Elevate Your Paintings With This Alcohol Technique! Watch the Magic Happen!

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[Music] welcome to Monet Cafe I'm artist Susan Jenkins in today's pastel painting tutorial I'll take you through the stages and explain what happens when alcohol meets soft pastel the combination of regular drugstore alcohol with soft pastels is magical so come on in the studio with me today as I share this dreamy technique and take you through the stages to create a pastel painting of an enchanting Field of Flowers dappled with sunlight and shadows and here we go and take a look at this lovely reference image from unsplash.com I've been eyeing this reference image for a while and I chose it because this month's theme is shadows and it has such a beautiful dappling effect of sunlight and Shadows on this rolling field and the coolness and the shadows for this image dictated my color choices now if you're a patron of mine on my patreon page you will receive a full explanation nation of my colors my color choices my products and also I'll talk about this new set of pastels made by Jay Luda pastels all right let's get started I'm beginning with a very simplified sketch and I'm using a prismacolor new pastel that is they're harder they're quite affordable too I think these These are great pastels just to have as a little set they're good for sketching things in like this they're also great for just laying in you can turn them flat and block things in for doing an underpainting they're not quite as soft as say like sennelier Unison Terry Ludwig so they don't take up quite as much tooth of the paper and therefore they're great for underpaintings as well so lots of good purposes for these now while I'm sketching this I want to talk a little bit about my reasoning for my underpainting I wanted this to feel cool I looked at the scene and I thought you know often I do a warm or complementary color under painting with oranges and yellows and golden colors but I wanted this one to feel cooler often I like the little bits of red or orange peeking through when I have a lot of grasses a lot of greens and grasses and and sky colors blue I love that gold or red just peeking through giving that complementary contrast of color but in this one I wanted to focus more on shadow colors and have it feel very easy and soothing so therefore I decided to give it a cooler underpainting now this might answer some of your questions oh by the way that was a a prismacolor new pastel that I just laid down to get my darks in I believe it was the one that's called Spruce blue that they've discontinued it's just a nice pretty dark blue green color but you could use whatever you have now I'm using these cooler colors I mentioned that are going to be my darker values for my grasses and my trees and the darkest darks I've put in so far are for the trees and that foreground area where it does appear that the grasses are not only deeper but almost like the hill rolls forward so we're seeing shadows in the field and if you examine the reference image you can see this especially if you squint your eyes where the deeper kind of Valley areas of the heat the field are and it's in the foreground there's some deeper grasses it looks like it's it's lower and there's a second level of deep grasses it was that purple I put down before now these grasses in the distance that I'm laying down now are flatter they don't seem to have as many valleys and they're further away so I lighten up the value now here's one of those J Luda pastels I thought it would be a nice cool color For Those Distant mountains and notice my color palette for the underpainting is all of these cooler purpley magenta colors and I just really felt that set a nice mood for this real relaxed feel of this painting and now I've pretty much blocked in my values and colors for my underpainting and I'm going to basically just wet these pastels turning them into paint that's what happens when you wet pastels often I'll use just water water takes longer to dry and because you are paper curls a lot I thought I want this to dry as fast as possible so I decided to use alcohol I've used alcohol of varying percentages this is 70 percent I think it doesn't smell as bad as like the 90 percent now I'm just using a really ragged brush it's just an old brush I'll need some paper towels to control the amount of liquid I first started with the alcohol in a dit or a jar but I quickly abandoned that it wasn't flowing the way I wanted so I resorted to a little bottle I keep it's just a little fine Mist bottle that I put some alcohol in it was from like a body spray and I dumped it all out washed out the bottle and put in some of the alcohol straight alcohol and I find this method works really great to keep gravity working in your favor the drips just kind of flow down and um I I really wanted to have enough application of alcohol for it to feel really loose you'll see me even start applying more as I get down to the grasses they really start to drip and run also I am cleaning my brush when I move from one color to the other I don't want to contaminate too much of that dark Spruce blue color from the prismacolor new pastel so every so often I'll just kind of rinse my brush out and now you can see where I'm getting to the grasses and I'm working in bands I want to keep that feeling of where the deeper valleys are in that Hill versus the areas of grasses that are a little bit more on a peak so it's a lot of times people are like oh my gosh that just looks like a total mess but I'm a True Believer that it is these loose Beginnings that bring life to your painting and an alcohol washed like this with soft pastels is a fantastic way to begin a painting and influence it to have an impressionistic and painterly outcome and here I've blown it dry with a blow dryer and it does have some curling it's a little wavy and warped it does flatten out by the end of the painting but I did have to kind of work against some of that curling all right time to paint now I'm using some of these Jay Luda pastels but I have another video coming where I do a full review of this set but I will say I love them they're very similar to Terry Ludwig pastels in shape and consistency and I wish they weren't so expensive they're pretty darn expensive because they come from Romania I think it has to do with how much it costs to get them here but I did love them and now sit back and relax to watch the rest of this painting come to life this version on the Monet Cafe channel is sped up substantially however if you're a patron of mine again you get more content you get full commentary for this video product information you get an early release your version of these videos doesn't have any commercials and lots more so again it's only five dollars a month to become a patron but you still get plenty of content here on Monet Cafe now be sure to subscribe to this channel I notice a lot of people watch my videos and they haven't yet hit that subscribe button so it's real easy to do and I certainly would appreciate it also go ahead and give it a thumbs up a like and let me know what you think about this alcohol wash I've done this method before in other tutorials but there are always new people watching these videos so I love to share some of my favorite techniques and this is indeed one of them I'm adding My Darkest darks now to the trees which are typically darker in a landscape vertical elements are darker and to the dark grasses you can see in the reference image the foreground grasses are substantially dark and then there's a band of Darker grasses in the middle ground and again I just loved this field and the light filtering through the trees so watch this painting come to life please watch to the end it really does help the success of this video and I'd love to hear what you think all right enjoy and I'll be back at the end with some commentary oh [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thank you [Music] I pray this pastel painting tutorial was a blessing for you and I would love to hear from you in the comments and tell me what you thought if you are going to try this alcohol wash technique again if you would like the full tutorial with product information and additional commentary consider becoming a patron of mine only five dollars a month on my patreon page and I'd love to have you as part of the family alright everyone God bless and happy painting foreign
Channel: Monet Cafe' with Artist Susan Jenkins
Views: 268,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting lessons, pastel painting, pastel painting basics, pastel painting beginners, pastel painting demonstration, pastel painting flowers, pastel painting for beginners, pastel painting impressionist style, pastel painting landscapes, pastel painting lessons, pastel painting techniques, pastel painting tutorial, art lessons for beginners, free pastel painting lessons, how to paint with soft pastels, soft pastel art, underpainting technique, soft pastel painting tutorial
Id: luy-0LZ2Jqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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