you could put whatever you want on these bags you put your face on there you put your dog face on there people whatever you want these bags so i'm gonna do a video i gotta upload a video this week and tell you how i did this and where that where i go to get it if y'all know how to do it i'm gonna put that on my my channel because i got a hundred thousand subscribers and this is what my thing was i said if i get a hundred thousand subscribers i'll show you how to do this bag these bags are a go-to they are so good they are so nice this one right here is broke i ordered so many from them and i did so many but this one right here i got to get the zipper fixed i never had no problem with them with the bag this is the first time i had one i was going to send it back but i was like i just get the zipper fix i mean i probably i could probably send it back too but it's a big bag um it's nice it's a nice nice carry-on bag but when y'all want to go traveling leather on the bottom leather strap and it's also got a strap inside of it nice stuff look at it's more stuff you can use you could do a lot of different things you could do bag tote bags shower curtains you do all kind of stuff on this site so i'm gonna do a upload a video i'm gonna take this to a centrist that has i'm not a seamstress like i can't do zippers let me get this fixed because this would be mine i'll use this i'm going to jamaica y'all i'm going to jamaica in october so i'm going to take my little bag and my little passport covers i made for myself for my passport y'all so yeah i got a video i'm gonna do my video on how i did that um back so i got my hundred thousand subscribers i appreciate y'all for rocking with me subscribing to my channel and yes okay now let's go ahead and go over here to where i gotta go i gotta go what i gotta do oh gotta put that stuff on the back of that shirt now let's flip this shirt inside out and see what's going on in the back oh i do i got should i do the front first shall i hit do i do the heat bomb first or do i do the back first do i do at the same time no which one do i do first so that's my first time doing that the uh just ooh hold on let me see how this look that's too far down oh let me see i think it's perfect y'all i think it's perfect alright you know i'm not jamaican i sound like i'm jamaican because i talk fast no i'm not jamaica i'm going to jamaica in um except august it doesn't look good y'all oh i think it looked good y'all oh let me see i think it looked good y'all uh all this time i was complaining about the darn size y'all um okay do a tender touch first okay she said do the touch first so what i'm gonna do is that size look pretty darn good it looks so small on the screen the truck looks small but that three is big so oh my first shirt that i got my first shirt my second shirt this is the first shirt i did my first shirt i did on my machine the fight was way too small the controller was good but that five was way too small but this is my first shirt i did i was practicing before i did with this shirt because this shirt i'm gonna get paid for but oh look at that y'all y'all pick the colors that colors look cute that green look bomb i hope destin like it okay but this is all this cutaway so what i'm gonna do is she said i'm gonna do this take this off first and then put the um because it should work how do i do that it should touch on the back right and be getting here at the same time right put on the back and then right this is getting heated this is getting heated right so do y'all peel all this out or do i keep it cause i know angela she keep her stuff inside she said she keep this inside you keep it inside and just put the 10 touch on top of that or you take everything out take everything out say yes if you don't take everything out say no take everything out okay because it said she don't take everything she said because it might mess up the stitch so she keep everything all the little stuff all this inside she just keep the letters inside too so i'm gonna just take it out like y'all said then she said when you put that um tender touch on there it'll work but this paper though so why would that work it was paper i'm glad you learned it too because i'm learning too erica what's the way to go away will it go away this will go away keep the inside see somebody said keep the inside some people some people said don't keep the inside so they said i heard angela said she keep the inside in there leave the inside alone okay i'm leaving along so this paper won't get messed up this paper won't get messed up in a washing machine this is all paper so when they wash it what happens i'm gonna leave it on here i'm learning from y'all next turn i'm gonna do gonna be perfect but not perfect but it's gonna be okay so i'm keeping this on here y'all but when they wash what's gonna happen it's gonna get all funky in there in the shirt let me know talk to me i got 182 people on here watching me still i appreciate y'all i'm gonna leave this on here i'm scared to leave it on here