Elite Dangerous ship TIER LIST (part 2)

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TIL that the great and powerful u/Yamiks either appears to mistake rotational rates for agility, or as an alternative possibility- doesn't quite understand how to fly very well ;)

Cobra more agile than V3? V4 sacrificing agility? Ergh. It's like some people haven't heard of the fact you have really useful vertical & lateral thrusters to fly with too, or any idea of how to use em.

Fair enough tho..it's your list after all! Power to ya!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CMDR_Sanderling 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have the cobra mark 4 and agree that it Is the definitive worse ship in game? Do you get it free instead of the sidewinder when you start? Or do you still have to pay for it which wouldn't make sense because it is double the price of cobra mark 3 which is arguably superior in almost every way?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Herald86 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

I've never seen him in person before, but he looks exactly like I thought he would.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SadisticSavior 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Why are you seemingly very annoyed by the fact that you have to talk about like half the ships lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nafarafaltootle 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

The dolphin has excellent heat management. It can scoop and charge FSD without overheating. Great Explorer or general traveling ship

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Knutseth 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2022 🗫︎ replies
and greetings there well it's time to continue with the tier list for silly dangerous ships and uh well continuing on from the last time i'm not gonna explain how the tier lists work but that it is there and you can take a look at the part one of it but basically going from uh my old best to worst series about the ships the tears are specifically named for such so i guess without further ado let's get into this and um yeah we start off with a rather uh interesting ship in of itself adder so then adder is one of the sort of a starting step uh ships if you will i i remember back in the day when i reviewed it i called it the paving payment stone or pavement slab because it's a stepping stone basically towards bigger better things out there overall the ship is not bad it's a decent upgrade for the sidewinder from which you come in as a matter of fact i came from sidewinder for my first playthrough or rather first time when i played uh and straight to adder and then on to some other ships so i let's just say i have a fondness for the ship overall it also is the first ship within the game uh the cheapest that is that you can have multi-crew on i got to know why you would actually do that because no now multi-core [ __ ] it just uh it's uh it's self-mutilation rather than actual gameplay there but you know hey every everyone has their own fit there's just no king shaming here so the same thing goes with adder and when it comes to it it's mostly an okay ship it's nothing spectacular shall we say it doesn't excel anywhere particularly it just is a good runabout thing to have now then well moving on uh we got oh boy we got crusader oh we already go from okay to really bad i'm i'm honestly okay so it's either bad or dog [ __ ] at this point see the problem with crusader is uh multi-fold if you will just like uh most american uh weight categories if you will uh so the problem with the crusader is that it's a combat ship right it bottom line is it's meant for combat just like all the other british tank named ships there chieftain challenger and the crusader crusader of the tree is the worst of them and the reason for that is it has a ship launch fighter bay and every ship that has a ship launch fighter bay installed on it is almost automatically absolute trash it's it's like manerial disease of the ships and boy does it show for crusader specifically uh within the price range that uh crusader is in uh let me just uh uh correct myself here uh so crusader comes in in between the challenger and chieftain but it's worse performing than challenger and uh yeah the only redeeming feature is that uh it's cheaper than challenger but even so um the shield is crap um let's see uh yeah the shield is basically non-existent it's a more of a hull tank anyways but uh the speed is kneecapped uh the boost is basically just like dragging your ball sack onto a tennis court and yeah that's all because it has to facilitate some sort of negative due to the goddamn ship launch fighter bay and uh yeah in of itself if you bank on your enemy getting uh disc well not disconnects but rubber banding or you want to exploit shall we say the ship launch fighter for rubber banding effect on the pvp side then yes maybe this ship is useful but let's just be frank that's not the way the game should be playing right and uh for that it just no no gun ports are also suffering because it has to facilitate the [ __ ] ship launch fighter and that's where some of its damage will go regardless so yeah not using a ship launch fighter on it is saying no i don't want to deal extra damage and no i don't want to rubber band my uh opponent and to win or to through that win but uh i'm just gonna just kneecap