Elvis Presley - Polk Salad Annie Live (High Quality)

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[Applause] [Music] what are you looking at back now [Music] some of y'all have been down south too much I'm gonna tell you a little story and so she'll understand what I'm talking about down there we have a plant that grows out in the woods and the fields it looks something like a turnip green the everybody called the Pope salad - salad [Music] anyway I used to know a girl they've done that should go out and eveness and pick a mess of it and carry it home and cook it for supper just about all they had to eat what they did all right down in Louisiana gross open lived a girl that I swear to the world Mandy alligator look at you granny [Music] the shame or the mama wasn't working on the changing Oh mean vicious straight razor totin woman no time mercy hey every day before suppertime she's around by the truck matches and pick her a mess of boat salad carrier over you burning in the party said it was Paul was working on a chain [Music] usako [Music] [Music] but daddy was Elysium no countess hell of a thing Oh brothers what you ready [Music] I said it was a shame though love mama was [Music] you saw a little know what me [Applause] [Music] yep right you're right [Music] sighs you know what maybe söderling know what nathan maneuvers Sock'em thank you
Channel: Home of the King
Views: 40,149,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elvis, Presley, Polk, Salad, Annie, 1970, the, King, las, vegas, live
Id: u4csFnpZXek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2009
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