Elliot Explains: The Aeneid (Book 3) (READ DESCRIPTION)

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[Music] hello and welcome to book three of the Aeneid let's begin so after all the Trojans managed to escape Troy they take refuge under Mount Ida before they sit off with race well Aeneas cries a little bit over the whole situation which is fair considering he just watched his entire home burn to the ground not a fun time for anyone involved and so eventually they land on thresh as you it expects and an important thing about three she is that they were a region who were very close allies with troy they had like real deep ancestral ties with them like they recovered each other before troy but to the ground obviously so when Aeneas lands Andre he goes by the pseudonym in niat oh my god I hate these names and near died I think that's how you pronounce it please so roast me in the comments if I got it wrong but I just you could sell very creative name literally just put a die on the end of his name well done Aeneas and and he uses his name while founding in new city and now a lot of you are probably wondering why is he going by a pseudonym if Thracia were supposedly allies with Troy we'll get to that in about a minute or so so because the race is not Rome or anywhere near Rome the region will probably not be surprised to hear that faith is not happy that our newest is founding a city in this particular region I mean find this out when Aeneas is preparing to sacrifice to Venus and it pulls out some roots from a myrtle tree to cover the altar with but just as he pulls out the roots like a goddamn scene from soul blood starts spurting out from where the roots were like just just everywhere just blood going like oh god I'm fountain and so Aeneas is freaked out by this but does he stop out the roots no he tries for a second time and the same thing happens as you would expect as eventually Aeneas is like okay something is up here and decides to pray to the country nymphs and Mars for help he then tries for a third time because of obviously it's got work for a third time now that he's like ask for divine help and this time blood does not spurt out from where the rich were thankfully but he hears a voice that's like a yo what the do you think you're doing mate no means no did you not get it from the blood thing that I tried to do with you and we find out that this is the voice of Polydorus who was sent with gold to the Thracians from troy for help and however when the Thracians thought that the trojans were losing they were like hey maybe we should not be on their side and they switched sides and then killed Polydorus and kept the money for themselves hence why Aeneas had to go by us like another name because the Thracians betrayed the Trojans what a fun time and so Aeneas does what he always does and freaks out for a bit before he tells his dad again typical news move and so they decide to bury Polydorus properly before signing off and landing in Delos and they are greeted by the king Annius it looks like it has to be pronounced like Aeneas but not so I'm gonna say it's pronounced Annius again if I'm wrong please don't roast me and this King recognize his own crisis and it's like hey buddy pal and he welcomes some more in and and so while they're there Aeneas admires Paulo's temple before praying in it for a sign of good fortune from Apollo this to be honest at this point he needs one after his senior huh his whole town burn to the ground he's probably thinking gods must be against me bar girl make sure that they aren't and that I still have a chance in this world and then suddenly after he praised us a earthquake and from the bowl and the sacred tripod in the temple a voice is like hey yo go to the place we ancestors originated from and then you could be crazy powerful rulers for generations to come whoo and again it's another prophecy what did I tell you there's a lot of prophecies and there's gonna be even mind this book whoo and so everyone else is like great that's cool but where the is this land where our ancestors originated from and on Christ ease comes in it is like well if I'm not mistaken our ancestor twice sir founded a city in Crete so perhaps they mean go there and everyone's like yeah that sounds about right so then they make sacrifices to Apollo Neptune and the winds before they sail off again I should have also probably mentioned this book in my Edition at least it's called the wanderings there's a reason for this they go to like 10 different places just to warn you in advance for later on in the book so while they're sailing well I think it's before they start saving they hear a rumor about Ida meanest the former ruler of Crete that he has abandoned his home so everyone's like sweet we can found city there and then they land in Crete and they set up camp there so you must be thinking that's it right though if they found in their new home Yeah right nope nope link it's just just a whole plague hits crops die nearly everyone dies everything's bad everyone's like well clearly we got that wrong sighing casus is like hey Aeneas catch you made me go back to the Oracle and like fact check for us because you might have gotten the ancestry thing wrong there and so nice it's like okay and it goes back to Delos while he's sailing back to Delos the penalties he has written which are like household gods and speak to him in his dreams and they're like you got the wrong ancestor we been Dardanos Apollo meant dardanus and he came from espera in Italy you were completely off Goa there instead and so Aeneas goes back to everyone and it's like the Pilates just told me this is this correct and I go see this is like oh yeah I think Cassandra told me that but obviously I didn't believe her because who believes Cassandra am i right all right because so as they are sailing off to Hesperia a storm hits and they manage to land on the straw ferdy's strophe ADEs have you pronounced sir I'm not good with names we're we're Sol a salon Cellino we're gonna say Cellino I think that's an open that's it and the other hobbies live and the harpies know the harpies aeneas his men killed their livestock and tried to face when the harpies attack and so the men retreat and then they tried to save him again and then they were attacked again by the hard piece before Aeneas is like okay it and tells all the men to