Ellie's Coke vs Mentos DIY Science Experiment at Home

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foreign waffles yum oh hey Ellie I saved you one thanks Jimmy wait what are you doing with all those soda bottles oh that's for today's Camp activity something about a science experiment I don't know I gotta go help set up all right bye hmm I wonder what the experiment is coming through whoa whoops don't worry coach Rocco I'll help you pick up all your candy sorry Ellie these are Mentos I'm doing a very special science experiment outside and I need plenty of Mentos oh it's gonna get soup the ingredients that I saw earlier soda bottles and Mentos candy I know exactly what this experiment is it's the Mentos candy and soda bottle volcano I'll show you how it works if you have Mentos candy and soda bottles you can just put one Mentos in the soda bottle and it'll cause a big explosion like a volcano awesome if you want to see me do this for real give me a big thumbs up all right let's get started hmm coach Rocco Jimmy I guess I'll just go three two one wow [Music] what are you doing you ruined my experiment oh trouble I thought we were doing the Mentos candy and soda experiment look at all that foam though shut up wrong wrong wrong those Mentos aren't for the experiment they're just my favorite candy to eat I the ingenious coach Rocco have discovered an ingredient that's way more powerful than Mentos and here they are gummy worms are you sure coach Robo I don't know if that's gonna work these are my second favorite candy and they will cause the greatest fizziest explosion you've ever seen so hold on put on your raincoat this is gonna get messy [Laughter] soda bottle ready one two three barely run for your life run huh huh I did it did it work huh I'll go it is it didn't do anything it's fizzing a little bit but not as much as the Mentos candy ah maybe you're right but I do know an ingredient that will work gummy spiders trust me Mentos are definitely the way to go these will make a huge explosion just like a volcano according to my calculations no we'll never have enough Fizz but hey we can try it your way I'll just have to keep a good eye on it okay good idea let's do three this time all right all right are you ready yeah so let me watch this keep your eye close on the bottle one two three go um [Music] that definitely worked now that we know that three Mentos makes a huge fizzy explosion I wonder if we can do an experiment to see if it'll fill up this balloon impossible it'll never work oh we'll see I'll show you how to do it you're gonna take your Mentos candy and your soda like last time but this time we're gonna see the fizziness blows up the balloon okay Coach Rocco why don't you drop a Mentos in there oh just for good luck I'm just gonna put this over the coke bottle it's working oh [Applause] we did it cause Rocco we filled up this balloon with Coke face amazing and you know how we can make it even more amazing we can fill this big jug with soda and cause the biggest fizziest explosion you've ever seen we don't have enough Coke bottles to fill that jug look at how big it is I know I had somebody look for some more soda for me this morning Jimmy Jimmy to the science table I'm here I'm here wait for Jimmy whoa oh it's so heavy this is a whole lot of bottles on second thought how many bottles you think will fill up this jug now like 127 bottles 127. that's a whole lot I say 10. let's see who's right [Music] foreign well Ellie you've proven yourself to be quite the scientist today so of course you get today's science badge congratulations thank you so much coach Rocco how about we do one more three two one go oh oh that was close [Music] [Music] we did it everyone huh Mentos and cook is it lunchtime already I've been hearing a lot about Coca-Cola and Mentos and fizzy explosions and I want you two to figure it out okay let's see who can make the fizziest biggest explosion I'll leave you two to it okay good luck bye coach this is gonna be super fun um would you mind explaining how we do this I mean I know how to do it but I want to make sure you know how oh Jimmy no problem okay so first we're gonna take our Coke open it up and it's super easy we just dropped Mentos in there now how many should we put it hmm how about 12. um let's start let's start off with two okay three two one and remember to step back Jimmy okay oh holy cow whoa holy cow yep isn't that super cool super cool and it's super messy uh-huh you sure it's okay we're doing this I think so coach Rocco said it was okay and look at this we have all these Lids too we can pick whichever cap we want and make different kinds of explosions huh why don't you pick one first hmm well there's no orange and that's my favorite color so I'll pick red best thing no problem I think I'm gonna go for this green one okay why don't we do this one at a time all right first