Elisabeth Elliot Session 4: Questions and Answers with Elisabeth and Lars

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all right foreign college in illinois not the one in maine so i'm sure that muslims didn't know her great end but it would have been nice if she had better right hand and alice pacquiao mississippi uh musical was terrific i mean it that was great we really didn't uh i'll tell you that that thing that thing ought to go on the road and hit the secular colleges it'd be great in in light of that in light of that question i mean in light of that musical i would like to read the first question and this is from a woman who married at 45 years of age and he's she's describing her husband he is an a type quote a a type whatever that is goal orientated personality while i'm a b no concept of time people person how can i fulfill the role god has placed me in married at 45 after 14 years of singlehood now i'm going to add one thing before 1977 i had i was very what did you what did you say i used to be oh i had imagination after 1977 my imagination disappeared now this here's this person's questions i am very affectionate and wish my husband was more so what can i do to draw him to be more affectionate as he was during our courtship they don't know what 1976 oh 1977 we got married in 77. my imagination disappeared dried up answer the question now yeah that's all and then answer that question which one the whole thing you know no just yeah what can i do about affection oh he tells me i'm supposed to answer this question i am very affectionate wish my husband was more so yeah what can i do i have to read it i wasn't listening what can i do to draw him to be more affectionate as he was during our courtship only thing i know to do is to keep trying to be more and more affectionate to him it's no good giving him a lecture and it's the last thing in the world he wants to hear do you really believe that eating dessert before your meal is out of order [Applause] [Music] lars picked this one up and told me that i should read it to be sure and read it because we've got more than we're going to get through but i have never said that i thought eating dessert before my meal was out of order they want to know if it's if i think it's disorder and sin if the lord doesn't want you to eat dessert at all then of course it's sin but my brother phil was in the army back in world war ii and he said when you go through the child line they gave you had a big tray and all the food was just plopped on top of everything else so he got used to eating his ice cream on top of his mashed potatoes with gravy i don't think it ever occurred to him that it was sinful how do you keep from having the same person wants to know how to keep from having a big head when we all express how much we love and admire you um i just know that if you knew me the way god knows me god knows i don't deserve a big head and so you wouldn't be so admiring what you normally say before questions thank you for the instructions now i always try to begin by saying i will try to give you a biblical answer if i give you an elizabeth elliott opinion you can discard that of course i will try to give you a brief answer for obvious reasons i'm amazed how many people are still here this afternoon i thought the place would be at least half empty by now but it's just amazing aren't you amazed liz okay he says if you need more questions call me and i've got he's got a basket full what is the best thing about being a woman a femininity i've spent my life feeling like my sex is my cross to bear i would love to have your insight into what you call a divine call obviously our sex is god's call and so it is within the confines of that call that we are to be obedient to god remember psalm 16 5 lord you have assigned me my portion so let's be content with such things as we have when you spoke about discipline and quoted proverbs 3 5 and 6 you mentioned keeping drawers and kitchen counters clear my question is is it really important to god that my drawers are ordered and my counter is clear god knows if there are things which take higher precedence in your house but i'm sure that god does not like clutter because he says that we are to do things decently and in order that's in the bible and so my parents were very strict about that they did not allow clutter and that meant closets and drawers and putting things back in the kitchen drawer where they belonged uh keeping everything where where it belonged even if i were to say it has absolutely nothing to do with spiritual life which i can't say because everything is an affair of the spirit i would say you will be happier you will be freer you will be amazed at what it will do for your psyche if you clear counters off as regularly as you possibly can do get rid of stuff just start unloading things uh short let's see and here's a question that i will not ask i won't give you the question first but i'll give you the answer and you'll know what the question was when my second husband died of cancer i took in two lodgers they were both seminary students my husband had been a seminary professor and i had these two men for two years and the first one married my daughter he is now my son-in-law walt shepherd and the second one married me his name is lars gren so don't you dare go out of here and say they lived together for two years before they got married when i told my friend an old lady in her late 70s who had lost her husband in fort worth texas my story she gave a couple seconds of thought on that one and she said i believe i'm gonna rent my house out to three widowers last night you described what we need to do to have a quiet heart and the fruit or benefits that result but how would you describe a quiet heart it's a heart that's not upset and not worried what counsel would you give for someone who feels they know more about god than actually knowing him in a relational way it doesn't do you any good to know about god unless you start obeying so the counsel that i would give that person is start doing the one thing that god is telling you to