Elon Musk shocks the audience with his plan for the future

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[Music] well i think the first journeys tomorrow is going to be really very dangerous um the risk of fatality will be high um there's just no way around it so i would not suggest understanding children or um it would be basically are you prepared to die then that's okay then then you know your candidate for going um but but really this is this is less about like you know who goes there first or it's the thing that really matters is making a um a self-sustaining civilization on mars as fast as possible it is different from apollo this is you know um this is really about minimizing existential risk um and um and having a tremendous sense of adventure i mean the thing that um moz really represents i mean there's the whole life insurance and protecting life and ensuring that the land of consciousness is not extinguished which i think is incredibly important um you know backing up the biosphere um and to be clear this is not about everyone moving to mars it's about becoming multi-planetary i think earth will be a good place for a long time um but uh but it's just it's the probable lifespan of human civilization were much greater if we're a multi-planet species now that's the defensive argument but the yeah the other thing that i actually find most compelling um is that it is that it would be an incredible adventure i think it would be the most inspiring thing that i could possibly imagine and life needs to be more than just solving problems every day you need to wake up and be excited about the future and be inspired and want to live i i mean my view on the radiation thing is that there's certainly some risk of radiation um but it's not it's not um it's not deadly um there'll be some slight increased risk of of cancer but it's it's i think relatively minor um you need to have some shielding particularly if there's a solar flare um or sort of a big uh it's any kind of solar storm you'd want to basically point the rocket at the at the sun and maximize your shielding effect um before you point the rear of the rocket the sun so you maximize your shielding effect and and have the passengers cluster around a column of water um i think the radiation risk there is relatively small once you're on mars obviously you cut your radiation in half just because you've got the planet shielding you and then there's at least some atmosphere and i think then what one you can construct over time is an artificial magnetic field to deflect a high energy particles so i actually the radiation thing is is um it's often brought up but i think it's not not too big of a deal the um and then there's what happens once once people are there um i mean the the goal of spacex is really to build the transport system it's like building the union pacific railroad um and and once once that transport system is built um then there's a tremendous opportunity for anyone who wants to go to mars and create something new or build the foundations of a new planet so it's like who wants to sort of be you know among the founding members of a new planet and and like i said build everything from iron refineries to to the first pizza joint you know we'll want them all um and then things on mars that no people can't even imagine today that might be unique or would be unique to to mars and but but that that's that's really where um a tremendous amount of entrepreneurship and talent would flourish just just as happened in california when the union pacific railroad was completed um and and when they were building the union pacific a lot of people said well that's a super dumb idea because there's no you know there's hardly anybody lives in california but now today we've got sort of the at least the you know u.s epicenter of technology development um and entertainment and um and it's the biggest state in in the nation so um but you need that transport link if you can't get there and none of those opportunities exist so our goal is just to make sure you can get there the number of people who will be willing to move to mars is much greater if they know that they have the option of returning even if they never actually return um i mean most people that went to the original english colonies in north america they never returned to europe even once but but some did and just knowing that if you don't like it there you can come back um i think makes a big difference in people's willingness to to go there in the first place um and in any case we need the spaceship back so it's gum it's coming you can jump on board or not it's cool you get a free return trip if you want say what really matters is the intersection of sex of intersection sets of people that want to go and can't afford to go so that um anything that can be done to increase the desire of people to go um i think is a good thing and there's i mean there's been a lot of mars shows uh most movies um and and there's some tv shows that i know that are getting written and you really want to create the dream of moz in people's minds and have it be like you know it's the new frontier and it's and make it as exciting and fun and desirable as possible um so i think this is where um this is where the entertainment industry can play a huge role in just me um in just you just imagine putting putting that dream in people's heads showing them what it can be like and and i think this is really something that appeals to anybody with uh with an exploratory spirit um if if you if you're an explorer if you want to be on the frontier and push the envelope and you know be where things are super exciting even if it's dangerous that's i mean that's really who we're appealing to here um and uh okay but i think anything that anyone here could do in that direction would would be great um getting people excited about going um getting the public behind this and and the truth is like right now on earth you can basically go anywhere in 24 hours i mean anywhere um go you can get you can go you can fly over the antarctic pole and parachute out 24 hours from now if you want um you can get you can get parachuted to the top of mount everest um from the right plane um and that you can go to the bottom of the ocean um earth from a physical standpoint you can go anywhere anywhere so there is no real physical frontier on earth anymore but space is is that frontier um and so i think it's going to appeal to anyone with that without exploratory spirit well right now the uh resources that have been put into the interplanetary transport system are are pretty low i mean certainly well under five percent of the company um and maybe we're spending a few tens of millions of dollars on it right now so it's it's relatively small then we'll we'll gradually apply more and more resources to the interplanetary system um and so hopefully over time we'll be able to have most of our engineering team what we will have perhaps within um a year and a half to two years we should have most of spacex engineering working on the interplanetary system um and hopefully be able to spend maybe more on the order of a couple hundred million dollars a year maybe 300 million dollars a year on on the system so not a lot relative to the overall thing um and in order to make this whole thing work and work reliably before it starts generating maybe some kind of positive cash flow is i mean it's probably an investment on the order of 10 billion dollars um so it's you know a lot of money to get there i i would definitely i'd definitely like to go to orbit and maybe visit the space station um and then ultimately uh uh go to mars um um yeah i gotta make sure that if something goes wrong in the flight and you know i die then [Music] you know that there's a good succession plan um and that the mission of the company continues um and and it doesn't somehow get taken over by uh investors who just want to you know maximize the profit of the company and not go to mars that would be my biggest fear in that situation i mean i think if we were to do interstellar travel the best way to do it would be with uh kind of an anti-mata drive that will give you the best obviously mass efficiency difficult to beat anti-matter so um i you know but even in the best case scenario that's really quite a long journey even to get to proxima centauri i think the key thing is to establish a a base on on mars and as soon as there's a base on mars then there's a very powerful forcing function for improving uh space transport technology i mean right now there just isn't that forcing function because what we do is it is very local stuff in earth orbit so as soon as we've got a base on on mars um we can see leaving a base on the moon but but certainly based on mars uh that creates a very powerful forcing function for making space technology better and better every year and and um and that's ultimately what will lead us to uh interstellar travel um i think trying to do interstellar travel right off the bat um is would be very tricky you know sort of like uh if you're developing aircraft you really want to first do the right flyer and then maybe get to a dc3 and then a 707 and a and then a you know 747 but but trying to build the 747 right off the bat would be a tall order
Channel: DB Business
Views: 172,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elon Musk, elon musk interview, elon musk speech, elon, musk, elon musk today, elon musk genius, elon musk success, elon musk opinion, elon musk motivation, elon musk future, elon musk's idea, elon musk spacex, elon musk mars, elon musk prediction, elon musk about mars, elon musk mars plan
Id: otor7haJg0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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