we're gonna take our little Mentos tube and load it up with Mentos I'm gonna do four this time four Mentos wow yeah one two three four and then I just screw on my lid [Music] and make sure that this is blocked off so it doesn't fall in just yet mm-hmm one two three oh my gosh oh my gosh that one is high as a skyscraper yeah yeah wait my turn my turn all right let me help you out so first take off the lid okay and then screw this one up and then load it up first how many Mentos did you do I did four then I'll do four two one two three that's okay you want to do it again sure okay let's see let's do this again the right way load it up Jimmy one put it in flat two three four screw on the leg and why don't you do the orders of unleashing the fish all right this time it's gonna work there we go it almost stopped me the animals got me too that was the biggest one yet yes awesome now let's try out the balloon experiment I've been wanting to do this forever balloons how does this work we're gonna load up these Balloons with Mentos and then put the balloons on the bottles and hopefully the fish will blow the light up that's crazy which one do you want that one no problem I'm gonna load mine up first one can you actually hold that open for me Jimmy you got it two three four five now just wait I'm gonna get some Mentos for you too okay I'm gonna open up your balloon for you safe to close yours yep go ahead I'll just put it aside and load yours up one two three wow we'll let you fit six Mentos four oh it's gonna fit five six got it and now let's take the lip of it put up your bottles and this might get a little tricky now we're going to stick the balloon but make sure you don't drop the Mentos in yet make sure it's on there nice and tight you think tight enough that's great that's great okay we're just gonna drop something oh did she get yours no I think mine are stuck oh no no come on oh it's gonna explode you weren't kidding Nelly those are huge I think this one's Gonna Fly Right off wait look at that well we have a Coke balloon fight yeah it's like a water balloon fight it's even more awesome there hello there are you ready to show me what you figured out here oh yeah sugar traffic yeah Jimmy will show you the first experiment we did all right safety first I got my goggles off well coach Rocco the first thing you want to do is take off the cap here let me see make sure you're not trying to trick me I'm not trying to trick you coach Rocco let me get a good flip all right you took the cap off now what do you do all you have to do is pop into Mentos but you might not want to be so close it gets a little no I want to make sure you're not trying to pull me here I don't see it then you add the Mentos I don't see anything I knew it was gonna happen like that I just wasn't hot I wanted it why we're French oh wow we also used the special Lids that it came with [Music] then we put the Mentos in mm-hmm we put on the lid oh this isn't gonna work no no this is you might want to back up a little bit no I know what I'm doing it see I know I wanted to drink delicious wow delicious yeah sugary cookie explosion yeah you kids don't do that dude you wanna get some pizza we saw this coke [Music] hey boys and girls I'm learning from home today and it's really fun to see all your friends and teachers on the screen and all but it gets kind of lonely sometimes so that's why I've invited a friend over to come study with me [Music] I think that must be them now hey Jimmy come on in oh coach Rocco you're coming to school also yep he's super helpful so I figured I'd bring him along by the way are there any cartoons on TV you guys can get started foreign wow it's really great to have a real teacher over to help us with school we have some tough science and math homework do you think you can help us out uh well I don't know too much about math or science but if you have any gym homework or lunch homework I'm an expert at that today is going to be a long day coach Rocco make yourself a home I'll make you a cup of your favorite wake-up juices all right class and so I'm the teacher I decided we'd start out with science class first well before we start science class we should probably fix this sign so it's spelled correctly there we go forgot the scene well I did that on purpose that was your first quiz and you got an A so it's really in science class we're supposed to be learning about what things float and what things think a water experiment sounds cool but you know be even cooler there's a new game on Roblox where you build a pirate ship and look for Treasure I'm gonna go play that now you guys can work on the lesson I love school never mind him Ellie you and I can finish this float versus sink experiment now I have these rocks here and I'm gonna drop them in and we'll see if they sink or float now they're kind of tiny so I think they're gonna float oh I don't