INCELS vs. Pickup Artists | Types of INCELS

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welcome to my scientifically informed insider look at mental health topics if you find this video to be interesting or helpful please like it and subscribe to my channel oh this is dr. grande today's question asks I can talk about the types of in sells pickup artists and the relationship between the two groups so an in sell is a term used to describe people who are involuntary salvat and sometimes we see the term involuntarily celibate now interestingly celibate means not being married but the way the word sell that's used in the term in sell is not being physically intimate so I'm not having sex technically an insult can be male or female but the term usually refers to a male who wants a physical relationship with the female now in the research literature we don't see a definition for insell that's agreed upon but one definition we do see would be someone who's unable to find a willing partner for at least six months so this individual can be married or partnered but usually that's not how we think of it usually the person is thought of as single now most people who are celibate are voluntary salvus right so a lot of the research that we do have available really deals with celibacy in general and not specifically in voluntary celibacy when looking at celibates in general we see a few different things in the research literature we see that they tend to have low extraversion they tend to be ambitious and they tend to have parents who married or became partnered later in life again talking about voluntary and involuntary celibates together in one group additionally we see that females who are celibate tend to be highly educated and have good jobs and males who are celibate tend to be unemployed or in a lower-class economically so how about those who are involuntary celibate so the in cells here we see three types virginal single and partnered so starting with virginal as the name would suggest individuals in this category have never had sex and they tend to be younger than the in cells we see and the other two groups single and partnered over 90% virginal Sabbats have never dated so it's not just the lack of physical intimacy we see that not dating is remarkably common with this group as well and usually when we talk about in cells when you use the term like in the popular culture we're really talking about this type we're really talking about virginal celibates this type also tends to have the more extreme positions that we see as part of the insult community now moving to the single type we see here that over 50 percent have never dated so quite a bit different than what we see with the over 90% in the virginal celibate category they tend to be somewhat better adjusted and some identifies in cells as we think about that term in the popular culture so most in cells as we would think about the term would come from the virginal celibate category and some come from the single Salvage category so that leaves us with the partnered celibate group this group tends to be older than members of both of the other categories 70% of partnered celibate started out with a satisfactory relationship but then we see this transformation to being in a relationship with no physical intimacy so with this group they have a partner they're married or partnered but there's no sexual activity now people in this category of course could leave the relationship but many don't they don't believe because of children they don't leave because of commitment there may be money issues we see that over 80% of people in this category have thought about leaving the relationship but also more than 80% have no plans to leave people in this category almost never refer to themselves as an insult right so again we use the term insel we're really talking about virginal and single and we're not talking about partnered celibates so now getting in some more detail in terms of the term insel I'm going to divide the three types into two categories here again we popularly think of as insel which would be the first two types first known single and then I'll talk about partners as separate with all of the in cells Here I am talking about males right so not getting into female in cells that's a whole other area which does exist but is beyond the scope of this so when looking at these first two types we see that in cells usually express themselves online and the central attitude behind this philosophy or ideology would be that sex is a basic human right and they are being denied that and therefore they're being treated unfairly they believe that they are aware of the truth they use the term red pill from the matrix so we see in the movie matrix that the protagonist has this choice between a red pill and a blue pill the red pill exposes the truth and the blue pill leaves him trapped in a delusion so they believe that they're finding some truth that they've consumed the red pill and they know something that the rest of society really doesn't know they tend to have a proclivity for personal attacks they hold men as being superior to women and a lot of times we see a general hatred of women we also sometimes see threats against women the insel community has adopted its own language like terms so for example an attractive females referred to as a Stacy an attractive male is referred to as a Chad and in cells refer to themselves as beta males as compared to alpha males so in general they would look at an alpha male as somebody who's able to obtain sex and a beta male is somebody who may be able to provide resources so both could find partners but they provide different things now with the theory of the in cell community a woman is always going to desire the alpha male so essentially beta males always lose even if a beta male is in a relationship with the female that female is still thinking about the alpha male again this is what the in cell community kind of promotes as their ideology so we look at this term beta masculinity that's what really talking about here the difference between the alpha male and the beta male and sometimes we also see the term toxic masculinity so a need to aggressively compete and dominate others and hyper masculinity but really all these things are not the same construct there's a lot of overlap but they're not the same thing and one of the problems would be that none of them are really well defined the terms have single agreed-upon definitions now the in cell community has not been effective at organizing around one message this really isn't surprising so we see a lot of divisions in the community and some of these divisions are really highlighted in the relationships with the pickup artists that I'll talk about in a little bit now sometimes we also see the term geek is thrown into this but geeks are really quite different than in cells geek mail is embraced some of the aspects we talked about with hyper masculinity like emphasizing intellect over emotion but they don't subscribe to others like sexual or sporting prowess right so geek males are really quite different than in cells now I talked about the in cell community is largely alive so to speak online not really in person and this is interesting because they believe that online dating actually contributed to their situation online dating caused an overemphasis on physical attractiveness and really essentially created a marketplace that trades in just this one commodity so personality characteristics and other resources are just lost it's all about that initial attraction which of course is based again on physical attraction there are also some interesting dynamics around how the insell community formed online and how its maintained so I think that this online community really leads people who are part of the community to believe that there are more of them than there really are so we see that by spreading links and reposting articles that support their ideology they've really been able to spread their message to a large group but not really that large compared to how many people there are in society right so they have this idea that they're really