Elk Viewing Tips

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if this is the first time you're coming out kind of view out I'd highly recommend that the first stop that you would make is be here on top of Winslow Hill at the Pennsylvania game Commission's out viewing area this is a great opportunity to kind of get oriented to the area we've got a display inside of a building there's some antlers and things that you can kind of familiarize yourself without them we have a representative from the Game Commission that you could can answer some basic questions about Elkin and it's just a great place to start this person can point you in the right direction on where is a good place to see how we're ELCA been hanging out in the last few days there's a beautiful map here of all the state owned land the private owned land so you you can go view out somewhere that you're gonna have minimal impacts on the local community in the local residents there's really basically two ways to view out while you're here's one obviously with the vehicle the top of Winslow Hill is a beautiful place and and the roads are kind of set up that you can drive around and you'll see plenty of help from your vehicle on the roads keep in mind though that if you are going to stop to get out and take a minute to look it out we'd ask Kylie that you don't park in people's driveways you don't pull off the road into people's yards certainly don't block the roadways one of the biggest problems we have on Winslow here you know in the fall is one bull shows up in the wrong place and everybody stops to get out and get a photo and before you know it nobody can pass on the road we got vehicle stuff on both sides so please don't do that there are other way you can view elk is simply by walking on there's lots and lots of state-owned land between the Bureau of Forestry and the Pennsylvania Game Commission here within the out range and you can orient yourself like I said earlier with the map and ask the representative you know where's the place that I can park and walk on state land and go view up and we've got food plots and we've got elk areas anywhere from 300 yards behind a gate to two miles behind a gate depending on what level of exertion or how much you want to hike you know those two ways are excellent ways to view okay and again I just can't stress enough why you're here respect these local folks and you know when you come to the outrange the first elk that you see your reaction is you know stop these elk are not gonna run especially in this area where we have it shut down to hunting and it's it's basically set aside for tourists don't panic if you see an L you do not have to stop park your vehicle and I know the road and open get out of the vehicle need the doors open these aren't gonna go anywhere once you see you know if you do want to stop go somewhere down the road where you can get off safely and again I must mention don't pull in people's driveways and then get out and walk back and take photographs you know when you're are are out viewing elk especially while on foot let's say you're out on the State Forest and you're hiking and you come across an elk you know the first thing you got to understand is these are wild animals they're not white-tailed deer they don't have that fleeing response that a white-tailed deer has they are and healthy their behavior is a little different so don't take the fact that this help just looks at you and then maybe goes back to feeding that you know they're tame and that you can approach a little closer give them the respect that they're due you
Channel: PA Game Commission
Views: 11,143
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: elk, wildlife, pennsylvania, game commission, birds, mammals
Id: aAI_5LgvrM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2009
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