Australian PM Calls Elon Musk "Arrogant Billionaire" | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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hello namaskar this is first post and you're watching vantage with me py Sharma [Music] it's been an interesting news day war has taken a backseat and thank God for that in Focus tonight is a national sale in China where the government is offering discounts on washing machines and cars you may ask why this is their grand plan to revive the Chinese economy does it make sense will it work we'll bring you the projections meanwhile in the US college campuses have become political Battlegrounds there are widespread protests and arrests over the Israel Hamas War inest Asia Turkey and Iraq have signed a major deal we'll tell you why this is politically and economically significant for the region in the UK Rishi sunak controversial Rwanda deportation bill has been passed why is it a win for the Prime Minister how deep fakes are disrupting the election in India with dead leaders turning up to campaign why Pakistan's ban on X is a problem but America's impending ban on Tik Tok can be justified is Russia jamming GPS of flly fights over Europe what will this appraisal season look like what is a dry promotion why Saudi Arabia's neon project is in trouble and by trying something new will help you we'll explain the headlines first over 200 aftershocks hit Taiwan it comes more than 2 weeks after a deadly earthquake struck the island the Tremors lasted for over 12 hours there were no casualties on the 3rd of April Taiwan was hit by its strongest quake in 25 years since then there have been more than a thousand aftershocks hisbah says it has launched a drone attack on Israeli basis earlier today an Israeli drone strike killed one of its members in South Lebanon this is hezbollah's deepest strike into Israeli territory since the Gaza War Began since October tensions between the two have been escalating Ukraine wants to bring military AED men home to fight against Russia this month KF toughen penalties for draft Dodgers and also l the age of mobilization by 2 years to 25 Ukraine is struggling in the battlefield amid Relentless Russian attacks Armenia and aeran start border demarcation work it's part of the normalization efforts between the regional fors last month yavan agreed to baku's demand to return four border Villages the two countries have been locked in a decades long conflict over nagoro kabak and good news for Indian Travelers the new shenen visa rules will ease travel to to Europe Indians can now get multiple entry shenen visas with an extended validity period 25 out of 27 European Union countries are part of the shenen [Music] area our lead story tonight is about the greatest sale on Earth and no this is not at your local supermarket or Ecommerce platform or your favorite fashion label this is about an announcement in China their government has launched a great sale for the people for them to buy new cars and appliances like washing machines and they're being offered big discounts by the Chinese State meaning the government is subsidizing these purchases just imagine this an entire country being offered subsidies for shopping and not just any other country this is the world's second largest economy but why is China doing it why is it so desperate to send its people shopping because their economy is hurting and they want to revive it the Wuhan virus tanked their growth and president Xi Jinping made it worse now to be fair China's GDP grew by 5.3% this was in the last quarter so not so bad for an economy of their size but the target they set was much higher and this is the slowest growth in many many years so Beijing is quite worked up and this is the solution they've come up with a national sale sponsored by the government this is what they plan to do Beijing is in charge of the planning local governments have been robed in for the execution they've been given broad priorities and targets to get people to buy household appliances like your daily appliances in cars people should buy them and replace or upgrade their old ones and for that they will get discounts especially on electric cars also on air conditioners refrigerators and washing machines they will all be subsidized to encourage people to buy the government also has a plan for heavy Industries like your petrochemical and steel here the focus is on machinery and equipment and the first announcement has come from the city of suzu it is located in the East it was launched the city has launched its subsidy program suzu has set aside over $13 million for car subsidies so if a local resident wants to get a new car they can get a discount of almost $1,000 for appliances they have set aside over $2 million there's a discount of over of around $200 for every item you buy and other Chinese cities are expected to roll out similar offers but how does it help the government how will this sale boost China's economic growth Beijing is betting on Simple Rules of Economics boost spending to revive growth get more people to buy by offering discounts and this should bump up sales Al so they hope but here's what experts say retail sales will see a jump of just half a percent and this will lift China's economy by 0.6% that's what Goldman Sachs is predicting 0.6% growth here's another report it says China's growth Will Rise by 0.7% after this exercise so the overall impact will be modest this Grand sale may not have a big bang effect if Beijing wants a meaningful jump it may want to look at its military budgets and by extension its priorities they need urgent revision a top American General has made a statement his name is Admiral John aquilino he is America's indopacific commander and he says Chinese economy the Chinese economy is failing their economic data is quote unquote notal and despite this economic crisis they're spending