though even though angela said she leave it on there i'm scared this paper gonna turn gonna get yucky when you wash it talk to me what no i'm not i'm not done yet the wi-fi out can y'all hear me cause i'll show them you know i'm not getting no comments can y'all hear me say yes if you can hear me my son just said the wi-fi went out again oh lord hold on okay i'm sorry now i can hear you now my son said the wi-fi went out so i had to change my phone flip my phone back up i got i've been trying to i need to call them people that did my own wi-fi i'm on here now i'm back okay my son warned me so i thought y'all was hearing me so i'm glad she told me the wi-fi because i didn't even know my phone don't tell me it went out okay thank you purple heart next time i know but i took it out because after the sand should keep it in there but now and i wouldn't you know i listen to her because she's i'm here in this video too i'm not saying then to y'all too so i heard that you put it in there but i was just kind of thinking like it is paper okay so let me go ahead and push the um put the um silky stuff on here and then i'm um so now when i press the back the front gonna be pressed two from the from the um the buffer i'm gonna be pressing the same time that's cool right so next time i know to keep the um keep the paper in there okay so some people take it out somebody don't leave it in don't matter so both ways work huh okay so this is the little machine i'm gonna use for baby clothes and um i'm gonna go ahead and put this on the side like my this one girl don't buy this 15x15 i'm telling y'all because i burn my um my knuckles a million times that's why i got this one over here now it just slides in slides out slides in but this one right here i said i'm starting using because i bought it so i'm gonna use it but i'm gonna use for baby clothes but be careful because it's right here man my note will be on fire i'm gonna put that i'm gonna put over here and get it to prep it over here okay i'll clean my mess up so i won't have a big old mess when i leave my craft room my home this is my home away from home i'm here all the time my sons be like mom you coming upstairs but no not so that's not today's son okay so i'm gonna heat buff up at the same time and that should work right both of them should be heated and they should be the uh heating bond and this should be all good right i'm gonna cover this up put the scratchy part on that side soft side on the other side and cover the whole picture up my hands are so rough i don't know which side was the rough part that's a shame keep it real in this channel and tell y'all i have rough hands okay [Music] okay oh shoot i'm just thinking i'm looking that's good y'all that's good okay so now i'm going to put on the heat press because it's my first time doing this all this other extra stuff the tender touch is make sure when somebody when they wear the clothes they don't get scratched by the thread but like i said i know what it is if i never used it before i i purchased it and i just said i was gonna keep it for my customers because i make my own clothes and i don't use this stuff like i said i got shirt on right now i don't use it and it don't scratch me but i just said you said they said use this to make sure your customers feel comfortable okay but this right here i don't feel nothing and i didn't wash the shirt a couple of times so that's why what it's for to keep it the stitches of the um thrifting not stretching your body you're taking your skin get the right words for myself scratching your body girl learn how to talk charmaine well she had to burn my hand already okay so then i'm just going to cover this up right and then do it for like like i said i'm doing a heating bound on the other side and this side on this side really yeah i'm glad you learned it just like i am then you still here with your one eye open huh so okay i'm going to cover this up for she said it says 10 seconds i'm gonna count to ten one that's kind of tight what okay good night i hope my tinder touch didn't miss the other side of my shirt i didn't think about that part now look at that say 10 seconds so how do i know if it's good it's as long as it ain't lifting up huh oh it's in there it's in there it's like part of the shirt oh that's sweet y'all i think i'm gonna do a little bit longer because it's kind of pulling on the sides that's like i mean oh my god it feels so good like you know how you feel um you can feel oh that look that looked tacky that looks pretty tacky to me next time i'm gonna take it out or leave it all in um you know how you can feel vinyl you cannot feel this at all this is so smooth like a shirt y'all it's oh my god it feels so good it feels so good but you can still feel this though you can still feel this the stretch i mean you know it's still for the thread i'm gonna be rubbing my nose let me go ahead and hit it one more time because you can still do you have to cut no i can't cut the excess because it's in the shirt that's supposed to be right