Eliud Kipchoge: My Sub 2 Hour Marathon (Documentary)

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[Music] sporting immortality does not come easily there are challenges that seem insurmountable times that can't be beaten distances that cannot be achieved records that can't be broken things that science tell you is impossible and then suddenly it happens the barrier is broken the glass ceilings shattered history is made the impossible becomes possible but to do that to break new ground it takes one very special individual October 2019 the streets of Vienna the time and the place for a chance of history could Elliott Kipchoge a become the first man to break the 2-hour barrier for the marathon I was privileged to be there the sun's coming out is burning the fog away and we've already got crowds especially around here at the finish who are all expectant of history being made today years of work had gone into the in EOS 159 challenge to try and run a marathon in under two hours a huge team behind the scenes had left no stone unturned but ultimately it came down to one man and the clock [Music] the story of this history maker begins thousands of miles away in the west of Kenya in Eldoret farming is a way of life but running comes a close second and they start them young no matter on in the morning to school and then four o'clock or three o'clock yet we warehouse and it's chemists time so we ran around the way the community are as product because they are brought up in such a hatch of life rap I struggled so much to to Ana living maybe you work in the farm you you do a lot of casual works we used to do everything by running you are running to school and of course we are far away from school maybe around three four kilometres away you ran so that you cannot cattle it was always good when you got to school a alia Elliott was just a normal boy he didn't take running that seriously it was a means to an end a way of getting to and from school but it was a meeting with his neighbor Patrick sang an Olympic and World Championships silver medalist that changed his life you know in Kenya day we have so many athletes so he was one of what those athletes that came for training program after while I developed interest to get to know who he was what struck me then was a you know a guy who is persistent somebody who wanted to succeed in running humble beginnings but this relationship between coach and athlete was to become hugely significant for young Elliott I suppose took like a father of course I mean he was not lucky to have to see my father but that's why were to this my life coach is my sports coach so I said it teaches me many things on how to under life in 2003 he surprised everyone by becoming the Junior World cross country champion Eliot would not fear taking on the older tougher characters and he lived a - pretty well what a performance they like it chewy then he came to the scene a category it was only running the 5000 meters like most of our guys have never done I can tell you and then on the track that summer this shy hard-working teenager became the world champion over 5,000 meters suddenly everyone knew the name kept chair gay he was just 18 years old still don't keep on trying to get onto them roses [Applause] who's trying to get there kotomi Latinas delicious time to get to the line jacott Jogi takes a gold medal to me I think one of the things that separate him from the thousands of people trying and probably fall by the wayside is that he has a serious respect for the sport success followed he wasn't unbeatable but there was a steady flow of medals and titles including 5,000 meter Olympic bronze in Athens and a silver in Beijing but after missing out for a place in the Kenyan team for the London Olympics Elliot decided it was time for a change it was the first time that he missed the Olympics and it was heartbreaking because essentially you know that he's always given his best and here comes something just cropped up within the race finishes number five and he's out of it that came the changing point again now the switch to the Minerva from 5,000 meters to 26.2 miles a decision to switch from running on the track to running marathons a decision that would change his life Elliot's marathon record since his debut in 2013 is almost perfect he's lost just once in 12 races and he saved some of his best performances for the British crowds winning four times in London and beating everyone on the way [Applause] greatest ever and as he kept winning he kept getting faster in 2016 he finally got his Olympic gold dominating the field in Rio and two years later he broke the world record in Berlin running 2 hours 1 minute and 39 seconds he was officially the quickest marathon runner in history but could he do what no one had ever done and run one in under two hours you expect this guy to do a sub - yeah nobody has ever done that and you want this guy to rant below that no human yet SAS had in for has informed us that no one is gonna do this until 2075 and the guy is saying I'm gonna do this scientists may have predicted it would take another 50 years to break this record but Elliot didn't agree he knew this was something he could do caki no human being to make history and actually inspiring the whole generation you know a human penis about these concepts and many many people actually as stuck in their conscience that they need to live their living on what their only and that's enough so I was running with me and my old team were training and aiming to Train 159 in order in order to