do now maybe it's loving your husband maybe it's cleaning your counters off now i don't mean to be telling you that is to be the paramount thing in your life the cleaning your count is off but what does it mean to do things decently and in order and if you read the description of that god gave to moses the pattern of the tabernacle everything is done in perfect order and it was to be done that way every time but it's in the new testament of course that the verse is it says things are to be done decently and in order is is it your opinion that categorically in every case it is wrong for a woman married with children to work out of the home no it is not so many rumors go around about things that people think they've heard me say i have never said that it's wrong in every case god knows your case anybody would agree i think that it would be best for children to have their mother rather than somebody else taking care of them but we live in a fallen world and all sorts of things have messed things up so you know if god is calling you to work but i would also urge you to pray about the possibility that god might have something else in mind i've had some wonderful letters from women who were sure that there was absolutely no way that they could quit their job and their husbands didn't think there was any way and through prayer and fasting they have found an answer one family was able within less than a week to sell their house and get another house with exactly the same square footage for half the price and that enabled the mother to stay home do you have any words of wisdom for single mothers in regards to discipline with limited time making the most of my time with my child it seems to me that that's fairly simple not necessarily easy if you have to work then whenever you are at home try to have your child with you if you're working in the kitchen or you're cleaning the bathroom or you're doing the laundry have the child there and just be with your child as much as you possibly can and do everything you can to assure the child that you love him if you could name one maybe two things that your parents did right what would they be they understood authority my father was under the authority of christ my mother was under the authority that christ had assigned to my father and all of us children were certainly very much aware that we were under the authority of our parents one thing that my parents would never do was to break a promise if they told us that they would take us to the park on saturday they took us to the park on saturday unless there was some absolutely unavoidable reason that cropped up that made it impossible but also if they told us to do something and we didn't do it immediately then we were punished because delayed obedience was treated as disobedience it was no good for us to say but i was just going to my mother had a little switch about eighteen inches long that she kept in every room wrote over the door in every room and that little switch we knew would be used if we did not obey the first time they spoke not the second not the 10th and certainly they never indulged in that foolishness of time out or countdowns when you do that think about this when you do that you are training your child to delay obedience so it'll simplify your life if the child does what you tell him to do the first time i tell myself to stop nagging my husband to stop telling him that he didn't do this or that correctly but i continue to tell him all the things he does wrong well there isn't any question on that one and so i think that person knows exactly what she's got to do stop nagging what is the most effective means of combating the self-focus that comes with pms and its various manifestations depression self-pity doubts about god irritableness fatigue self-hatred shame i need an aid for persevering well i'm afraid you're asking the wrong lady because i have never had any effects of pms in my whole life i don't know what that's like and the only effect that i had of menopause was hot flashes i appreciated that one about i'm sleeping without a gown [Music] oh i did have hot flashes for a few years and i i pms is something that was never thought about in my youth it's one of those things that catches the whole imagination of the country you know that everybody's got pms i don't mean to tell you that it doesn't exist but i really do believe that like everything else that has to do with our temperament you can bring it under the authority of jesus christ and if it takes extra praying and extra quietness and extra effort on your part you do not need to share your feelings with everybody keep your feelings to yourself and act in love and god has given us the directions for that in first corinthians 13. how do you think a godly woman should dress modestly and simply i don't think god wants us to look frumpy and messy and out of date nor do i think god wants us to look up to the minute in fashion i don't want to be in the vanguard wearing the most wild and outrageous looking thing first i just want to wear ordinary classic stuff and the dress that i had on last night was probably about 10 years old it was my sister's she gave it to me and the suit that i'm wearing now i bought the skirt and the jacket in two different places they were both on sale in different places but i've lost track of how many years i've been wearing this suit i have two suits i have a navy one and i have a black one when we travel my husband and i carry two small suitcases we were in mongolia and beijing on one trip this past spring and we were gone for 12 days i think it was we packed in two small suitcases how do you do that well two skirts in the suitcase ten blouses maybe and a jacket well that's more than this person asked as for bathing suits it is an impossibility now it seems to me to buy any kind of a bathing suit that can be seen in public so you're just going to have to stay off the beaches i really i couldn't i couldn't be more serious about that and just a few months ago in my newsletter i wrote the lead article was on modesty and i expected to get a lot of