aggressively on the military in fact let me quote from what he said despite a failing economy there's a conscious decision to fund military capability and that is concerning to me will it may or may not be concerning to him but it should bother the people of China they've had an Unwritten unspoken pact with the Communist Party it continues to rule as it pleases it continues to curb political and other freedoms and in return it delivers growth and economic prosperity for the people of China that's been the deal so far but now the Communist party is not delivering deling its side of the bargain the prosperity they promise is at risk the Chinese economy needs a bailout a real stimulus package not discount coupons for appliances and cars but xijinping won't do that he has put the military above the economy so that the pla can fight future Wars the question is who will bear the cost of this military Supremacy that he's aiming for how will Xi Jinping fund these wars if the Chinese economy Banks it's a vulnerability that the US wants to exploit Reports say Washington is looking to sanction Chinese Banks we don't have the names yet but we can tell you on what grounds these sanctions could be imposed the US accuses Chinese Banks of helping Russia and its war machine now Russia's banking system we know is already under International sanctions the charge is that Chinese banks are helping Russia circumvent these sanctions at least that's what the US says China of course denies it it is extremely hypocritical and irresponsible for the US to introduce a large scale Aid bill for Ukraine while making groundless accusations against normal economic and trade exchanges between China and Russia China firmly opposes this the US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is visiting China this week will he bring this up well we'll have to wait and see but one thing is quite clear China's econom e omic boom fueled its rise as a global power and now China's president has overplayed his hand so both the economy and the power are at risk the United States has a new Battleground it's their college campuses we're talking about Elite institutions here like Yale Colombia and MIT all of them have been gripped by student protests oh what Israel's war in Gaza it has split these campuses down the middle we'll start with Colombia protesting students occupied the campus lawn last week and what did they want support for Palestine they asked the university to disclose ties to Israel also any Aid they received from companies investing in Israel but this protest was not authorized so the college called in police officers around 100 students were arrested and taken away take a look at this [Music] [Applause] defeated United be [Applause] [Music] defeated that was Colombia but now the protests have spread on Monday students at New York University began demonstrations they occupied a Plaza in Manhattan again without permission so late at night the police moved in they arrested dozens of students [Music] [Music] finally there were protests in Yale dozens of students blocked roads near the campus around 45 of them were arrested imagine if this happened in Delhi or Daka students dragged away and arrested from their campus protests broken up by police officers the Western outrage would have been immeasurable but now the world is silent no criticism no lectures or outrage it's as if arresting college students is business as usual just another day in the land of freedom but all of this raises an important question too why are us colleges so divided and it's not just these Elite ones campuses across the country have reported protests there seem to be two camps here one is the pro Palestine Camp they condemn Israel's war in Gaza they also won their college to disclose any ties to Israel maybe a donor or an investment or a corporate partnership this group says the US and Israel are conducting a genocide the other side is the pro-israel camp they ask how can you forget October 7th why don't you criticize what Hamas did even President Joe Biden has waited in he condemned anti-Semitism on us campuses I condemn the anti-semitic protest that's why I've set up a program to deal with that I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on the power this is tricky for a couple of reasons a colleges have become very diverse so it's not just an ideological battle for the students it's also a personal one some of them may be of Arab descent others may be Jews so the passions can fire up quickly and B both sides have a point you cannot deny that Israel has crossed many red lines in Gaza you also cannot deny what happened on October 7th and therein lies the problem neither side is willing to listen to the other both can are sticking to extreme positions so what's the way out well first up you must acknowledge the problem around 73% Jewish students have experienced anti-Semitism on us campuses it has only increased after the Kamas attack same with islamophobia anti-muslim incidents increased by 216% after October 7th so both communities are under threat the question is what should be done it's easy to crack down on student protests it's also easy to trash the idea of student politics but that's not the answer College politics plays an important role in every society in the US of all places should know this in the 1960s campuses became the Hub of protest against the Vietnam War eventually they forced the US to end that war so student politics is not the problem how it's carried out may be a problem for starters you cannot let it be hijacked there are career protesters out on the streets people who have not nothing to do with students or colleges they see a protest and they jump in and Colombia's president is worried about this look at her statement these tensions have been exploited and Amplified by individuals who are not affiliated with Colombia who have come