myself either unique up yourself or the shipland fighter bay will kneecap either which way the ship itself so yeah for the price it is in for the capabilities it has it's just no honestly considering that we have a worst tear ah yeah it easily goes into the dog [ __ ] for me at this point i now remembering when i reviewed it it's just no it's not worth slapping a smaller ship than a large one with a goddamn shipland fighter bay it just automatically makes the ship garbage god the next ship oh we didn't have to wait for wait long for this oh yep ass scout and the picture perfectly resembles it god damn it i've talked and talked and talked about the asp scout as to why it's bad why it's garbage and there's no two ways about it it goes beyond the dog [ __ ] and indeed it is the worst ship in the game that you can get um without having any pre-order bonuses like one other one which we'll get to today as well it genuinely for the price range it is in asp scout absolutely underperforms absolutely [ __ ] up and the only redeeming feature only redeeming feature that it absolutely has is the most maneuverability that is turning capability out of all medium ships but when you don't have the speed when you don't have the weapons when you don't have the hull or shields or anything else that is cargo for non-combat stuff what the [ __ ] are you good for genuinely so uh moving on then speaking of something completely different let me just reposition god damn get get back into divorce you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] there we go asp explorer the asp's in front of things meme the uh quintessential explorership um if i remember correctly hold on uh let's uh check a real quick uh the maximum jump range uh yes so basically aspect explorer comes into the role of uh being number three uh you know give or take number three slot uh number four slot uh sharing it with crait phantom as the furthest jumping ship in the game also having a rather decent maneuverability if you really want that but yeah a decent cargo hold decent price overall a multi-purpose ship that does it all for you know a very light uh light price uh overall so there's just no two ways about it the ship is really good it definitely is one of the things uh everyone recommends you get uh as you're progressing through the game so definitely there's going from the absolute worst to well nearly god tier but it's not quite god dear last time perhaps you would see a little bit more god dear ships there so today we probably won't see any of them i don't think so but we'll see about that so uh remember that these are essentially ships and thoughts that i have uh right now as i've uh you know it's been a while since i made the best war series so my ranking changes but besides i don't have my time off to actually examine them i just remember off the top of my head what i think of them so this is more of a free form so it might have certain differences between the the best of our series anyways all right then okay the next ship is ah this list is gonna [ __ ] kill me cobra [ __ ] four okay so first things first those that don't know cobra f uh [ __ ] four is a pre-order bonus ship now back in the day uh if you were um uh backer for kickstarter project for la dangerous uh you would uh well depending on the tier you were you would get a cobra four or pre-order for the game before its release or pre-order even for horizons you would be getting this ship so as it happens uh first of all uh there are certain reasoning behind why it's the way it is and uh why it should remain the way it is cobra 4 is the absolute worst ship in the game there's no two ways about it it is worse than asp's scout the reason uh asp's scout is in the same place is that it is the cheapest uh for not the cheapest but the only ship that uh that you know comes close to cobra for [ __ ] but you can still buy it see cobra 4 you cannot unless of course you have that pre-order bonus uh unlock and the developers won't ever unlock it or sell it ever again so those fair few people who actually has access to cobra 4 why is this ship so bad well see it is notably more expensive than the cobra 3 which is the god tier ship spoilers for the part one but regardless it inherits literally the same internals a little bit more hull if i remember correctly it inc inherits one extra hardpoint which is fine and the price is tripled yeah all right right from the all also the outstanding aspect of cobra four is that it has the most cargo capacity of all the small ships yes that is true but coming in at the price range of um well okay maybe not triple this uh triple the price but uh twice the price see this is this is what i get for not uh remembering everything but regardless so it's twice the price of cobra 3 and it's so close to type 6. yes type 6 is a meteor ship but generally speaking type 6 has more jump range type 6 has more cargo space type 6 also can be used for additional things rather than cobra 4 which at most can be used for small ship training but there's no reason to use small ships as long as you can actually land on places uh well with the meteor ship right there's no base in the game that restricts every ship except for small ones so there's absolutely no reason to use cobra 4. it is slow it is [ __ ] it's a piece of crap it makes me sad and god damn it if every time i look at it i just want to kill myself yeah that's how horrible it is so