Elon Musk and Y Combinator President on Thinking for the Future - FULL CONVERSATION
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Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 789,606
Rating: 4.855885 out of 5
Keywords: cnbc, the new york times, andrew ross sorkin, y combinator, sam altman, tesla motors, spacex, elon musk, vanity fair summit, vfsummit, new establishment summit, vanity fair new establishment, new establishment, new, news, style, culture, celebrity, hollywood, vanity fair, vf
Id: SqEo107j-uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2015
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When we get to such a point i'll probably be one of the people that throw away reality for fantasy. This sounds awesome.
Most people think that a simulated reality needs to be looking really realistic to prevent people noticing that they live inside a simulation.
But that's not necessarily true. Imagine you were living in a game like minecraft for example. How would you notice that it's not the reality?
That would only be possible if you could remember how the real world looks and behaves. But if you know that you would also know that you live inside a simulation. And since you don't know that, you wouldn't also be able to distinguish the reality from a simulation, even a relatively crappy one.
The problem with every video game I've played, from Pac-man up to the snazziest AAA mmorpgs of today, is that after a certain point I see through the illusion and it starts to become this mechanical thing, and it becomes apparent that I am just a rat pulling a lever in exchange for a dopamine fix. Then I lose interest.
So let's create a Matrix for the unemployed.
Is it possible make a simulation so good we could build an LHC inside it and discover new simulation particles?
Nobody wants to play reality, that is why they are sitting in front of their computers. So it wont be indistinguishable. Can I equip C4 to a guard in stealth in reality? Nah. Must be a computer game then.
I don't play vidya games, but when the 'Sex With Emma Watson' game is perfected I will never leave the house or eat again.
i dont know... is reality all that good? escaping reality is why i play video games
Elon musk weighs in on shoelaces