Elon Musk CENSORED, Threatened W/ JAIL In Australia: Musk REFUSES To Pull Sydney Church Stabbing Vid

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Australia's government is threatening Elon Musk with censorship prime minister Anthony albanesi called musk an arrogant billionaire for refusing to take down a post on X content on X now on Monday a judge ruled that musk should remove from the platform video of a bishop being stabbed at a church in Sydney last week the video shows Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel being stabbed during a church service that was being live streamed on on April 15th Australia's e safety commissioner Julie Inman Grant requested that ex hide graphic into stressing photos of the Sydney stabbing and fully removed the video from its platform for all users not just blocking it in Australia mus responded to the request on x- writing should the safety commissar an unelected official in Australia have authority over all countries on Earth musk was given 24 hours to comply with the order prime minister albanesi said that social media needs have social responsibility with it Mr musk is not showing any and an Australian Senator escalated matters further calling for musk to be put in prison let's watch so when it comes to the tech billionaire like I've already said I think he's a social media knob with no social conscience he has absolutely no social conscience someone like that should be in jail and the KE be thrown away that Blake should not be have a right um to be out there on his own IDE ideology platform and creating hatred and other news mus is facing some bad news at Tesla profits at his electric car company are down 55% this quarter compared to last year the company is laying off 10% of its Global staff as sales are flopping over the weekend the company cut the starting prices of its model X model Y and Model S cars by $2,000 this uh Australian speech case is pretty outrageous I think many of us watched the clip as it went viral last week of the uh priest being was stabbed it was being live streamed at the time it's really visceral uh to watch uh he did survive and in fact he is speaking out saying that he objects to the idea that that videos should be banned in Australia and around the world he thinks it is of note that people should be able to watch it and frankly it is not nearly as gruesome as some of the other kinds of images that we see frankly percolating out of places like um uh Gaza on a daily or weekly basis and I very have significant concerns about what it means for a government to say basically a video is too gruesome for the public to consume because one could very easily see a government like ours who has now effectuated a Tik Tock band saying well we don't like you consuming a certain kind of thing it is violent in nature it also has some political undertones that we don't like so we're going to say we're Banning it under a kind of e violence provision yeah I could not agree more um it is just it is not the role and should not be the role of the government we can't trust it's not just the Australian government particularly any government cannot be trusted with that level of editorial control over the internet if platforms want to set rules for what you have standards for what kind of graphic or violent imagery they have on their platforms allowing it in some cases deciding it's newsworthy maybe making steps to take steps to blur it they have to be allowed frankly to figure out those policies on their own they have to be given leway to decide what makes sense what are the cases some of these are hard calls in what case you know if a if a mass shooter is live streaming you know going door to door in a in a school or something you'd think oh we definitely want to take that down although I've thought about that in the before honestly if there are people in the school with their phones they might want to know where the mass shooter is there could be a public safety rationale for actually allowing the content to stay up there these are hard calls the platforms got to work these things out for themselves for the government to step in and say no we order you to take this down that's just our position and then to to call him arrogant and say he's not being a good citizen and again this wasn't just for Australia this is going to be for the entire world also be the case that frankly given the laws in different countries or the standard or the cultural practices in different countries that you have to frankly have even though it's not ideal have different standards for what kind of content is available in which countries so even so that goes even further into the realm of crazy now I agree with all of that here's the problem Elon Musk has already agreed acquiesced to a very similar request to ban all criticism of Modi at his request at the the Indian government's request last year MH so now he's grandstanding and I agree with his position in this instance but why was it the case that he's willing to stand up to Australia but last April said he was willing to block Tweets in India at the request of the government journalists tweeting critically about the president of India what is this double standard going on and does this have to do as some people have argued with his own Financial interests in India as the location where he plans to build Teslas where he has contracts to build cars for his main gig right that's his main money-making gig that he's willing to basically compromise all of these Free Speech principles for his own personal benefit and that's where I think the second part of the story that we reported comes in here he is not having a good year from a business perspective obviously the failure of Twitter to recoup the investment has been covered at length the fleeing of advertisers whether or not you think they're justified in going that's the way the markets are gone and he is not recouping the revenue that he thought he would he has tried to move to various other subscriber models uh the the blue check model and all of these things hasn't worked he's now contemplating implementing a $1 kind of minimal fee for anyone to basically do anything on the app whether it's liking whether it's posting at all will that work I don't know I'm doubtful but now as he's facing all these pressures he's laying off 10% of his Workforce one really does have to ask asked the question is someone who is financially compromised in this way even if he is one of the richest men in the world really about Free Speech willing to stand as ground on Free Speech or is he simply using lwh hanging fruit like Australia to burnish his reputation after having fully failed to live up to his own ideals with a much bigger market and a much bigger um a place with much bigger financial implications for him like India I mean sure I I think it is the case that no matter despite what he says he is running a business he said he's prepared to lose money and has lost money on Twitter so far be in order to