Elizabeth At 95: The Invincible Queen - Royal Family Documentary

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she's one of the few people that virtually every single human being knows she's just an unbelievable person she's a one-off she has already been immortalized even though she's still living forget every mogul forget every reality star forget every former president there's just one power player that matters great woman great great one as she turns 95 queen elizabeth isn't just an icon we can now reveal she's the biggest celebrity brand in the world it's brand britain she's branded onto mugs plates good tea towels she is a powerhouse you know her brand and especially commissioned data shows one of the best known business brands on the planet one in three people are on facebook but yet the queen is still up there i mean that's humongous a brand that brings in the big bucks the queen has maximized her wealth we value the firm at 100 billion dollars as she mourns her husband who built the brand beside her it would be impossible not to dwell upon the impact of prince philip on the queen his input to her life and her work is enormous this is the story of a leader who does whatever it takes she will put the reputation of the monarchy before her in family to protect brand windsor by telling someone to step back you're really firing someone just as the people who market coca-cola take great care of their recipe the same goes for the royal family it's a brilliant brand you tinker with it at your peril a leader with an iron grip on power the monarchy is more secret than mi5 and cia they have transparency on their terms that's the way it is this will be a birthday tribute like no other mcqueen can do no wrong she's not trying to brand herself she just is [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's something special about royalty it's a curious mixture of history and fairy tale people see the queen as an amazing role model which she is she really hasn't put her foot wrong in 70 years part of the reason people love her is that when she's 95 and she's about to send herself her own birthday card happy hundredth she's been high profile since the day she was born but you could probably count on fewer than the fingers of one hand how many people really really really know what she thinks about things there is that sense of mystique [Music] [Applause] [Music] over the last 70 years there have been 14 u.s presidents 14 british prime ministers and countless celebrities known around the world but for millions there has been just one queen when you look at the likes of lady gaga madonna beyonce they've all claimed to be the queen but really there's only one face that has been on the notes of currencies around the world and on postage stamps for the past 60 years and that's queen elizabeth's i don't think she would be identified most easily as a celebrity i think she celebrate ted by people who recognize her to be the figurehead of that nation i don't think she sits there wondering how she's seen she's not trying to brand herself she just is [Applause] [Music] but whether the queen likes it or not the evidence shows she does have a powerful brand we can reveal that in fact elizabeth windsor is the biggest celebrity brand in the world her brand is the number one brand on the planet i don't think any brand could beat our queen exclusive new statistics show that the queen is 23 times bigger than the beckons 16 times bigger than beyonce six times the size of kim kardashian and nearly three times bigger than oprah she has something that none of these other brands have she taps into something that's much more deeper in our psyche because we've had her for so long in such a consistent way so she is a brand but she's much more powerful than just being a brand i mean you're talking about the queen of england our specially commissioned statistics cover four years of worldwide press data but experts have also analyzed the queen's brand over the course of her reign she has been building her brand for the past 95 years she has a bigger name recognition she has a much broader audience and she is more iconic in many ways when it comes to the royal family they're nearly twice as big as the obamas and nearly four times the size of the clintons the royal family would hate to be thought of as a brand they don't like the idea that they're operating according to a strategy but actually they do operate according to a strategy and they're very very good at it and she's very good pay attention because i'm now going to see the world's most experienced [Applause] [Music] the scenes prince philip also played a major role in branding the royal family the queen's unforced charm and the natural friendliness of prince philip won the people's heart all along the room the royal family is referred to as a firm it was prince philip we believe who coined the term because they are both a business and a family and decisions have to be made that necessarily are best for the family but the best for the business the duke of edinburgh also lobbied to modernize and streamline the monarchy so it would run as an effective business prince phillip once said that strategy is a dirty word and the only two people who bang on about strategy in history was starred in the hitler and look what happened to them but there was the sense of is this institution really what we need and i think what they did i think in terms of what the strategy was it's very much focused on adapting to a more modern age prince philip worked to bring the monarchy into the 21st century yet in the popular imagination he was best known for his controversial wit that sometimes took an unfortunate turn when he tried to put people at ease people for a time thought he was just striking a bum note and not being aware of the times but i think he was just amusing the [Music] queen without prince philip by her side the queen would not have been such a formidable leader of the firm it would be impossible not to dwell upon the impact of prince philip on the queen when you look at her reign