y'all cuz i should have should i cut it before i put it on here or just fine you just using a straight a box like this or next time should i cut around the image which because i think i see people just do a box like this is that how it's supposed to be or should i cut it next time around the image help me baby help me i appreciate y'all i'm gonna give you a couple more seconds that's good okay okay the box is fine okay okay i'm done y'all whoo let's see how the front look again it's all pressed up it's all pressed and stuff from the um oh my gosh that looks brilliant i'm so happy and proud of myself y'all now i'm so happy that y'all stuck with me and helped me because that really helped me with that machine you helped me how to figure out everything the colors and stuff is beautiful oh my gosh thanks to y'all i am good this is good so i'm making a shirt tomorrow because i promised this um this lady because basically my thing was when i mess up on stuff i i'll make sure i fix it i can talk to y'all now in my chair what happened was she um told me that she wanted a shirt and that's on my on my website it just says um it says 14. so she's like can you give me a five can i get a 5t i'm like sure but i didn't know i didn't have a 5t so my okay the first thing i did i went to hobby lobby and michael's and nobody had 5t they went from 14 to six so i was like man i told this woman i could do this shirt for her and i don't even have a shirt i was so bad at myself so then i went to her uh and messaged her and said i am so sorry i cannot i don't have a shirt to set the size you need but then before she respond back to me i said let me go and check and see if i can get online but reason why i didn't check online first because i thought i wouldn't have enough time you know how when you shipping stuff the ship would take too long and it won't have enough time to get it and ship it on the right due date and i want to have her stuff late so that's the reason why i couldn't do it so then i went to aj wright aj blanks and she had the gray shirt i was like why did i think about that before i called that woman until i mean before i missed a woman told i couldn't do it so i was so upset about myself like why i need to stop rushing myself and even though i i tried i went to the stores here in my town and i tried to get it but they didn't have it i didn't think about going on i thought about going online but i thought i'm gonna have enough time to do it so now i told her i said i'm so sorry but i can't make this shirt for you and for this inconvenience that i have caused you about making a trip for him so i was like what other characters do he's like or whatever she's like it don't matter whatever you do i'll he'll like it i think she followed me on facebook i think she followed me she'll follow her so if you're watching me i appreciate you um she's like whatever you make he'll like it so that was that was really nice to her because she could have said i want this i want that but she said whatever you want to make him he he appreciate it i was like okay cool so i'm gonna figure out what i'm gonna make and i was like what do we like i don't know what he wants so i might make him a dinosaur shirt um and i think about something but he's like i know he's like trucks so i might find another truck for him instead of this on my i'm going to find my truck under the truck or something but that was so nice and i was like when i missed it when i make a mistake i tried to fix it because i want them customers back okay i make mistakes i'm not perfect so i feel so bad when i told her i'm flip-flopping like that you can't flip off your customers you can't say oh i can do and then i can't do it that's you can't do it i mean i just it's not professional and i felt so bad that i told her i couldn't do it when i could not you know but i just didn't want to tell her i could then i'd be late giving her stuff so yeah so um next time i remember to oil my machine because i should forgot to go to the machine so that's what happened to me that's a goof up i made some people make we make goof up but we got to learn from our mistakes and get it together but i said yes without checking and see if i have the shirts available i have four t's but i just have five t's and i have five sixes on my shop but now i know where to go to get fast shipping because aj blanks if you look at the blanks aj blanks she shipped it out real quick and i got my stuff i'm able to get it done and she put stuff out tomorrow i mean on monday so the more the more the moral of the story is you make mistakes and try to be professional when it comes to your business let's talk anybody want to talk are y'all ready to go to bed got through that shirt i'm good i'm just walking around trying to straighten up this room because it was a mess um but y'all got any questions y'all want to ask me before we get off this live i'm sorry if i'm too close great job good night okay y'all better go to bed now that's what to make sure i got this shirt done huh i understand