moving on then from the capital gao gods this list is starting great why what is this list i all right so here's a little bit of background beluga right the way i made this list rather i chose ships for part one and part two was at ramban random basically i picked a list of ships by their prices and simply picked uh every other ship from the list so first cheapest uh for the first part uh second cheapest for the second part third cheapest for the uh first part and you know like that oh gods and it seems that this list is notably worse at least starting beluga the third worst ship in the game god damn it it's so bad right so first things first compared to the medium ship that is as scout and compared to small ship that is cobra 4 beluga is the largest hitbox wise shipping the game yes technically cutter is bigger but hitbox wise absolutely beluga beats it because of the wide wings and it does have some neat nifty looking things and yes beluga is pretty funny and one percent of go [ __ ] yourself essentially but reason why beluga is so bad is that it has technically has hard points but what the [ __ ] are you gonna do with those hardpoints i don't know make kimchi or something i i really don't care the bottom line is whatever you put on them is a waste of time and space and uh just uh your essence overall it just uh yeah you're writing your soul off as as soon as you put something in the hard points there utility slots about as usual with every other ship out there the jump range is mediocre at best i i would say let me check the jump range uh again and let's see a beluga liner where the [ __ ] are you in the list jesus uh okay so it's slightly above average good job 84 [ __ ] million credits for which you can get a type 9 if you want cargo transportation which again beluga cannot do because of just the sheer [ __ ] amount of uh cargo storage it just does not compete at all uh so there's that uh the jump range-wise sure it's a bit better but for a passenger ship that it's supposed to be sure maybe so um the large size is just it's it's insane the armor is non-existent the shields are non-existent especially for this massive [ __ ] hitbox that it has uh speed is basically pointless and uh everything else is just i don't know i it makes me sad just bottom line is the ship makes me [ __ ] sad and uh yeah it has unlike the other two examples of asp scout and uh cobra four beluga liner is uh it it's so bland it's like a basic white beach base there you go it you know it is white so there you go it's already halfway there but the thing is the only upsell for it is that yes it is the biggest ship that can have the most luxury cabins uh the only type of a passenger cabin that uh beluga orca and dolphin can have right and the saddest thing about those missions is that they aren't really that different from business class business business class is actually more uh roomier and it actually pays more done by [ __ ] beluga goddammit anyways moving on then so uh speaking speaking of the fun times dolphin oh gods okay so you can have luxury cabins on this ship just right you can have a luxury cabin on the ship and then you can go [ __ ] yourself quite literally that's dolphin in a nutshell it has jump range it has speed it can do things it looks uh sleek i guess and that's about it it uh it sacrifices literally every other aspect of the gameplay uh potential and says uh here are luxury cabins now genuinely go eat a dick it's bad it's honestly i'm i'm thinking of dog [ __ ] really i mean for the price of goddamn dolphin you can have a type 6 and then a cobra 3. right let me just uh recheck the price because i think it was 1.3 uh yeah dolphin is 1.3 million literally type 6 and a cobra 3. why why would you pick dolphin genuinely no you're not i i feel pretty pretty [ __ ] already of just dog [ __ ] no [ __ ] you dolphin there you go all right eagle okay something good finally right so eagle overall is the most maneuverable ship in the game it is uh about the same price as a sidewinder and indeed as it happens a real upgrade for sidewinder however the problem is that it is absolutely the starter ship and uh the improvements you get for actually purchasing eagle uh rather than sticking with the sidewinder you're literally better off with adder you're better off with adder which has notably more bigger price has bigger price overall but yeah eagle is a decent upgrade if you look at it but unfortunately the benefits that it offers is just so small that it's not really worth it uh unlike either itself so it firmly goes into okay and of course if you're into racing there's there's an option of the most maneuverable ship in the game after all so it goes solidly in okay uh since there is no official gameplay for racing unfortunately it has to stick with okay so it is what it is but overall i absolutely like it visually it's a wonderful upgrade and i really like it i remember reviewing it i didn't play it for a long long time and that surprised when you actually get into its cockpit compared to a sidewinder wow it really is something awesome because either yeah adder lags in the cockpit department a lot as well okay well here we go we got something new the the newest addition to the list of uh vehicles we can have and um yep returning here as well uh so scorp god damn it eagle just there there we go we got scorpion the new srv type that we have um right what do we think folks where could we put