and on her 95th birthday she has utterly loved him it was one of the great love affairs of royal history as she has also said he's been her strength and stay all her life and i think the queen has been able to reign the way that she has because she's had someone so extraordinary and supportive and thick-skinned by her side his input to her life and her work is enormous but the windsor brand that the queen and prince philip turned into a success story is only a century old before that the family had a very different name and a very different brand [Music] over the scar front of the third army the king was conducted by general bing his majesty went up into the danger zone and saw the field artillery at work in world war one there was a lot of prejudice against the royal family for being too german king george and queen mary and their children and one of the problems was their name saks cobra gotha was the royal name which came from albert's name when he married victoria given the king's own army was at war with germany a german name was a public relations time bomb [Music] the first world war was hideous and there was the king with a german name and it was just at that time when the british army was starting to mutiny or parts of it were and people were losing a desire to go on fighting in this dynastic war because they started to focus on the fact that the king wasn't english king george used to say i may be boring but i'm damned if i'm foreign so much effort was put into trying to find out a better way to brand the kingship and the decision is taken that the name saksakoba goethe needs to change and what they came up with on the advice of lord stamfordham his private secretary was windsor the sax cobra gothards become the windsors that was a master stroke because windsor castle was synonymous with the monarchy and you create a new vision of the monarchy while it is not 19th century germanic but one that is 20th century and it is as british as british can be it gives the images of tea and the castle so that is really a brilliant rebranding strategy it did make a difference to public perception and the name windsor even though it is a assumed name has been seen as completely the royal name ever since having rebranded the royal family as typically english lord stamfordum may have been the first windsor spin doctor but he certainly wasn't the last the family have a long history when it comes to creating a positive impression of their brand [Music] when they want to create a good impression the royal family don't hold back brands want to create loyalty and affection and enthusiasm and that's what so much of the royal messaging is about [Music] there is no greater way to create public enthusiasm for the royal brand than at a royal wedding we all love a royal wedding because it gives us magic and our heritage it's a fairytale moment and yet it's real 300 million people around the world tuned into the wedding of prince william and kate middleton in 2011. a million more filled the streets of london raw weddings really focus the world's eyes on the uk in a positive way they've showed the international community the pageantry that goes with the ceremonial side of the monarchy in all its glory but this isn't spontaneous fun this is stage managed brand building we learned about what the royal family wanted to learn about the quid has created an image over many years which is naturally a favorable one and it's based partly on what she's done herself which has been well received but clearly what the royal family does is to ensure that those elements which are popular and positive are given coverage in the newspapers [Applause] the royal family's primary function is to retain its position so the court is they've got to be aware of what the public think about them the royal brand also brings revenue it's brand britain they're branded onto mugs plates tea towels weddings like charles and diana's have brought millions of pounds to the uk economy there are a whole variety of different streams of revenue that the royals produce because it's it's a magic thing people want to be associated and it helps the economy and it helps individual businesses we've also looked at royal endorsements where someone like kate wears a particular designer and the designer sells out and we've estimated that that is worth about 200 million burberry had a coat out that cost 600 and odd pounds and when kate bought the coat not only did the coats sell out but asda then did a version of the code that then also sold out 300 times even prince george has clout after he wore this dressing gown to meet barack obama the designers sold a robe every second with half bought in the usa [Music] but the queen is the ultimate influencer [Applause] when she gives her seal of approval it means big bucks royal warrants are given to companies that the royal family use this jam company have held one for over a century we've got 14 boiling pans each producing about 70 kilos of jam or marmalade every 10 to 15 minutes this is exported all over the world and carries the royal warrant wherever it goes in the countries that it goes to it's so important the queen and the royal family are still revered in those countries it not only symbolizes a trust and a quality level people do think that they're doing the same thing as the queen the queen is eating i jam probably not out of the pot but she's eating our jam and so are they she'd say cheers absolutely exquisite the royal family is a show that's been going on in this country for more than a thousand years it has all this heritage behind it that's why it's a global brand and just as the people who market coca-cola take great care of their recipe the same goes for the royal family it's a brilliant brand you tinker with it at your peril in fact the royal brand can be compared to coke our exclusive new data also shows just how big the royal brand has become compared to multinational corporations this one thousand-year-old institution is bigger than coke bigger than microsoft bigger than nike measured against some of the biggest