to Mel to actually remove that those 30 things in in human beings mind that they did that they are not limited and they got to whatever they won he made an attempt in Monza in 2017 missing out by just 25 seconds so to actually achieve it to run 26.2 miles in less than two hours everything would need to be perfect so where to start in planning because something no one had done before for Elliot but is based in elder ette life for him and the team was simple they had one focus but despite the pressure he remained unchanged Elliot was just Elliot Olivia is symbol and we wake up in the morning go for a morning run come back it's time to go for massage you go for massage you relax go for exercises open close close three close here in the training room we have the work that has been to be done every athletes we do our general cleaning Anil it is part of the team that the stream the general clean Pat's motivating the egg at least that no matter how good her grade you are in the world other things still matter as a human being by nature we are we are farmers you know when you are younger so your opinion character to walk hurt and by maybe one animal sure that you are really working at this is cool Sharon when people hear the name hold it captured I think that is somebody different from any other human being but halyard is really humble guy supportive I can say Elliott is my role model when I'm training I normally say I want to be like a loser gets into the business it is business no joking around no monkey business it is that behind the scenes a huge technical team was assembled to plan this attempt at history Vienna was chosen as the location because the Austrian capital had the perfect temperature and humidity in October there was a small chance of rain and it offered the flattest and straightest roads a team of 41 pacemakers was assembled with some of the best distance runners from around the world they would run in Y formation with Elliott just behind to ensure minimal wind resistance he had cutting-edge shoes designed specifically for the challenge getting his nutrition and hydration right during the race were key nothing was overlooked Elliott was ready it all came down to him we have liftoff Apollo capture gay is up and away and the challenge very easy to say to run 26.2 miles forty two point two kilometers in under two hours very easy to say rather more difficult to achieve and they're on their way on the reich's Brooker traveling over the danube and they will be heading into the party very very shortly indeed is just completely relaxed he is just in a state of flow he's just walking in to the pace really no mental energy is gonna be wasted right now we're gonna talk about the pacing but just give us a sense of how revolutionary this open V formation is well it just looks like it shouldn't work they're running with this wide front and and it's a reverse V and you think well how can that work but everyone tells me that it reduces drag on Elliott and and they've done all the testing that they need to do to ensure that it's actually the optimal formation he is a phenomenal person as well as a phenomenal athlete and there he is just bunched in behind the Pacemakers the absolute trust between all eight people at any one time barring any unforeseen circumstances the formation will remain the same throughout each of the team's the one constant throughout of all this of course is Elliott himself Elliott Kip surely there in the white it was the perfect start then the first change to the Pacemakers team whose rotate in announced nine times some of the best runners in the world were in Vienna including 1500 meter world champion Bernhard legate and the Inga Brits and brothers from Norway their job to keep Elliott running at a steady pace and reduce wind resistance on him one of the big landmarks coming up is the five kilometer split Edie how is he looking I think he looks pretty good but then he always looks pretty good so let's see what you know they say in Kenya the race starts at 35 if he's still looking good at 35 I think he's got you know a great shot you know right now he looks super relaxed and it doesn't look like this pace is hurting too much but let's let's see how he goes through the first five kilometers and Elliot was on target to run a sub 2 hour marathon he had to run 14 minutes and 13 seconds for every 5k which means running four minutes thirty four point five seconds for every mile imagine that for your local park from his speed was incredible teen tree just about to take over the captain Brett Robinson and again we'll introduce you to the members of Team three but it's again another very smooth transition there we can say her fingerprints and Phillip as well and yeah top center and picture from the war championships in Doha again marks out of turn [Applause] right now this is you know he's on schedule and he doesn't look oh no I mean well first of all Elliott is just a beautiful runner and even when he does break down it's very very small increments but the fact that he's within seconds of his goal predicted time right now is not a big factors if we saw that the splits were starting to drift backwards continuously but they're not they're just fluctuating by a second second faster second on maybe one second slower that's really nothing to worry about right now as long as the overall time is where we need it to be is what well the Pacemakers continue to do their job and they have been expertly put together and assembled by Spencer Barden who is a very well known figure