Elon Musk ‘dropping bombs’ on Australian Prime Minister

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speaking of just extraordinary Jackie lamby now look she's good for a bit of entertainment and she always delivers and again she did today we talked last night we've been talking this week of course about the fact that the federal government and its e safety commissioner wants to crack down on social media and particularly X which is owned by Elon Musk for you know supposed misinformation and disinformation and showing footage from the stabbing at a church in Sydney last Monday and the Bondi Junction Massacre a few days before that would Jackie lamby this morning well she's got a solution for all of this we should lock Elon Musk up Elon Musk has no social conscience or conscience whatsoever quite frankly the bler should be jailed the power that that man has um because of that platform that he's on it's got to stop that BL has no conscience he's an absolute freaking disgrace and there's nothing else to say about o on Musk she certainly is entertaining and I've got to say that is one extradition I am looking forward to because it will certainly be entertaining she then went on to say later in the day that she is removing her Twitter account be gone I cannot be part of this disgrace anymore I'll be switching off X today I'll be doing that um before I get to the airport this afternoon and I suggest that the other 226 is 227 members of parliament do the same thing and show them that you mean business because when you want to lead by example it has to happen from here now look she's probably not wrong on that point because there are politicians who are currently saying oh Twitter is terrible X is terrible and then they post the clips of them saying that X is terrible on X as chanya PC did yesterday but I mean like she's pissing in the wind here really I mean she wants to jail Elon Musk for allowing too much free speech this is what happens when you allow activists to become politicians she's kind of funny right cuz she's complaining that there's too much hate on Twitter and so she's going to fix it by removing herself from Twitter which is a good start for removing hate from Twitter because remember how she spoke to people who didn't want to get the vaccine back during the pandemic we're going to come after you Lock Stock and Barrel I mean she like spewed some pretty incredible bile against people she disagreed with so you know as of tonight Twitter is a friendlier place with Jackie lambi no longer part of it and I hope they all take her Vice and the other 200 something of them she said yeah all get off Twitter it it will be a better place without you please I mean how good is this platform when you've got the author and finisher Elon Musk himself literally dropping bombs on the Australian prime minister yes our very own elbow he doesn't go so far as to name him because well that would be way too satisfactory but here he is saying look buddy you're at a cross roads what's it going to be censorship or Freedom we already know which one albow has chosen the current state of play Elon summed up perfectly in another tweet today which I'll show you in a second oh can we zoom in on that it's rather tiny I won't even be able to read it to you our concern is that if any country this is this is so perfectly put if any country is allowed to cover whoop oh here it is okay now I can read it is allowed to censor content for all countries which is what the Australian e safety commissioner is demanding then what is to stop any country from controlling the entire internet we have already censored the content in question for Australia pending legal appeal and it is stored only on servers in the USA because we know the e- safety commissioner is now trying to tell Elon Musk trying to tell x no no I'm not just saying you have to ban this particular video of the alleged stabbing in Fairfield you not just in Australia you have to ban it all together that's how jumped up this woman is for crying out loud so Elon Musk is putting this very succinctly in terms that everyone can understand so even people who are championing this which is uh an alarming amount of our MPS on both sides and even Independents like Jackie lambi in between that is scary uh he's saying you really want to allow a government to dictate because that means we're at the behest of any government in the world and that means all these governments are collectively dictating what you get to say and what you can't say what you will be fined for saying not just on my platform but on every platform it is so simple I can't believe people aren't grasping the very nefarious nature of what lambi the the government the opposition we heard from Dutton yesterday being like Oh yeah I back this 100% it is alarming how can people not see how Draconian this is well we've got our e safety commissioner or as as Mr musk likes to call her the E safety commissar uh saying saying you know this this is what she says we can and cannot do imagine when every other country in the world follows suit and comes up with their e safety commissar and and all 170 odd countries or whatever there is in the world is telling X and every other social media platform what they can and can't you won't be able to have anything on social media because every country will have its own issue with something and it will become a total Quagmire the idea that any country can DCT dictate to a publisher whether it be X whether it be Facebook whether it be the Daily Telegraph whether it be Sky News what they can and cannot publish is patently absurd and that's where we're going every country in the world will have one of these and they will all be driving different agendas and by the time they've driven all of those agendas you will be able to see literally nothing that that's that's the plan though all you will have left to read to watch is exactly what they want you to read and watch
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 287,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6351505375112, fb, msn, opinion, yt
Id: 49tw24b4hx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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