Elvis and Priscilla: Conditional Love (2023) FULL DOCUMENTARY | HD

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I'd like to get married I'd like to have a family the show it's a normal thing to do I mean who wants to grow old and be alone Love Me Tender Love to find that one girl it's a thing that you can't rush a lot of people think if they're not married by a certain age that they're losing out it takes a while I mean it takes a while to find someone or to get to trust somebody Elvis there have been a lot of rumors about your love life did you meet anyone special in Germany there was a little girl that I was I was seeing quite often over there that uh her father was in the Air Force there was some pictures made of her the stories came out the girl he left behind all that it wasn't it wasn't like that I mean I had to be careful when I answer a [Laughter] question could you do it again yeah my name is sunny West I'm 63 years old and I was 20 years old when I met Elvis in 1958 what were your first impressions when you met Elvis Presley my first impression when I met Elvis in 1958 was it was hard to believe that this was such a [Music] superstar Elvis was a bit of a loner back then he had maybe three or four friends that lived in the same housing project he did and primarily was shy did not really come out of a shell until a couple of talent shows and the girls started screaming him I mean he he always liked girls I mean I think he had more girlfriends than he had guy [Music] friends El was had a tremendous draw to him emotionally and physically where looked at him and you thought that is probably about the best looking man I've ever [Music] seen he just had a Charisma about it he had a way of pulling you and people call it Southern Charm he had it in Spades he had it in spad there really wasn't much that Elvis couldn't get if he really went after it whether it was from Southern Charm or just a strong conviction of saying I'm going to do that and that's it and that's what we always admired about [Music] it 1956 Elvis Presley revolutionizes rock and roll it looked like nothing could slow him down but something did drafted at the peak of his success Presley is inducted into the Army on March 24th 19 1958 he does his basic training at Fort Hood in Texas later he serves the third Armored Division in Germany as a truck driver while in the Army in 1958 Elvis Presley will earn nearly 2 million otherwise he will be just like any other Soldier all almost Elvis was officially drafted into the US Army in 1957 but joined up and began training in 1958 while there could be many reasons for Elvis's agreeing to his conscription one seems to be the most likely the influence of Elvis's manager Colonel Tom Parker according to Alana Nash's book The Colonel Tom was instrumental in convincing Elvis to join Elvis was offered many jobs in various military branches including the Navy and the Air Force which would have seen him performing for the troops and avoiding much of the training of other Soldiers the Navy even suggested an Elvis Presley company including a battalion of Elvis's friends and private lodgings where he could sleep while performing in Las Vegas Colonel Tom however convinced him otherwise he told Elvis that these were not The Avenues for his ACT partly because they would include performing for free which was not part of the Colonel's way colonel was also worried about Elvis's reputation if he took an easy route in the Army rather than serving like everyone else according to the Washington Post this idea ultimately sat well with Elvis who was reported as saying people were expecting me to mess up to goof up in one way or another they thought I couldn't take it so forth and I was determined to go to any limits to prove otherwise not only to the people who were wondering but to myself we heard the rumor that Elvis was coming to our base so uh one night I was working late in the office uh with my friend George D deio and my partner we I was a finance clerk for the Army I lucked out and uh we see all these people starting to gather up around outside the the gates of the camp and uh I asked George what's going on he says well we heard Elvis is coming to our base tonight and all of a sudden about 8:00 at night bus is coming in with all these troops and kids are screaming yelling Elvis was on the bus somewhere you couldn't see him because everybody dressed in GIS and it was dark at night but they all stood out there for hours and hours and screamed and yelled according to all regulations and the uniform F of military Justice Elvis's life was not typical GI there's always people outside of his house the fans were always out there it was a little tough for him to be in the Army because everybody was watching him and they were keeping an eye and make sure he did a good job and make sure he didn't goof off so it was tougher for him than lot of the other G how the Army would stand the impact of Mr Presley was a big question months ago but not now as Elvis explain helis since you've been in the Army have a boys given you kind of a rough time in the barck because of your past career would you think no sir I was very surprised uh I I've never met a a better group of boys in my life they uh they probably would have