good night y'all have a good night any questions before we go just let me know honey i'm going to be bragging about this live in my oh what's your group share with the shirt and now he's going to want to be what's your group he says i look the she size her drink is gone he helped me looking crazy he wants to go to bed good night miss warren thank you everybody y'all y'all y'all about to go to bed i understand because i'm about to um what time is it you know i'd be up until like three o'clock in the morning like i said i got 10 i got 10 patches dude i might not do no patches tonight though because it's too late to be starting or something i might um and they all call me brian everybody been buying my kobe bryant patches everybody buying my cookie brian patrick so i got like five of them to do patches to do so i got a couple of um things to do thank you thank you y'all help me out i appreciate this and this oh my god this shirt is so nice and thick aj blanks is the bomb it's so nice and thick in the cow it's stitched out so good and i use cut away use cutaway stabilizer so it worked out so good and i'm glad i remember i remember glad she was able to get seen my shirt enough time to ship this out on monday so i gotta make another shirt so i'm gonna make another shirt tonight i mean tomorrow so i can shoot everything out i'm gonna make him i'll probably go because i'm gonna do a dinosaur probably and not put his name on it i don't know if i put it i should put that on it again i don't know i'm just i don't know what y'all think what should i make him and should i put his name on here i'm gonna put his age on there again though if i put it i'm just gonna put like a dinosaur there a truck and then put his name on there and that's it this is his birthday but he don't need all these chips with his age on here so i'll probably do a truck it did it turned out really nice let me put my phone in the repository instead of falling all over the place yeah um any questions y'all want what'd that say let me let me go to the computer but i can't see her i'm gonna computer and see i can see y'all better so i can't see with this thing get my computer working because i can't see y'all seeing my eyes too where did you order the bags from what bags oh that's what i'm saying i got a video i'm going to show y'all i i designed that i didn't order it i designed it so i'm going to show i'm going to do a video upload a video on how y'all just how y'all design it how to design the video be up this week okay i'm looking to see what y'all saying uh looks like the perfect size for the three-year-old yes it is i'm so happy that it worked what's your fav fabric for your package i use um a twill i sent her two masks for the price of one two shirts is nice where do you get what bags oh what's the fabric for the patches okay i did that it looks like the patches why does my string look like this okay um be your partner in your business your oh am i froze now oh shoot thank you for telling me that i'm looking at the computer and i know my phone was froze i'm here i'm back my phone need to be charged i'm just putting back on the charger i didn't know it was doing that because i was on i'm looking at the computer lord jesus i may have all kind of probably just dang on phone tonight all kinds of problems the internet and phone just been acting up showing his butt okay you're back yes i'm shannon brown on facebook okay i'm trying to become a part of your group okay okay cammy you'll be trying to okay i just noticed that you are allowing me in the video is just wonderful and i will be following you thank you oh you saw you in the group now cammy are you in the group ooh my turban is ew jacked up um i'ma bring in your group i'm the one who posts the african binding picture of the other day okay oh you said you're going bragging our group oh i appreciate you still standing you got to still stand with me damn you want to open huh you still on here oh look at the video now it looks so good my little shirt i guess it's replaying i don't know what it's doing on the wires yes i love you i um i love crafting sisterhood also embroidery not yet embroidery diva but what's your name what's your name embroidery diva what's your name your facebook name i'm gonna do that right now so i will forget so you can me cami are you in oh embroidery okay embroidery diva so cammy out i'ma get you together in a minute and brittany david what about you cammy are you in the group yet any more questions y'all i've got an order early entirely thank god i was a friend these customers service that's customer service shirt turned out really cute everyone have a great night uh you're satisfied with the size yeah the set is the good lizzy i like it the size look good i mean i'll just be looking it'll be looking bigger on the internet but that i just don't like the it's this looks so strong it's so in but it's the three that's big but like someone make him a shirt i'm gonna make him a little shirt with his name on it but i'm not gonna put a number