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foreign [Music] welcome back Nick and Lex here thank you so much for being here and thank you so much for checking out another reaction with uh music with Nick today um is a very uh it's a special one because I'm kind of terrified uh because I'm gonna react to this by myself and um I just don't know if I'm gonna like it but I'm gonna be 100 honest um I'm pretty sure uh I mean just knowing myself you know um I think I will like it but who knows I'm just gonna be brutally honest and uh we've done some Emerson like in Palmer and I've loved everything we have done so far um but I'm not like uh yet I I'm not like the fan I think I I wanted to be of Emerson Legend Palmer I mean lucky man is a masterpiece uh in the beginning like everything we have heard is super the cake of pebble but I don't know I'm just like a little bit intimidated about um this one first of all I do want to thank um you know uh the the person uh that sponsored the video a great Scott a long time supporter of the channel he knows me very well I guess uh I know him quite well you know from the comment section and just from the from our lives but I don't know you know I don't really know if uh if this is gonna be you know a complete mishap or like a success story so let's see you know um I just wanted to say that but thank you great Scott for this um for this request and um let's just dive into it you know um just as a background real quick before we start um so we've done from the beginning like I said lucky man um let's see I did Fanfare for the common man I love that one uh I think we did tarkus I mean I don't even know anymore what we did but we've done quite a lot so I mean I'm not as terrified as I thought I was um I think it would be more terrified with with when vandergrab generator something more like you know even more you know on the Progressive side but yeah I think I'm gonna be fine it's just it's a little bit intimidating when it comes to ELP and then such a you know I mean it's from brain salads or surgery I think that used to be in the background um and I'm gonna do basically I'm gonna do Karn evil 9. first impression part one Carnival nine first impression part two Carnival 9 second impression and Carnival 9 third impression I'm gonna do all that back to back so let's see what happens um I'm very excited about this I I am very excited I have to be honest so without further Ado I mean let the Masters do the talking you know let them take over I'm gonna be you know I'm just gonna sit here and you know see what they have to say you know what they have to play and what they have to I'm sure it's gonna be an awesome one but I'm gonna be brutally honest like I always am um you know so that's like the only thing that I'm afraid of my my honesty all right um okay so here it goes current Evil 9 first impression part one wow and this is gonna be a trip because I mean all of the songs I'm almost like eight minutes um from exception of part two is a formatted one so it's gonna be quite quite uh quite an experience here we go I'm ready let's go [Music] okay very Baroque I love it [Music] [Music] in the cold [Music] right I'll be [Music] there [Music] wow [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] I'm loving it okay so yeah so I'm past the when you you know when you're gonna jump and you're like ash you know and then you jump and then you jump then you land that's how I feel right now so I'm loving it I'm really loving it um I love the it's very neoclassical it's very Baroque infused with some very odd like scales and I'm loving it and I love that I love that it's a theme that bad out and better and then just like right now just like switch completely you know time signatures and and the cool scales are coming in so it's very interesting I'm gonna have to re-listen to this um with Alexia I wanna I want to see how she feels about this um because she just got heavily into Prague and I just want to see what she thinks of this but let's keep going [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] find someone [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] everybody [Music] times [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay okay I hope that wasn't doing now I just started this is insane um I'm loving it the drumming here uh man I think it's called Parmer Palmer what a beast I mean it sounds literally like it reminds me a lot of yes of course because it's just very Progressive but also like other bands like rush you know I mean it's more I think a little bit more chaotic um but in a good way you know I think Rush doesn't go out so much you know because this is a lot of information just the scales that are being used here like all the different modes and man like like you know I don't want to get into like two technical terms because a lot of people get bored by that but uh you know I might but this is amazing it's really good uh I mean just to stick with the drumming right now like the time signatures are just insane you know all the different changes and I mean I love the MOG you know the the sound of the the keyboards it's just amazing and the singing is great as well I can't really make out the base I'm as beautiful as there but I can't really hear the guitar but I don't know if they even have a guitar player like I'm sure they do um because of in the beginning I even learned that intro but let's keep going let's just keep moving forward I'll give my reaction after [Music] Bishops [Music] mystery [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I don't know why it kind of like stopped her for a second that was super odd um but let me check something super quickly okay just figured something out since I have since there's two versions of the the CD there's one remaster and then there's one remastered Deluxe and the timing of the deluxe is like a few seconds and it kind of like it's gonna mess with the trend transitions of this piece so I rearranged uh the transitions I mean I have all the the right track so let's just listen to Carnival 9 first impression part one the last couple of seconds so it bleeds over correctly and also that that impression part two can plea bleed over into the second impression correctly because that would have also kind of messed it up so I just wanted to do that uh the way it's supposed to be I mean I know I'm pausing and stuff but at least I want the transitions to be the ones that we usually would listen to on