Ellie Goulding - Explosions (Official Video)
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Channel: EllieGouldingVEVO
Views: 27,032,852
Rating: 4.9028225 out of 5
Keywords: Ellie, Goulding, Explosions, Ellie Goulding, explosions ellie goulding lyrics, explosions lyrics, explosions ellie goulding, explosions ellie goulding cover, explosions ellie goulding live, explosions live, ellie goulding love me like you do, ellie goulding burn, ellie goulding your song, ellie goulding lights, ellie goulding army, Falling, Golding, Eli, Ellie Golding, Eli Golding, Eli Goulding, ellie
Id: miOEmyjpLkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2013
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