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[Music] what is up YouTube Welcome to My Crib I've always wanted to do that this is going to be a gym tour though so had this gym for like a year now I said I was going to do a gym tour and I haven't yet so going to be going over some of the pieces why I love it why I love this gym so much but first and foremost people have been like it's a little extreme to have your own gym I'm like yes of course it's a little extreme but when I think of like investing my money into what's best for me investing in yourself is like the people always say I don't really know what that means until you do something like this where this is really expensive clearly but the output that I get from this non monetarily but to be able to focus to be able to train to be able to put the effort and energy I need to into my craft without distractions to not have people with me bothering my workouts all that stuff that like I enjoy meeting people but it really ruins my workout when people interrupt me this has definitely excelled my career and probably been one of the best Investments I have ever made so one of those things like Calvin buying new cameras that's him investing in his craft it's not always about putting your money into stocks and bonds to make more money it's about putting your money to crazy things that make you better and enjoy life more and for me this has been the probably the best thing I've ever spent my money on i' sell three Ferraris for this any day anyways on to the gym first thing first we have this little corner of legs right here purposefully by the door for a little bit of air flow in here got two different quad extensions because I'm crazy like that one of them the aaran old school quad extension over here it's a little bit more it's a lot lighter but it feels a little bit better more contracted on my quads so that's something I'll do at the end of workouts super sets drop sets stuff like that but when I really need to go really heavy this Prime plate loading machine is the absolute best because you can stack like 500 lbs on there and just get after it then from there I have two different hamstring curls I have a seated and a lying again I really like a lot of prime stuff especially the plate loaded pieces so I have this lying plate loaded h where you can change the tension curve whether you're need at the bottom or the top and this has been one of my favorite ones to use for a long time also this pre-ore seated one right here can't change the tension curve on it at all like this but it's still really good to have the same one at revive gym which is down the street but I like it so I bought the same one next a few things I was trying to be efficient with space I could have fit more equipment in here but I wanted it to feel open and like a real gym rather than just cramming equipment into a storage area so I got this abductor adductor combo this sideb Eagle they don't make the same one anymore but this is the best combo one typically you get two separate pieces and they work better but this one actually works really good for adduction and abduction so I like this a lot can just switch the thing around move the handle the seat goes all the way back or forward whatever you need to get more glute more adductors so it feels really good I also have this sled which I have only used like three times in my life but knees over toes guys so this is good for your knees so my knees ever get up I have it on Deck seated calf machine super simple love seated calves this is something I never had at one of my gyms this is the gym Leo piece right here but a tibia machine I've been doing this a lot more just to help overall calf development also really good for your knees to have really strong tibia as well as calves so very important I got a little preacher curl station right here nothing needs to be explained about that it is what it is also strategically bu the bay door I have all my dumbbells over here couple benches scattered around and I purposely have 5 lb increments all the way up to 50 lb and when I get over 50 I get to 60 and then it goes up by 10 cuz I typically don't do 115s or 125s or anything like that if you ask Justin he'd give me for that cuz he wants to go up by 2.5b increments so he's trying to get me dumbbells that are a little bit smaller increments but you know what that we're trying to be a jacked I'm just kidding I'm probably going to actually change that but for the time being I just wanted to use heavier weight and didn't need to Cluster more dumbbells that I didn't need so I went up by 10 lounds of five um also very important to the gym you can't have a gym without a 1969 LS three powered Chevrolet Camaro sitting in the middle stick shift of course but this is where I store it right now should probably move it because it's a little unsafe right here get covered in dust but I don't have room in my garage right now so it is what it is cable machines I have two different styles I have the I don't even know what you call these what the are these things called again everyone has a different name for them multi-purpose arm moving cable functional machine essentially you can go up down out and in this naist one and the prime one are the two best ones this is the one I got the Nautilus one and it lets you do like bicep curls flies whatever you want I have a bench in front and you can adjust it the width and the angle of it just a little bit easier than the eight stack but you still need an eight stack cable machine so I have this beautiful thing over here