Elgato Prompter Beta Updates | Camera Hub v1.9 New Prompter Features!

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Elgato have just released a bunch of updates to the camera Hub software beta version 1.9 bring some enhancements if you are using the Elgato prompter let's dig in and take a look at what those updates mean for you first update is the ability Now to turn off your prompter if you don't want to use it you can go here to the prompter settings in the Elgato camera Hub click on display and you'll see underneath here you now have a handy little power toggle button toggle this and you can switch your prompter off update number two and rather a major update is all related to script and management you now have the ability believe it or not to manage and create multiple scripts within the Elgato camera Hub software you can now copy and paste you couldn't do that before and there are some other handy tips and tricks for script management let's quickly take a look at how you actually create and manage multiple scripts now if you go to the text portion here within the prompter software you'll now see that you have have a new scripts box with a plus and minus this is where you can manage and edit and delete your scripts let's hit the plus button and create a new script my dialog box pops over onto my screen here let's call it test one um here's a script I created earlier I'm just going to paste it straight into the software super easy now let's create a new script again bring the dialogue box over and we'll call this test two but now they've added a handy function for dictation so now I can dictate using my microphone on my Mac in this particular case and dictate my script straight into the software down here on the bottom right you will notice there is a microphone icon if I click on that you will now see that I can create my scripts using the dictation function much easier than me basically typing out all the time so hopefully this is reading my dialogue quite successfully you never know with my accent but anyway you get the idea that you can now create your scripts using the dictation function let's just disable that and there you have it another handy thing is that they've added a zoom feature here to resize your text so using the slider I can now resize this text to make it bigger and smaller which is super handy as well another function is they've given you the ability to Loop your script over and over if you want to keep practicing the same part so instead of having to stop and go back you can create a handy Loop within the script and you do that within the display function here and you can say that you've got Autos scroll chapter enabled scrolling speed and then Auto Loop so as we' mentioned before these different sections here are chapters you can create a new chapter test chapter and as you start to play if I enable this Autos scroll chapter button and loop it will actually Loop through my script as I'm playing so when I play this on the prompter itself it's going to cycle through and loop so another handy feature for the management of your scripts within this latest beta update another nice feature they've added is the ability to split your chapters so if you have a large block of text that you want to split up into separate chapters you can do that really easily now within the Elgato Hub software let show you how to do it so here I have my script let's say I want to split this sentence into another chapter you place your cursor on the part where you want to split and if you rightclick you actually now have the option to split chapter if I just click on that you will now see that that line of text has now been split in two and a new chapter has been created a really easy way of managing your scripts within this recent beta update and finally in this update Elgato have added overlays to the camera Hub software which help you focus on where you are looking with regards to your camera lens so it's just an easy way of positioning an icon on the prompter screen to show you where your camera lens is in relation to where you are speaking let's show you how to do that real quick so go back to the camera Hub software into the display menu within the prompter software on camera Hub you'll see a new menu called overlays click on overlays and within that you'll see the show overlay toggle on and off here and then you've got three pointers to choose from which are your overlays that will appear in your prompter the first one is a camera that looks like the Elgato camera of course the crosshairs and then you've got snap you have the ability to change the color of these the default is blue you could change it into anything you want let's have a nice pink color that's perfectly fine there and then these will appear here on your screen you can actually position them within the prompter to get your lens centered and perfect so everybody's lens is going to be different with regards to where it appears inside the prompter so you can simply just drag this around until you get the position of your lens just right now look at the re note it doesn't tell you that uh you can add your own but you can if you hit this plus button you can add your own overlay to have something that's a bit more meaningful to you but the format of these files need to be in the SVG which is a scalable Vector graphic format so make sure that you save your icon or your overlay in that format and then you can add them here and they will appear in this list well hope you found this video useful it's been interesting to go through this latest beta version Elgato are definitely making some improvements to the teleprompter software which is great because it was a little bit clunky on the first version I'm sure they're going to keep iterating and making updates as we go along thanks for watching you know what to do if you like the video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Neil Farrimond
Views: 3,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plugins, ecamm, livestream, ecamm live, rodecaster, audio production, remote video production, elgato prompter, elgato prompter set up, elgato camera hub, elgato camera hub setup, elgato beta, elgato beta software, elgato prompter beta, elgato camera hub software for prompter
Id: xuNrl3JHo8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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