to campus to pursue their own agendas and this is not just a Colombia problem it's a problem everywhere so it's important that student protests are carried out by students not political parties not activists and not NOS equally important is peace and decency your protest cannot cross certain red lines but in many US campuses it has we've heard chants like death to Israel death to zionists and even some pramas slogans listen to this student protester at Colombia moving mov [Applause] okay we are H wow you're what yes we're [Applause] all now this cannot be accepted your freedom of expression cannot be a call for genocide same with violence just consider what is happening in Colombia and all and all in-person classes have been cancelled there why because teachers and students cannot reach the campus they've been blocked by Pro Palestine groups again this is not acceptable so what we need is moderate politics you're free to disagree with other students but you must hear them out first and you cannot abuse or cancel them Plus student demands must be carefully thought through asking your University to criticize Israel is one thing but asking it to abandon Israeli donors is quite another there's a lot at stake here maybe scholarships or infrastructure projects or of Faculty payments so it's not a call for students to make it's a decision that is taken by responsible administrators and the students must remember this their protest and voice carry a lot of weight but it must be exercised responsibly war is not the only thing happening in West Asia there is progress to and it's coming from an unlikely place war on Iraq on Monday Turkish president erdogan visited the country it was a pretty rare visit for him erdoan last traveled to Iraq in 2011 and since then relations have suffered so this trip was all about resetting ties he got a guard of Honor in Bagdad he met the prime minister of Iraq and signed around 20 deals one of them stands out a four-way agreement for a transport Corridor it's called the development Road Project the plan is to link Iraq's Gul Coast to Turkey how with a series of roads and Railways and from Turkey this route can extend to Europe so basically a Europe to Asia Corridor how much will it cost around $17 billion along with Iraq and turkey two other West Asian players are involved that's the UA and Qatar their ministers were also in Bagdad on Monday all of them sign an agreement to build this Corridor but how will it impact the region for for Iraq it could be a game Cher better infrastructure easy access to oil fields and more trade they may not have the funds to do it alone but with Qatar and the UAE they can same for erdogan he wants to leverage his country's location you see tury straddles two continents Europe and Asia so it's Prime real estate for a cross-continental corridor erdogan says the project will bring stability and prosperity to the region the emphas the vital importance of the development Road Project in terms of this goal with the memorandum of understanding we signed we reinforced our determination regarding the strategic planning which will contribute greatly to the stability and prosperity of our entire region especially Iraq just one problem though erdogan's Corridor is not the only one another Corridor was announced at the G20 Summit last year the India middle east Europe Corridor and this one takes a different route Europe to Israel Israel to Saudi Arabia and the UAE and from the UAE to India a lot of European and West Asian countries are part of this Corridor but turkey is not so erdogan had opposed it listen to his comments at the G20 this is what he said they cannot be a corridor without turkey turkey is an important production and trade base the most convenient line for east to west traffic has to pass through turkey so er position is quite clear no turkey no Corridor which is why he's pushing his own now both these routs do have some things in common they both bypass Egypt sus Canal they also use a network of roads and Railways plus one partner is common and that is the UAE it is investing in both the India Europe Corridor and the Iraqi one but there are key differences too the biggest one is Israel the India Europe Corridor had a political motive to tie Israel and Arab states together to link their economic fortunes The Hope was that this would accelerate normalization maybe lead to Saudi Arabia recognizing Israel but all that has been put on hold Israel is waging a war in Gaza so Arab states will not be in a hurry to normalized relations plus how can you build a corridor in the middle of a conflict and erdogan knows this he has a short window to push ahead with this project to complete it before the others meaning he could have the first mover's advantage of course there are challenges too for instance Iraq may not be a war zone but security remains a problem there multiple Iranian proxy groups operate out of Iraq they often clash with US forces you also have remnants of the Islamic State United Nations data says up to 7,000 Isis terrorists are left in Syria and Iraq they could Target the trade Corridor so Iraq or Israel the problem Remains the Same security and it's quite unfortunate really because the potential is massive Asia and Europe are two economic Giants trade between them is almost 1 and5 trillion dollar so there is room for multiple corridors you have turkey and Iraq building one you have India and Europe building one you also have Iran and Russia planning one the international north south Corridor that's what they're planning these roots could make trade more competitive and cheap but only if conflicts and Petty politics are put aside our next story is from the UK where prime minister Rishi sunak has won a major battle the British Parliament has finally passed the Rwanda bill it's a controversial law it allows the UK to deport Asylum Seekers packing them off