Elvis Presley - Baby, What You Want Me To Do ('68 Comeback Special)
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Channel: ElvisPresleyVEVO
Views: 14,722,606
Rating: 4.9250088 out of 5
Keywords: elvis presley, elvis baby what you want me to do, baby what you want me to do, 68 comeback special, elvis comeback special, hound dog, suspicious minds, can't help falling in love, jailhouse rock, elvis blue christmas, elvis silent night, Baby, What You Want Me To Do (Alternate Cut), Elvis Presley, RCA/Legacy, Rock, Elvis Presley Baby What You Want Me To Do, Elvis Presley Vevo
Id: U_t20f4PiRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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Dear god that leather...