the scorpion in well let me describe it and to you it has two weapons one is a spread eagle uh you know spread the eagle uh type of a weapon fire so basically you're not gonna hit anything with your pew pew gun and a missile which is really good against the feet people and apparently this was supposed to be the second srv which was on the shelf quote unquote by developers account and they didn't release this srv because uh [ __ ] you we promised you to we promised another srv in horizons time but we didn't see a reason to release it while at the same time they released the [ __ ] imperial eagle uh they released the goddamn um the big three which is questionable so and then they also released a [ __ ] uh mamba and a uh crate ii yeah uh we definitely need a space in in the game to actually release a ship or a vehicle right yeah hypocrisy at its best thank you frontier you [ __ ] anyways scorpion so you barely gonna hit anything with the pew pew but you have a missile launcher which is a nice addition and indeed as i've described in the past you are literally better off shooting at the feet people with missiles dumb fire missiles and forgetting about getting on foot and actually doing things and this is better than getting on foot but how does it compare with the normal srv it can't drive uh as fast it can't launch itself with the thrusters as well it does have more armor and it uh it actually can climb or rather it has more grip than the srv well the problem comes with the guns because ultimately it has a lower cargo space than the scarab it does have less accurate main gun than the scarab and it only really compensates that all of it with a missile launcher armor no one gives a [ __ ] about the armor no one gives a [ __ ] about the armor it's so minuscule it's pointless so is missile launcher good enough to put it in even one use tier no it's not it's bad it really is bad yeah it might have a multi-crew but again [ __ ] multi-crew so yeah no just honestly now that i think of it because of the multi creating go truly in the dog [ __ ] here as well but let's just say that the options are good to have but no no no no no no no no okay moving on then ah we got a ship launch fighter named condor the uh the federation style fighter and this one solidly will go into the good now the reasoning for that is that yes it's not as maneuverable as the imperial fighter which i do prefer the reasoning why it is in this tier is because it has a unique weapon unlike the other uh two well technically if you count the new ax fight not the ax but uh guardian hybrids then unlike the other three types of fighters but regardless it has the plasma repeater see what i've learned from my uh fellow content creator mini quickly enough was that this condor fighter with the plasma repeater actually is really really good against hull against shields yeah it's not going to deal a lot of damage but once you drop those shields that little fighter actually has a lot of damage against hull so for that reason it easily is a good npc or even hell a player controlled ship launch fighter to have for maximum damage and that's why it solidly goes into the good because it's middle of the road maneuverability it has middle of the road armor and shields which don't really that much matter much and for the role that is in pve style combat i would say it's pretty good so moving on then oh you're gonna like this fellas corvette so where do we think we're gonna put corvettes now while you're figuring it out i might as well describe it it is one of the big three ships it has the most damage potential of uh oh wait no technically type 9 okay second most damage output in the game it also has the same power distributor as anaconda meaning that you will be actually outputting consistently the most damage it seems however just like anaconda it also suffers from very very low speed making it quite useless for ganking unless you really get you know players to stop and fight you which is good luck with that but anything that is faster enough will basically run away making corvette not really suited for pvp um there are better ships or better suited for all rounder things i remember somebody was really pissed off at my placement for corvette or argumentative aspect that i put for a corvette uh putting it in uh lower tiers but uh i would say you know it's uh generally speaking it's it's it's not for pvp it's clearly for pve easily for everything else it's questionable so do it everything can work i mean hell the dog [ __ ] can work so yeah i would say i kind of want to put it in goods but considering that it's not really no it's it's a decent all-rounder but the jump range is uh it's barely good it's barely good i'm gonna set it in good but it's barely goods it yeah no it easily can go in okay again you can do everything with it but the speed and the jump range are the two main factors that impact its overall usability for i would say majority of uh the gameplays out there so well not maneuverability but speed so there you go but you know that's just my take now let's move on then to federal assault ship ah the sad tale of the federal assault ship so um see back in the day before engineering federal assault ship was one of the cheap pvp ships the main tier p cheap pvp ships it really looks nice inside i really like the look of it overall it has decent gun ports and placement of them uh so clearly it's for combat and and really