to Rwanda a country in East Central Africa the British Parliament has passed this law now it awaits the Monarch's approval when King Charles III signs it the law will come into Force so what does this this really mean what is this Rwanda Bill why is it controversial how will it work and will it really help Rishi sonak to make sense of this bill we'll use a metaphor do you know what a scarecrow is it's usually a figure or model made of straw shaped like a human and put up on a farm what is the scarecrow's purpose as the name suggests it is to scare away crows it looks like a human being the hope is that crows will think it is a person believe it is dangerous and stay away the straw figure acts as a deterrent it deters or discourages crows from Landing in the farm and that is exactly what the UK's Rwanda bill is a deterrent with no real power but something they hope will keep immigrants away and here's how it works the Rwanda bill says that immigrants can be deported not all illegal immigrants just people who arrive from a safe country like France migrants often enter the UK via France after crossing the English Channel on small boats now everyone who has entered the UK this way from France is eligible for deportation illegal immigrants that's about 52,000 people they can be sent to Rwanda without having their cases heard in court so far these refugees got to approach British courts they could ask the court for Asylum but not anymore even if a refugee's case is genuine it will be rwanda's call to make the UK is washing its hands off the matter now on the surface this law sounds like it has teeth everyone who entered illegally will be kicked out no court hearings no exceptions but think about it for a moment 52,000 people is no joke imagine having to round up that many immigrants then putting them on flights without hurting them in the process and making sure they're medically fit to fly also simultaneously fighting off legal challenges from lawyers representing these migrants how fast do you think the UK can accomplish that for 52,000 people let me show you some figures in fact the maximum number of people that Britain deported in one year was about 15,000 15,000 people in a year deported this was way back in the year 2012 since then the number has decreased to about 5,000 a year that's how many people they're able to deport even if Rishi sonak manages to bring deportations back up to 15,000 it would take him 3 and a half years to send the migrants to Rwanda and these are the 52,000 presently in Britain it'll take him 3 and a half years meanwhile more of them keep coming last year almost 30,000 migrants came via the English Channel so if you do the math the Randa plan doesn't really work unless of course the people stop coming if they're too scared to come to the UK in the first place if the channel Crossing stop if the inflow is lower than the deportations only then will the UK's illegal immigration problem end and that you could say is the real purpose of the Rwanda bill it is not so much about sending people to the African country it is about scaring people who are thinking about entering the UK a sonak has been given permission morning to put up a scarecrow and his plan is already in motion but we are ready the first flight will leave in 10 to 12 weeks now of course that is later than we wanted but we have always been clear that processing will take time soak says the first flight will leave in 10 to 12 weeks which means July it's still a few months away but look at the impact if you know before I came here they say that you know they send to me in Randa I I never come here would you have come to the UK if you'd have known you could end up in Rwanda no never do you think it will stop other people coming now yeah yeah I say to all aside them don't come into UK so it seems to be working already acting as a deterrent if this continues then sonak may actually bring immigration numbers down but we will not know for sure until the first flights takeoff until July at least so we have to wait and watch but Rishi sunak did win something yesterday he won a major political battle his Flagship immigration law has passed and this has happened just before the election now we know that sonak is deeply unpopular his party is set to lose the next election so if he can get even one symbolic flight off the ground to Rwanda he might win back some votes for his Party politics after all is more about emotions and messaging than facts or Effectiveness so sonak has a new election gimmick what about the other side of the story what about Rwanda well they're getting Millions to take in the refugees they've already received 290 million they'll get another 100 million at least plus £20,000 for each migrant they' taken and10 million after just 300 migrants reach Rwanda Sak's office has refused to make the final bill public but Rwanda is definitely making a fortune thanks to British taxpayers so the African country might be the only real winner in this story now let's talk about the India election one phase of falling done six more to go it will be a long summer for political leaders who are campaigning across the country and making their pitch to the voters they now have to contend with a new and disruptive Force something that some of them are also trying to co-op I'm talking about artificial intelligence deep fakes they're causing all kinds of chaos AI is being used to spread fake news resurrect dead politicians and even fabricate endorsements it is rampantly being used to influence unsuspecting voters and it seems The Regulators have no idea of how to tame this new Beast our next report explains what do Amir Khan ranvir Singh Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi have in common on First Impressions not much but in recent months they've all been targets of deep fakes videos of Amir Khan and ran Singh were used to conjure