uh if it been like everybody thought I mean everybody thought I wouldn't I wouldn't have to work and I would be given special treatment in this and that but when they looked around and saw I was I was on KP and I was ping guard and everything just like they were well they think it well just like us when he's demobbed Elvis hopes to develop his talent as a movie actor meanwhile it's the Army for Elvis the pelvis basic training wasn't hard for me at all uh it was harder afterwards after I had gotten into a regular outfit uh not the service itself but just the surroundings and I was in a Strange Land and uh uh the outfit I was in they had quite a bit of field Duty we stayed in the field 6 months out of the year and it gets cold in Germany it sows quite a bit and uh uh it was pretty hard to adjust to however disaster struck in his early days in the Army his mother glattus died after being diagnosed with Hepatitis Elvis was given emergency leave to visit her arriving in Memphis on August 12th but she died on August 14th 1958 speaking of Elvis's pain at his mother's passing his friend Judy spreckles said I have never seen anyone as sad as Elvis was he cried continuously we were in the front hall at graceand and he stood there hugging me for a half hour he was crying and crying and crying it was a saddest thing I'd ever seen despite this sorrow his luck changed when he was taken to Germany with his [Music] troop Priscilla Anne Wagner was born in Brooklyn on May 24th 1945 Priscilla's biological father was US Navy pilot James Frederick Wagner at age 23 he married Priscilla's mother and an August 10th 1944 they had been dating for more than 3 years however when Priscilla was 6 months old Wagner died in a plane crash returning home on leave 4 years later her mother remarried a United States Air Force officer named Paul boyu who was from Quebec over the next few years the growing family repeatedly relocated as her stepfather's Air Force career moved them from Connecticut to New Mexico to Maine Priscilla describes herself during this period as a shy pretty little girl unhappily accustomed to moving from Base to Base every 2 or 3 years Priscilla later recalled how une easy she felt having to move so often never knowing if she could ever make friends for life or if she would would fit in with the people she would meet at the next place in 1956 the boo settled in Dell Valley Texas but soon her stepfather was transferred to Vis Boden West Germany Priscilla was crushed by this news as just after Junior High her fear of leaving friends behind and making new ones was once again realized [Music] [Applause] [Music] the first time he met Priscilla I happened to be at the house when she walked in the door I mean very pretty young lady but I didn't know how old she was at the time and uh I figured she was about 16 but at the time she was 14 I find out later I said listen you know you better get some keys and he said what do we need keys for I said for the [ __ ] jail C they're going put our in for you dating a 14y old girl we ain't going to be able I tell you where part of that came from what why Frank Freeman it was 70 8 years old yeah and we used to notice that he would walk the studio with this be beautiful young girls they were probably Starling so Dr blank at MGM Studios who was the studio doctor and he asked me he says I see Mr Freeman you know with all these young girls he said he's 70 80 years old he said what can you do with these girls and Dr blank looked at him and he said Elvis when you get Mr Frank's Mr Freeman's age he said you come see me he said I'll give you something that'll allow you to do that he said always remember one thing he said what's that he said when times get down there's always a 15-year-old girl around the corner speaking to Larry King in 1999 Priscilla contextualized the time in Elvis's life I saw him at a very vulnerable time in his life he had just lost his mother he was grieving she said Elvis saw a resemblance between Priscilla and his mother glattus he also told his friend Rex Mansfield that Priscilla was young enough that I can train her any way I want Elvis wanted Priscilla to visit again the second time they met he invited her to his room after Priscilla had been on four dates with Elvis her parents said an in-person meeting was necessary okay Elvis now what you going to sing what are you going to sing for us first tonight I want you I need you I love you here's the big [Applause] [Music] RCA hold me close hold me TI make me [Music] thrill let me know where I stand from the start I want you I need you I love you with all my [Music] heart he arrived in his BMW wearing his army uniform to impress Priscilla's father he asked why a star was interested in his teenage daughter Elvis responded well sir I happen to be very fond of her she's a lot more mature than her age and I enjoy her company the bo were Charmed enough to allow Priscilla to keep seeing Elvis He was the center of her world for the remainder of his stay in Germany she continued to go to school but fell behind though she didn't take the pills Elvis offered when he noticed her fatigue I want you to take these they'll help you stay awake during the day he told her Priscilla's age meant they couldn't go out in public but they still