it is overall just like all the other federal ships except for fidel dropship which is an interesting stale but regardless federal assault chip sadly requires an unlock for federation so that is already annoyance that you have to deal with however with the advent of engineering um people started phasing it out on pvp fights especially you know with the increased increased power of one another more expensive ship out there and well it's not as bad as clipper it's not what it's not as sad of a tale of what the clipper got with the introduction of engineering but federal starship even to this day still is usable but it's just so overshadowed by one other ship that it just needs needs that help needs something to make it usable and more just approachable i would say but since it is a decent ship for combat i still like it personally i would easily put it in one use tier it's good for some pvp stuff you know general combat stuff but it barely skirts by uh because of the chieftain sadly that's another ship that chieftain killed it's literally the same ship achieved and this very similar maneuverability speed and damage output but chieftain you don't need to unlock and it is slightly cheaper i think it was let's see if it'll drop ship assault ship yep yep it's a federal cell chip is a bit more expensive and you need to unlock it on top so yeah there you go right moving then on we got oh my personal favorite of the federal piggies ah this little piggy went to the market and this little piggy got completely [ __ ] federal gun ship just like i said with uh the poor crusader once you introduce the venereal disease that is called the ship launch fighter into the mix the ship becomes unusable i love federal gunship it is very unique overall it is basically the step between a python and and and the other rest of the bunch of the [ __ ] essentially having the same power distributor meaning that you can actually sustain the damage again this is a combat ship so it at most can't go into one use tier at most at this point so well the problem with again federal gunship is that yes it has a lot of damage output for all the gun ports that it has i love building my federal gunship with nothing but auto loading multi cannons because the dhaka is very the the dhaka dhaka dhaka dhaka dhaka but no seriously speaking though yeah the federal gunships uh lack heavily heavily with the top speed and maneuverability mostly stop speed i would say and boosting capability i suppose as well but no mostly mostly it would be maneuverability that the uh and top speed that uh makes it completely fail of course again i still like to use it from time to time on streams but yeah the venereal disease just completely kills it and that is the sad tale of federal gunship it just sadly uh well i mean okay it was already [ __ ] uh basically engineering [ __ ] the ship as well so let's make a jingle hey uh engineering yeah engineering completely killed the use of federal gunship i still remember back in the day uh when people still used federal gunship for you know as the big bad uh you know gang ships or a seal clubber it was the nick i give i gave the damn damn ship after reviewing it but uh yeah no one ever uses it these days at all if you see couple people still use federal assault ship then gunship is completely forgotten about and when it comes to combat even then it's just it just doesn't fit that much anymore it has a ship launch fighter but for target combat again it's too slow so here we are sad tale of the federal gunship the big piggy speaking of combat again federal foreign lands god damn right so the freelance uh as i like to call it uh used by all the best furries in the world uh the the freelance is a really really good ship it's one of the best pvp ships it's one of the best combat ships due to its uh boosting capability due to its maneuverability and average for at least the pvp speeds so yeah it it can mostly catch up to most stuff or at least keep up it can boost really well it has a really nice boost speed and then rather acceleration in overall yes it's not as good quite as uh chieftain if i remember correctly but for all the things that it does it has really massive shield not a lot of uh hull underneath but for a shield tank it excels tremendously and with engineering this ship killed as i said federal assault ship federal gunship every other ship out there except for uh chieftain i would say so the furry lance indeed basically dominates except for maybe the large ships if you prefer to go with those but even then again the cutter yeah is a good example of how that dominates there so yeah most of the time you're gonna see basically three uh combat ships uh [ __ ] around and uh yeah that's that's the met if you will it hasn't changed for uh forever really so yeah there are some proponents that say well hey uh freelance is you know not that good but the bottom line is it's really easy really easy to just get started going on and playing with it it's so easy to master well not maybe not master but at least get good with it unlike again if they have a real gunship at least just not even mentioning the goddamn crusader and so forth so thing is easily in one use tier however it exceeds the one you steer it's so good i it'd be sort of a shame to put it in one u-steer further lens is so good it breaches into okay tier and then i would say good tier just because how good it is in that one tier just