Elijah Wood's final day.

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[Applause] what am I doing what are we doing what's happening I think Pro probably for me the toughest Was Elijah here we come for rehearsal you know Frodo is really you know in some respects the heart and soul of these movies and it's his journey it's his story we start with Frodo and we finished with Frodo just give us a beat zo don't don't rush it the last shot was uh a pickup from Bag End when Frodo was finishing up writing his story of what he's experienced in Bilbo's book and essentially the subtext of the scene is that froto knows he's going to leave and that he's going to leave the book to Sam what is it it's been four years to the day since weather Toops s it's never really healed and one more that's nice Elijah just give us more of a sense that you've distancing yourself from Sam that you've already made the you've already made the the decision and that you've now got to cut your emotional ties with him it was amazing because it was you know it came at the perfect time for me or not the perfect time depending on how you look at it cuz I was also preparing to leave you know it was my goodbye too okay we'll just keep keep rolling might as well have another Cricket then keep it locked down it was really quiet you know it was a really it had really quietened down and everyone was there Pete was talking really quietly go and just give us a very slow Melancholy one now even slower and more disconnected from Sam I I have this terrible requirement when I'm shooting to if I'm happy I say right we've got it check the gate which is normally fine but it's a terrible thing on the last shot because I sort of don't want want to say that you got room for one more on the mag okay here we go I actually remember at the time thinking you've got this you you you got it three takes ago like you know they just they were doing it over and over again and one more and at the end of each take there'd be the silence and it was like as Peter going to say we've got it check the gate or is Peter going to ask for another take and and I think we just all of us really just wanted to keep doing more and more takes one more here we go and action looking over at Pete and you could just see him just not wanting to stop you know and the Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins you finished it not quite there's room for a little more and cut it's great we Che the gate lovely lovely last J thank you man I'll never forget it it's imprinted upon my memory for the rest of my life um burst into tears and he just said Thank you over and over again oh thank you it's it's been so amazing Peter thank you very very much everybody come back next [Applause] year we just went through the series of farewells a and it it made the pickup shooting on Return of the King very weird because it made it incredibly emotional it shouldn't have been emotional it should have just been straightforward we were just shooting some scenes for the movie but it was it was a 2month period of of closure and uh tears and hugs and um and and it it was tough it was a weird very very powerful period of time so just say goodbye to Frodo Baggins and uh it's kind of it does feel like the we're all off to the gray Havens it's the end of the end of an era really so um yeah kind of another sad day [Music] than
Channel: theismagelssen
Views: 6,640,008
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Id: aVMq7ynj_64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2013
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