brands in the world the royal family came fifth after facebook amazon google and apple the data shows us that the queen is the fifth most talked about brand in terms of request articles which is huge because when you think about the size of those brands you think about the global reach i mean facebook one in three people who have access to the internet on the planet are on facebook but yet the queen is still up there with that i mean that's humongous [Music] what the data also shows us is that the queen's brand is more talked about than nike coke and ferrari combined which is really powerful you've got her majesty right up there with all of these super powerful brands it's not easy managing a global brand you have to make decisions that sometimes you don't want to make by the end of the day business is business you have got to be on your game 24 7 and her majesty has been doing that for over 70 years some estimates put the value of the royal brand to the economy in the billions we have looked at the surplus the royal family generates the uk economy and we estimate that at about 1.8 to 2 billion pounds as well as leading brand windsor the queen is the ceo of a huge family business and when it comes to finance the monarchy can be valued like any other major corporation [Music] the royal family refers to itself as the firm so when we began analyzing the financial performance of the monarchy we took that same phrase and tried to value it as a firm and we estimate that the value of the monarchy as a business including the tangible assets is 70 billion pounds which is about 100 billion that puts it as the most valuable uk brand it's a more valuable brand than shell for example or m s other experts have made their own calculation for the queen's brand value when we think about the value of the monarchy that is valued at approximately a hundred billion dollars so um the queen is a part of that and i would probably say she's half of that so i would give her a value of around 50 billion dollars then if you look at the household brands like coke they're all valued around 40 to 50 billion dollars so she's very much in line with that having built a global brand the queen has also set about maximizing its value and maximizing the money it makes [Music] the queen is one of the richest women in the world and she always has been from her private estates to her jewels art collection and fleet of luxury cars the queen is sitting on a gold mine i would estimate the queen is probably worth something of the order of 400 million pounds but no one knows the precise amount money and the royal family are inextricably linked but are they a business in a way they absolutely are business they are making money they are creating work [Music] the queen may be a mega brand and mega rich but she's also a real estate mogul her private income comes from a 50 000 acre portfolio of properties known as the duchy of lancaster the dutch of lancaster is the ancestral semi-private estate of the queen but effectively today it acts like a property agency that brings in a lot of rental income the duchy is the queen's cash cow and given that profits from the duchy have almost quadrupled since the millennium it's been an incredibly lucrative cash cow with the duchy having profits of over 23 million pounds a year monetizing the queen's brand has paid off the queen has maximized her own and her family's wealth throughout the 20th and 21st century even though there have been big economic shocks in britain many big recessions the queen has retained her wealth through all of these the queen is a multinational corporation you know she is involved in so many different activities unlike many businesses the queen benefits from attractive tax breaks the duchy is exempt from corporation tax and as for anything the queen leaves prince charles that's exempt from inheritance attacks too i think most people in this country whether they support the monarchy or not would feel that why should they be exempt why should they be subject to the same laws of the country anybody else people are obsessed with how much money the royals have and when there are problems about public opinion about the royal family it is very often articulate in terms of money a glamorous life of jewels jets and elaborate state dinners doesn't come cheap [Music] in this case the taxpayer foots the bill for the monarchy's official duties an issue that has dogged the royal family for decades [Music] did you have to go by private jet to newcastle yeah because there was no other way of getting there and back bearing in mind from what i was doing before and what i was doing afterwards you overspent to remind you again by two million mp margaret hodge was the chair of the public accounts committee in 2013 when they launched a review into the cost of the royal family to the public purse giving top royal officials a right royal grilling i don't understand why you didn't cut back your expenditure um we really believe that right we did achieve a large number of efficiency savings you achieve more income what went on hugely was your income the staffing i stayed at very much the same level in order to maintain the level of activity it was the time sorry i'm sorry to ask you again everything that's funded in was somewhere another public purse people have had to try to do more for less we pay our taxes and therefore we have a right to know that that money is being properly used the cost of royal palaces staff travel and royal duties is paid for by a fund called the sovereign grant in 2013 the sovereign grant was 31 million [Music] today it's 86 million at a time when people are having inflation-only increases in their wages or no increases in our wages and we are paying for that as members of the public 31 million to 86 million in a matter of seven or eight years when the rest of the public sector has still been under austerity measures i think needs an answer while the government allowed the increase to pay for the refurbishment of buckingham palace there has been no parliamentary inquiry into the monarchy's