because how good it is in that one role it becomes really good it's so easy to maneuver it is so easy to just use overall and despite its complete unusability and everything else i feel generous today that it becomes a good chip or at least in the good tier even though it shouldn't so yeah oh gods okay trident uh let me see trident which one was this uh let's see yeah yeah okay i remember remember now trident was the uh guardian ball shoot the the testicle shooter right uh so trident has a really unique uh weapon damage not damaged but weapon firing just like condor has but again i returned to the old problem from last part where i talked about the guardian fighters and why all of them are in bad deer can they be used sure even a tossed brick has a potential as i said previously but now all the guardian ships ship launch fighters just do not work because they are supposed to be you know the guardian stuff they're more for anti-target uh stuff because that's you know where they excel right the problem is that they have a lot of shield but no armor underneath and what do targoid damage does seeps through and bypasses part of the shield so your hull which is minuscule will ex will basically kill you first before your shields break so what is the point of that big shield if these guardian fighters actually had a special shield that would not let guard the targoid damage go through yes maybe then it would be quite a bit more useful actually it would be quite a bit more useful and it it become probably somewhat good of a ship even but as it is right now no no it's uh it's just no it's bad the bottom line is it's bad it looks pretty but yeah and next one is lance the rail gun uh ship launch fighter the go go gargaard guardian ghost cannon uh railgun thing magic basically it technically should be railroad doesn't matter so this is the other fighter which some people say is quite a bit more useful because hey railguns actually are or rather the ghost ghost cannon is the most useful in my mind personally for anti-target stuff as well as just general use for a fighter however again the same problem is it is supposed to be at least meant for the targo anti-targoid gameplay and it [ __ ] sucks for it and uh just like all the other it's slightly better than all the other guardian fighters but it's still solidly in the bad category now then moving on we have oh a courier right now courier is an interesting ship overall first of all it is the cheap well the easiest ship to unlock except for maybe imperial eagle which technically has a rank unlock but the courier is the one that you actually need to grind for i remember grinding for it and it was horrible and for bigger ships it's even more horrible but regardless courier is an interesting ship uh it has a massive price tag right not only has an unlock but it only but it also has a massive price tag for basically the viper tree and cobra 3 performance level so 2 million versus you know not even half a million price tag the cargo bay is let me just check clipper courier yep the cargo bay is really pathetic actually lower than uh cobra 3 as well although and yeah lower than cobra 3 speed wise ah now with the speed yeah that's kind of the key with the imperial courier it has speed it has decent maneuverability uh so it can be used for some racing i actually like the look of it so racing is nice the look is really nice um and for combat it's a small ship right so any small ship doesn't really work for combat almost at all it's it's just sneeze on it and it's dead but for uh some silly builds like the stealth build you can use the force cannons and it can be pretty funny so it has this very niche uses and for that i would say it goes into one used here easily it's not okay because again you're you have cheaper options viper 3 and cobra 3 but it has multiple small one uses so technically it doesn't really fit the one use but it's not bad like really is not bad the price makes it questionable choice so that could put it in the bad section but it has unique small little use cases that it can do with enhanced thrusters and makes it actually quite fun ship to [ __ ] around with in pvp it it's not going to win you any any battles for the most part but strapping a couple of proximity mines with uh what was it a shield uh reverb uh effect uh it's gonna be pretty funny an enhanced thruster of course so i've done it i recommend it all right and then moving on we have ah the crates actually we got the crate before the other one so great um yeah um yeah there's no two ways about it i'm gonna get to crate it it goes god dear it it's a solid god tier ship um though i would not i don't like it and i'm gonna explain it after [Music] there we go python also it easily goes into the god tier for me so python and create they're literally the same ship just look at all the things within it uh the only difference is between python and krait is that krait has slightly more more speed making it more viable for anti-targoid fighting and it has let's see a slightly more maneuverability but it has less cargo space however great even though it has the syphilis i mean the ship launch fighter fighter bay even though it has it it's not [ __ ] it's the only of the medium and small ships that has uh well there are no small ships with a shipment fighter but regardless it's the only of the medium ships that has a ship launch fighter bay that doesn't get [ __ ] over right