the you know like listening to the the record so here we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back my friends to the show that never ends we're so glad you could attend come inside come inside the real blade of grass be careful as you pass Move Along Move Along [Music] from the skies [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] solo wow soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of Vaseline will perform on Guillotine what I've seen what I've seen next please [Music] wow I just love how it goes back to the main like to the first part and and it's there is a there's a repetition there so it it becomes kind of like familiar you know I'm like I don't know it's just really I really like it and this whole like to the show it's rock and roll I feel like I don't know like I'm walking into some kind of like literally like I'm walking into like a a theme park like you know and like all kinds of all kinds of is receiving me you know like it's really trippy like like I don't know I feel very welcome here you know I like this um and I just like the scales and he's using I mean uh he's he's doing a lot of melodic minor because it's very classical the harmonic uh harmonic minor scale but there is also a lot of whole tone you know uh where you basically I don't know how to explain it uh but uh yeah you know there's a lot of like stuff that's really out there you know half note uh whole note scales and I just hear it because I practiced it myself you know there's just a lot of a lot of music that's very um a lot of theory in here you know that maybe you because it's also happening so fast but I do hear them you know because I listen to all this weird music so you know this music you know takes a lot from Jazz as well there's a lot of jazz in here there's a lot of classical music but a lot of rock you know it's just yeah this is why it's Progressive it's it's like a rock Fusion proc progressive rock you know but I'm really enjoying this um it's really cool and I'm happy that we have the right tracks the transitions are going to be smooth and correct uh but let's keep going man I'm loving the drumming I'm loving this voice the energy it's very positive um and it sounds also very until now it's very inviting maybe it's gonna get super dark you know um like the cover you know by uh Geiger but the guy who did the uh the xenomorphan alien um but let's continue I'm really lucky myself [Music] come on [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] like I said this is jazz like he was playing it earlier and he just didn't play it in the in the context of now it sounds more Jazz because he's more free but he's playing a lot of chromaticism here a lot of uh yeah like like I said a lot of you know um scales that are very common in jazz like in jazz fusion and but also like just a normal Jazz it's really really amazing how cool and for especially for rockers you know people that listen to rock this is like their Gateway into jazz right there you know because if you like this then yeah I mean why wouldn't you like Jess it's all about improvisation this is all being improvised um I don't know if he writes it down and just plays it but I'm sure it is improvised because I mean it is jazz it's really good I've never heard Emerson like in power play like this it's really good but I never doubted the talent or the the um the capacity of to do that I mean they're Pros like uber Pros right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry but he's playing Latin jazz but that's it that the time signature is right there if you listen to any and listen to any Latin jazz it's right there they even have a they even do this and they improvise and they have to you know and I'm I'm not a drummer but I know how what I hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] it's gonna blow your mind it's literally the same style um wow and then it sounds literally like Tom and Jerry they're just messing with us you know that's the beauty of these musicians they're so good at their craft that they can just they that's why they say play you know they're they're playing it's a game you know the music is so um familiar that you can just bend the rules you know there are no rules in music I mean yes there are in classical very strict ones too but I mean it depends on the the time when it was played oh certain things were like oh you can't do that you know you can't play those scales but then it just opens up and then you can just be free you know and this is what Freedom sounds like you know Jesus I'm drinking water because I'm drinking so much coffee [Music] [Music] a little bit of hindimid right here [Music] two beautiful chords Hammond sounds very Hitchcock [Music] Jesus foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] things [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm just I was like oh God because it did sound a little bit like when it changed to uh the last song here we're now on current evil nine third impression it is the right one and you guys know of course but I'm I'm I was worried um I don't want to mess it up you know uh man the musicianship on this album is ridiculous like I love it um just like the I guess of course it is um um um like Mr Lake like Emerson Lake no Emerson what's his name because it's Emerson Mr Lake Mr Emerson Mr like and Mr palmer but um Mr Emerson um who's the keyboard oh my god um let's see Jesus it's just insane um what these guys do on their instruments Keith Emerson Greg Lake and Carr so Carl I had correct and then um Keith Emerson is just yeah he's out of his mind I love him uh just the balds you know to play that like that you know in Rock so the bass player is not on here uh but it's it's basically just you know Carl on the drums and then uh Greg Lake on the guitar and I I did listen to the solos of course I'm Keith Emerson I think Keith does the bass as well you know but the like and the doors uh they didn't have a bass player um man it's just um yeah here it says Greg Lake oh Greg Lake placed the base okay but yeah it's just like man uh this guy these guys are just on a different level uh but so so are all the other bands that we listen to and it's just beautiful you know um but I would have not not been ready for this music um let's say 10 years ago no way it's too much it's too wild um you it's almost like music for musicians but I know that a lot of non-musicians get it but it I think it takes a while you know to get to this level of