popular that a lot of people believe what they believe and there's some reasons for them to believe that but they're really not they really do have a minority opinion kind of packaged as a majority opinion now we see that they have hopes of a rebellion that will never happen the so-called bata uprising but individuals of course could still be dangerous and we seen some unfortunate examples of this wherein cells have engaged in violent activity but no uprising is really logistically possible for the group so they're kind of hanging on to this fantasy of their way of thinking becoming extremely popular so now taking a look at the personality characteristics and again I'm still talking about males in the first two types virginal and single celibates we see generally low openness to experience low conscientiousness low extraversion not surprising low agreeableness and high neuroticism some would fall in the category of vulnerable narcissism many would have low resilience and low frustration tolerance in terms of mental health we could see any type of mental health characteristic or the absence of mental health characteristics but in general mental disorders that would be over-represented in this group would be autism spectrum disorder major depressive disorder persistent depressive disorder generalized anxiety disorder social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia so now moving to the partner type again still talking about males but these individuals would still technically be in cells now the partnered celibates are much different we see mid to low openness to experience mid range conscientiousness still we see the low extraversion but we see mid to high agreeableness and high neuroticism so some of the areas match and some don't we see that the partner Talbots really have no association with extreme views they don't believe there's going to be some sort of rebellion and many don't have any particular dislike for women we see an absence of a vigorous online community some of the support they get could be online and some could be in person but again we don't see this kind of vigorous online community like we see with the first two types of insults there would be an increased likelihood of seeing cluster C personality pathology so avoidant dependent and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders but generally this type the partner salvat s-- would not have a strong association with mental disorders now looking at all types together again still talking about males we do see a tendency to be socially awkward and have a negative body image we see individuals who often think of themselves as unattractive they think people would be repulsed by them so they end up avoiding social situations because of this so we see this kind of chain of events that occurs that ends up with them of waiting these different social situations we also see that the in cell community tends to have a lower income no place of their own and they tend to work in male-dominated fields now all these things really make sense they don't have the same access to women as other groups because of some of these dynamics many in cells feel like they are off time and what this means is they feel like they have not kept up with the typical progression of their cohort so their opportunity has passed other people are having physically intimate relationships and they're not so they've just kind of gone off the path that they would have expected so now moving over to the pickup artist I've covered the three types of in cells we'll take a look at these so-called pickup artists so here we see that these individuals are men who attempt to seduce women they're not the same thing as in cells pickup artists are completely different than in cells with pickup artists we see the dark triad traits typically narcissism psychopathy and Machiavellianism so pickup artists are often arrogant manipulative they demonstrate superficial charm so they seem charming but it's only at first glance they're not really deep or sensitive it's all just on the surface we also see they're socially dominant they tend to be strategic and of course they're antisocial additionally we see characteristics like being immature unsophisticated and transparent and we see this evidenced a lot of the techniques they tend to use they use helpers to try to gain an advantage in terms of appearing attractive they point out flaws in a woman to make her feel more vulnerable and theory this gives them some sort of advantage they tend to be confidence I mentioned before they maintain eye contact fairly well and they pretend to be interested in long-term relationships they make themselves appear wealthy and they try to appear special which is interesting because this is what characteristics of narcissism so for example we see they try to use some sort of unique clothing device right so they'll try to dress in a way that makes them stand out from other people so the essential mission of a pickup artist is to create an attraction make the woman feel comfortable and gain her trust and theory this can lead to seduction now most of the techniques that they use are technically legal but some techniques are aggressive and illegal when it comes to pickup artists we kind of see the characteristics Express mostly in one of two ways the narcissistic shallow empty and crude way I talked about before but also a method designed to help people overcome anxiety so they fake it until you make it type of idea so somebody might approach this certain set of strategies with the idea they can build their koffice they can improve in other areas not just what they can obtain in terms of physical relationships and of course this is rarely a successful way to approach overcoming anxiety now the pickup artist strategy in general is essentially pseudo scientific nonsense right we see a lack of insight by the people that use this strategy any success as they call it that they might have is based on deception and manipulation it doesn't teach somebody how to date it doesn't teach somebody how to gain true intimacy and it doesn't teach somebody how to establish a genuine relationship so again it's just an empty and shallow set of strategies so this brings me to the odd relationship we see between the pickup artist and the insel community a relationship that emphasizes how the insel community is not homogeneous for some in the Insel community they reject the pickup artists as chats right so men doing something that they can't do there's resentment there and this kind of makes sense based on the two ideologies for others though in the insel community the pickup artists become heroes and the pickup artists are aware of this they exploit the insel community they create these courses and they teach the insell community how to be pickup artists and of course they charge the money for this so essentially the pickup artists have become role models which of course is not productive it forms a parasitic relationship if in cells have the ability to be pickup artists they would already be doing it right so the pickup artists might be able to teach certain techniques or tricks but none of that is going to make a meaningful change in the personality of the in cells so that's my summary of the three types of in cells the pickup artist and the relationship between the two communities and then whenever I talk about topics like this there will be a variety of opinions please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate really interesting dialogue as always I hope you found this description of in cells and pickup artists to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 191,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INCEL, pickup artist, PUA, MGTOW, men going their own way, involuntarily celibate, MRA, men’s rights activists, marriage statistics, divorce, alimony, child support, husband wife relationship, toxic relationship, dark triad, narcissist, relationships, intimacy, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, mental health
Id: 3p_ouxUapvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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