know coach Rocco I heard that all rock sink no matter how big or small they are so I think that this rock will actually exist boys and girls if you think that this wrap will sink as well give me a big thumbs up one two three float pink rocks do sink ah that is very interesting must be all this science stuff all right now let's try something else let's try these feathers now feathers usually float but since this one's kind of big I think it's gonna sink no I think that all feathers float because they're all very light let's find out one two three sing Le Draco feathers do float so rock sink feathers float this science stuff sure is confusing you know what isn't confusing gym class nothing confusing about running jumping and playing sports did somebody say gym class that's a great idea I'm totally ready for gym let's go no no no we're still doing our sink versus float lesson that's a good idea Jimmy first one of the pool gets an A plus all righty what better place to do the sink versus float experiment then at the pool it's like Jim and science rolled into one awesome I'll be the first one to test what sinks or floats what are you gonna use for the experiment to me me cowabunga you did it I float but I think I got this one covered I'll just be here relaxing while you keep teaching Ellie all right now me and you can do this lesson now we have wood and metal now what do you want to use first I think let's try this stick first do you think this stick will float or sink oh that's a tricky one I think it might uh let's say it'll sink okay well I think it'll float but let's find out three two one [Applause] wow I really feel like this might stick yeah that will definitely seem down uh not too close to me thank you very much three two one the logs loaded too so apparently all wood floats no matter if it's a stick or a huge lob no matter if it's heavy or small all wood floats that's right all right let's try this metal all right let's do this big one first yep you do the honors coach Rocco sunk all the way to the bottom well I figured as much it looked really really heavy what about those paper clips oh these are definitely gonna float yeah they seem really really light ready oh what Jimmy did you see that all those paper clips sunk to the bottom just like the big heavy metal tool oh that means all metal sinks to the bottom Ellie you have passed this lesson with flying colors you get an A plus wait don't I get an A plus two for floating see look I can do it again Jimmy it's time for our next lesson now come on out of the pool grab this stick come on don't Draco sings Oh Toronto City now how are you floating Jimmy teach me gym class is going so great but what do you want me to teach about next well it's a math class now so I'm not quite sure why we're outside we're supposed to be learning adding and subtracting oh not math class that's way too hard is it time for recess yet don't fret Jimmy math is super easy for example count and see how many jumping jacks I can do ready two three four five yes six six oh wreck you get an A plus for that awesome I knew I was good at math guess it's time for me to go play on my tablet hold on math isn't just about counting we have to learn adding and subtracting two oh well I got the perfect tool for that the slip and slide bowling game each of you get a turn to slide down this thing and we'll see and count how many pins you take out that's adding and subtracting isn't it slip and slide bowling math class this is a new one okay I guess I'm gonna need some serious speech knock down these pins we two one awesome wow that was an epic slide now let's see how many pins you knocked down one two three four five six six pins so I started off with six pins then I knocked down six pins six minus six equals zero I got it and that subtraction you get an A plus my turn now thank you all right now let's see if you can beat any horse Jimmy I'm ready for this all right everyone here's world famous mathematician Jimmy coming in for his patented slipper Rooney Slide Away [Applause] some okay Jimmy let's see how many are knocked down one two three four five so if at first there were six and now there's only one left we took five away six minus five equals one ready to go Jimmy again subtraction I'm gonna get all these on my report cards actually such a really good math lesson sochaka is only gonna get better when we learn multiplication ugh I think it's recess time now no wait we wait we gotta learn multiplication and division and long itude [Music]
Channel: The Ellie Sparkles Show - WildBrain
Views: 5,242,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coke mentos, coke vs mentos, science, diy science, for kids, at home, science experiment, diy experiment, ellie, ellie vs jimmy, ellie sparkles
Id: kr9PisfFDA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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