engage in battle with the harpies so eventually they all fly off except for the one harpy Celino who eventually approaches Aeneas and it's like all right you you won't be able to find a city in Italy until you're played by feminine have to eat your say tables suck on that and flies off like a badass and again and now the prophecy there's a lot um so Anchises ask the gods to please not let that happen because I would not be very nice and they sail again as you would expect and they land near mount let's say Lucas Luke that looks like a Lucas to me again if I'm wrong don't race me and but not before but like before they land there they pass it if the car and they say you you gave us helix eats you suck and then they land near Matt Lucas and when they land they hoped some sexy wrestling Trojan games with oil and stuff before Aeneas now's the bronze shield to a door of Apollo's temple that is there in the winter before they sail off once more and then they land in ko Nia now my tree correct where Helenus son of priam now rules after paris after paris died and is now married to you Andromache who was Hector's wife if any of you know anything about the Iliad which you probably should do and an es fine sound drama caregiving offerings husband shrine and she spots him and as I am Lagarde and face faints out shock and then awakens again before being like how are you still here how did you get here is this railways Hector still alive and in his is like well I'm definitely alive here so you're not dreaming this sorry Hector still dead also how did you get here and she tells him all about Polyxena and her sacrificing Troy how she was sacrificed by the Greeks as well as the whole thing with Paris and rusty's where arrestees got mad because Paris got with Hermione who is not from Harry Potter she's metal a since daughter I think and so arrestees kills Paris to get with Hermione because he also likes her my knee when after Paris is deaf handedness was given the kingdom that he previously presided over and then married and drama gay because she was there and then Andromache questions Aeneas a bit more and you've got a romantic she's like hardcore reaping throughout the whole of this which big boat but also cause she's like completely traumatized by all the events that have happened understandably and then Helenus approaches the Trojans also crying a lot again makes sense his family's dead literally his entire family is just gone and he takes him to a city which is like a little mini Troy which is cute and then æneas asks Helenus about any troubles he may face and journey and then Henley the sacrifices of all and here is the longest prophecy in the entire book bear with me through this right so he's like alright first you got a pass over the lakes of the underworld and past a year and pass all these places before getting to his barrier when you get to his burial you will find the sine of thirty piglets that's where you got to found you see also leave here as quickly as possible and avoid the Greeks when because they will kill you and also while praying you've gotta wear purple so no one interrupts you don't know what the correlation there is and important thing about that is that that it's possibly an origin story for the Roman religious practices because Roman priests wore purple well surprise and then it's like also avoid sinner and Charybdis because you will die if you go near them and keep praying to to know because she might come to like you and also visit the Sybil and then his done and and yes it's like well done dad that was impressive and who and the nurses like thank you and he gives him a bunch of gifts and like Isis gets a special gift because his an cases and then drama key approaches him and also gives some gifts and she gives a cloak to Ascanius which she made especially because he kind of reminds her of us understand accent she misses him and she's like I take this cloak you're so much like my son cry cry cry and then Aeneas starts to cry at the scene because it is quite emotional and just like Godspeed bye dudes before they leave again for probably the fifth time in this book and eventually they get to the coast of Italy where they see four white horses and of course this is like this means we're gonna have a wall but there's also gonna be some peace and everyone's like yay and then they prayed to Pallas Athene II in purple just like Helena said and then they say it again they managed to avoid Charybdis but they land in Sicily landed the Cyclopes mount etna decides to be spooky and and spewing smoke because atmosphere and under silence they come across the guy named I a Chi Minh ID's a command-i J's one of those was probably correct or not and he was banded by helixes when they came to the island after the whole Polyphemus episode which i will eventually get to in the Odyssey series and and he wants him of Polyphemus out of how gosh darn terrifying he is and it's like y'all gotta go my dues otherwise he coulda kill you he's gonna eat you all up like some smashed puppies Odyssey reference and an event like pretty soon they do see Polyphemus approaching and then like hush and then they take the Greek to their shoot ships before escaping real quick see Odysseus wasn't that hard was it you did have to stay and like try and still put a famous and stuff you could have just left right away as soon as you saw the Cyclops but no you had to stay and be a little how about that Odysseus so then they keep sailing till they get to Japan him dropping them and I I don't know at this point and then the saddest scene in the entire book occurs it's only one paragraph long because Virgil likes a little bit of a short kicker and Kasey's dies everyone's sad and then the story ends and Nia stops narrating and sharing everyone's very quiet because those god plot twists even though they could probably guess that because on crisis is not with him at that time this very sad cry cry cry so that's it for book 3 stay tuned for maybe next week or maybe not it might be longer than that for the next video whenever that is when I have time to bring out so I'll see you then bye
Channel: Classicist Elliot Explains Things
Views: 8,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the aeneid, virgil, aeneas
Id: 1ikpqo7Aglc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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