saw each other often the only thing they didn't do was fully consummate their relationship as his time in the Army ended Priscilla wanted to do so but Elvis told her someday we will prilla but not now you're just too [Music] young without [Music] Rance [Music] now Elvis has a report that you like the army so much that you wanted to ride a book about it uh do you ever think of [Laughter] reenlisting no sir I never thought of I I never thought of I never thought of reenlisting but uh maybe somay I will write a book about my experiences in the Army you know have two years of sobering Army life changed your mind about rock and roll sobering Army life uh no it hasn't it it hasn't it hasn't changed my mind because I was in tanks for a long time you see and uh they rock and roll quite a bit in March 1960 Elvis having finished his enlistment left Germany Priscilla sent letters using pink envelopes to make them easy to locate among Elvis's fan mail I didn't hear from Elvis right away my mother said see I told you Priscilla recalled to Larry King in 1999 then Elvis started calling and that's when it all started [Music] again in 1962 he asked her to visit and worked to convince her parents to let their teenager travel to Los Angeles they agreed to let her leave under the conditions that Elvis would pay for a roundtrip first class ticket arranged for her to be accompanied at all times and have her right home each day Elvis agreed to all these demands and Priscilla flew to Los Angeles Elvis told her they were going to Las Vegas and to throw her parents off the scent he had Priscilla write a postcard for every day they would be away to be mailed from Los Angeles by a member of his staff during their time there Priscilla began taking amphetamines and sleeping pills to keep up with Elvis's nocturnal schedule she also started wearing new more adult outfits which Elvis had purchased for her in addition the singer had Priscilla's hair and makeup adjusted to suit his preferences telling her I like a lot of makeup Priscilla visited Graceland for chist Christmas that year next Elvis asked her to finish High School in Memphis which she was desperate to do her parents initially rejected the idea but Priscilla continued to press the issue as Elvis tried to convince them their daughter would be safe living with his father and [Music] stepmother Priscilla's parents led her move to Memphis for good in mid-march 1963 part of the agreement was that they would eventually marry she she would finish her senior year at an all girls catholic school the Immaculate Conception high school and live with Elvis's father and stepmother in a separate house a few streets away from Graceland Mansion at 3650 Hermitage Drive until she graduated in June Priscilla was Keen to go to Hollywood with Elvis but he kept telling her he was too busy and had her stay in Memphis in the in the movie years the drugs were in control the sleeping pills and the the uppers and he said I want to be sure you know we stay up all night we we drive all night I know you're not used to it and I want you to you know keep up as far as your attitude is concerned so he said I want to show you something so out of his pocket came a little blue velvet case a jewelry box he said open it up well I opened it up and it was just ch full of pills of every color you can think of and I said good God what is this and he said here let me give you a few and this will help you stay awake and and be in a good mood I said okay so he picked out about four of them and he said here don't take them all at once just take them every couple of hours I stayed up for three days and to be quite honest with you you know gives you one hell of a good feeling so I kept taking them I took them for 15 years when you start taking the uppers which is what they were in order to go to sleep you need to start taking sleeping pills so it gets to be a vicious circle and where today one will work tomorrow you need two and the next day you need three and then the next day you need four and after 15 years it gets pretty vicious I couldn't take them every day not to be the goody goodie but I just couldn't I just couldn't take that pill cuz I knew it was going to do to me make my mouth dry it was just going to make me wired all day and I just didn't want to do it but I had to take him sometimes cuz he would stay up to 3:00 morning 2:30 3:00 and we get up at 5 to go on location it could be boring uh really be and most people who are involved in movies will tell you about sitting on the set all day doing nothing waiting I learned from the very start I sleep when he sleeps we used to have a thing in fact on Paramount on GI Blues they had a a club scene in there and he kept us up late and I just couldn't stay awake and I hadn't taken anything so I went over to a dead set and got into a booth there in the nightclub set and they were shooting on another one and laid down on the booth to get some sleep and one of the crew guys up on the catwalk just pointed me out there Elvis I found out later he pointed me out said like that and Elvis came around when he got through with his business on he came around and looked for me and he saw me through there cuz I had there a couple of tables stacked up I to kind of put a little