funny story sad very sad news someone took my car put it in first gear I leave it in neutral CU it's flat ground in here and I put my foot on the clutch turned it on stepped out of it and it launched and I up the whole bench and the bottom of my car right here so this whole machine is a little twisted cuz I crashed my car into it and it was a really sad day but it still works all I did was lose a bench in a spot to put my decline so it is what it is um nothing else really special over here there's no AC in this gym so I have all these Big Ass Fans I have one on the ceiling two on the floor this one saves my life it is so hot in here in the summer I'm already sweating just talking C's going to break his camera moving on I got a squat rack multi-purpose squat rack I got the land mine squat rack uh dip machine and everything in here I don't have a bench press in here at all like a regular incline or flat bench press so if I were to ever do flat close grip whatever I'll just put a bench in here I just again I want it to be really functional with my space and I don't really flat bench ever so I didn't want to have that in here then arm machines I don't have a lot of our machines this is currently the only tricep machine it's a dip Atlantis piece this machine is really good it feels great but it's a little bit too light so I have a gym pin I think my gym pin's on the cable machine right now but I put a gym pin in there to make it a little bit heavier and it feels feels great I think I have another like overhead extension Atlantis one that I ordered forever ago and just taking year to deliver it is what it is I got a Jim Leo bicep curl here this one feels really good but if you have long arms you lose a lot of the tension at the top of it so I have to sit up at the Top If I do two hands sitting up higher feels absolutely amazing I really like that got the OG Hammer Strength here you guys all seen that at the gym preacher curl plate loaded t- bar back back row I think is one of the most crucial back pieces for back pieces B over rows are great but sometimes your lower back is just taxed and if you're really trying to isolate your back instead of hips hip hinge getting all that out of there this machine is incredible for it and this Jim Leo piece is good for tall people at least and I really like this one it works great um I have no idea how to organize all this but I'll just keep moving on this line this piece right here the Star Trek machine I had never tried this before but I was looking for a flex leverage horizontal row just like this also the prime plate loaded one is really good I'm still trying to get the prime one but this is similar to the flex leverage one it's an old school one I'd never tried before but Dorian had said it to me and he's like yo check it out just try this one see if you like it and I loved it so huge fan of that um you'll notice obviously all the plates say pure muscle and fitness on it that's because I didn't want to partner with I talked to panana I talked to hammer thrs talked to people about partnering with them on doing a gym and they all wanted me to only have their equipment in here and I just didn't want to do that so Pier hit me up and like yo we'll help you build your gym We'll Source it for you and I was like it sweet let's do it and they let me get all the pieces I wanted so that was really cool so this is a really cool piece kind of an older one but onto the cooler pieces this naus super pullover machine this is one of the OG ones you see in Doran Yates Blood and Guts and this is one that I absolutely wanted in this gym whether or not I used it enough which I have been using a lot I needed this in my gym because dor had it and he's one of the goats so it's really cool these old chain driven machines I'm a huge fan of they just look old school and rough and tough and they feel great they just don't make machines like they used to I feel like they used to have like engineers and physiotherapists kinesiologists building machines and they all worked so good I used to love all the old machines this machine I honestly barely Ed so I'm going to skip for that one panata I a few panata pieces I love few not so much this is one of the ones I love a lot you can switch your grip from pretty much pronated to Super semi super semi pronated and it feels really good it's a highy rro and it pulls you right into the perfect spot gets heavy as real quick so I'm a huge end of this one I'm going to actually be doing this today after this video then I have a low super grip here one of these machines I can lie out front hit different angles and I don't have a crazy amount of machines but I really tried to make sure that I was getting different angles different movements so I have a high row a low row a B over row a row up here different machines so I'm not kind of going Overkill oh God I need to get back in shape to try and do this I got a what is it called inversion tables so that I can be tall enough for classic physique Olympia put an extra inch on my height don't actually know if that does anything I don't use it very often I did use it in like three four weeks out the Olympia to try and be taller I figured it was worth the risk cardio wise it doesn't really matter I got a recumbent bike a treadmill StairMaster cardio you guys know what that is not really special then chest machines cuz everyone loves chest machines I wanted a flat I wanted an incline and I wanted a decline most decline machines hurt my shoulder cuz I've tore my lab them like four or five times this panata one is one of my