Email Help - Blacklisting / Safelisting With Rackspace Email

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hi my name is Spencer and today I'm going to talk about ways to deal with spam in the rackspace control panel I'm gonna walk through blacklisting and safe listing on an individual level as well as on a domain level so let's get started alright so let's start off with what is black listing black listing is a way for you to tell the server to block certain messages from certain people coming in to either your mailbox or all the mailboxes on your domain and why would you want to do that well let's say that you get coupons regularly from a local pizza place and you've unsubscribe from their newsletters but they just keep sending them to you and you're just tired of seeing them well that would be a situation where you may want to block that email from coming in to your mailbox at all or it could be something malicious coming in over and over again and you want to block that from all users on your entire domain so those are some situations why you would use blacklisting now let's take a look at how you would go about doing a black listing for your mailbox all right so let's come down to the computer and see how to actually do the black listing so here you'll see I'm in the administrative control panel and there's two different sections here email hosting and host of exchange I'm going to work under the hosted exchange section and this is if you're going to blacklist on it for an individual mailbox so for exchange I'm going to go ahead and click on filter settings here if you were doing a hosted email then you can go straight to blacklist but the screens are gonna be identical clicking on filter settings you'll see I then have to click on blacklist up here at the top and then once I'm in blacklist it's going to take me to the different ways that I can add something to my individual mailbox blacklist so I can either do it by the domain or the email address up here where if I scroll down I can also block things by the P address be mindful when you're blocking things by an IP address there are a lot of shared IP address people using the same server to send messages so let's talk about how are you gonna know what to put in here well in order to know that you're gonna have to actually look at a mail header so let me start off with I'm coming over here to my OWA and I have this message here that I want to block now some people send from their actual email address and some people actually use a third-party mail service to send their email so in that example of the pizza coupon coming in chances are they're gonna use some third-party bulk mail sender to send out to everyone who subscribed to that list and so we're gonna actually want to block that address so what you're gonna do is you're gonna find the header so I'm gonna click on this arrow I'm gonna go to view message details and what I'm actually looking for is the return path this is what blacklisting is based on not necessarily what's down here on the from address okay so I'm gonna copy this email address I'm gonna come back here to the control panel and I'm gonna paste that in the domain and email blacklist section I'm gonna click Add and then I would come down here and hit save in order to save that to my blacklist additionally you can also block things from an entire domain let's say messages come in they're different but they're all coming from the same domain so what you can do is you can come in here and you can say anything from I don't want anything from that domain to come into this mailbox I'm gonna hit add it's gonna add to my list I'm gonna come down and hit save now nothing from is going to come into this individual mailbox all right so now let's say that you have multiple users complaining about these coupons coming in from the local pizza place and you want to block them from coming to any of your users so the process is identical in the control panel what you're gonna want to do is come down to domains click on blacklists once that loads you'll see that same screen you're gonna put in that email address that it's coming from that return path that you found in the message header I'm gonna click Add add it to my domain blacklist I'm gonna scroll down and hit save and now nothing from that email address is going to make it to any of your users alright so let's talk about what's safe listing is safe listing is your way of saying that even if your filters deem my messages as spam they actually aren't spam to me and I would like them to go to my inbox rather than my spam or my junk folder so what's a scenario that you would want to do that well let's just take our local pizza place again sending out those coupons well maybe because they're using some third-party service to send those coupons they're getting flagged as spam and you want those coupons to come to your inbox so you don't miss out on them well by adding the address to your safe list you will ensure that those messages come straight to the inbox and you don't see them as being marked as spam so let's come down to the computer and you're gonna see that the process is pretty much identical to doing the black listing so I'm gonna come back here to filter settings I'm gonna come back here up to the top and this time I'm going to click on safe lists and then you're gonna see the pages identical I've got those two sections domain an email safe list as well as IP safe list I'm gonna put in that email address that was in the return path of that message I'm gonna hit add I'm gonna scroll down and click Save and now anything from that email address is gonna go straight to my inbox rather than my junk or spam folder all right so now let's say you're having a company outing and everybody wants that Pizza coupon for the local pizza place so you're gonna see a little bit of a trend here but if I come back to the control panel and I go down under the domain section I can click on safe lists you're gonna see that identical page here I'm going to put in that email address of the coupons are coming from I'm gonna click Add and I'll scroll down here and hit save and now everyone in the entire domain is going to get that coupon in their inbox all right so you're an end-user and you want to manage your own blacklist and safe lists without having to bother your email administrator every time that you want to make an adjustment to that filter so let's talk about how to do that there's a couple different ways I'm gonna start off let's come down here to the Outlook Web App if you're a hosted exchange mailbox there's a couple different ways in here you can click on the mail you can come up here and hit this down arrow and say it's junk what that's gonna do is it's gonna move it directly to your junk email folder it's also going to add that email address that it came from to your individual blacklist now on the other side of things let's say something's landing in your junk email and you would like it to land in your inbox every time you could also select that message from the junk email come up here and hit the down arrow and say it's not junk that will move it to the inbox and take it off of the blacklist if it was that on there and it's going to add it to your safe list now let's also say that you don't want to receive anything from but has not sent you anything yet you can come up here to the top right click on the gear go down to options on the left-hand side under accounts you can click on block or allow and here you will see your safe senders as well as your block senders you'll see that email that I marked as not junk is under my safe senders but what you want to do is you want to block so I'm going to add that under block senders click the plus sign and come up here to the top and click Save now nothing from is even going to make it to your mailbox alright so let's say you're an end-user of a hosted email account Here I am in webmail and if I see this email coming into my inbox and I don't want to receive emails from this person anymore I can go ahead and click on this message come up here to the more menu and report it as spam it is then going to ask me are you sure you want to report this as spam I'm gonna click OK it will move it to my spam folder as well as put it on my individual blacklist now on the other side of things let's say this emails coming into my spam email folder and I want it to go to my inbox I can select the message go to more and say not spam if it was on my blacklist it will remove it from the blacklist add it to the safe list and again it is now in my inbox let's take that same scenario that you don't want to receive anything from but has not sent you any messages you can come up here to the menu on the top right these three bars and go down to settings in settings you'll see on the left hand side there's spam settings you'll see there's two different tabs up here at the tops one for safe lists one for blacklist I'm gonna blacklist something so I'm gonna click on that tab I have a button here to add a domain it's gonna ask me which domain would I like to add I'm gonna add I'm gonna click the Add button and save down here at the bottom now my mailbox is not going to receive anything from alright so we've talked about how to adjust the blacklist and the safe list on the individual level as well as the domain level so let's talk about how the server actually handles that so the individual blacklist and safe list will always trump the domain level blacklist however if on your individual blacklist you have the same thing listed in your individual safe list the safe list will then trump the blacklist so it is just good practice to make sure that you only have it listed on one of those either the blacklist or the safe list but there is a method to the madness it's as easy as that so if you're having any issues that don't pertain to blacklisting or safe listing please check out our other videos that we have here but if you are running into issues with blacklisting or safe listing at the top of your control panel you'll find a phone number as well as the chat feature to reach us at you can also check out our online resource email help Rackspace comm until next time have a great rest of your day [Music]
Channel: Rackspace Cloud Office
Views: 856
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rackspace, Rackspace Email, Email, Outlook, Microsoft, Office 365, Technology, Blacklisting, Safelisting, Whitelisting, Greylisting, Spam Prevention, Spam, Junk Mail, Phishing, SPF Records, SPF, How To, Rackspace Control Panel, Rackspace Spam, Spam Messages
Id: fcT7sidQiqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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