support his principles you know you've I think correctly called into question a number of places where he didn't fully stand up to principal now again I take the position that that is the government's fault how you respond when a government of the world threatens you and says you have to do this or we'll take down your company or we'll hurt your site or whatever the the the harm is being perpetrated is not in how you respond but in what the government is doing so I think Australia India Brazil the European Union China the us all of these these these governments that have to varying degrees and in different circumstances put pressure either indirectly or or objectively directly on social media platforms to censor content and do other things are misguided and should stop doing that and we should complain about that if he goes along with it in some cases I mean he should explain his decision-making and it's fair to call him inconsistent but he might but he might simply be deciding right in this case it's too much of a business H to resist and in this case then you don't get to be the hero of free speech you don't you can just be a guy just like everyone else following the laws of whatever country in the world you go to like like everybody else but that doesn't make you you cannot say oh I'm pounding my chest excuse me and standing up to Australia when you're only willing to do so because it's a tiny Market it's the same way that you see the NBA Apple all these companies bending the KN for China cuz not willing to use lose use the market if suddenly you had China's bad yeah but yes but if suddenly you had the head of the NBA or Lebron James or any of these other people who have cow toow or walked back their position um you know uh the the CEO of Apple John Stewart recently talked on his show about he was how he was literally censored from having Lena Khan on his show because of how it was going to play on the other side of the world and how other comp how how Apple in particular didn't want to engage with someone who was going to put legal restrictions on its ability and in the antitrust context so I know but we all have to make little compromises we just said it can never operate with anyone who's forcing any sensorship on us the platform would operate nowhere there just another person complaining about the fact that there are governments that you disagree with in the world you are not acting in a principled way so him standing up to Australia means nothing other than it doesn't cost him very much to do so it doesn't make you heroic there's some value in calling out what I think are incredible overreaches saying that you have have to want to throw Elon Musk in jail because he won't take down a video that the stabbed man himself doesn't even want to take down it's outrageous but the problem is Elon Musk is able to assume an authority that he has not earned to talk about Free Speech rights and interests including in the United States of America even as he is the one in many cases that is violating people's speech rights Banning people from they are government is violating their El in the United States of America made a choice to ban the Elon Jets account Elon jet musk and the United stes of America chose to say you are banned from Twitter wait a minute you are banned from Twitter if you if you tweet from The River To The Sea Palestine must be treat there's no American government has made had had a lot of problems in this respect but that's a choice made by Elon Musk to selectively ban people who he like or doesn't like or who's a DIY he agrees with or doesn't agree with in the United States of America yes but the choice to ban criticism of Modi or critic or news about Tian Square in China or that is not being made by the platform that's the government I care because the government's the one with the guns the government's the one kill you I feel talking past each other Robbie anybody can complain about I can complain about that with principle because I'm not at the same time trying to make money off an authoritarian government while pretending like I am above it all like I have better principles and morals than everybody else I don't have business in India I'm not compromising my values I wouldn't say you're compromising your values I I I would say again it's the fault of the government well that's fine but the problem is by grandstanding the way that Elon does he gets a complete and total pass from all of his fans for doing the thing that is the worst thing for the American audience restricting no government putting a gun to his head making the choice to ban account the United States America mod you talk but wait a minute right now we have our government literally banned an entire platform because of how powerful that's very bad how powerful various interest groups including APAC the Israel Lobby a foreign government Lobby are and wanting to shut it down because the horrible visceral images coming out of Gaza are having an effect on the public that is authoritarian and who's there locked up with him saying if you have if you say from The River To The Sea Palestine must be free I will ban you from from Twitter Elon Musk that is not someone who has an advocate of free speech all I'm saying is I I agree with you in those cases but you you've raised the foreign government cases if if the government if you said if you have a standpoint I will never shoot Robbie and then the government comes in puts a gun to your head and says shoot Robbie and then you do it I'm not gonna be mad at you it's not your fault you're not a hypocrite they didn't you didn't violate your I get your point but that is not the analogy that is not the analogy the analogy is if I say not with the Jet's accounts but with the government if you're here and your brother is there and and the Australian government says shoot Robbie's brother and I say no I'm I'm courageous Ryan is in Jeopardy now I am courageous I am bold I a free speech hero I'm never going to shoot Robbie's brother I can never do that it couldn't be me and then uh India goes shoot Robbie I'm like sure cuz I can profit from you being dead but again it's they they're the problem I don't I wouldn't I wouldn't waste any words being upset at you about it no what you what I should say is oh my God how horrible it is that I had to shoot both of these guys both of these governments are a problem how evil it is that India forced me to shoot my co-host Robbie elon's not saying any of that he's over and saying H got to sell some cars all right let us know what you think and uh whether Robbie should survive the rest of the segment more Rising right after this [Music]
Channel: The Hill
Views: 36,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rising, Progressive, Progressive Politics, Democrats, Democratic Party, Republicans, GOP, Republican Party, Tesla, Australia, Censorship, First Amendment
Id: _exfSxqlUbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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