favorites so I'm a huge fan of this one you can either go neutral grip or pronated grip so I'm a big fan of that I have this pad here because I've been trying to get really crazy range of motion and I have really long arms so sometimes I put this behind my back on these machines and allows me to stretch a little bit more this one is one of the pure iron so pure muscle is it's not called Pure iron anymore I don't know what it's called but pure muscle is trying to build their own equipment and this is one of the pieces they sent me and it is incredible there's a piece in the back here that most Mach don't have and it's like it's just a little slat in there that slides in or out so you can either do unilateral or bilateral I typically have it separate because my shoulders are really uneven make sure I have the same weight on each arm feels really good incline chest and it's slightly converging so most machines you kind of come out and push out here whereas the actual movement of the PEC is bring the elbow across the body so this one forces you to do that like a dumbbell and it feels really good huge fan of this one another machine from Star Trek the blue machines that I had requested Reed to get a flex leverage piece and they were like try this one out we can get this one I tried it absolutely loved it it's the same concept it's converging so instead of pushing out comes in a little bit awesome machine love this one as well these two machines I don't know why I have two of them but I found two so I went two I never used to I hated these machines I hated rollers for chest and then when I started training with Hy he's like you have long ass arms you should try this machine and we were over at a buddy of mine's gym out in like an hour or so away from here and I tried it and it felt great so I was searching for it and essentially it's just taking the whole forearm out of your body and you don't have to think about gripping which more you kind of grip pull the from here your bicep forearm shoulders won be more engaged you just put the pads on your elbows and you squeeze the out of it I got a 10° incline one and a 45 degree incline one I super set them because why not again these are pretty OG this one's chain driven you don't see a lot of these ever but I pretty much strictly been using these for chest FES I barely even use the pec deck anymore so I'm a huge fan of these from there I'd been slacking on training shoulders lately for whatever reason but another Prime plate loading machine I like the prime plate loading machines a lot this one's really good it's a little bit of a wider grip and it pushes you straight up instead of forward and close so it's not you're not as strong in this position but isolates your delts a little bit more at least for myself and then this Arsenal piece here this is one of my favorite Arsenal pieces it's the opposite of that you're pressed a little bit close a little bit more angled in so you're coming in here it's a little bit of a safe ER position for your shoulders but engages a little bit more tricep and get a little bit stronger like that but they're two completely different presses again I try not to have copycat equipment having the same in here then I got a pec deck like I said I haven't been using this a lot for pecs even but I'm sure I will soon and I've been using it for rear delts a little bit every now and then and then moving on to the leg and stuff got a sideb hack squat on hack squats the only thing this one's missing is it doesn't go all the way to what what do I call I call it h i don't know what the I'm saying anymore Smith machine the only downfall is that's as low as it goes so I have to stand on something if I want to do rdl's but I really like the straight up and down ones a lot of Smith machines are angled and I do not like that cbex one's really smooth straight up and down so I'm a huge fan of that one again in the I don't know in the era of efficiency I wanted a standing calf ra and I also wanted a viking press this panata machine turns into both so you can either stand here and press or you can get underneath put your hands on there and do calves so good standing calf machine I've been using it more so for calves than I have shoulders but it's great machine for both this machine there's a lot of debate on what people think is the best belt squat I don't give a what anyone says this is my favorite one I've tried so many this is the first one I ever tried I love belt squats and I didn't see one for like six years and I just hated belt squats I was like I don't know why I used to love it and it was because I really like this machine I started squatting really narrow and doing everything really narrow for a while because my hips were getting tight and I just thought it would help my quads and it wasn't my sweep was kind of going away and the last year I've been doing a lot of belt squatting going really wide and getting deep and it feels so good on your lower back it gets the outer sweep you get nice and deep like a sumo squat and it feels incredible and I also have spoken a lot that I used to get migraines headaches all this from squatting a lot because I just have really bad trap and neck pain and from holding the bar like that it my neck up so this is a really good movement that I put in that's very similar to a squat but no pressure on your spine so it feels absolutely amazing I'm a huge fan of a belt squat if you guys have one at your gym you should definitely use it I never even know what to call these things glot hamr ghr Justin a huge believer in these