that's the interesting thing about the ship overall so for the use oh right and the jump range also is slightly higher for the crate uh while python you know has more hull more uh shields um hull more shields more uh cargo space so yeah overall i personally am in the camp python but crate is basically a copy paste literally a copy paste and it has an extra use of being a really decent anti-xeno ship while python is a bit more preferable in my opinion for pvp yes i prefer to use it because hey it's all around the ship both basically both ships are absolutely good for everything just name a way of or rather as a style or play through or a gameplay that you would do python and create can do all of it at least on the level of good and in some cases it excels above it and that makes it absolutely the fantastic choice that it is so there you go so yeah i could ramble on and then jerk off uh both ships uh forever but let's just stay at that they're absolutely the god tier uh oops no well i cut i'm just gonna i'm just gonna put python slightly higher right that oops it it kind of shifted sorry yeah anyways next then is the taipan ship launch fighter now the taipan taipan excels as being a rather unique fighter overall after a while uh it has the most hull and a decent amount of shield so overall it's it's still very very easy ship to take down but regardless it is also the least maneuverable and i think it had the least amount of speed of all the ship ship launch fighters however it's still very fast fast enough to you know avoid things and be annoyants but what makes taipan a bit more usable is the fact that it also has an ax variant so it actually competes with uh with the the guardian versions but unlike the guardian versions it has the right amount of uh hull versus shield yes there's less shield than the hull but even so it has a decent survivability potential for ax and that actually makes this fighter an okay one i wouldn't quite say it's good because for targot fighting you wouldn't really want to use a ship launch fighter but it has an option like that it's a solid little thing and it's not quite as good for that role that it is in so for pve it's very average for guardian for target fighting it has a chance unlike the other ones so yeah there you go it's a pretty okay fighter now then uh let's see fourth from the bottom is type seven so where do we think we're going to be putting type seven well as it happens it is very cheap uh cargo transportation ship with a questionable amount of jump range which kind of makes it not worth it but there's nothing really that will compete with it yes there is a imperial courier for an imperial clipper and then there's of course the federal dropship fact is type 7 originally was really good for mining because all small hardpoints points four of them even though there are five slots underneath it if you look at type type seven it has another slot for hardpoint underneath and if they added it it might be higher than it is right now but i could easily put it at okay it's an okay thing for cargo it's okay for mining but unlike federal dropship it cannot do the new type of mining because all the hardpoints are small and for the new type of mining you know the exploding rock or surface wait no no not the surface the exploding rock or subsurface uh mining type you need a medium slot for hardpoint and unfortunately it doesn't have that which makes it a questionable choice and which also makes federal dropship good for that or at least usable for mining in place of it because the price range is about the same yes type 7 though has a notably more space to put stuff in also fun fact about type 7 it has the fastest your turn rate that is this turn it has the fastest your turn rate in the game the second fastest is federal assault ship i'm not making this [ __ ] up why alright third from the bottom oh [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] me okay type 10 type [ __ ] 10 the spoilerrific piece of [ __ ] okay so technically it has the most damage uh burst damage potential of all the ships in the game because of the amount of hardpoints it also has the most hardpoints in the game oh and it has a spoiler on it oh god and and if you want to go into cosmetics it has a spoiler for well split spoiler for a spoiler as a cosmetic ship kit ah right [ __ ] this ship genuinely [ __ ] the [ __ ] oh gods what is this ship and battle cattle as i called it right so what the [ __ ] is it used for technically it came out at the time when uh when you needed some ships with four meet uh four large hard points so that you could put four highest damaging uh anti-xeno weapons on ship because before it we didn't have any uh ship that would have that except if you're going for one of the big three ships and sacrifice one of the huge hard points for uh one of the large uh weapons so not a great choice so type 10 came out but for anti-zeno which would which it was kind of created for it's too [ __ ] slow it has the venereal disease of god damn ship launch fighter and and god damn it it has a spoiler spoiler uh i don't know what to say so what do we think what do we think of type 10 well it it has the when when it came out also it had the same more or less same hard same internal compartment sizes and space for cargo as well as the components that the goddamn type 9 had it cost more but god damn it yeah it it's right these days yes you can use type 10 