finances for eight years meaning that in 2021 the royal brand has emerged unscathed by criticism of its use of public money the royal family certainly has a very impressive brand you know by any poll ratings or assessment part of the reason why they have such a good brand is they have had a slightly free ride because there is insufficient parliamentary scrutiny of their finances the paradise papers were released by a number of newspapers around the world showing investments in offshore tax havens by all sorts of wealthy individuals [Music] it was absolutely mind-blowing when the queen's name came up in this i was really shocked and taken aback the paradise papers was a data leak which showed that the queen had 10 million pounds of investment income from the duchy of lancaster invested in the cayman islands and in bermuda offshore [Music] it was one of these jarring moments where the reality of the queen who was clearly quite hard-headed in her choices of investment not matching the mythology of the queen which is this nice cozy woman who is the you know the face of tea towels and postcards who you would expect to be investing in you know pg tips and uh bentley racing cars and then it was being invested in companies like bright house that made its money out of lending money to really poor people to buy essential household goods and then charge them ridiculous interests and what on earth were the advisor the queen doing investing her money through a tax saving into companies like that while it is legal to invest offshore and only a small amount of the queen's money was invested in bright house it was a blow to brand windsor it looked bad and in that sense the revelations from the paradise papers did harm the royal ground because it made the queen look as though she was greedy and acting like a city broker who's just trying to maximize profits by going offshore the royal family like secrecy doesn't want facts to come out which are embarrassing to them their decision to invest overseas this is not an attractive look for the royal family so usually try and keep it secret in response to the revelations the duchy of lancaster said it received no tax advantages in investing in offshore funds and that its investment in bright house was through a third party and that had been unaware of the indirect holding [Music] that's mother daughter in it while it did not look good for brand windsor have the leaks had a lasting effect no one really seems to think that the queen has sort of planned a machiavellian way to get one over on the public oh it's smart and i think that's probably why her popularity never really dips they are the most scrutinized family in the world but then a lot of the deeper issues they don't get any attention because people are more interested in what kate middleton wore what megan said i mean i have the two best guys in the world and they are in some of these deeper social political economic issues that others might think actually are more important with a voracious press appetite for stories of royal scandal the windsors will do whatever it takes to protect the brand [Music] a key aspect of the queen's brand is her sense of duty [Music] it's a vow she famously took at the age of 21. i declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong and it's remained true during her reign through over 100 state dinners unlike in the united states the british head of state is not limited to terms of four years thousands of meetings with politicians [Music] and thousands of speeches i wish you every success in your discussions the queen has been a figure of unity despite every political change yet her views have always remained secret [Applause] i've talked to tony blair about pretty much everything but he never said much about his discussions with the queen remaining above politics is the most fundamental part of the queen's brand there aren't many other people who are heads of state of 16 nations and head of the commonwealth which covers about 2.5 billion people across the planet so she is in essence powerful but then of course she has no power at all in the explicit politics of our time the queen does not meddle and she has nothing to do with what goes on [Music] ensuring the queen is seen to be above politics is paramount critics believe the way this is achieved is by a tight control of information the monarchy is one of the most secretive institutions in the country i mean academics and historians have invariably described the monarchy as more secret than mi5 and cia now mi5 and cia have a pretty good reason to be secretive why does the monarchy have a reason to be secretive and the only reason is because they don't want people to see what they've got to hide you know that they know that it will be damaging [Music] you see a constant concern from government about the royal brand and the royal image and really what every government wants is for the royal family to remain as secret as possible protecting the royal brand is serious business [Music] the royal family and the government use a variety of mechanisms to protect the royal family from the public many state papers about the royal family are kept secret for a hundred years five times longer than the standard 20-year rule and that's not all when it comes to their wills or the size of their estates they don't have to make these public unlike all other members of the public secondly all government bodies are subject to freedom from information requests but when it comes to monarchy they are accept they have transparency on their terms now it's more transparent than it used to be but it's not the transparency that you would for example apply to a president or a prime minister that's just you know you can carp about it you can complain about it but that's just that's the way it is with the royal brand protected by a wall of secrecy just what would make these walls come down [Music] the last 30 years have brought plenty of moments where the royal family brand has been in peril if you look back at all the scandals of fake shake the cash for access