up fake endorsements a few weeks ago Prime Minister Modi was complaining about fake videos featuring himself while Rahul Gandhi's face has been mored repeatedly along with other opposition leaders for campaign ads some of these deep fakes were easy to recognize but every instance highlighted a disturbing fact each of these clips was watched by millions before they were flagged and in several instances many of these videos are still online a flood of deep fakes is hitting India's election season the scale of it is hardly shocking nearly 1 billion people are eligible to vote in this election and almost 900 million in Indians have access to the internet given this scale and reach internet spaces in India have become a battle ground for political parties to fight for votes and AI tools are now quickly becoming the most formidable weapon in the hands of politicians the technology is widely available and inexpensive to use but that's not the most compelling reason for politicians to access ai ai powered campaigns are giving politicians their most sought after asset attention voters aren't just noticing AI driven political ads they're also absorbing and engaging with its message for congress leaders like Vijay wasant AI tools have successfully revived the memories of his father the late H wasanta Kumar back in the day he was a popular politician his son has used the AI generated voice of his father to stir up Nostalgia and seek votes more politicians from the South have used the same tactic like Tamil nad's DMK and AIA DMK they have used AI to reproduce the voices of their leaders like karuna nidi and Jita in eastern India the left took the AI campaigning one step further instead of a fake voice they used a fully AI generated news anchor for their campaign efforts in another incident in July 1995 there is a barrage of AI generated political content across all major internet platforms with little being done to contain it the vulnerabilities have been highlighted by the tech Giants themselves a few weeks ago Microsoft warned how countries like China and North Korea may Target the Indian election and use AI to influence votes leading developers have responded by limiting access to political content on their AI apps but so far it hasn't been enough in the absence of clear regulations to monitor AI systems India's election will remain a playground for deep fakes so technology is everywhere which also makes it a Target just look at your social media platforms WhatsApp is banned in China X is banned in Pakistan and Tik Tok could soon be banned in the US in some cases there are legitimate concerns but elsewhere it's just politics let's look at Pakistan first they suspended X in early February during the elections it's been more than 2 months now and the platform is still banned in Pakistan do you know why let me quote the government's response this is what they said the decision to impose a ban on Twitter or X in Pakistan was made in the interest of upholding National Security maintaining public order and preserving the Integrity of our nation how about that your National Integrity does not come from social media if it does you have work to do but let's be honest here we know the real reason behind this ban Imran Khan's followers have used X to Rally support they have bypassed the ban using VPN so if the ban is lifted they would flood the platform which is why X remains unavailable in Pakistan their foreign minister was asked about this by us publication the Pakistani foreign minister listen to his response may I ask those countries that have put a ban on certain apps so one country is okay but Twitter banned in Pakistan is not okay now to give you some context the minister was talking about Tik Tok in the US last weekend the US House passed a bill that could ban the app it's basically an ultimatum to Tik Tok sell your us business within a year if not your app will be banned in America both Democrats and Republicans have passed this bill it's part of a broader foreign aid package next week it it will head to the US Senate and after that to Joe Biden's desk how is Tik Tok responding to this their position has always been clear we do not share data with the Chinese Communist party any ban would trample on Free Speech that's what Tik Tok says and it has been sticking to that position now just to be clear a ban is not a certainty at this point if Joe Biden signs the bill Tik Tok and move the courts they can say it's a violation of three speech which brings us back to Pakistan when they banned X the US was quite angry Washington asked Pakistan to restore access we are concerned by any report of restrictions on the exercise of the freedom of expression and Association uh uh in Pakistan including uh the partial uh or complete government uh imposed internet shutdowns which includes of course on social media um uh platforms we continue to call on Pakistan to respect freedom of expression and restore access to any social media that has been uh restricted including Twitter I think now known as x uh we have and will continue to emphasize the importance of resp ing these fundamental freedoms during our engagements with Pakistani officials I guess the foreign minister had a point the Pakistani foreign minister if the US can ban Tik Tok why can't Pakistan ban X logically it's a fair argument but it also reveals the problem social media platforms have become so powerful nowadays they can influence elections they can shape public opinion so every government wants to control them or in some cases ban them these governments may give different different excuses but the end goal is always the same to control the political narrative and social media platforms are guilty too for 2 months X has been banned in Pakistan did you hear a word about it from Elon Musk no his company said it is working with the Pakistani government compare that to his response