unlike imperial cutter unlike the cutter for afk farming yes it can be used you just slap all turrets on it some point defenses and shield on it and go for the races but besides that one use okay i can't i ca no it's bad it's it's just bad it's bad ship it's not dog [ __ ] it's just it's bad it's bad it genuinely is a bad [ __ ] i i can't i could i can't ah next one is viper right so wiper if you uh engineer it correctly has the potential just like imperial eagle to reach the maximum boost speed in the game which is 900 and something uh 921 meters a second there we go so technically for at least drag racing it works but as as as you look at imperial eagle and as some people have pointed it out thank you very much uh was that imperial eagle can't do a full boost in one go while uh well viper 3 yeah it can't do it sure but most of the time viper 3 also has the additional use of just being genuinely cheap and good starting bounty hunter ship no it's a small ship right so it's not really that useful for really good bounty hunting that you would uh go against uh an npc with a further lance or hell anaconda you're going to take forever to kill them but because of that extra speed because of that um no relatively okay maneuverability which actually cobra 3 has better maneuverability than this which is funny but still the speed is there the cargo capacity not there but clearly it's a combat ship so it has slightly more than one use use slightly more so i kind of i'm thinking whether or not i should go okay or one use for it because when we're just looking at it bottom line is it's still for combat you're not going to use it for trading you're not going to use it for exploration so it almost reaches into okay but it still sticks with one use for me so but i could easily put it in okay honestly yeah it just needs a bit more exploration capacity or um cargo cargo yeah that's about it or really be good for combat which it's really not again you can substitute viper 3 with a cobra 3 and be on the god tier level regardless so there you go and finally probably you guessed it already is the other viper now again i've i know people have used this for racing and blah blah blah about the racing speed blah blah it's bad just bottom line is it's bad it's meant for combat so a small ship that sacrifices speed and agility and overall capability just to tank an extra shot bottom line is different between difference between viper 3 and viper 4 is that viper 4 simply has more hull yes it is true that viper 4 has the most hull hp of all the small ships but what the [ __ ] is the point of just getting one extra shot when you can't avoid it when the main point is that you're small right what what is the point of sacrificing the potential to avoid shots which you should do as a small ship to just tank an extra shot oh well hey you you're gonna survive for maybe one extra second congratulations whoa no no no no no bad it's not dog [ __ ] i mean it's sacrificing the one thing that it could potentially make it good to become worse that has to be really dumb like that has to be really down again not counting the racing capability which is again a non-official uh official sort of a gameplay that you could do right just [Music] i mean it's the same level of stupidity as crusader it genuinely is the same level of stupidity like sacrificing the good maneuverability that was a chieftain slapping god damn venereal disease onto it which is you know ship launch fighter and just sacrificing everything for that ship launch fighter that that's the that's the same level of stupidity no it's dog [ __ ] it genuinely is a dog [ __ ] thing and so there you go that is the list well do let me know what you think of my critiques of each ship maybe i got something wrong or maybe i didn't i mean how could i be wrong of course right the great and powerful yamiche is never wrong but regardless if you enjoyed this one of course do check out the part one where i judge the other half of the ship list and vehicles uh today we actually had quite a bit more shipping fighters but regardless you know they had to appear somewhere but there you go and of course do take a look at the best the worst series where i actually go in detail with couple more better written jokes rather than on impromptu repetition of the same thing so there you go but uh that's about it for now i bid you adieu of course do subscribe follow you know all the usual uh wonderful thing join the discords and of course if you want to support the content i make uh funny or otherwise well do check out the patreon down below which is really useful and i will leave you discussing the list yourselves take care for now i'll see you around [ __ ] off you
Channel: TheYamiks
Views: 19,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UNIQUE things about every ship, unique ships elite dangerous, unique ships in elite dangerous, ship unique list elite dangerous, elite dangeorus ship unique list, elite dangeourous ship list, elite dangerosu ship review, elite dangerous ships guide, elite dangerous ships, elite dangerous ships review, elite dangerous ship review guide, all ships in elite dangerous, all ships in elite dangerous guide, ships guide elite dangerous, elite dangerous all ships
Id: C4DVd0AUe6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 48sec (3468 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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