Tiffany & Co. Pendant Watch | Web Appraisal | Boston

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what I brought in is a pendant watch that was my husband's grandmother's and I've kept the necklace part of it separate and won it many times I don't wear the watch very often you have a piece of paper in front of you it's the appraisal from 1968 what was the amount it was twelve hundred and fifty dollars interesting I but when I was reading it it talks about the pearls being oriental and I don't know what that means okay that's an old term what it means though is that they're natural pearls a natural pearls a pearl that hasn't been helped along by man cultured pearls culture exactly so then naturally so that's what oriental me so all these little pearl stations in the necklace and all these pearls going around this despendo it's a big plus it is right inside you have guilloche a enamel which means they do engraving on the metal and then they put a translucent enamel on top of that the engraving comes through when you get the color and that's picked up in through the chains where you have blue and white in each of these stations and this is all done on platinum another plus his and when you flip it over its upside down because you'd be wearing it and looking at and looking at it and there's the watch okay now what happens to be scientifically accompanied yes does another plus yes all right now on top of that when we open up the back of the watch it gets even better the watch was made for Tiffany by Patek Phillipe and company I've learned that for the antique road show well I wanted to know whether I should put it back on the chain rather than have it as a lapel pin which would be my preference yeah you have to okay what I love about the jewel who did it he didn't remove the rings that were on the end he left them intact and he just ran a rivet through him he didn't solder it so I would be able to use that right you could use the link it's not damaged it would be so easy to put this back the way it belongs I will definitely do that and then you have to wear it out then I would yeah so now value-wise any thoughts of it well it's certainly more than the 1250 that it wasn't 1968 but I don't have any idea you know a bunch of years back this may have been 3,000 to 5,000 maybe 4,000 to 6,000 this piece was manufactured in the very early 1900s well it looks very old-fashioned so I didn't know whether it's old fashioned but it it's just so cool so today at auction this is easy eight thousand to ten thousand dollars really and that's an auction price that's very nice but you have to but it's not going it's not chocolate we've heard that before yeah we've heard that you
Channel: Antiques Roadshow PBS
Views: 680,871
Rating: 4.8300834 out of 5
Keywords: tiffany & co, tiffany, antiques, jewelry, pendant, watch, silver, antiques roadshow, boston, massachusetts, season 17, appraisal, worth, kevin zavian, auction, price, pbs
Id: Y06DtctK57c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2013
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