in Australia Regulators in Australia asked X to take down a video it was footage of last week's Church St in in Sydney an incident which has been called terrorism and guess what musk did he refused musk says the video has been censored in Australia but he will not do it elsewhere so Australia's prime minister has lashed out at Elon Musk he's called him an arrogant billionaire well this guy is showing his arrogance he's a billionaire uh over there in the United States who thinks he's above Australian law and he's fighting for the right to show violent videos on his platform uh something that can cause a damage to uh young people we know and a great deal of distress uh something that will add to social division in this case the government is right the Sydney Church attack triggered violence in the city hundreds of people clashed with the police two officers were injured and 10 police cars were destroyed so Australia was right in taking on X but Pakistan is not the only question is how do you make this distinction you do it by building a case National Security and integrity are vague claims you have to narrow it down you must explain how social media is hurting your country Australia did it Pakistan did not let's see how the Americans do next and now let's turn to Europe though maybe that's a poor choice of words because it seems Europe is getting turned around reports have come out about GPS services in Europe over the last few months there have been a number of problems flights are losing their bearings their GPS signals frequently get scrambled all over Europe thousands of flights have had GPS Services jammed particularly in the East so of course all fingers are pointed at Russia Reports say Russia is jamming the GPS that Moscow is a menace to European flights or that Russia is putting innocent civilian passengers at risk but is that really the case or is there more to it than meets the eye here's our report how do you look for directions these days most likely through an application on your phone it points out where you are and marks your destination well Airlines use the same system too not a mobile app but the same navigation system GPS it stands for global positioning system so what happens if the GPS is down do planes end up getting lost of course not because all planes have backup systems something to switch to if there's a problem with the GPS but look at these headlines GPS spoofing is now affecting airplanes in parts of Europe Airlines report GPS signal jamming Russia gets the blame thousands of flights to and from Europe affected by suspected Russian jamming that last report came out on Monday it says that since last August thousands of flights have been affected 2,300 Ryan Air flights about 1,400 for wiiz a and 82 for British Airways as well these were all flights to and from the UK but that's nothing compared to Eastern Europe where 46,000 flights have faced issues these numbers are alarming but is it really a crisis is Russia really trying to wreak havoc on civil aviation if so then we should have been hearing about more crashes when you look at the data things start appearing less two of the reports cited data from a website called GPS jam. it shows a map and areas with GPS disturbances this is the status of GPS over Europe taken on the same date over three different years the first is February 20th 2022 one week before Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine then we fast forward a year to February 20th 2023 the sky seem redder GPS is being blocked in two major places within Russia and over the Black Sea then fast forward to February 20th of this year GPS has been jammed over more territory that is why Europe is worried but think about it from Russia's perspective it is fighting a war its opponent Ukraine is using GPS to aim drones on Russian territory so Moscow has scrambled GPS to defend its skies and it has blocked potential entry points abroad like the Baltic Sea region or Eastern Europe so it looks like a defensive move by Moscow not an attack on civilian flights and Russia isn't alone in this look at Israel it skies on April 4th this year when it was expecting an attack from Iran GPS was jammed in Israel as well no it's not work it's it says that we are in beut but the Israeli people understood why there are some warnings that cruise missiles or uavs may be sent here something that is GPS guided I understand that they are trying to disrupt this and that is basically the idea so Russia may be doing the same thing for defense but don't Russians need GPS for navigation not really Russia has an alternative called the global navigation satellite system or glas other countries have similar satellite services as well India has the Indian Regional navigation satellite system or irn NSS China has its BDS the beu navigation satellite system and the one Europe has is called Galileo Russia relies on its gloss Nas while it jams GPS signals it also has other systems to fall back on so Moscow can jam GPS without worrying about domestic problems other countries too need to develop their own systems or they risk becoming collateral damage in someone else's War it's that time of the year again the Slumber of winter is over in some parts of the world it's time for cherry blossoms in others it's heat waves but in the corporate world it's a completely different season the season of appraisals it's an annual right of passage for all of us a time for evaluation and reflection both for employees and employers so what will this year's appraisal season look like 2024 kicked off with mass layoffs companies fired people jobs were automated artificial intelligence threatened livelihoods and the global economy continues to struggle in the midst of all of this employees have just one question will they get a good salary hike this time a new report looked at companies in India and here's what it found the average