on here so the design gonna be big and i'll be satisfied like i said i might do a monster truck for him with his name under it hey that's what i'm gonna do but i'm trying to find another image because i already got a monster truck on my um on my site already and i want to do something different so i can be able to show people how it looks how it looks you know so every time i make something i put it on my site so i'm thinking about going to etsy and finding another stuff because i already got a monster truck on my site already and i want to have a double site it's a double image so since i'm giving her this i can make a step at the same time and make it a real shirt another like like a sample sample so yeah i'm thinking about figuring it out maybe a car or something i don't know she didn't she wouldn't tell me what else you like he just told me she's like um tractors and stuff so he probably like monster truck no he probably likes different cars or something like that my first one was the um um i basically my she said wedding birdie machine that i had the first one i got was the brother s e 675 because it's a combination of a sewing machine and embroidered machine because i was scared i was like what if i don't like this embroidery so i'll make sure i did know i want to do so i'm going to learn how to sew so i got that so i could be able to if i didn't like the rotary i'll go ahead and start sewing with it so that's the first one but it's really small it's only the fight it's only a four by four hoop you could do patches with that little four by four who and that's really it you could do like little little things on little kid shirts but you can't really do a dart shirt that you're just doing a name right here or like a logo right here on the side but um i got it because i just wanted to make sure and i was upset after i got it not no was it because i was still going to use it as a sewing machine so i said if i'm going to try this out if i don't like it i can use the same machine so i was going to set but i was like oh i need something bigger because this hoop is not big enough so i went straight to get the other one pe 800 like two weeks after that one and that hoop wasn't big enough it's five by seven but it's still a beast y'all if y'all ain't trying to spend all that money i spent a lot i spent like 200 on the other on this machine behind me i spent 12. so if you got 200 don't buy this machine but the hoop is bigger but you can also get a a re positional hoop for the um brother p800 and you can that can help it work it's more steps or whatever but you would be able to do it so reposition the hoop you can get that from amazon if you want to just keep the pe 800 that's the p800 which is good it's 5x7 hoop but it also comes with a reposition hoop it's a 5x12 hoop and you just got to reposition the hoop to make you know to you know to make it work okay it's videos on youtube to show you how to do that um and that's the one i bought the first one right here that's the first one that's the swim scene slash embroidery machine right there okay and this is the one like i said it's that was eleven i think it's eleven or twelve hundred dollars right here um that's a six by ten hoop but i did this sweatshirt i think that's what didn't that oh my god hold on i'm froze again i'm sorry this machine right here this single needle i did this sweatshirt i got on i did that in here i did this sweatshirt with that all right i'll just push the wrong button but i did um i pushed the button on my phone try to put it back on i think that's why y'all can see me now right here this i did this shirt to switch this hoodie on that one needle machine y'all can i did so many hoodies for myself i just don't mean the hoodies don't buy what miss mcfierce don't buy which one you got a 16 eater you said what's the best paper to use for heat press um you could use um i use sub i use um the for the heat for sublimation i use um a sub but you can also use the copy paper check out my video um it tells you um you can use regular color paper for sublimation let me tell you what kind i don't know name it right now but check out my video it tells you what kind of paper you can use sublimation it gets cheaper than the sub paper don't buy what makes um miss mac fierce um these are my paper that you can cover up your um i use the paper from sam's it's a roller paper right here look at the paper right here it's a roll i don't know if you can see all that this right here it's a roll of paper right this is roll the paper it's the whole roll you get from sam's it's called butcher paper that's what you cover your images of when you um when you subbing whenever i use my heat press i use that butcher paper your hammer meal is the name of the paper yup how many you can use hammer mirror stuff for a sub i got a video i'm gonna show you how to do that what's that you should have it you should have it whatever you can it's a black pepper like any kind of store that sells box stuff they got my i got a sam's and i got a um