in marathon running circles he's the elite director for the London Marathon he's been heavily involved in choosing and training and forming these pacemakers and he's now with Krystal Spencer is it going to plan so far all he's going to plan so early early days yet still a long way to go but the exchanges have gone very well so far Elliot's on pace so so far so good I'm interested in the conceptualising of the formations can you take us through that person yeah so we've done a lot of work in the build-up to this event in terms of looking at the formations what was best what would give them the most protection on the course we've come up with a it's not conventional formation we've done a lot of testing with the athletes at the test event and here in the last couple of days but we've got a fantastic group of world-class athletes so they're relishing the opportunity and they're working well in the formation and so far it's all going very well and the crucial parts come a bit later absolutely yeah we go we win the athletes start to get tired and iliad start to get tired in the latter station that's when we need to really really focus on you know what we're doing so certainly the last sort of 10k you know 30k onwards that's when it's gonna get gonna get tough but we're in a good place 50 minutes in and everything was going to plan the Honda was between each of the pacemaker teams had been smooth Elliot looked strong Vienna had been chosen because of the course it was flat and straight but also because of the weather conditions so when the heavens opened that wasn't part of the plan just a quick weather updates there was a 10% chance of rain forecast for today and I can confirm that it has just started to rain now so if we see one or two splits and spots on the on the camera lens that is now real rain pathway the conditions were getting worse but Elliot was still on target he was 11 seconds inside the sub two hour marathon pace now things would get really tough I do see a little bit of strain maybe on his face he's kind of puffing his cheeks maybe doing a little smiling it means he's working hard as it should be this should be hard but I can see some signs that I didn't see about 5 K ago that he is he's working I think he's working yeah I think he's having a little difficult a little path yeah rad Z's with Chris Froome because how much you enjoy watching Elia do this it is phenomenal just incredible to watch him it looks like he's not even breathing just he's just gliding over over the over the road it's just it's amazing to be here and to be part of this hopefully will be history being made today and to that point your Kenyan born what think it will mean to the people of Kenya for one of their own to make history it would be incredible I mean obviously Kenya is quite well known already for its marathon runners someone do something monumental is this basically breaking barriers showing that impostor boys is doable and especially coming from such humble beginnings I think it would be inspiring a lot of a lot of people around the world ten kilometers to go Elliott was struggling the effect of running at this speed for so long was clear on his face he would have to dig deep the time could so easily slip away he has to be thinking right now and I'm sure this is a version of what he's thinking if not now when well this is all about Elliott Kip shogi of course and what a moment we've talked been talking about what might be going through his mind one of the things he might be thinking about is his wife and family grace his wife who has never seen him race live in the flesh before well she is now and she's with Radzi she is indeed Grace I see you watching your husband up on the screen what goes through your head when you see him run [Music] you've also bought your three children along as well how are they enjoying it he's gonna be an example for all future athletes but not just athletes his messages to the world of you know what are you possible you know what is your what are you capable of doing and what is your possible best self I feel very nervous right now because anyone who's ever run a marathon will know that the last few miles anything can happen and the wheels can come off he looks really good he's hurting you know you just you're just hoping that he's got this conversation first started for the sub to ever no way no way in my lifetime will I witness this up to our Marathon I truly did not believe that I would be able to look more something like this science said it couldn't be done we were thought it was impossible 65 years on from the first four-minute mile the last great distance buried to be broken Elliott had a kilometer left to run in his own attempt at history but could he do it he is almost there he has one hand on history here in Vienna there's grace his wife looking on she's never seen him race before in the flesh remember what a moment for her what a moment for what a moment for the children the pace car is gone we've lost the laser there's something quicker he's racing right now this is racing well this is true racing Chulainn knows what this feels like through the streets of Central Park in New York whether it's in Berlin or London but today is all about Vienna today is all about Elliot kicks your gate we're down to the last couple of minutes to bring him home add some final thoughts from you I'm overjoyed but particularly this man has got to do this it's not just the barrier being broken it's something that has existed in this person's head for so long and I'm it's so