understanding the music you have to kind of like know or you just you know you just enjoy great music and you just get it you just accept it for what it is and you don't over analyze that is also very possible you know I know a lot of people that have never played an instrument in their life and they love you know just the sound of weird chords or or or you know not as common scales so yeah I mean but I just like me as a musician and the music I used to play I used to I would have loved all the classical stuff but then the Jazz stuff would have thrown me off and here I'm drawn to because of both the elements you know of jazz and classical music and just The Rock because classical music fits so well into rock music like the way Richie Blackmore Incorporated all the you know Baroque CL like melodic minor scales into his solos and you know and then other people started doing it as well instead of just doing using you know the blues scale or chromaticism right here there's a lot of chromatic scales that are basically you you can use them in jazz very well but in rock it just sounds kind of off you know um if you don't play the right chords because then they Clash it clashes together but there's a lot of tension here there was a lot of intentional tension that you just feel like oh you know it's like if this keeps going like it doesn't fit but then the resolution happens you know they he no no knows how to open up again you know it kind of like he there's this musical tension and then his resolution and that's when you feel like oh you know so I hope I'm that's the way I feel you know so but yeah this is great this is a lot of fun and uh I I'm gonna persuade Alexia to do it if she can you know it's a it's a long marathon and she usually she she can't do like um you know 25 minutes it's just too much and then I'm speaking a lot and stuff so um but I'll uh I'll see if I can do it I would do it again just to sit with her and see her face you know um so let's see how that goes okay let's continue [Music] thread dance [Music] [Music] lost in the winds [Music] let the bridge program [Music] I have yourself [Music] come on let the match of War before oh my God those are pedroes you know the way he opens up those arpeggios this this this piece sounds very epic in um like almost for kings and queens the music of you know I don't really know if music sounded like that in medieval times but that's how they basically you know you know when you hear a trumpet like that it's very a fan it's almost like a yes it's sort of a Fanfare you know um and it sounds just very of that time of reminiscent of like people on horses with swords and you know and the Kings and you know looking down um it's really cool I mean the way they did this um really fantasy like almost like you know it transports you into a lot of places there's music it's very trippy too um yeah let's keep going foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I hear a lot of what's his name who composed the planets um an English composer a man so good give me one second because it I do hear him uh Gustav Holtz [Music] Gustav Holtz Gustav Holtz 1874 like literally 100 years before this I hear John Williams I hear I hear that you know it's awesome thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] but I give you love me [Music] foreign [Music] wow man that's literally the ending oh my God I do that too I use an arpeggiator and I slow it down instead of speed speed uh I don't speed it up by because I want to listen to the notes this was a trip thank you so much uh Great Scott for you know making me you know sit down for 30 minutes or I think way more than I thought I did interrupt a lot but there's a lot to say you can't just like sit as a reaction video if you guys want to listen to the the full piece I invite you to go on YouTube I'm sure they got the complete thing on there uninterrupted um just for the people you know that don't get reaction videos I mean if you're gonna if you want to listen to the whole piece by yourself then listen to it for don't watch a reaction Channel you know um and then there's these people that say well you know people listen to the entire thing and then they react sorry but that's BS you can't react to 25 minutes of music you forget uh at least the I mean maybe you remember the first two and then the last two that's a normal human being we don't have photographic memory of music so um that's why I um I think pausing is necessary especially with something as complex as this but if we do a second version you know um maybe with Alexa we could um you know maybe pause a little bit less uh because Justin taking the whole piece you know but man this was a lot of fun thank you so much it's very complex this is like a a I'm gonna take a look at the you know at the if I can find it anywhere I would love to to take a look at the the charts the music chart just to analyze what's going on you know uh like the scales are very interesting stuff there's just a lot of stuff here that I like to play on on the guitar you know and it's um so it's just very interesting it's a very interesting piece very entertaining and very crazy very crazy just especially the the the the third one it felt almost like you know like yeah like like Star Wars before Star Wars you know like it's almost like John Williams hurt this and said I'm gonna use this for the you know I don't know for The Imperial March you know um yeah it's just very very cool thank you so much and I hope you guys did enjoy my my dumb faces that I'm making um but yeah it's a reaction video thank you guys thank you great Scott uh for for requesting this as well a lot of fun and uh I hope you enjoyed see you guys all in the next video [Music]
Channel: NicknLex
Views: 33,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Music reaction, Couple reaction, Reaction videos, Cute couple react, Girl music reaction, NicknLex, music reactions, first time reaction, nicknlex reaction, nick and lex, nicknlex films, nick and alexia, Folk, Female, prog, rock, metal, jazz, guitar, 60's, 70's, jeff beck, rock guitar, guitar solos, live video reaction, alip ba ta, unique couple, genesis, yes, rush, steely dan, pink floyd, led zeppelin, elp, emerson lake and palmer, classic music, john williams, fanfare, holst, hermann
Id: Xdm15gGbmKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 46sec (3346 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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