what's another store i got gordon's they both box doors that's it i used i used the um i used the um the uh nq 1600 single needle because it has a 6x10 hoop but let me show you if you use how big it'd be if you use the um eight the um the pd800 let me show you let me show you what the size is gonna be hold on get these quarters if i fall okay this hoop right here is the hoop that up it's the same size sort of i have to mark my hook because on which side is i marked the hoops i put washable marker on here i'm just gonna look at this it's so cute y'all be happy with how you making stuff your turn all right let me show y'all some more stuff this is the samples i made samples i made this is just samples like i told y'all instead of wasting racing shirts just use some regular i mean i taped it up or whatever it looks dirty but it's not there it's just the fabric it looks spotty but this is the way the fabric look it looks dirty but it's not that's how the fabric is made uh mix with samples from y'all on your website or whatever just use some cotton or either use stretchy knit and just make samples and fold it up like a shirt and put it on your website instead of wasting this shirt because you go sell disgusting my name on here so just make it with some fabric it's cheaper to buy fabric than messed up a whole shirt and then just fold it up press it i gotta press this i turn my press off already i need to press this to make it look but i already took pictures of it already but just press it and there you go you got your sample here's my other sample this is a good way to do samples and i made some i made these i still look blurry can i stick can i see me i just did this i did this with my surgery much needed neater um way professional way to look okay i made these two my surgeon well now i made this one sewing machine okay so this is this is the hoop that i use can y'all see me yes can you see me for what polyester fabric or what the sub one okay y'all can y'all can see me good y'all saying yes y'all can see me okay good but what you say you need polyester for the sub one somebody said some people say i look blurry i'm sorry i don't know what to do because it's not i don't know some people say they can see me but some people say they look blurry oh you don't have to have um oh you said oh yeah but you don't have to do that you don't have to have no sublimation samples you can substitute you can get your sublimation is easy somebody make sure you can go ahead and mock up your stuff for sublimation you don't gotta waste no time printing on stuff with no sublimation for no mock-up you can mock up your stuff on um on i got a video on how to mock up stuff for supplementation that's easy you don't have to waste your time doing that but you gotta mock up this because this is thread you can't mock this up you can't mock it so that's why you gotta basically do this you gotta print this out because this is thread but someone's mentioning just ink you can mock up sublimation you don't gotta waste no no don't go if that's up to you you want to but don't go buying nothing for no they'll be subbing on no mocking up nothing because you could mock up that it's just ink you just go to um go to these mock up places it's called place it p-l-a-c-e-i-t place it calm and you can just get your words or whatever your writing or whatever your pictures or whatever and put it on the shirt and that's that's it you don't gotta do no you don't gotta buy no fabric for no michaels for no sublimation now you can go you can go to the hobby lobby and buy some stuff you could go to about hobby lobby and buy some um 100 polyester and um and just make stuff that you can sit like you can make your own uh fabric you know what i'm saying you can go there you can make your own you can step on something and then make it into some pants or a shirt or something um no you don't got to knock it up no your sublimation sublimation is ink you can just go ahead and just mock it up on the computer but you can't mock up this because it's threaded you can't mock this up you can't make this happen on computer but something making you can i got a video i'm showing you how to mock up stuff i got like two videos to show you how to mock up on place it i got a video you can show you how to mock up on cricket and i got a video and show you how to mock up on silhouette to make it like make you like you did it but it's a mock-up for sublimation okay who's about to say but like i said you can go to help you can go get the um 100 polyester fabric to sublimate on to make different stuff like you can make something made on it and make a make a uh make uh uh sew up something like if i want to go i can make some fabric and put some make up and and make these bun bummies but i can substitute something on here like get some white sublimation um get some white setting polyester uh fabric and just something you can put your kids face on these shorts if you want to you know i'm saying that's what you're saying that's what i'm saying you can do with that