camouflage so that couldn't be seen easy oh man he threw that table and chair and I woke up straight up he said damn you sunny I told you you sleep when I sleep I said I'm I'm up boss I just took a break just took a break during the filming of Viva Las Vegas Elvis began an affair with his co-star and Margaret when Priscilla read these reports in the Press she confronted Elvis he told her they were simply rumors to promote the film and that she should not believe everything she read in the press for the next few years Elvis valued what he saw as Priscilla's Purity so their relationship remained sexless he had intimate relationships with many of his leading ladies and co-stars all the while denying their existence to Priscilla eventually she was allowed to visit him in Hollywood but her visits were kept short Elvis was a very jealous person okay with anybody and there's a line that you had to be very careful of of you know even if if if if my affection for Priscilla was just on a human level uh you had to be careful how you express that where it didn't cause jealousy I was at graceand I was living there right in the within the first year and hadn't seen Priscilla in a day or so or elness Priscilla came down the steps and she didn't look good I just assumed she was sick you know I said you know where have you been and and she said I just been you know upstairs and I said are you feeling okay you know yeah I'm fine thanks for asking or something you know and I didn't know what was wrong was her and elves had been in a two-day fight and when she went back upstairs I could hear the lamps flying so evidently what happened upstairs is they continued the argument and Priscilla said something to the effect well at least Jerry cares how I'm feeling and that didn't go over very very well so the next day we're watching a football game downstairs Elvis had never said a cross word to me in all the years that I had known him and it was like if somebody's going to take care of Priscilla it's me I don't need you guys asking her how she feels and man I was crushed I was crushed I didn't know what to do I didn't know where to pack my bags this was the fear of like being misinterpreted as somebody that would hit on somebody's girlfriend or something like that that I was crushed and I think he knew that Elvis continued to remake Priscilla who later described herself as Elvis's living doll to Fashion as he pleased he placed porcelain caps on her teeth and demanded that she improve her posture he was also molding her In His Image her hair was dyed black like his put in an updo that matched his Pomodoro needed to be in similar colors to his [Music] is over the years Priscilla who'd often been left at graceand while Elvis went off to make movies had been called a livein Lolita Elvis's controlling manager Colonel Tom Parker was worried about the potential Fallout if they didn't marry likely due at least in part to Parker's prodding Before Christmas in 1966 Elvis proposed what with like a man on a tree my friend say I'm a as [Music] a after seven years of dating Elvis and Priscilla Presley tied the knot in an intimate Las Vegas civil ceremony on the morning of May 1st [Music] 1967 the wedding which lasted only 8 minutes was organized by Elvis's longtime manager Colonel Tom Parker who reportedly believed that the couple living together out of wedlock was hurting Elvis's image he asked me to be the best man he told me yeah I don't want to get married but I'm being forced to because Elvis's lifespan with a woman was anywhere from 2 to four years and he to interject it wasn't because he didn't love her he did love he didn't want to get married because he shouldn't have been married he didn't want to yeah that's the key she knew where she was getting into after she was here for maybe six months well she was in the Whirlwind there was no doubt about that when she had a ring on her finger is when she tried to separate Elvis from us that's a good point because the fact of the matter is we would have loved to spend more time with our families yeah but he but he insisted as you all know he insisted that we'd be that's right he really gave her no choice because he didn't more time a good year BL I think he tried I think he tried and I I and right after they got married remember that you know he cut back on the group you know so I think he was trying to make that change Colonel like to change Priscilla like to change to some degree like cut it down you know but uh he didn't like it the rocker's cook allegedly said that she found Elvis crying about the wedding and when she asked why he couldn't cancel it he said I don't have a [Music] choice following the reception Elvis and Priscilla boarded a private jet and enjoyed a short honeymoon in Palm Springs on May 4th they flew back to Memphis and retreated to their secluded Ranch just over the Mississippi state line for a 3we break many of Elvis's Inner Circle joined them although for the most part the couple were left alone and could enjoy each other's company without the intrusion of the Memphis Mafia I loved playing house she later remarked adding here was an opportunity to take care of him myself no Maids or housekeepers to pamper us their wedding night was the first time the couple went all the