flack because i know i offend people when i talk about the length of skirts and the fact that women are wearing almost entirely pants these days now do not go out of here this afternoon ladies and say elizabeth elliott says it's wrong to wear pants because i think i think 90 of you are wearing pants today and i am not saying there's anything wrong with that but i do want to encourage you to aim at that which is more specifically feminine wherever possible i have a pair of blue jeans which i wear for working in the garden or riding a horse or climbing a mountain i have wool slacks that i wear when my husband and i take a walk in the sleep to the snow but most of the time i wear a skirt now that doesn't mean i dress up i wear a denim skirt sometimes i wear a cocky skirt but it's more feminine that's all i long to see christian women embrace their femininity rather than take their cues from the world and the world is just saying we're all equal you know you don't realize what a job the feminist movement has done on all of us it really is quite tragic so we want to set an example of simplicity of unobtrusiveness and yet modesty and just looking neat there was a time when we wanted to be pretty if possible but it was always possible to be neat the concept of neatness seems to have been lost when is it right to let go and let god or hammer stoutly pray devoutly and how can you know the difference it depends on what the issue is there was a time when the lord told moses to quit praying about something he said you have compassed this mountain enough now go out and do what i've told you to do but he's also told us in the parable in the new testament of the important widow that we are to knock and expect an answer from god i can't give you a policy by way of an answer i just think you have to take each situation and ask the lord to give you wisdom how did you work through the process of forgiving the savages who murdered your husband and father of your daughter so that completely you could go back with your daughter and lay down your lives for them thank you for the question but i never had any struggle at all in forgiving the people who killed my husband because they had no idea what those men were there for they thought that they were cannibals and when i got to know the five men who had done the killing i got tapes i got two of them to give me play-by-play descriptions on a 45-minute tape each and i got one of the women who had watched the whole thing tell me her story and these three people gave me their stories separately they were not listening to each other and those stories match so i know everything that happened that day and there was never any question in my mind that these people did this by in self-defense not out of blood thirst or hatred they thought that the men were coming to eat them but this question of course raises the question of forgiving someone of my own uh background somebody who knows the bible just as well as i do someone who may hurt me i would find much more difficult to forgive as i say i didn't find any difficulty at all in forgiving the indians because they didn't know but christians can certainly hurt each other can't they how can you keep a quiet heart if it is your desire to marry and have a family you're full of fear again fear of the future you only have today now you heard that in this musical didn't you you only have this present moment and there's a wonderful little book called the sacrament of the present moment it's written by de cossad small d e capital c a u s s a d e now i tell you right up front it is written by a catholic probably a hundred years ago so you can sort out the wheat from the chaff there may be things in there that you wouldn't want but there are some wonderful spiritual principles which i think are worth getting your teeth into amy carmichael was very strong about teaching her people don't deprive yourself of the great riches of the past just because there's something in the book you didn't like you learn to take the wheat from the chaff so stick with what has what god has given you and it really isn't any of your business whether he wants to give you a husband or not i think it's okay to pray for a husband but he might be saying to some of you it's time for you to stop praying about that in my time i'll give you a husband if if that's the best thing for you but concentrate on the things that i have given you today what type of balance do you use between systematic bible study and spontaneous reading during prayer and quiet time i would say i hardly ever do any spontaneous reading it's always during my prayer and quiet time and i don't do systematic bible study if by that you mean topical or taking certain sections of the bible i read straight through the bible right now i'm reading one chapter in the old testament and one chapter in the new just in sequence what are the qualities that you have observed that consistently characterize staying the course of the christian walk over the long haul of life it comes down to something as simple but not easy but as simple as trusting god the people who have most deeply influenced my spiritual life have been people who have suffered every single one of them has been a person that has suffered and i think if you try to tot up the names of the people who've had the deepest influence in your life you're going to find out that they've been people that have suffered but in that suffering they have learned to trust and obey so the long haul is not going to make any difference i mean this musical was loaded with spiritual truth yes you saw all these different stages but the long haul god is there through every single one of them and he's going to give you joy in every single one of them how old was she when she became a christian i presume this is this means how old was i um i have no idea when i became a christian i'm like probably thousands of others who can't remember any time when they didn't love jesus and because we grew up in such a strong christian home i'm assuming that there was a time when perhaps at my mother's knee or my father's