tampon gate toes sucking now it's uniform wearing the blemi of the affairs you never know what's going to come next they make the osbornes look normal you can't go topless on holiday if you're a royal wife of windsor you've got to remember that somewhere on a hill in the distance will be someone with an amazing telephoto lens a lot of people say well i like the queen but not the rest of them so the queen is kind of the core of the brand and everybody else is expected to fall in line with that image of the beautiful selfless monarch the biggest threat to the queen's squeaky clean image is definitely from within her own family it's not what happens outside the palace walls it's not what we do it's what they do while the queen hasn't often been accused of a mayor culpa there has been one notable exception [Music] there have been many threats to the royal brand over the years but the biggest one in history is the death of princess diana people were shocked and devastated it overwhelmed britain and the world with grief [Music] diana was the queen of people's hearts people weeping carrying flowers men in business suits crying their eyes out britain ran out of flowers [Music] having divorced prince charles protocol dictated that diana was no longer a member of the royal family she was to have a private funeral and the queen and prince philip chose not to return to london from their castle in scotland [Music] i think it's disgusting that they have not appeared or said a word relating to all this i think it must be very very cold-hearted not to have a flag up i think it's a disgrace on the whole royal family there was a lot of public anger hundreds of thousands of people openly saying we really care about diana and they don't and up in balmoral they included princess diana's two sons and became focused on the queen so we were very very sensitive to that and this possibility that diana might not have a ceremonial funeral really horrifies people public opinion is very very angry people are on the brink possibly a revolution against the royal family it was a rare misstep by the queen as leader of the firm and one that nearly proved fatal for the brand that she'd been building for decades we do face a crisis in the house of windsor it's obvious to everyone the one thing that a ceo needs to do is set a vision and align people towards that vision and the queen has shown cracks in her leadership in that way there were definitely people in the palace who felt during that week that there was almost an existential threat i was working inside buckingham palace and these constant conference calls were going on and eventually they realised they had to respond in some way following days of outraged headlines and pressure from the blair government the queen had a change of heart they came back and the queen and the duke of edinburgh did a little walk about and it was quite extraordinary the mood it changed like that she looked as though she was very moved and i think that would satisfy everyone to this day i can't explain this all the psychology around that but that's what happened that was definitely a turning point you got kind of you sort of felt well this is going to be fine now diana was to have a ceremonial funeral ultimately the queen makes the right decision all the stops was pulled out diana must be treated as a member of the royal family there must be the ceremonial funeral for diana the true mark of respect the queen turns it around with a funeral i would argue that actually that was a turning point in their favor then actually what emerged out of that week was they were strengthened in a strange sort of way within recent years there's been another major threat to brand windsor coming from within the palace walls [Music] prince andrew i mean where do you start where do you start prince andrew really has been damaging to the reputation of the monarchy the royal brand he was called randy andy and air mars andy for his traveling can i ask you about an extravagant lifestyle and so forth is that what is an extravagant lifestyle talk that he was boris talked to bullied staff his divorce with sarah ferguson was very undignified further questions were asked after prince andrew was appointed trade envoy and his interactions with relatives of the leaders of kazakhstan and tunisia hit the headlines and yet the queen's favorite son seemed immune whenever he gets into scrapes you usually find if you look closely that that's the moment that the queen chooses to give him another gong the queen has got a lot of honours at her disposal and it was explained to me that the queen is found of all honor and therefore those closest to her majesty gets splashed the most and prince andrew has had quite a few honours over the years and they usually come his way when he's had some bad publicity but prince andrew's friendship with the infamous sex offender jeffrey epstein was a scandal on a different level entirely prince andrew not only knew epstein but was friends with him and also unlike many other people who realized their mistake andrew kept up contact with him after epstein was convicted allegations also surfaced that epstein had forced then 17 year old virginia roberts to have sex with andrew he knows exactly what he's done and i hope he comes clean about it andrew strenuously denied the saying he'd actually been at a pizza chain in surrey at the time accusations he was particularly sweaty on nights out were also batted away the internet exploded in reaction to what many described as a textbook example of how to torpedo one's own reputation it's just that he couldn't sweat and gone for pizza and woking it doesn't look good and it doesn't really wash for his supporters to say well you know innocent until proven guilty he is a senior royal in a public institution which is supposed to be dignified but the damage was done and the queen's reaction to protect the royal brand was swift andrew was stripped of his patronages and forced to retire from public life we can't really have andrew on the balcony waves you can't have andrew out there