salary hike this year will be around 99.5% which is a little lower than 2023 the average last year was 99.7% % so there is a slight dip and the report says it's because of Shifting business sentiment so 9 and 1.5% will be the average of course a lot depends on your industry some may see a greater pay hike like engineering firms and fintech companies others could see lower raises like e-commerce and startups for Indian startups it's a particularly gloomy season funding has been lackluster layoffs have loomed large their employees are used to double digit raises but this year they may have to settle for less most of the startup plan to keep their increment below 20% in fact 62% Founders according to a survey Echo the sentiment some however want to defy Trends 6% say that they made all out raises close to 40% I would say congratulations to those employees you're beating the trend but overall it will be a subpar season and we say don't lose heart take solace in the fact that they will be some sort of increment because now a new trend is also catching on it's called dry promotion what does it mean imagine you get your increment letter you open it in anticipation you see a brand new designation your heart jumps with excitement and then you looked at your revised salary no change there it's the same as last year you may think it's a misprint but chances are it's not what you've got is a dry promotion your job title changes you may have more work you may have more responsibility but when it comes to monetary compensation there is no increase basically you get to do more work for the same salary that is a dry promotion and more and more companies are opting for it in 2018 only 8% companies worldwide were doing this offering new job titles instead of money now it has risen to 13% and it's a reflection on the state of the job market globally you may remember the great resignation when employees put in their papers and companies spent Millions trying to retain them then came the global economic slump the job market contracted there were fewer jobs on offer and that gave companies the upper hand they could hire for lesser money it weakened the bargaining power of employees and I guess they know that expectations from this appraisal season are modest apparently most people are already looking out 82% according to one survey 82% people want to switch jobs for different reasons 54% want leadership roles 41% want more transparency at the workplace 38 % demand remote work options so to sum it up this appraisal season will truly be a mixed bag below average raises lackluster increments for startups dry promotions and looming attrition these are the defining trends of course that does not mean that your increment will be like this a pay hike is a very subjective issue after all it depends on a lot of factors like your boss your performance your company's earnings and so on so here we are only talking about the broad Trends we cannot predict your increment we're not fortune tellers although it looks like jenzi is turning to astrology for answers career related queries are apparently at an all-time high digital astrology platforms have seen a surge of almost 60% users are also opting for live sessions like tarot card reading to understand which way their career will go but if we don't want to leave it to stars and cards here are some things that you can do that can help you in this appraisal season first of all know the rules understand how appraisal works in your company second highlight your achievements no one knows what you've achieved better than you so talk about it perception is key and you must actively shape it and third be honest self-evaluate discuss with your manager and tell them what you want all of this can help you in the long run also don't beat yourself up for factors that are not in your control like your company's Financial Health a career is not a T20 it's a test match you need patience and persistence to play the long Innings and you also need Faith In Yourself push hard for what you deserve because no one else will in 2017 Saudi Arabia announced neom a mega City built in the middle of the desert it was supposed to be a futuristic car-free Utopia but looks like the project is is running on fumes do you know why because neom has a $500 billion price tag it's too much even with all that oil money $500 billion so now Riyad is changing Tac it is cting more and more investors this week hundreds of investors will visit the mega City they will look at the progress and hopefully want to invest Riyad is also chasing Chinese funds for the project but will that be enough for neom to take off our next report tells you mirrored skyscrapers flying taxis billions of trees glowin the dark beaches a fake moon this was the plan for neome a futuristic Saudi Mega City being built in the middle of the desert Nom was announced in 2017 it was Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman's brainchild a way to diversify the Kingdom's oild dependent economy it was built as Humanity's chapter but the project had a $500 billion price tag and that has since raised eyebrows Architects questioned its viability while investors questioned the cost and the project hasn't made much progress in 2022 MBS unveiled the line which will run a 170 km straight line through the desert it was expected to be 33 times the size of New York City MBS said by 2030 its popul population would exceed a million but reports suggest otherwise first the project is moving very slowly it's supposed to be 170 km long but only 2.4 km will be constructed by 2030 also new projections say that only about 300,000 people will live in the city by the end of the decade so it's nowhere near the original plan and that's because of investment most of the money for neor has come from the Saudi Sovereign fund foreign banks have been hesitant to provide loans that's because