knee i said i want to say yes to jesus but as far as i know there isn't any specific date you are a woman who has walked through the death of two husbands have you not been shaken in your faith well i told you four things that shook me in my very first year as a missionary the murder the death the robbery and the flood yes they shook me and there are times in our lives when everything which is shakeable gets shaken but god is still there he's still got the whole world where in his hands he hasn't let go of us underneath are the everlasting arms if you are to trust god and yet know that he may choose to take your loved ones from you how do you not fall into fear of the future whatever your fear of the future is ladies if you know that you abide in heavenly love there is no change that your heart should fear and that comes from a beautiful hymn in heavenly love abiding no change my heart can fear now i'm going to tell you for your prayers and also by way of illustration lars has a very serious case of glaucoma it's a kind that can only be seen in blonde blue-eyed men and it is the worst kind of glaucoma he's already had surgery on the left eye he has now developed allergies to the medicine which he's been applying to the right eye and the doctors have tried one after the other and this next week he has to go into boston to see the world famous ophthalmologist who did the operation on the left eye he may have to have an operation on the right eye now of course both of us are aware that someday he might be blind but this operation which is a very risky one happened to come out perfectly well and the left eye it's a high risk in the right eye are we afraid no because the lord is going to be there so i gave him on a little three by five card that him in heavenly love abiding no change my heart can fear and safe is such confiding for nothing changes here here in this sphere of heavenly love nothing is going to change the storm may rage about me my heart may low be laid but god is round about me nor can i be dismayed it's a wonderful safe quiet place are you personally involved or do you have contact with the alkas or the kichwa indians who you had contact with years ago or the alka still following the savior my husband and i visited both the alkas and the quiche was in 1995 and 1996. we took my daughter and her husband and her oldest son down to the kodadai river where the five men were killed and we were there on the 40th anniversary of the date of those men being killed which was january the 8th 1956 so we had the opportunity to see those teachers and alkas i still have a correspondence going with one quechua man who is just a dear marvelous servant of god who took over jim's place when jim was killed i never have had any correspondence with the alkas because they didn't have any alphabet or writing or anything while i was living there but there are some alkas who are christians and the new testament has been translated into their language what books of the bible and or other books have you used or studied in helping you to understand the doctrine of sin i don't think i've ever read a book on the doctrine of sin but the book of romans of course i've read the whole bible many many times so whatever it says about sin i've read and studied but romans i think would be the one that deals most clearly with that i like the idea of teaching our children solitude what types of activities are acceptable or do you recommend during or do you recommend during this hour of quiet well of course it depends on the age of the child if he can read that's the ideal thing a small child may actually fall asleep even though he didn't intend to during that quiet time but he has to have soft toys he can do puzzles he can do anything that's not making noise legos are no good anything that rattles any kind of noise that anybody outside that room can hear is not acceptable and maybe they should just sit there and look out the window and look at the birds or the squirrels or the cars going by or whatever it's amazing what little children how they can occupy themselves and of course a small child is still looking at the world around him give them you can always give a small child to pick picture books and i think mother put books in our cribs before we even were out of the crib we grew up with books and the beatrix potter books were our very favorites and we had all practically memorized and a.a milne wonderful things for little children i am a first year teacher seventh grade in a public middle school in the midst of the responsibilities i have planning grading disciplining parent communicating i lose my focus and motivation to influence my student toward a higher the higher goal of can't read the word what is your inspiration for teachers we're all meant to be teachers in one way or another but your profession is a teacher so you have a marvelous opportunity to exhibit the life of jesus in that classroom even though if you're working in public school you are greatly hampered about things that you can say but you know there's there's a difference a very big difference between the non-christian and the christian so just ask the lord each day to give you a love for those children and wisdom in knowing how to treat each one who needs any kind of special treatment can you please let us know about some of amy carmichael's books in poetry the only one i'm aware of is if yes in the back of the biography there are 14 books listed and all 14 of those books are written by amy carmichael and they are in print most christian bookstores do not carry them and it just makes me furious but i'm always trying to tell people just go into your christian bookstore tell them to call christian literature crusade in fort washington pennsylvania that is the publisher and there are 14 books they are worth their weight in gold i tell people quit reading elizabeth elliott start reading amy carmichael and you will be way ahead she's taught me just about everything i know besides what my parents taught me and that amazing headmistress of the school my christian walk is characterized by