in terms of lower back strength hamstring strength all that good stuff so I've been using this a little bit he's going to put more specific things in my programming but I just had I had a swing squat here that broke so they took it away and I just replaced it with this haven't really used it a lot then onto the fun leg pieces I got the sybex leg press this is the simplest most basic leg press but it's just so incredible it's also the same style one that Doran Yates used back in the day so a little sentimental like that but it also is just a amazing leg press I still haven't found a better leg press in this one it's a little small sometimes I want to put my legs wider or higher if I'm trying to move like kind of foot pattern but it's still feels incredible and I have other leg press if I need to do that also sbck sbck makes really good leg equipment huge fan of them this is the squat press so it comes down at a little bit more of an arc of an angle so it feels a little bit more like a squat but still leg press I kind of go back and forth between these two this is pretty much last year Olympia prep this is the machine I started with pretty much every leg day my entire Olympia prep I stacked it up and I was getting up to like 20 reps and it would just destroy my legs so that thing helped me win this Olympia for sure absolutely especially with a up lat when I couldn't hold a lot of things this machine haven't used a whole lot yet just because I was such a big fan of the leg pressed but it's a newer piece also from Pure muscle one of their experimental designs you're making it's more of a hip press so you kind of sit upright and it brings your knees really high and really close to you so it's really good for getting kind of that deep kind of adductor in there if you're going wide more quad sweep fan of this too like I said haven't used it a lot but this one and that chest machine that I mentioned that pure makes they're just prototypes literally first rendition they sent it to me they both feel incredible the chest machine is a little bit more fine-tuned I think than this but they're both really good and then last couple pieces I have the Atlantis pendulum squat here big fan of this one too I've tried a lot of pendulum squats there's a weird white one at rev I don't even know what brand it is it feels pretty good but this one's just way better if you don't put a lot of weight on it it's light it's not too heavy and you can also load the out of it and it just puts you into such a deep stretch position I always say the secret to getting big legs is just range of motion having your hamstring touch your calf and this thing forces you down into that hole and I love it so I've been using this a lot lately hack squat another staple piece all you really need for big legs are some dumbbells some type of hack or pendulum Squat and a leg press and you could do three exercises and have huge legs hack squat again sbck I love this this is also adoring YP you can see a little Trend here but he was huge and he knew what I was doing they're so simple they're so small but they feel so good this machine is just straight down also drops you really deep into the hole gets really heavy if I fill this thing with plates I will die and get crushed by it so all these machines actually are heavy enough to allow me to push myself put a little band on this one specifically because it drives you so deep into the hole I just leave this band on here all the time and it kind of helps take some of the tension off your knees when you're in the bottom so you don't blow your knees out but yeah that's pretty much all the machines in here there's not a crazy amount but like I said I have specific pieces that I've used over the years that I like to use I have three or four pieces for every body part a little bit more for legs because it's legs you need a little bit more and that's pretty much the gym setup I have a few more pieces on order that haven't come that I don't even know what they are some of them have gone over to revive they're gone and I'm probably not going to get them so I'm going to have to reorder different ones which are like a standing machine Atlantis lateral Rays I really like those don't have one but other than that I really don't feel like anything's missing here it's pretty much a playground and I'm really pumped that I have this equipment now cuz going forward and five moove or do anything I would love to build this pretty much exact same setup in my backyard one day and that's my dream essentially but probably with like a half court basketball court or something like that and maybe a little Loft to chilling something like that dreams for the future but this is it this is the crib the gym that really helped me kind of survive in the chaos of busy gyms and just enjoy training a little bit more especially last year when I tore my lat and I was just trying to hide from people and just focus and didn't want people with me and talking to me you know I can be social but I just don't want people with me in the middle of my workout so just you see me working out don't do that just leave me alone but yeah this is it so appreciate you guys if you stayed this entire gym tour video then good for you you made it to the end appreciate you guys watching I got to go out got to get my together so see you next time
Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 714,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: chEgqD07xAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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