gratifying to watch watching the chief oh he's almost there he can see the finish line that's the view from Elliot Kip sugar you can see the finish line where we are looming interview 157 and approaching 158 I think we can say with some certainty come on come on this is it is such a gift to the world as running as a gift to all of us I feel so blessed to be here today I feel like I hope everyone can hear me smile this microphone right now I cannot stop smiling 500 meters to go he has the help Tali to himself he slow pace makers have let him go a vet said he is sprinting into the history books here they're cheering him on 400 meters to go let's bring him home this is history unfolding on the streets of Vienna this morning it's a Saturday one like we've never seen before listen at the noise the crowd getting right behind him goodness me 300 meters to go he can see the finish line here the alarms done we had on the moon in 1969 we had Roger Bannister the four-minute mile 65 years ago Edmund Hillary the first man to climb Everest in 1953 we have one minute to go Elliot kick show game he's on his way here tastes a little bit this humble farmer who used to run two miles to school every day and back he used to go to the nearest town on his bike to sell milk at the local market and now through hard work and discipline he's pointing when you capture game has the hand of history on his shoulder he has lessons 200 meters to go alien ship jerky let's keep it on the clock into the final 20 seconds and their capture game [Applause] 140 Eliot capture gay storms into the history books in Vienna 159 40 the unofficial time the first band to run American in under two hours one final one busting strive to get your game one giant leap for human endeavor and you know keep show news right know Hey doughnuts [Music] it has text areas for for human being to man is to in sport after roger bannister made history in 1954 I'm the happiest man to run under two hours in order to inspire many people to tell people that turn no you - limited listen to it I'm expecting more of the artisan piece all of all drawn under Taurus after after after today I am still in the moon I'm here to come down to hat I mean really excited I'm happy for him for what he has achieved is actually inspired all of us that we can stretch our limits in our lives and we can do more than we think we can do that was one time but my TS feel down this is a career climax that you feel you being with these guys from when he was down there when you've walked all the way to the level that is now at the top of the world and doing every something that no another human being hasn't been able to do it feels good yet travel way for the first time with his family because it knew that this is one of the most important thing in this career so it's really emotional to see my kid frozen definition line and it was really novel for me to have them there and to learn something that they if you actually concentrate on something what matter gonna be like here he done it Elliot kept chaga had broken the seemingly impossible record one hour 59 minutes and 40 seconds to run 26.2 miles he really had shown that no human is limited back home in Kenya they celebrated their new hero across the world as millions of people watched on the congratulations kept coming after earning of understand a lot of communism pollutant Barack Obama came in and I was happy no and it that was my highest moment have been happy Barack Obama is a very good example of no human is limited but despite his incredible achievement Elliott remained just Elliott is not him he does not even celebrate you know if it was any other guy it have been Knievel party in a row be an email the red oh he came back the guys in a robe do everything way they knew that he's here when he was a really nice house in Eldoret and they're mad the euro a they're like ok how can he do that who does that the important thing is is inspiration it's not Fame so when I saw all the footage her from all over the country from Mombasa and I do feel to read my lava all across the whole country in Kenya then were fairly happy so what next what is there left for him to achieve the London Marathon and the Tokyo Olympics were supposed to be his career swan song but the corona virus pandemic has delayed that for now in lockdown like the rest of the world Elliott is still training back home in Kenya for that moment he can return to the roads and we hope that will be when the London Marathon finally goes ahead on October the 4th but whenever he does return he returns as a history maker he returns as the greatest marathon runner ever he returns as the greatest yes believe that when you're climbing a tree if we branch once you are done with one French you go to the next French you take on anything anything I can tell you that it wouldn't be out of this world see I'm 15 I'm an animal cause what motivates me is the wrap of sport and no sport can transform this what I have learned that you can you spot to Oakley the night all the people into a wall Elliott has his own reasons to run as to the thousands of you who are still training for the marathon and other mass participation events many of you do it to raise money for special causes and there is still something you can do to help make up the 4 billion pound shortfall that British charities are facing this year
Channel: iFuzion77
Views: 288,254
Rating: 4.9556708 out of 5
Id: MZfxDWNCf_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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