the project doesn't have a government guarantee investors too have steered away from it they question its viability and future you see the idea of Neo may sound Grand but there's a lot of mystery surrounding it how it's being built where it's being built what the final Vision will look like all of that has affected funding so Saudi Arabia has a new plan a showand tell for investors hundreds of bankers and investors will descend upon the mega City this week they will be shown the progress the idea is to dispel any doubts over it to show investors how much work has actually been completed Riyad is also conducting investor Road shows it just took its neom Road Show to China neom officials visited Beijing Shanghai and Hong Kong all to quote Chinese investors no deals have been signed yet but Riyad is is now heading to Europe and the US the idea is to secure as much funding as they can because while the project may be ms's Crown Jewel Riyad has realized one thing it needs consistent and sustainable foreign investment to make neom successful because a Cutting Edge City may be easy to imagine digitally but building it in the middle of a desert is no Cakewalk and right now riad's Vision definitely doesn't match its reality the fancy serum that you eyed now Blends in with your skin care products on the Shelf what was once a heavy romance has morphed into a familiar face across the dinner table and your roommate's yell has turned into background noise things that once amazed or appalled you become ordinary over time and this is a common human phenomenon scientists have a name for it they call it habituation where people people respond lesser to stimuli that repeat sometimes this can be a good thing it increases your threshold to deal with an annoying boss or the traffic in your city you get used to it but sometimes it also creates problems when things seem too ordinary a routine sets in and welcomes its best friend boredom soon every day appears to go in a blur so is there a way out can you stop time from flying by Accord according to researchers yes you can the and and science holds the answer a new study is out it urges you to seek out newness if days are whizzing past you try something new this could be a new activity or an old one in a new setting and how will doing new things help you it will slow down time not literally of course if that were true anti-aging creams would go out of business newness is for the clock in your brain when you try something new your brain is more focused fed it collects unfamiliar information and it works harder now this experience seems seems to have lasted longer let me explain with an example think about your time as a child when most things were new so you were constantly creating new memories now when you look back at your summer holidays as a child you think of them as long fruitful and fun but as an adult this summer is like any other some ice cream here a vacation there and Summer whooshes Past you which is perfectly normal routine is a part of life we do the same things over and over and we are rewarded with productivity precision and speed but there are some downsides as well like monotony and boredom and this is bad for companies disengaged employees can cost employers an additional 34% of their salary through absenteeism and lost productivity it is also bad for people it causes stress and insomnia it increases es the risk of depression and anxiety fuels poor performance and breeds lack of motivation so it is a good idea to escape the same old routine and perhaps try this step one cut down on pseudo fun basically leisure activities that do not Inspire playfulness or connection like Doom scrolling on social media or binge watching Netflix try avoiding that once that happens go to step two try something new this could mean setting big goals like learning a new language it could also be something small like potting a plant or doing something you've always wanted to do but never could including things you wanted to master as a child like riding a bicycle or learning how to swim it is daunting to be a beginner as an adult but learning is not just for the young so pick any activity it can be creative Whimsical quiet or challenging anything goes as long as you're having fun with it you engage with it and many benefits will follow studies prove that you will feel refreshed happier and less stressed you'll also be more productive creative and favorable to Outsiders and in a state of feeling focused and present you'll be less self-critical but most of all you will make memories that last that may last forever quite literally and now it's time for Vantage shots images that tell the story in Malaysia two Navy helicopters has collided midair killing 10 crew members on board in China cars were Swept Away by flood waters after heavy rainfall in the South and in Canada a train caught fire while traveling through downtown London and finally we are taking you back in history on this day in 2006 the first video was uploaded on YouTube it showed YouTube co-founder jaed Karim at a zoo in San Diego titled me at a zoo this video has since gone 3177 million views we're leaving on that note thanks for watching we'll see you tomorrow really really really long um front and that's that's cool and that's pretty much all it is in railroad put [Music] your e
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, australian pm, australian pm albanese, elon musk, elon musk albanese, albanese elon musk, arrogant billionaire, usa tiktok account, usa tiktok video, us tiktok ban, us tiktok ban reaction, us tiktok ban news, usa tiktok ban, pakistan twitter ban, twitter banned pakistan, pakistan x ban, x banned in pakistan, pakistan social media, pakistan elections 2024, us ban on tiktok, us tiktok
Id: Xufgd9xjE_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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