Elizabeth Hickox Treasure Basket, ca. 1905 | Web Appraisal | Anaheim

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GUEST: I bought it in Northern California around the Eureka area, and I believe it was used for little trinkets, maybe? APPRAISER: Trinkets, GUEST: Or jewelry maybe? APPRAISER: or we might call it a treasure basket, a little treasure basket. It's quite an amazing little piece. This basket was made by one of the greatest basket makers in North America, GUEST: Yes! APPRAISER: a lady named Elizabeth Hickox. It's possible that her daughter, Louise, made the basket, but I think we can attribute it to the mother. She lived a long and wonderful life, died in 1947. She was a Karuk Indian, right along the lower Klamath River. GUEST: Okay. APPRAISER: Not too far from Eureka. A few things attribute it to Elizabeth Hickox: it's extremely finely woven, the zigzags, always geometric. Do you know what the yellow is? GUEST: I have no idea. APPRAISER: Believe it or not, it's porcupine quill. GUEST: Oh! Very cool. APPRAISER: Very, very finely woven into the fabric of the basket. The little knob on the top is very characteristic of her work. GUEST: Okay. APPRAISER: And it's her distinctive mark. Do you have any sense of value on this basket? GUEST: Not really APPRAISER: This basket, on a retail basis, would sell for about $5,500. GUEST: Wow! That's amazing. APPRAISER: The treasure is the basket, not just what's inside. GUEST: Very cool, very, very cool!
Channel: Antiques Roadshow PBS
Views: 22,427
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
Keywords: pbs, antiques, Antiques Roadshow (TV Program), wgbh, tv, public television, Public Broadcasting Service (Organization), elizabeth hickox, treasure, treasure basket, tribal art, native art, woven, weaving
Id: eJSKw1GaIcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 34sec (94 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 23 2014
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