Ellie Goulding - The Writer (Official Music Video)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: elliegoulding
Views: 17,132,465
Rating: 4.9163065 out of 5
Keywords: ellie, goulding, the, writer, lights, you, be, artist
Id: H-ru2glqXAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2010
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I finally listened to Ellie's debut album Lights the other day, and it is spectacular. Lights (for #1), Starry Eyed, and The Writer were the highlights of the album. I definitely prefer it over Delirium.
This is one of my favourite songs ever and I didn't even know it had a music video.
This is one of my favorite songs by Ellie, she doesn't get enough love around here, but she is one of my favorite singers.
Her early stuff β€οΈ
I miss the Ellie of this album.
Fun fact: my girlfriend used to be in a band, and they were once supported by a "just starting out" Ellie Goulding.
My fave π (ellie, not this song. Although the song is good too lol)
Best song on the album.