bursts of enthusiasm in reading my bible communing with the lord throughout the day and following him followed by periods of failure how do i get past this point to have a more consistent faithful walk with god you must choose to arrange time with god god has given you a will to choose god is not going to do it for you he is not going to push you out of bed in the morning the president the president not president the president for getting up early in the morning is repeated again and again in the scriptures the psalmist said early in the morning will i lift up my voice jesus got up a great while before day my father got up between 4 30 and 5. you must arrange your time you can make those choices god is not going to do it for you how could you and your daughter go back to the same tribe of indians who killed your husband and live with them it really wasn't hard i couldn't imagine how it would happen but when god arranged things so that we could we went and i loved those two years that we had there only two years with the with the alkas now i spent eight years with the quiche was one year with the colorados i was in ecuador 11 years altogether but it was not difficult and valerie is often asked if she feels deprived because she grew up in such a stone age primitive people we were three days by trail and canoe from the nearest mission station so if there'd been any kind of an accident or illness there isn't any way in the world we could have gotten medical help but the lord preserved us through all of that and when valerie is asked don't you think you were deprived she just laughs she says i'm the luckiest child in the world and her husband grew up in africa his parents were missionaries there and he has the same opinion what reading would you recommend that i go through with my two teenage daughters that would foster their hunger for god and help continue their maturing in him could you recommend authors or specific books i want nitty gritty issues building books and not fluff well of course modesty should forbid me to mention my own books but i would certainly recommend passion and purity and let me be a woman those books are meant for young women let me be a woman was my wedding present to my daughter valerie so i wouldn't give it to your 13 year old but i certainly would give it to your 17 year old 18 year old and passion and purity you know your child so you know best when that child needs to be strongly warned against the dangers of sexual intimacy but then there are lots and lots of other christian books for young people i wish i had them on the tip of my tongue but i really don't know much about what's coming off the presses today i stick with the old books so thank you my husband's down there saying missionary biographies i do have a list of missionary biographies so i'm sticking my neck out again to say if you would like that then you have to give lars your name and address and put down miss period bio g period and we will send you that copy or we can send it to one person here maybe huh we'll send it to carolyn how do i or can i get a copy of the prayer that was on the ceiling of the cottage you visited well that's been up here all afternoon sleep sweetly in this quiet room so there are lots of copies around i'm sure i thoroughly enjoyed your book passion purity i was wondering about the time that you and mr elliot went and spent a day in the woods together i personally thought that if you were so attracted physically to each other why would you go to such a secluded place alone well we not only get went to the woods we climbed mount hood parts of mount hood we canoed across the columbia river to an island and spent a whole day on the island but if you've read passion impurity you know that the whole thing began in a park in wheaton illinois when jim had told me that he loved me and that day it was all settled before god that we were going to keep our hands off each other and jim said to me i'm not going to ask you to marry me because i believe that god is calling me to remain single perhaps for the rest of my life if god gives me a green light you're the woman that i would like to have but he said i'm not asking you to wait for me i'm not telling you i will marry you you go ahead and go to africa i'm going to south america god knows how to bring us together but he said i am not going to lay a finger on you because i have no rights over you so that was settled we did we didn't have to stew over that and work through it once you've made a decision before god god is going to enable you to keep it provided you continue to will to do his will jesus said he that willeth to do his will shall know not being an especially good communicator myself what can i do to grow in communicating with with and drawing out my non-communicative young adults i want to grow in my friendship with them and yet i am their mother and know i need to maintain the authority that position has first of all pray that the lord will give you the ability and the time and the place to communicate with your children perhaps you can take each one of each one out for lunch or something by yourselves that's a special time suggest readings for them i think one of the most important things our parents did was to read to us my father used to gather us all in the living room and he would read out loud to us at times and he would often bring quotations and books and things to the table to read to us i really don't think either one of them ever thought how can i communicate with these six children i don't think that crossed their minds it's one of those catch words that we think about in modern day but somehow rather for 2000 years nobody thought about stuff like that you just do what ought to come naturally and talk to your children talk with your children deuteronomy 6 is the word to fathers you must teach your children these commandments talk about them when you sit at home when you eat when you lie down when you get up and when you walk talk about these things deuteronomy 6 how do i balance being a homeschooling mom of five children serving my husband and keeping