way Priscilla also got pregnant right away which made Elvis worry about how fatherhood would affect his career daughter Lisa Marie was born un February 1st 1968 9 months after her parents wedding she was upset at such an early pregnancy sure that it would destroy the closeness she had finally found with Elvis she had asked him earlier if she could take birth control pills but Elvis had insisted they were not perfected yet she considered abortion and even discussed it with Elvis but both decided they could not live with themselves if they went through with it Priscilla discovered that Elvis was reluctant to sleep with her after she'd gone through childbirth he told her he wanted her to have time to recover but as Priscilla later wrote he had mentioned before we were married that he had never been able to make love to a woman who' had a [Music] child Priscilla wrote in Elvis and me that she began taking private dance lessons when Elvis was filming Live a Little Love a Little she found herself deeply attracted to the instructor known simply as Mark in the book and she confesses to having a short affair she implies regret however saying I came out of it realizing I needed much more out of my relationship with Elvis despite Priscilla's Affair and Elvis's on andof relationships with his co-stars and leading ladies the first few years they were married seemed a happy time for the couple however when Elvis's career took off again after his 1968 television special he constantly toured and played in l Vegas Elvis had also seen other women on and off often leaving Priscilla at home with Lisa Marie in Hollywood and Vegas there were plenty of girls around plenty of girls around and on the sets we had lot we had a lot of girls on the sets that we worked Elvis liked them because they inspired him doing his numbers in the in the in the movie when he performed uh filming the musical numbers and they uh he had several of them that he a nucleus type thing that he wanted and he wanted them where he was going to be working sitting at tables so he could see them CU they really liked me like them and they inspired him with their laughing and they're cutting up with him uh and so they were there but we had we had friendships with them there wasn't really anything really happened a lot of them were married you know just working extra but they just enjoyed being around all was n guys just to talk and then there was some that we we had affairs with but uh the the thing was Elvis is he had his own thing going with his co-stars you know and uh and in Vegas the same [Music] thing roll [Music] bab he had had ladies there also that he would bring in he'd take them on tour he'd meet them in Vegas Lake Tahoe he spotted one there uh that she looked like she was 20 21 years old and she was really like 25 or 26 and it really we found out later when I was told us how old cuz I I just thought that's how old she was she was very pretty we walking off the stage after he finished his number Sunny do you see that girl I said I got her covered boss I knew exactly which one he was talking about so I went back out there her name was Paige and I asked her I said Paige at the time I introduced myself she told me her name I said pabe would you like to meet Elvis she looked at me and she said how would I meet him I said well I work for him and I said he asked me if if he could if you'd like to come back stage and say hi to him she said yes I took her back there and she was just sweet and and and wonderful as she could be an El just flipped over he really liked her so she spent some time with him there in Tahoe and then we went to Palm Springs he'd fly her into Palm Springs he'd fly her into Vegas so it was uh uh he had his way of getting his situation under control we had ours when Priscilla discovered his fair with Viva Las Vegas co-star and Margaret she was so Furious that she threw a vase at the wall in their bedroom smashing it completely Elvis then hurled Priscilla on their bed and told her I want a woman who's going to understand that things like this might just happen are you going to be her or not it was hard for Priscilla as she was not getting intimate with Elvis she was now a mother and he was obsessed with the purity of a woman yet he was still going out and sleeping with whomever he liked Elvis had a temper he had a bad his mother had one his temper was like a black cloud when it came in full-blown buddy it was a category 5 tornado okay it just covered all the area around the whole room the whole atmosphere and you didn't know until you knew who it was about that had got him that way what thoughts who he was thinking about that got him this or who had done something you may have done something the night before or earlier that day that might have got him mad like this so you didn't know and you really didn't feel a whole lot of relief when it wasn't even you that he was upset you because it was still there it was still there weighing down on you Elvis was a keen karate student and persuaded Priscilla to take it up Priscilla thought it was a good idea as it would pass the time she spent alone if she had a hobby on which to concentrate she was also Keen to share Elvis's interests following disruptions from Elvis Priscilla began taking