Art Class Experiment in School | Educational Video for Kids

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[Music] hi arwen are you ready for the first day of school she said that she wanted us to get all new school supplies and even a new book bag and that's exactly what i did look at my cool new bag it's so heavy with new school supplies but arwen where's your bag [Applause] oh no he didn't get a new bag or school supplies miss blue's not gonna be so happy about that wait i have a great idea i have an old bag at old school supplies at home you can borrow my new bag and use school supplies today just make sure you hold the bus i'll be back soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey wait come back don't leave without me oh man i thought i asked arwen to keep the bus driver waiting now i'm gonna be late for the first day of school oh walking to school takes such a long time [Music] ah it's my first new student of the day you must be always right oh and look at your beautiful new book bag and your school supplies brand new just like i asked an apple just for me how did you know was my favorite fruit oh and you're one of my favorite students ever okay it's time to get started but wait we're missing one student where could she be i'm here i'm here i made it i see that our last student is finally here and you must be ellie's sparkles aren't you i'm so sorry i'm late i didn't mean to be you see i got to the bus stop extra extra early but then i have to run home really quickly to help a friend with her school supplies hmm okay and where are your new school supplies that i told everybody to get oh well i do have all brand new supplies and even a brand new book bag but that will have to wait until tomorrow oh i also got you one of your favorite treats miss blue huh oh no this banana was from my book bag from last year it's so old sorry miss blue okay students time for class draw me something for your art assignment something that you did over the summer ready let's go oh yes art is my favorite and best subject ms blue is finally gonna see i'm a good student after all okay let's see what supplies are in my old bag [Music] oh no a glue bar that's empty scissors that don't even work and a bunch of old crayons huh oh no this is gonna be hard [Music] okay students put down your school supplies since arwen has been such a good student so far she can show us her art project first oh irwin you spent your entire summer studying and doing homework oh i can tell that you love school so much a plus for you arwen okay ali sparkles it's your turn here it is miss blue it's me at the swimming pool that's what i did a lot during the summer i'm sorry it's not as good as i want it to be i didn't have many colors of crayons from my old school supplies but next time i'll definitely make a better picture okay class it's time for lunch time go to the cafeteria oh man i've been having a really long first day of school so far irwin miss blue seems to really like you a lot first you were early to class and then you had new school supplies and you even had a really cool art project but i don't think miss blue likes me a lot i was late to class i had old school supplies and my art project was so bad but at least i have lunch time to look forward to oh this will definitely make me feel a lot better because my lunch is really really good and yummy [Music] wait you want to play lunchtime swap i don't know arlen i know that my lunch is really really good and i don't want to give that up is your lunch good too okay i guess i'll play with you ready one two three switch [Music] you got [Music] a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a bottle of water and an apple see i told you my lunch is really really healthy okay let's see what i got oh no i got a candy bar a half open bag of chips and a big bottle of soda oh this isn't good at all huh [Music] oh miss blue saw what my lunch was oh this is the worst first day of school ever i planned all summer to have the best school supplies and the best lunch for my first day and now none of that came true what am i gonna do now huh hey ellie i'm sorry for making you have a bad day in school today why don't you have the half of this peanut butter jelly sandwich and i have the half of it too that's so nice of you allen thank you so much and these are art supplies too you can make another art project after lunch that's such a good idea i'll impress miss blue after that oh this is so exciting what about you help me out i know you're so good at gluing so you can glue oh and i got these really cool markers already eight o'clock oh man wait a minute it's 8 o'clock i'm late for school [Music] hi miss blue i'm ready for school i did all my homework and i'm ready for the big quiz as well i don't know where arwen is today something must have happened because she's pretty late [Music] the reason why i came late to school was because oh yeah because i was saving a kitten from a tree that's why i could have forgotten that arwen i hope you get your homework today huh [Music] awesome the letter c did you remember we had to bring in an item that starts with the letter c i brought crayons [Music] i bring slime [Music] slime that's so cool it's so gross and icky and sticky [Music] p p is for phone p is for [Music] stars s is for huh phone arwen you didn't do your homework did you okay fine fine fine i admitted i admit it i was all night playing video games okay arwen homework is one thing but we have a big quiz today i hope that you're ready [Music] i'm super nervous this is the last quiz of the year i know that i studied and i think i'm ready for this are you yep i studied all night [Music] two plus two equals four that was so easy i knew that immediately two plus two equals four [Applause] what letter comes after x and y i know hey over there what is it x y and of course z well done arwen that's right x y and smiley face wait a minute i thought i put a z as well i don't remember ever putting a smiley face [Music] hmm what color is a frog i think i definitely know this one what just happened miss blue miss blue something weird is happening because first my z turned into a smiley face and now my paper just disappeared excuses excuses i have the right answer here frogs are green i know that [Music] it's a good thing you knew that ellie cause i sure didn't huh wait but you wrote the right answer oh yeah right i knew that the whole entire time yeah right frogs are purple everyone knows that weird things keep going on i have to be super careful this time [Music] help me out i'm sorry irwin i can't that will be cheating i can't help you cheat [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] it was me arwen you're so silly i got an a i got an ass well owen that's what you get for cheating cheaters never win [Music] okay i'll be a better student next time sounds good [Music] you
Channel: The Ellie Sparkles Show - WildBrain
Views: 33,625,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art class, educational video for kids, ellie, elliesparkles, ellie sparkles, art project, school video, arts and crafts for kids, experiment, art experiment
Id: d8FFssmKsPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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