a neat orderly home takes discipline doesn't it and you might find my book helpful discipline the glad surrender balance questions i cannot answer because you have to find the balance on your knees before god god will tell you which is the most important thing for today but we are procrastinators aren't we and i just heard someone one of these experts on the tv the other day said that people who accumulate clutter are people who postpone decisions nobody really likes clutter why is it there because they can't make up their minds so let me make a strong suggestion about your little children you've got to teach them from very small childhood that if they have done 15 drawings for you on a particular day week you will present them with 15 drawings on saturday and you say now sweetheart you may keep one of these and you must throw away the rest of them and that child may sit there for two hours trying to figure out which one he's going to keep and he may cry and fuss but you're going to have 52 of them by the end of the year and if he brings home sunday school papers and scribbles and stuff from kindergarten or nursery school you've got to teach him you may not keep these now if you're going to say that to your child what are you going to do when you come home with a new dress get rid of an old an old one how many of you find that easy oh but i might use it when's the last time you wore it hudson taylor went through every single thing he owned every year and whatever he had not used in the previous year he felt duty bound before god to either give it away or sell it or throw it away throw away put away give away a christian relative is seeking a divorce from their spouse how do i speak truth in love without enmity growing between us it's probably impossible but try it anyway people are not usually asking for anybody's advice they know that divorce is wrong and they know that it's not going to solve the problem but they try to tell themselves that it will when jesus parents had searched sorrowing for him for three days while he was in the temple i've never quite been at peace about why he wasn't right with his parents why he wasn't right with his parents i guess that's what the emphasis is seems that the perfect child obedient in everything would not at the age of 12 separate from them well he had a higher calling didn't he he had to be about his father's business and he was not talking about joseph so he was a unique case of course but still obeyed his parents and went home with them was subject to them i'm 37 years old and i have for many years struggled with my desire to be a wife and mother and wanting for that to come to pass and my desire to go back to school to become a physician what suggestions you have in helping me to discern god's will do i go forward in steps to become a physician or wait on god to fulfill the other desire of my heart that is a difficult question for women particularly because i believe that if you go through the very expensive and very long training that it takes to become a physician if god also gave you marriage you would find it very difficult to give up your physician work so i always want to challenge young women who are thinking about being lawyers or doctors would you be prepared to give up all that training and all that money that has been spent if god should give you a husband think about that you might want to do what my one of my nieces has done she's become a nurse practitioner which only takes three years it doesn't take nearly as long as being a physician but of course i can't answer the question mrs elliot do you think it is wrong for a woman to get married at 18 years old or do you think she should wait until she is older almost everybody was married by the time they were 14 or 15 in jesus time joseph was probably much older than mary but scholars tell us that mary would undoubtedly have been either 13 anywhere from 13 to 15 when she was betrothed to joseph she was a child our society has changed so radically that everything is postponed including clutter in my day it seemed to me that all my friends got married right out of college i felt as though i was the typical old maid i didn't get married until i was 26 years old my grandfather graduated from college got a job and got married all in one year he was 21 years old and that was not at all unusual so i would certainly not say it's wrong for a woman to get married at 18. um i know some cases where an older man a man in his mid-20s has fallen in love with a 16-year-old high school girl very lovely girl her parents and his parents both think it would be an excellent match but not quite yet so they're asking both of these to wait until she's at least 18 so 18 has always been considered adulthood for a woman how did life in the jungle affect your daughter then and now she absolutely loved it and she would love to raise her children as simply as possible well here comes my husband giving me five minutes how would you help your brother and his wife who are not following the lord and seemingly hate each other this obviously weighs heavily on me if your hus if your brother is actually asking for help that's a wonderful opportunity to point out that help comes from the lord and he needs to learn to love his wife as christ loved the church now if he's not following the lord that's not going to make any sense to him but we have a wonderful testimony of a man whose marriage was completely transformed it's a leaflet called do you love me so we could send you that if you ask i thought maybe i needed to mention these couple things and then you take that as your last one read that because you're not going to listen to me anyway there's a question about why didn't the elizabeth take my name she has but we're in private life where gran however when you're writing books you can't go switching from elliot to leech to grant publishers take a dim view of it and you wouldn't be able to find anything so [Music] there's no question about that and there's never been a problem with my hearing about uh jim elliott and the stories and all of that i coach her a