with the fabric and you can make um you can make that what i was going to do is i was going to do a submission like i could make a skirt like i can get some some polyester fabric something made on it it didn't make a skirt mask skirts whatever yes that's what i started off with you could practice with dollar tree stuff i got a video on that too a video on what you can get from dollar store that you can supplement on check out my videos it's a video that says something measured from the dollar tree or items you can use something they made from another tree on my on my youtube channel check that out okay this is the hoop i use for this and then i turn the image this way my sweater this way and see how much room this i mean even though all these hoops are this big but it's not gonna be able to go all the way to the end of the hoop but this is the size i used it's a six by ten hoop and it was able to use it did this okay i probably could have went over just a little bit more like this working it came up right right here but but right here but this was cool with me this size is cool right here but it wouldn't be able to go up no more as far as it was gonna be it wasn't gonna be able to go higher but it was able to go a little bit wider okay so this is the hoop i use for that one machine like i said that was like 1200 for that machine it's called the nq 1600e 1200 and it can get you a size this size if you want to that's a good machine to do i don't get bags out of this purse i didn't get bags out of this machine let me show y'all so with this machine i did this bag and this machine this whole bag was done and it's called in the hoop i did this whole bag in here this whole pouch okay this whole thing okay i didn't use the sewing machine i used an embroidery machine for this okay this is a bag i lined a lined purse lined makeup bag or whatever you want to call it i did this whole thing in this hoop okay is people like what i'm like yes i did it's unbelievable unbelievable i did this whole bag inside this hoop too this hoop i made it okay now you can do it in the 5x7 hooper it's going to be way smaller this little idea this one in the 5x7 the smaller hoop is smaller see how small it's going to be really small okay this is in the hoop i did all this in the hoop in the embroidery i did not use a sewing machine i did the embroidery machine this whole thing lined first with the zipper embroidery machine i was like how the heck you do that i looked on youtube and i found out like oh my god you can really do that now this one i got to sew back together but um this is a fanny pack i did i messed this up but this is the face pack i did an embroidered in that machine okay just a fanny pack too line is lined okay got a lining in there and it has like something to keep it thick um the paper okay anything else y'all want to okay let me show you how the 5x7 hoop look like it's a 5x7 hoop so you can see that this whole it's gonna be much smaller than this this like i said when you have a hoop it ain't gonna cover it it's too this design is too big so it's gonna be probably about in a whole letter okay this is this is this this is not gonna fit it's gonna be way smaller than it okay so probably bring in a whole letter probably about about this much in probably gonna be about this size this right here just end still it's gonna be about this size for the whole shirt about this size right here it won't be this these words won't be that big it'd be about this size right here if you use the 5x7 if you get the p800 but the pe 800 has a repositional hoop it's almost the same size as this but you just got to basically do two different designs in one hoop you don't gotta rehoop it but you gotta make two different designs you can do it but it's just extra steps to use the big hoop for the um for the pe 800 got it check out the live before this is this is two lives like my phone went off so you can check out the live before this one i have a lot of different more more information on the first live too that i did tonight i've been on here today 8 45 and right now it is one o'clock what for this what's your talk what's up what's your question what would i use for this whatever machine i use this for this um with a shirt look at my my my handmade turban this is just some stretchy fabric y'all do on my head for this live because my hair look a mess and it's killing me now cause it's tight i made me it made me a little turbo that's my little sweatshirt for my live y'all cause i can't come over here looking all tacky and everybody loved it this is just some knit fabric i just hide on my head and i'm really tired y'all i ain't do nothing but i took it took it and tied it and i was the parts tied it's tired y'all my little bangs out here my little megaphones like the amp my little earrings on got it together it would look bad from the back it's getting tired y'all it's getting kind of okay while you are still alive you go again went out and kicked in and came back and we still on here this who which one i got