lessons from Mike Stone a karate instructor she had met in 1972 backstage at one of Elvis's concerts she soon began an affair with him Priscilla States in her book my relationship with Mike had now developed into an affair I still loved Elvis greatly but over the next few months I knew I would have to make a crucial decision regarding my destiny she later States Elvis must have perceived my new restlessness a couple of months later she said Elvis had requested to see her in his hotel suite it was then that she wrote in her book that Elvis forcefully made love to me and he said this is how a real man makes love to his woman she went on to say following the incident what really hurt was that he was not sensitive to me as a woman and his attempt at reconciliation had come too late suggesting that his actions were a deliberate attempt at reconciliation or compensation for his lack of sexual interest in Priscilla which had been a source of hurt and discontent for her for years she later expressed the personal repercussions of their sexual dysfunction saying I am beginning to doubt my own sexuality as a woman my physical and emotional needs were unfulfilled after this incident Priscilla summarized this was not the gentle understanding man I grew to love well you know his behavior really changed a bit primarily I think you know had a boredom uh and he needed a change and the more pills he took you know it's just a fact of life more pills he took that didn't help plus the the threat you on his that e you know so I mean it was a combination the life that he lived paranoia is like you know you it's it's unexplainable at times and he really you know he just got terribly insecure over the years and with Elvis's growing addiction problems Priscilla realized that as a married couple they couldn't spend more time together I think the main thing about the the situation with all the drug stuff that he was taking is the way it affected us we everybody knows how it affected him but it just totally terrorized us every day the conversations would start with this and end with this and it became an endless battle within the group to somehow out witht him remember that yes we'd go to Aspen we'd go to snow mess we would go with Hawaii anywhere just to sort of get him out of rhythm and if we got him out of rhythm he would be straight and he would be fun but then like anybody he would slip into it so what we did is we really sort of majored everything we had and knew at the time to prevent it and we did the best we could and then he would fire you and you couldn't do any good but if you hung in there you could possibly keep him alive another day everyone knew that if they can't be around him he was going to fire everybody could do then you can't help we had had a group effort a couple of times actually to address Elvis it's it's hard to um to Psycho analyze everybody everybody's relationship was with Elvis our secondary relationship was with the other people I think Elvis has given up on some of his dreams at this particular point I think he's getting tired I think he's getting bored I think there are new people coming around that probably think that's the norm but for us that really knew Elvis most of his life this was not the norm for him I would go into like just really feeling horribly sad but I was just mad I stayed mad I just could not believe that he did that to himself I just could not believe it I mean thatv was he took the same load on an empty stomach that he took when he was eating so it went to a system faster and you know he was losing a little of his patience there's no way of getting around the fact that the drugs were affecting him not just physically uh it's hard for me to admit to that but I think we do more Injustice by not admitting [Music] it a little [Music] then Priscilla was married Elvis wasn't I think it's a good way to say it and it really you know he didn't consider himself married only she did were things changing for you I mean were you well yeah because the pressure was really starting to ramp up pretty bad you know and uh uh he was losing and he he always didn't like to lose I don't but I don't think it's Elvis more so than any other man uh especially when you find out she's going out with somebody else it's a blow to any man's psyche I don't think that uh and Especial it is Priscilla said with Elvis my life was his life he had to be happy my problems were secondary in her 1985 autobiography Priscilla said her feelings of neglect and loneliness drove her to have an affair and leaving Elvis resulted in her finding herself for the first time Priscilla was awarded an outright cash payment of $725,000 spousal support child support 5% of Elvis's new publishing companies and half the income from their Beverly Hills home sale initially the couple had agreed upon a much smaller settlement a $100,000 lump payment $11,000 a month of spousal support and $500 a a month of Child Support Priscilla was Keen to make it on her own and proed that her marriage to Elvis was not about money soon afterwards however her new lawyers persuaded her to increase her demands pointing out that a star of Elvis's stature could easily afford more for his former wife and child Priscilla and Elvis remained close leaving the