lot of times to tell stories that i know she sometimes forgets to tell i feel bad for the second one because he doesn't get mentioned very much he was a college professor and addison leach who must have been a nice guy and i think i probably would have enjoyed him he would have been less of a threat than jim elliott then and i won't say that she was you know just really depressing he would have been less than frank thank you he'd have been less of a threat to me and jamaica anyway the uh the thing that the question they came up about about uh jim and elizabeth being in the woods or whatever it was there and at all it was interesting we were in uh of course that in oregon portland oregon is where he lived and this walk on the beach that they had was in the beach over there in oregon and a few years back we were with bert elliott who's jim elliott's brother works as a missionary in peru been down there for about 45 years and 50 years let's say 45 plus or minus and so burt and colleen his wife they were there and we had a day together so it was it really was a lot of fun because what we did we retraced the steps more or less of uh the day that german elizabeth had so we were up on mount hood and we ate there and we went down on the beach and walked over where they walked and she showed me the cave where they sat on underneath and get out of the rain or something or built a fire and all the only thing that really i missed was we have a picture at home of of jim elliott and he was a he was a very charismatic and you know kind of guy that was you'd know him i guess and you see pictures of him and he was always posing and so he had we got a picture of home he's it's this is with mount hood i think in the background and a stone wall in the foreground he's got his leg up like this and looking off into the blue yonder you know so old old bird elliot had his camera along and so i got over there and i stuck my leg up and i and uh you know i tried i tried to look you know give that same look and uh anyway when the picture came out i had failed miserably elizabeth's got one more question and then this one here you need to you need to cover that try to encourage that oh there were several i mean i went through all the questions most all of them and tried there were a few of them about divorce and remarriage and all and i know we couldn't get through all of them but i did want to say if you're in that kind of a situation then should you be able to find an out-of-print book by jay adams called marriage divorce and remarriage that's probably okay you've got testimonies over here that's a good one marriage divorce and remarriage by jay adams and that covers much more in depth and and much better than anything that blizzard can handle well it's the truth that's all and then yeah lars picked these questions out for me to answer what if you have small children and you are not at home with them if you send them to child care i leave at 7 30 in the morning return home around 6 to 6 30 p.m when do you give your children quiet time i would suggest that you set at least 10 minutes of the time that you have with your child and teach him to be quiet maybe he maybe both of you will be in the same room and you will just of course it depends on the age of the child but every child i believe of whatever age needs to learn silence and solitude the earlier you begin the better but it is amazing how that will affect the rest of the day the child's behavior just learning the discipline of being quiet now this may take a long time it may take several weeks but you can read him a story and then just say now we're just going to be quiet she says i am a single mom and one of my children is very strong-willed i would take issue with the expression strong-willed to to have strength of will means to be able to say not my will but thine be done now for a little child he has to learn to say not my will but yours mama and that is a basic spiritual principle and jesus exhibited strength of will in the garden of gethsemane but the child is not strong-willed he is stubborn and rebellious and all of us are born that way some more than others but all of us are born rebels so the question can you help me with this question please she says i think i've said what i can say on that how did you meet and marry lars i've already told you that story what do you appreciate most about him what what's everybody saying you're thinking that he set me up with this question what you're absolutely right about that i appreciate the fact that he has a servant heart that was very obvious to me when he lived in my house now that's not the only thing he's a man that never puts on any heirs in fact he's been known to say publicly her first husband was a spiritual giant her second husband was an intellectual giant and i'm just a country boy spent a lot of time in mississippi as he calls it three syllables and georgia but he doesn't put on any heirs he doesn't try to make anybody think that he's something that he's not and of course i love his sense of humor we do have a lot of fun thank you from my heart it has been a very great privilege to be with you all and may the peace of the lord be always with you [Applause] well we could hardly wait for her to come and now the time that she has been with us is concluding and i know we can all say that we have received more than we even anticipated and that's saying a whole lot because we anticipated a whole lot [Applause] i know i'm speaking on behalf of all the women but we just want to thank you for your life of obedience to god's word we thank you for faithfully serving the lord all these years thank you for your courage to clearly speak biblical truth thank you for the godly example that you have set for all of us younger women thank you for staying the course and thank you so much for serving us this weekend can we once again express our gratitude you
Channel: David MacKenzie
Views: 12,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mblCgs6nQN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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