three machines which one you talking about um tanya right he said the um professional youtubers would be um broke real quick oh no i'm not going live tomorrow oh no i got too much work to do when i get on when i get on talking to y'all i'll be on live all night and i do my work i got one shirt done tonight one shirt now if i went on live i would have got all this stuff done so no i would not be on here tomorrow i got 10 patches to do and i would not be doing it tomorrow because i'll be talking to y'all not getting my work done so definitely need not sorry not tomorrow won't happen what are you talking about miss tanya you can't wait to use it girl let me see janice okay let's see what you gonna make janice what you want to make janice she said she's got her new machine how many needles is that you got two it's my fault angela it's my fault i'm so sorry which one you got angela she said she was the worst auntie nap but i'm still on live oh my god you funny stop he went to work and took a nap and i'm still on here oh this this thing looking kind of crazy now y'all it's looking kind of rack you it was cute when i first started but now i was going through war i didn't get something to eat oh you got the envy okay we got the milko 16 ooh ooh she got a 16 eater you go here girl i can't afford that one jesus i wish 16 needles is live but you get a lot done that's a lot of needles i'm scared of that she's them still here okay demps she crying she's still here yes 16 needles oh uh this one uh sweatshirts you get it from jiffy mix i always say jiffy mix y'all it's jiffy shirts.com it's um i got something from jiffy shirts.com and i get from amazon hey destiny you're right you we bout to get off now destiny i'm tired i've been on here at 8 45 and my computer about to go dead my phone backed it up i then messed up some stuff i didn't hit the needle on my hoop i done been through a whole lot of drama and trauma on this live today but we made it through and we got a nice little shirt that i um that i'm waiting for to pack up tomorrow or monday to ship out tomorrow and everybody help me with the colors and everything take some pictures of this and put it on my shop and um pack it up tomorrow and make another shirt from tomorrow too take one off cammy yes girl i hit the who i'm about to cry my son like might about to cry everybody's like just calm down breathe you'll be all right girl oh yeah ooh do you know i use mighty hoops on my much needle machine you know that's the fear i feared that i was going to do that one day that's the reason i want to get the mighty hoops and i did it on live today y'all i did it online i was gonna break my whole machine down i was like oh and i cussed real bad say every day a lot of bad words i was gonna turn off the things they would buy up i say bye y'all there's like no sure man stay on stay on so i'm glad y'all told me to stay on now we got we got through it y'all she said oh my goodness you hit the hoop what is a bummy this is a bummy right here these are called babies bummies for babies they stretch material and they soak you they highways they so cute and i made i make these so i make these and i make dresses and i make skirts for babies check out my um my site um array of sunshine 2020 on etsy array of sunshine 2020 on etsy ray spell r-a-e then check out my other um shop is charming girl boutique number two yes y'all i'm about to go to bed too my eyes are tired i need to get something to eat so i'm gonna go ahead and get off this light so i can't get off this i force myself off cause y'all gonna keep me on here all night um material i use is just stretchy knit stretchy knit fabric from the bummies anything that stretch two-way stretch four-way stretch whatever stretch thank you yes story of my life too no i didn't wanna break it i'm scared to get i was gonna tell my son to give me something might be something floating in the water he said that take a water break no and i didn't want to ask my son to bring me no cause he probably would have been i don't trust him bringing me down to eat a and he's nasty thank you shirley sherry okay y'all i gotta force myself off here i gotta say bye and hang up because they're gonna let me go i already know so i've been on here since 8 45 i gotta go get something to eat and take this bite off because it's killing my head it's tight so i'll see y'all next time i show my face today because i have been on for so long but i will be back probably next saturday maybe in the middle of the week when i find something i can do to show y'all um we'll have a video coming up on showing you how to do that bag okay so the video will be up this week and then i'll probably go on live again on saturday or sunday have a good night not this sunday next sunday have a good night bye bye
Channel: Charmaine Galloway
Views: 5,208
Rating: 4.9234972 out of 5
Id: 4fn9hcIDJbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 46sec (10066 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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