courthouse on the day of their divorce hand in [Music] hand according to Joe mosio of the Imperials the failure of Presley's marriage was a blow from which he never recovered at a rare press conference that June a reporter had asked Presley whether he was satisfied with his image Presley replied well the image is one thing and the human being another it's very hard to live up to an image his health was in severe decline when his divorce was finalized twice during during the year he overdosed on barbituates spending 3 days in a coma in his hotel suite after the first incident if you remember correctly in late 74 whatever up College Park Maryland he got out of that limousine I helped him out like I always do at the back of the hotel his hair was unkempt it was always done before it was unkempt he didn't have a hat or one of his hats or anything on it and I thought what in the world he said hey Sunny very slurred and I thought oh boy we got upstairs I asked the guys what was going on they told me we went up to the security room and we set a circle prayer for Elvis because I I was so scared of what was happening that episode toward the end of his life was the most terrorizing thing we'd all gone through it all the fun that we had had 20 years before it was gone and became joyless it became moments of great fun followed by continual panic in 1975 what I had been seeing a little bit of the previous year or so was getting worse and I was very concerned about his health and it wasn't like it had been before when he was taking the uppers and the sleeping Fields when he started experimenting with the you know the down stuff that's when we started getting concerned one time we were in the bedroom talking and he said you know Lamar he said I'm probably standing over your grave when they put you in the ground I said well let me just put Let me let me preface what you're saying here with something a man I said for some strange reason I can never see you as an old man and I never could I used to try to and I never could and I and I always wondered what was that problem and the problem I think was that I saw what all was going on I could not believe how he deteriorated in the year I was gone when I saw the CBS special I was shocked and I was pissed and I called Colonel Parker one of the few times I ever did on a negative how could you let him I called him and I wouldn't met with him how could you let him be on camera like that and he said well you're a manager because I managed the Beach Boys at this time you're a manager you have to give the artist uh uh offers I said how could you he said I put an offer out there that was ridiculous and CBS came back with it and I took it to Elvis and he wanted to do it the point is is that he was in great shape when I left but he certainly wasn't when I saw that yeah man looked like he was going to die [Music] [Music] die you [Music] still [Music] love I interrupting with a bulletin just in from Memphis Tennessee Elvis Presley may be dead an unconfirmed wire service report says the 42-year-old singer was found unconscious in his Graceland Mansion in Memphis rushed to a local hospital where efforts to revive him reportedly were feudal Elvis pres the American rock and roll singer who shot to Fame in the 1950s has died at the the age of 42 he was taken to hospital in Memphis Tennessee after being found unconscious at his home and he died shortly after when Elvis died in 1977 at 42 Priscilla said it was a shock although I saw his health failing and even went back to Memphis once to see if there was anything I could do in her Memoir she wrote that after learning of Elvis's death she felt like a piece of her had died with him we had a bond we'd become closer and had more understanding and patience for each other than in our married life she wrote we even talked of one day and now he was [Music] gone Priscilla had made it her duty to help preserve Elvis's Legacy and take care of his estate which is worth an estimated $300 million I take it as a big responsibility I'm fulfilling dreams that Elvis Presley was never able to fulfill and I'm straightening out the falsities that people thought about Elvis it's just about keeping his legacy true to who he was and I do feel a big responsibility to that Elvis had defined Priscilla's life his comment that she was young enough that he could train her any way he wanted in the end came true years after his death she has been instrumental in keeping his long lasting Legacy [Music] alive [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Elvis Years
Views: 14,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elvis, elvis presley, tom hanks, austin butler, colonel tom parker, elvis and the colonel, the colonel, tom parker, thomas parker, documentary, full documentary, elvis film, elvis documentary, official trailer, film trailer, film trailer 2023, documentary trailer, elvis trailer, sonny west, lamar fike, marty lacker, billy smith, priscilla presley, lisa-marie presley, lisa marie presley, joe esposito, jerry schilling, larry geller, priscilla film, priscilla movie
Id: EhKW-Z1Lw8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 35sec (2915 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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