doing public engagements and opening hospitals this is really bad for the royal brand so for the queen it's very hard because you are both running a business and you're running a family and essentially by telling someone to step back you're really firing someone from the queen's perspective while she might project an image of being an older and a kind person behind the scenes there's also a very ruthless person who understands the difference between right and wrong [Applause] in order to be able to survive the royal brand needs to be in touch enough with the future i think there was a moment when harry and megan got married where it could have represented modern day britain talking about race and diversity and women represent something that we didn't represent historically but when the duke and duchess of sussex gave up their positions as senior royals and moved to america it exposed a rift at the heart of the windsor family [Music] we miss harry magan [Music] harry and megan's infamous interview with oprah winfrey not only shocked the world but posed a potentially lethal threat to the royal brand when megan in the interview with oprah said that i was a member of the royal family who was concerned about how dark her child was going to be that was an incredibly damaging statement for the royal brand and for the queen the interview came just a few months after the black lives matter movement swept the world [Applause] the death of george floyd had given rise to a greater understanding of racial injustice this world of black lives matter and the metoo movement one of the worst things that a brand can be accused of is being racist and when it's a black woman accusing a white privileged family you know it can't get much worse than that we have to remember that the royals their head of a multicultural country in britain and also the laws ahead of the commonwealth that's so important the majority of the commonwealth are people of color the whole family is saddened to learn of the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for harry and megan but the short statement released by buckingham palace two days later seemed to halt long-term damage to the brand the issues raised particularly that of race are concerning while some recollections may vary they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately that 300 plus word statement was pitch perfect for what she was trying to do and i mean recollections may vary absolutely you know it's the new terms and conditions may apply it's brilliant and by the end of it people have sympathy for a few weeks on a few months on the collective public have sort of shrugged their shoulders and it sort of receded it hasn't really had the craters and the lasting bombshells of the scandals around other mums the royal family sir have you spoken to your brother since the interview prince william publicly defended his family's honor and can you just let me know is that the royal family a racist family sir we're very much not a racist fan i think if you are very loyal to a brand you will come up with an array of reasons as to why maybe that brand behave that way the queen isn't part of council culture because the queen represents something much deeper than cultural [Music] movements at the age of 95 the queen has waved goodbye to more scandal than most monarchs in british history despite all the dramas she just remains absolutely implacable above reproach calm like the head of a battleship you know steaming into harbor with a handbag battleship elizabeth windsor is no titanic ready to sink our exclusive data reveals that the queen's popularity has remained steadily positive over the last four years despite every pr disaster her brand is unbreakable the reason why the queen's brand doesn't get tarnished is because the queen's brand represents tradition she represents something that is almost sacred to people who buy into her brand i think the fact that the queen's favorability has remained so level for so long is just a reflection of the fact that she's a very consistent brand and i think in a sort of ever-changing world people put it on a store by that has she got everything right over 70 years no has she done a pretty good job of it i think most people would say yes and it's interesting a lot of republicans will say they're not a fan of the monarchy they think should be abolished but they admire the queen [Music] even as she mourns the man who helped build her empire and who sat beside her for 73 years the queen carries on on the occasion of her birthday and at a time when the world's been in crisis many would use one word to describe the queen's brand unity [Music] queen brings us all together she's an incredibly potent and powerful sort of symbol of the unity of the united kingdom [Music] to see the way in which the united kingdom has dealt with the coronavirus problems the way in which science medicine creativity organization the armed forces have all come into play and many of them are dedicated to her service and what a pleasure that must bring to her as a birthday present on her 95th birthday i think there's no doubt that there'll never be another monarch like the queen and she is a very tough act to follow the prince of wales and prince william both acknowledge that she represents something that is pretty timeless but also very much rooted in the age where her brain began through to where we are today and that is a span of time that no monarch in our lifetime and probably in many lifetimes is ever going to come close to despite every twist and turn of her reign the queen's brand has emerged victorious she has been building her brand for the past 95 years she would be compared more to the likes of mahatma gandhi martin luther king you know these iconic figures she has already been immortalized even though she's still living [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Royal Family
Views: 4,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GnJIAnz_yj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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